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Kai just stared at the sandwich placed on the plate in front of him. He lifted his attention away from the ham, cheese and bread substance to glance at his caretaker who sat opposite him at the table.

Captain Marvel held his own sandwich in his hands and took a large bite out of it, his eyes fell on Kai's untouched plate. He pulled his sandwich away from him and swallowed the food in his mouth before speaking.

"Hey, are you going to eat or what?" Captain Marvel asked the ivory-black haired boy who he had noticed was just watching him until now.

Kai gave his supposed meal an uninterested glance and pushed it away from him. His tastebuds prefered eating a nuclear bomb than a small, soft thing.

"I'm not hungry." He told him. Captain Marvel noticed Kai gaze at his arms and the hero remembered seeing a glint of something black on his friend's arms during the events at the beach, he figured Kai was thinking about that. His curiousity got the better of him and decided to ask about what happened.

"So," Captain Marvel dragged on a bit before continuing. "You were really cool back there at the beach." Kai visibly flinched and slowly looked up at him with caution and confusion in his eyes.

"I was...cool?" The boy titled his head slightly to the side in question. A smile spread across Shazam's features and nodded before taking a bite of his sandwich.


Kai simply blincked at him and instinctively rubbed the side of his arm in uncertainty. He's memorised everything in the book the green, archer girl had given him, 'Socializing 101', but he didn't expect to get to this level of human-interaction. Kai bit his bottom lip as he thought hard on what he wanted to say. He recalled what the book had said about a situation like this. It had mentioned if the person who has interest in him and they had complimented him, it might have been a confession--or just a boring, friendly comment about his personality. Kai didn't understand what a confession was and what type of interest the book was implying, so he went for the path of a normal, friendly conversation instead.

"T-Thanks." He stuttered out, the words struggled to escape his lips. He found having a friendly talk hard. When he was in his normal state back at home he just grumbled things out and always get into a fight when he sees a threat, for instances the M.U.T.O's and Ghidorah.

Captain Marvel made an odd face when Kai called him by his hero name. It felt weird when the team and Kai said it. They weren't really adults, and being serious all the time wasn't really getting to him.

"You can just call me, Billy. Just between you and me." He told Kai.



"That's a weird name."

"Hey!" Billy exclaimed, feeling slightly insulted but quickly broke into a light laugh and smiled. Kai didn't understand what was funny and sat there awkwardly. "So you got super strength, super cool. Are you an alien?"

"No I was born on Earth." Kai answered, learning of those other beings from the news during his time in the hospital as they often talked about the kryptonian being, Superman.

"An experiment?" Billy asked hesitantly.

"I don't know what that is, so no."




"You're wasting your time."

"Darn." Billy snapped his fingers in defeat. "You're not one of those thing? Really?" He asked Kai who shrugged. "I can't think of anything else so I'll move on from that." He said and he remembered the creature. "I never seen a giant turtle like that before. Do you know what it is?"

Kai furrowed his brow at the mention of the turtle he had killed. It did seem familiar but he swore the one he faught back in his world was larger, perhaps an offspring? Were there more like them here that came from his world? Kai's eyes widened in realisation. If that's the case then the others are here, not just Mothra. But they couldn't be here, they can't be and Kai won't accept it. The boy shook his head and was about to answer Billy when the sound of one of the entrances opened.

"Hey they're back!" Billy said, referring to the team and quickly stood.



Word count: 736

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