Chapter 2: Burning Feelings

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Percy's POV

It had been three months since anyone's seen Leo. He had resigned himself and Festus to Bunker 9 and not allowed entry to anyone. He had only appeared briefly seen in the tree-line during Calypso's funeral.
Percy had made the personal decision to have Calypso buried with the dryad's permission in a lone part of the Camp Half Blood forest, surrounded by moonlace. During the ceremony, Percy alone had spotted Leo. The time alone didn't seem to be helping him. He had wanted to walk over to him, just as a reassurance, but Nico had stopped him. He insisted that they leave Leo to his grief.

However Percy became even more and more worried for him. His friends did as well. Jason was glad that Leo turned out to be alive, but it wasn't really Leo. Everything that made Leo, Leo, was gone.

Percy sat outside the Poseidon Cabin, sharpening his sword when suddenly a shadow blocked his sunlight. He looks up and sees Frank!

"Percy! How are you!", Frank says as he hugs him. The new Praetor of New Rome was wearing a purple cloak. A beige t-shirt with his medals pinned to it and blue jeans. The fireproof pouch with his stick in it was tied to his waist.

Percy returns the hug, making sure not to get hurt by the medals in his chest. "I'm doing alright. It's great to see you."

Frank's smile fades. "How's Leo been?"

Percy shakes his head sadly. "He's still holed up in Bunker 9. His only company has been Festus."

Frank looks off in the distance towards the forest where Bunker 9 is hidden. "I see.."

"How's New Rome?", Percy asks.

"Well our new Pontifex has taken to the job with glee. Several new temples are up. You must come see them soon. Jason is really doing great. Personally I think he's looking for a distraction..."

Percy looks up at Frank. "What do you mean?"

"Well, aside from Leo's situation.. Him and Piper broke up."

Percy stands up in shock, "What! Why?"

Frank shrugs, "I don't know the whole story. Sorry."

Percy walks away, "I'm gonna Iris-Message him Frank! I'll see you later!"

Frank waves to Percy and walks away.

Frank's POV

A twig snapped under Frank's foot as he walked deeper into the forest. One of the Hephaestus kids had reluctantly told him how to find Bunker 9. He finds the entrance and to his surprise, its open! He glances around the corner of the huge door and finds Leo angrily tossing things around, the Bunker is a disaster zone. Tools were strewn about, thrown by Leo. Festus was currently shutdown. However, Leo isn't alone. Three men stand to the side of him talking, avoiding the thrown items. Frank inches closer, trying to hear what they're saying.

"Mr. Valdez, again we sympathize with you. Its normal of the gods to betray their own like this", one of them says.

"I don't want your sympathy. I want them to pay!", Leo growls as he throws something else across the bunker.

"If you pledge your support to our cause, they will", another of the men says.

Leo looks at them, his eyes were blood red from crying. "What do you want me to do?"

"Apollo. We want you to kill him."

Frank gasps, but quiets himself quickly. Fortunately, no one seems to have heard him over the sound of Leo throwing things.

"He's a god."

"Correction, he WAS a god. He's nothing more than a puny mortal now. He will be coming to Camp Half Blood shortly, we have arranged it all. All you need to do is kill him."

Frank watched in silence, there's no way Leo would agree to this.

Leo stares at the men, having stopped throwing things. "What guarantee do I have that you will keep your end of the bargain?"

"We aren't gods. We honor our agreements."

Leo scowls, "I-will see."

The three men nod to him. "We await news. Our spy in the camp will keep us updated."

Without another word the three men vanish!

Frank waits for awhile then knocks on the door to the Bunker.

Leo jumps, turning to the sound as he summons a fireball. "Who is it!?"

Frank emerges from around the corner and enters the ruined bunker with his hands up. "Leo it's just me."

Leo stares at Frank, lowering his hand, but not the fireball. "What do you want?"

Frank sighs. "I'm here to check on you. Everyones worried about you."

Leo turns his back on Frank and sighs, extinguishing the fireball. "I'm fine. I just want to be left alone."

"Leo, you clearly are hurting. Why won't you let your friends help you?"

"I said I'm fine Frank!", Leo shouts in anger.

Frank sighs then turns to exit when he decides to ask. "Who were those men?"

Leo turns to him, "What men?"

Frank shrugs. " Nevermind. I'll see you later Leo. I hope you find happiness."

"Frank?", Leo says.

Frank turns to his friend. Leo embraces him in a hug, wrapping his arms around his waist. "Thank you."

Frank hugs him back. "That's what friends are for."

Leo releases him and goes back to what he was doing.

As soon as Frank leaves the Bunker, he runs for the camp.

Nico's POV

Nico was laying in Will's lap as his sunshine boyfriend played with his hair. They both sat under a tree not far from the Hades Cabin when Nico noticed an out of breath Frank emerge from the woods.

"Frank?", Nico asks.

"Hey Frank how are ya?", Will says cheerfully.

"I need to find Chiron, Percy, somebody!", Frank says panicked.

Nico sits up, "What do you mean? Calm down what's wrong?"

Frank turns to Will. "Your father is in danger. These men-"

Will looks from Nico to Frank. "Frank, slow down before you hyperventilate. What happened?"

"Its Leo. He's going to-" Frank pauses in shock as he looks at his hand. It's turning to dust! His entire body is fading away! He looks down at his waist, the pouch with his stick in it is gone! "Nico?", Frank whimpers fearfully.

"WILL!", Nico stammers terrified as he holds onto Frank.

"I-I don't know what's happening!", Will cries out helplessly.

Nico and Will just stare, as Frank Zhang, Praetor of New Rome, son of Mars, turns into dust...

Leo's POV

A few feet away, behind a tree, someone watched the entire ordeal. They watch as Will and Nico run towards the big house, carrying Frank's clothes.

Tears glistened in Leo's eyes and his hands twitch as he drops the charred remains of what was Frank's stick to the ground.

He slides down the tree, falling to the ground shaking. The fireproof bag that Calypso had made was clenched in Leo's shaking fist.

"Frank, I'm so so sorry...", Leo raises the bag to his lips and kisses it. "But this has to happen... for her. It's all for her."

He glances off in the distance towards the entrance of camp where two newcomers had just come in. One was this girl with thick glasses, a green dress and red sneakers. The other was a slim pubescent teen with curly hair. That must be Lester Papadopolous. Apollo...

Leo sniffs, and wipes the tears from his eyes, keeping his glare on Lester. "It's all for her.."


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