Heart Shaped Box (Valentine's Day Special)

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I am so sorry it took so long for me to update on this story. But i wanna do a Valentines Day type of special chapter?? So yeah right when these hearts appear it'll be the special chapter and it won't follow the storyline.💖  anyway have a nice Valentine's Day!


After what happened last night i still could t believe it was real. It's real. Kurt came back..well i found him and at least he's okay. It was 9 o' clock in the morning and i made my way to the small living room trying my best to not make any sound to wake Kurt up.

I saw his figure on the couch and slowly made my way closer.Kurt was wrapped up in a warm blanket,he looks so peaceful.

His hair even grew from the last time i saw him..i know it wont be easy but i'll ask him..what happened to that girl i saw a few days back? She probably doesnt know about him. I stood back up and turned my back when i felt a tight grip on my wrist.

I froze and slowly looked back at Kurt who had his eyes closed, "What are you doing?" He said with a sore throat.

"I-i was just checking up on you,are you cold?" I ask quickly. Kurt shakes his head and replied, "No i'm good,thanks April." I smile as he lets me go.

"Rest up a bit more you deserve it." I whisper and make my way to the kitchen. I grab a pan and start to make three pancakes for each of us along with bacon and pour some coffee inside two mugs.

I was finishing up some boiled eggs when someone wrapped their arms around me making me tense up. I froze and made my best to continue cooking.

"Why are you so warm?" Kurt asked and hugged me more.

"I-i...breakfast is r-ready." I stutter. Kurt slowly unwrapped his arms and sat down on the couch and i handed him his food.

I sat down next to him and was drinking my coffee when he lit up a cigar, "Smoking so early?" I ask serious.

"Why not? Don't you remember that i used to smoke way back?"

"I see that you let your hair grow as well."

"Should i cut it?-"

"No! i-it suits you. You should leave it like that." I smile. Kurt begins to eat everything i made for him which only made me happier.

"Listen..Kurt. I'm really sorry for whatever i did..i hope you forgive me. I never wanted us to fall apart,we've been friends since we were kids and i dont want anything to change between us."

"...You're right,April,we've always been friends..you've always been there for me. How could i let my friend down." Kurt shifted closer and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. A part of me was happy to have him back the other,was that he still considers me as a friend.

"Thanks for that guitar you gave to me."

"Don't mention it..well it's almost 11 so why don't you go have a shower and i'll be here waiting so we can go to maybe the mall or have a walk?" I suggest.

Kurt nods his head and walks inside the bathroom with the towels i gave him. I'll call my friend and call her over she'll like to see him again.

💖💖💖💖💖💖💖Valentine Special💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

It was just another bright and sunny day here in this old crappy town of ours. Everyone was happy,hugging each other,kissing cause guess what?...it's Valentine's day. The worst holiday of the year if you ask me and i'm not saying because i've never had a valentine,the fact that people get so happy over a stupid holiday and worst things are happening in this world. It's just another normal day.

"Alright class since today is a very special day,we will be taking this class off so you are free to exchange your gifts if you'd like." Miss Norris said as she sat down on her table again. I rolled my eyes and huffed when most of the students in the room eagerly got up and went to give their "gifts". I lowered myself in my seat and just glared at the teens passing by.

Even my sister Avery came inside telling the class that today after school there will be a special event and it'd be nice if we attend it. 

"Don't look so down,April." 

"Why not,Sam? It's just an ordinary day, i don't get what the fuss is all about on this day." I cross my arms over my chest.

"You'll find out sooner or later. Here i got you this." She got out of her bag a little teddy bear holding a few lollipops and a chocolate bar on her other hand,smiling Sam gave me the items which left me speechless.

"No ones ever given me something on this day." I stare back at her and she smiles. "Well that changed! Don't worry you dont have to give me anything your friendship is enough...speaking of friends..where's Kurt?" She looks around the class and her face lightens up when she sees someone passing by.

"I wonder who she saw." I mutter.

"Kurt! You finally arrived the school.It was about time dummy." She smiles again and ruffles his blonde hair.

"Yeah..i just decided to drop by." Kurt mostly said to himself when he saw the room filled with roses and balloon hearts. "Where did all this shit come from?" "The school? We all planned to decorate it since its always dull." 

Sam nudged me making me look at them, "Y-yeah it's always dull." Kurt stares at me with an eyebrow raised and shrugs his shoulders.

"So..what are we exactly suppose to do? write more essays?"

"Nope. The school is holding an event after school and guess what my brother is gonna come over with his band and play!" Sam grinned at us both. She really likes to brag about his brother and we don't even know him and unfortunately for her she rarely sees him. A group in the back started to giggle and looking at us.

Tabitha,Arnold,Grace,Ricky and Glenn stared at us and started to throw papers. "Just ignore them they dont have anything else to do." Sam muttered and turned her back towards them. That's right about a month ago the school jock Chad and his girlfriend Britney we found doing drugs and their house looked like a meth lab. School ended quick with these pricks making our lives hell when we all stood outside.

We were out in the gym area where some groups would perform when Kurt stood next to me, "Hey April." He said looking bored and clinging onto his backpack. What should i say?! i've always had a crush on him but we're just friends. I don't want to ruin our friendship!

"H-hey...so whatndo you think of Valentines day?" I laugh. Why did i just say that!? Kurt glances over to me and shrugs again. "I guess it's an okay day..why'd you ask?" now it's my turn to reply.


I grabbed my backpack and grabbed the small box i brought along with me. It's something i made for him, I was about to give it to him when Sam came running towards us. "This is horrible guys! My brother can't come cause there's a huge traffic down the highway." Sam seemed to almost cry so i hugged her and pointed up at the stage.

"I'm sorry to hear that..but cheer up! Look there's some guys dressed as The Beatles,sure it's not the real them but they'll sing some good stuff. "They should play some Sex Pistols or Led Zeppelinn." Kurt joins us.

"I agree..well lets stay here for a bit and see what happens."

The small concert started and everyone started to sing and dance. Kurt left somewhere probably in the bathroom and Sam went to grab a few things. That's when i noticed something in my back pocket,i unfolded the letter and in red ink there was the words.

Follow The Roses

I was curious so i looked down the floor and saw petals of roses lying there,i began to follow them and when i reached a new place there was more notes. Is this some kind of joke..or does someone have feelings for me? I arrived at the front of the school and there was a giant heart made out of the same rose petals and a single paper that said.

Will You Be My Valentine?

I looked up and saw Kurt holding up a single flower and a heart shaped chocolate box. I walked closer and couldnt believe that this is happening. "You came..." I smiled with almost tears running down my cheeks when i saw his cheeks flush a light pink color.

"I've always like you,April..i dont know if you feel the same but i want you to know that no matter what i'll always love you and protect you. I love you April Harrison." I smiled again and went up to him and kissed his lips, "I also love you Kurt" I hugged him back.

"Did she say yes?!" A voice called out.

Kurt and I laughed when we saw Sam walking out with a camera,"She did say yes thank you so much Sam." Kurt smiled and rolled his eyes.

"I knew it! You two are perfect...so when are you gonna have kids?"

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