Chapter 1: An Oath to Keep With a Final Breath

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Leo's POV

They spiraled towards Ogygia, the warm wind permeating through Leo's hair. The clothes Calypso had given him were in tatters, even though they had been woven with magic. He was covered in soot like he just died in a massive fire, which he did.
But to Leo, it didn't matter, because below him, standing on the beach, wearing a white blouse and jeans, was Calypso.

Leo smiles and waves to her as he brings Festus in for a landing, however his heroic entrance was ruined when Festus pitched sideways and landed Leo face first into the sand! Leo tumbles along the shore, landing at Calypso's feet.

"You're late", she smirks at him. Her eyes gleamed in the sunlight.

"Sorry Sunshine. Traffic coming out of the Underworld was murder. I think we should've taken  interstate LVII."

"You also ruined the clothes I made you, which were impossible to ruin."

"Well you know me. Doing the impossible is just another Friday to me."

As she helped him up, Leo was able to catch a hint of her aroma. She smelled like cinnamon. A tiny freckle was next to her left eye. Leo really wanted to brush his fingers against it.

She wrinkles her nose, "You smell-"

"Like death? Yeah probably cuz of the whole dying thing. Oath to keep with a final breath and all that."

She smiles and kisses him.

To Leo, that made it all worth it. As they stand there, embraced in each others arms, Leo can't believe he managed it. He had saved her, they could leave and be happy together. Maybe start a life, have a family in a few years. "Wow", he thinks. This is what dreams are made of...

As they pull apart Leo looks at her, "So, you ready to get off this island?"

Calypso steps back. She raised one hand and the winds swirled. Her invisible servants brought two suitcases and set them at her feet. "Whatever gave you that idea?"

Leo grins, "Packed for a long trip?"

"I don't plan on coming back." She glanced over her shoulder at the path that led to her garden and her cavern home. "So where will we go?"

"Somewhere I can fix my dragon first", he decides. "And then...wherever you want."

Calypso smiles, "I've always wanted to see what's so special about New York."

"Oh you'll love it babe. It's definitely different."

"I could use a little different", Calypso giggles. She kisses Leo's cheek.

Something was on Leo's mind however. "So once you leave Ogygia, do you stay immortal or what?"

"I have no idea. I've never left."

"Are you okay with that?"

"More than okay. I have you."

Leo smiles and helps her with her bags. Together they walk towards Festus. After helping her up onto his dragon, Leo pats Festus on his neck. "Time to fly buddy!"

Festus takes off, soaring away from the island that grows smaller as they fly further away.

Calypso stares at it for awhile, until it vanishes from her sight. As soon as it does, she hugs Leo.
"Thank you."

Leo smiles, keeping his eyes on the clouds as he steers Festus. "I love you Cal." He suddenly feels her arms leave from his waist. He turns his head around, glancing behind him, "Cal you gotta hold on-" Calypso wasn't behind him...

Leo screams as he sees her falling towards the ocean, oddly enough she wasn't even screaming.

"Festus dive! Dive now!" Leo shouts as he dives for Calypso, he had to catch her before she hit the water!

Festus dove through the sky, passing under Calypso as Leo catches her, Festus' claws glancing off the surface of the sea!

Leo holds her in his arms. Her eyes were closed. She was still breathing, but slightly. Leo shakes her gently, his fingers brushing over her face, "Cal! Cal!"

"Festus! Get us to Camp Half Blood now!"

When we arrived at camp, Leo didn't care where Festus landed, which was a relief since he smashes the porch of the big house when he crashed.

"Chiron!", Leo screams.

The thousands of years old centaur came trotting up to Leo. "Leo, you're alive? How-"

"Forget about me save her!", Leo shouts hysterically as he lays Calypso on a table.

Chiron looks at the girl in shock. "Isn't this- Calypso?"

Leo nods, "I made it back to Ogygia and rescued her now save her!"

Chiron inspects Calypso, taking her pulse and listening. He looks up at Leo sadly. "Leo-I, I don't think the gods kept their promise."

Leo stares at Chiron, "What do you mean. Percy made them swear to release her!"

"And so they did which is how you were able to free her, but her immortality is linked to Ogygia. If she leaves..."

Leo's face pales as the realization comes to him. "She's not dead."

Chiron bows his head, "I'm so sorry."

Behind Chiron, the sound of footsteps echo in Leo's ears. Percy, Jason and the rest of the crew of the Argo II run up to him. The smiles on their faces fade away as they see the girl that lay dead on the table.

Percy of course recognized her. His face sunk, then he saw Leo's.

Leo stood there, visibly shaking. "I thought I saved her. I killed her."

Chiron moves his hand to Leo's shoulder. "No my child, this wasn't on you."

"I KILLED HER!" Leo shoves Chiron's hand off his shoulder and leaves the area, tears falling down his face, steaming as his skin begins to heat up.

He thinks back to the prophecy. This doesn't make sense. An oath to keep with a final breath. Suddenly he tenses up. He had kept his promise. He swore to rescue her from Ogygia, and it had resulted in her final breath....
He lets loose a guttural scream as fire erupts from his body, scorching the trees and bushes around him. He falls to his knees and cries.


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