Not Afraid

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I want to apologize to all of my reader who have read this book and commented about when I would update and never did,at first i forgot about this book and slowly began to lose interest till yesterday I decided to write the final chapter. It might not be the best chapter you all expected but I wrote it and it was hard to try and pick an ending. Please remember to write nice comments,be nice to each other and I hope you all enjoyed this book as I did,thank you for reading!

"Kim..Hey Kim!!"

I heard someone shout my name,slowly I looked at Jack and the image of him began to fade,when I opened my eyes once more I found myself once again in the battlefield against the enchantress.

"He married me." Harley and I both looked at each other and we glared at one another.

"He's playing with our minds!" Diablo shouted.

"I don't care I wanna go back!" Harley demanded.

I looked back at my team and saw everyone but Diablo and myself fine without thinking of what the enchantress showed to us,what she offered. If i had just one wish it would be to return to the Joker's Jack's arms but I can't..we have one mission and I plan on stopping it.

"Everyone! Don't let that witch into your minds,like Diablo said she's playing with us,we have one mission people and we have to finish it! Amanda Waller forced us to become a team,we might hate each other.." I looked at Harley then at Rick.

"But we're a team..I learned what friendship is about with a bunch of criminals and honestly you're all the family I have left,so I say we kick that witch's ass..or i'll end this on my own." I shouted through out the rain.

I walked up the Enchantress and looked behind me and saw Diablo by my side,Deadshot,Rick,Captain Boomerang,Katana and Harley. "We won't let you defeat us." Diablo angrily shouted at her.

I got my bow and arrow out and began to shoot up ahead to try and stop the disaster she was doing while causing an explosion,Dead shot began to shoot her too,Katana ran towards her and tried to cut her off,Diablo turned into what seemed like a demon and began to fight with the other creature Enchantress made.

Suddenly I was tackled to the ground and I saw up and met the Enchantress's yellow eyes, "June! I know you are in there!!" I shouted at her.

I signalized the rest to not shoot her,The Enchantress stared at me confused for a second till she spoke, "Sister?"

I smiled and nodded my head, "June!" I cried out, "I'm here! Fight I know you can."

The Enchantress laughed out loud and glared down at me, "June can't hear you now." She said running a finger down to my cheek and held my neck tight which is gonna leave me a bruise.


Deadshot began to shoot at her and everyone began to fight The Enchantress growled and was about to scratch my face till I placed my arm out and hissed when blood began to pour out of my deep wound.

I saw everyone fighting and heard an explosion,i looked back and saw that Diablo was gone..I couldn't say goodbye to him one last time. The Enchantress became angry and was about to kill us all till she offered us the vision she showed to us one last time.

Slowly I walked up the the Enchantress and she stared at me, "Have you made a decision? You'll finally be with the joker and live that happy life you always wanted." She spoke.

"I thought i was gonna be happy with my sister by my i know i was always wrong."

"Don't do this!" Deadshot and Boomerang shouted at me as I looked back at them and closed my eyes a couple of times cause of the heavy rain.

"You chose wisely come closer." I took a step,and another one and knelt down, "I like how you work..but that didn't fooled me." Enchantress looked at me confused.

"Now Deadshot!" I shouted back. He threw my arrow to Harley and Harley threw it to me which I easily did and aimed at the center.

"Time to say goodbye bitch." I smirk and let go,I turned around just in time when the arrow exploded in the middle and I heard The Enchantress screaming.

I opened up my eyes and next thing I saw was June's lifeless body on the ground covered in dirt,Rick looked at me and knelt down, " was the only..way."

"I know." Rick whispered.

"I'm sorry." Harley whispered placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Let's go.." Rick said and we began to to walk away when Rick heard something behind us and he ran and I saw June! June opened up her eyes and wrapped her arms around Rick.

"June!" I cried at the sight of my sister alive. I dropped my weapons and ran towards her, "Kim?!" She wrapped my arms around me and I couldnt stop crying.

"I missed you so much." June spoke up first.

"I missed you too my dear sister." I replied and continued to hug her.

"This is so emotional." I heard Boomerang say.

"Hey quit bein such a crybaby." Harley laughed at him.

"How about we go home?" I asked June and Rick.

"About time I gotta visit my daughter." Deadshot said.

"You're not going anyway." Harley and I groaned and we saw Amanda Waller,the bossy bitch still alive and well. She pointed up the device which was gonna blow our brains.

"We just saved the world lady! At least you should thank you." Harley said to her.

"Thank you." Amanda said with a straight face clearly not meaning it.

"You're welcome." She smiles. Deadshot and Boomerang got closer to her and began to say a few things I couldn't hear.

I looked down at my hand and saw the crescent moon necklace I got before The Enchantress died thinking that if she died June would too so I would have something to remember me of her.

"It's not over yet." A voice called I looked down at the necklace and it began to glow, I fell to the group and began to hold my wounded arm and waist where I also got shot.

"Kim?!" I heard everyone calling my name and suddenly the world went black.


Everything went back to how things were. Deadshot was reunited with his daughter once more for the last time,CaptainBoomerang was into observation once more without anything he asked for.

Killer Croc had this tv Amanda Waller accepted in giving it to him,Harley Quinn got her book and was able to drink her own coffee from now on.

Rick Flagg continued working as a soldier but began to dedicate more time to his beloved June Moon,after the accident he was afraid he would lose her once more.

The Joker was missing.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" June asked Rick worriedly knowing that he sister won't be able to get out of her cell again.

Rick wrapped his arms around her and reassured her that her sister would be safe knowing that June was alive and well. Each of the criminals were placed in their old cells along with what they wanted Amanda to give them.

Amanda Waller made her way down the long empty hall in search of the woman who killed The Enchantress,she was going to ask her a few questions she asked herself about the ancient witch.

The woman opened up the door to the cell and fixed her eyes around the small room. She looked to her right where the mattress is and to her surprise June's sister wasn't there. She wasn't in the cell.

June's sister Kim looked around the place scared as she saw a shadow in front of her,she extended her arm and saw black on her fingertips, "What's happening to me?!" She asked no one but herself.

She glanced down to take a look at her wounded arm but didn't find any trace of blood or scar to where she was damaged.

"You'll know soon enough..for now rest up and i'll teach you everything you need to know." A voice called. Kim looked down at the dirty ground and smirked wickedly.

"Prisoner C-12278 has escaped." Amanda called to through her walkie talkie that's when the place began to flash red light and Amanda saw a large group of soldiers running down the hall.

"Mrs Waller! Harley Quinn has escaped!"

Amanda along with the rest of fully armed men ran down and saw the cage where Harley was minutes opened, "What should we do?!"

"We should inform Gotham City about this!"

"Batman's gonna put a stop to this,Amanda?" one of the men asked her.

Amanda smiled to herself choosing to not let Batman involved in this, "Bring the Suicide Squad back again..they have one last mission."


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