8.형제 사랑.

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 "Brother love"

"Feels like I missed my alarm and slept in, broken legs but I chase perfection."

They sat on the floor next to each other staring down at the city that is seoul. Their knees were touching as Taehyung rested his head on the taller ones shoulder.

"I should introduce you to Baekhyun..." Jungkook said trailing off as his finger tips wrote letters on Taehyungs thigh.

"Who's Baekhyun?"

"A friend of mine, he actually kind of looks like you."

"By any chance does he have a boyfriend named Chanyeol?" Taehyung asked his eyebrows furrowing at the thought of the giants small boyfriend.

"Yeah!They are two models I know. I think you should model." Jungkook laughed seeing the blondes small smile.

"I'm not handsome enough for that...how do you feel about helping me dye my hair?"

"Out of all the colors you could dye your hair you picked this one?"

"I wanted to be natural. Plus I looked good with honey brown when I was a teen so shut up." Taehyung laughed as Jungkook combed through his hair with brown dye coating each hair. Jungkook only chuckled continuing what he was doing make sure he covered up each strand of the faded blonde hair.

"Jungkook...what was I like before the accident?"


"You were vibrint. Even if you were quiet, your mind was loud."Jungkook spoke in a whisper remembering every time they sat next to each other during family dinners with his older brother, Jinyoungs fiance would laugh her ugly laugh while Taehyung would pick at the skin around his nails. Jungkook felt so bad for the older one but knew he couldn't do anything to stop it.

"Me? Quiet? That's something new."

"You were always nervous around my brother which made no sense." Jungkook said throwing all the hairdye stuff in the trash, he pulled off his gloves throwing them away.

"Why didn't it make sense?"

"Because you loved him."

Silence yet again filled the room as Taehyungs cheeks flushed red, he just got fucked only a few hours ago by his ex-boyfriends younger brother.

If that didn't scream 'Fuck my life' I don't know what does.

"I loved him?"

"Yep. Tragic really seeing as how he was engaged."

Taehyung felt his breath get knocked out of him as a headache pushed it's way through with an image of a dinner table, he felt dizzy seeing a wine glass flash through his wind.

"Aish..." Taehyung mutters gripping the inner corners of his nose bridge, Jungkook watched quietly before grabbing an asprin bottle on the sink handing it to him. Taehyung quickly opened the bottle pouring out two in his hand dry swallowing them.


"Do you get headaches a lot?" Jungkook asked seeing several asprin bottles on the sink next to face wash.

"It happens a lot,random images will pop up throughout my mind and cause a pounding headache."

"Taehyung when I said you loved my brother I meant it. You were his mistress in some sense...my brother-"

"Don't tell me your brother was fucking around with me?"

"Well. You guys fucked yeah, but I never knew what your guys relanship was like."Jungkook replied setting a timer on his phone before seeing Taehyungs flushed red face.

"Looks like I'm just fucking the whole family...god I must seem like a slut."

"Not really, I liked you first. My brother took interest in you because I did. I was picky. I liked things a certain way and if they gotmy approval my brother wanted it."

"Your brother sounds like a dick." Taehyung stated with a huff, maybe years ago if Jinyoung never approached him that wreck would of never happend.

"He was. He probably still is even if he is six feet under."

Taehyung stoped.

"He's dead?"

"Do you not remember Seokjin-hyung bringing it up?"

" I forgot...Even if he is dead, he's still your brother."Taehyung said looking up at Jungkook through his thick lashes, a chuckle escaped the younger.

"Who do you think put you in that wreck? My brother was horrid. He only cared about himself."

"So...I Can't remember things because of him? I don't remember you because of him?" Taehyung felt anger surge inside of him,at this moment Taehyung saw Jinyoung dieing that day as taking the easy way out.Jungkook having to be the one to be weighted down with it all.

"But I never stopped thinking about you, not even a day."

Taehyung looked up to see Jungkooks own eye filled up with sincerity and love that he has never seen in anyone's eyes.Jungkook felt his own heart race, rattling against his chest too.

"Jungkook how in love were you with me?" He asked fiddling with his fingers, Jungkook narrowed his eyes on the bad habit that Taehyung does. Picking at the skin around his nails.

"I was madly in love with you, even if it was one sided. Even if you loved my brother."

"Was I aware that you loved me?"

"Not that I know of, but I remember that one time I kissed you and the bomb was dropped that you were dating my brother."

□14 year old Jungkook□
■16 year old Taehyung■

"No! Hyung you shoot with this button."

"I'm not good at video games Kookie,you see this is why I paint."

"Well you come over a lot to play video games so I assume you would be good by now."

Taehyung looked at the younger one, how could the younger be related to Jinyoung he thought.

"Hyung if you keep looking at me like that I just might kiss you." Jungkook said with a chuckle pausing the game turning his head to look over at the older one who still stared silently at Jungkook, he was lost in thought at the words the younger said.
Jungkook leaned forward, his hot breath mixing with the older ones. Taehyungs heart beat rattled against his chest,he knew it was wrong. It was wrong if he was dating Jinyoung.
It was wrong, Jinyoung told him that months ago.

Months ago when he confessed.

But he didn't stop the youngers lips from touching his own, the kiss only lasted a few seconds before Jungkook rested his forehead against Taehyungs, the older one had his eyes closed as his tan hands started to shake.

"Jungkook-ah...this is wrong." Taehyung stated pulling away from the younger who looked so upest, his hurt eyes making Taehyung feel even worse.

"Hyung, you're only two years older! You act like I love you. It was a joke."

At this point Jungkooks heart was break at the lies that spewed out of his mouth like kerose to the fire creating from the argument bound to happen.

"I'm dating Jinyoung."

And just like that Jungkook broke a bit more.

His heart ached a bit more.

God damm.

Jinyoung did this cause he knew Jungkook liked Taehyung.

That's what made it hurt even a bit more almost pushing him off the edge.

His own brother took what he wanted yet again.

"Jungkook-ah...say something."

"Let's just continue this game Taehyung. "

"Jungkook! I'm older than you!"

"Okay.Hyung. let's continue the game.
This never happend."

♡end of flashback♡

"You must of been upset with me that day after...that uhm kiss."

The timer went off.

"I wasn't mad at you. I was mad at Jinyoung."

♡Just so you guys know Exo isn't a thing in this book neither is got7, while editing this i relized I made a mistake.♡

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