01| ordinary day

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Solar is awoken from his restless slumber after a nightmare struck his happy and peaceful dreamland.

Which was weird, because frankly speaking, he never dreams.
it feels so real, yet... so far away?

"Solar! Come and pray, the time's almost over!"
Gempa's voice Solar's train of thought, as he glances at the digital clock sitting atop his desk.

Crap! he doesn't have much time left!
Solar hurriedly get up from bed and take wudu, before finally praying, albeist hurriedly.

"See? I told you to not stay up that late. you almost missed subuh!"
Gempa scolded him.

"Ehe, i'm sorry. I'll try to sleep earlier next time" He sheepishly said.

'Well, you better.' is what Gempa's chilly glare at him would meant. Solar shuddered and quickly goes up to the bathroom and take a bath to avoid another scolding.
And oh, before his problem-making brothers would hogs the bathroom all morning.

"Whew, so refreshing. now where did i put my comb?" He asked himself as he looks all over his and thorn's shared room.
From the drawer, the wardrobe, the desk, and even under the bed. yet, still no comb in sight.

"Darn, Duri must've took and forgotten to put it back in place again. Well, no matter. I always look good, with neat hair or not"
And with that, Solar tried to tame his hair with his hands the best he could and dress for the day.

Breakfast came as usual.
Him, Duri and Halilintar usually help Gempa cooks breakfast for all 8 of them (including Tok Aba), and today was Duri's turn.

Blaze and Ice's bickering fills the small, but warm house, and so is the ocassional scolding from Tok Aba and Halilintar.
Oh, and Duri couldn't help and rant about how he and Taufan would participate in a regional football competition representing Pulau Rintis' senior high school.

Time went by quickly and the seven of them made their way to school.

It was an ordinary day, really.

Solar would've finished his newest experiment by the end of extracurricular session if Fang wouldn't have bothered him to take part in a play for the 12th grade's graduation party that is coming up soon, following after the college enterance exam.

"Come onnn, aren't you always wanted to be more popular? If you play as the king, i bet more people will start admiring you"
Fang begs as he shook Solar's shoulder repeteadly.

Almost dropping his test tube, Solar gritted his teeth,
"Aish, tak nak lah! I've got to complete this for the chemistry competition soon. Cikgu Papa's been talking nonstop about how i will win this to literally everyone, in no way i would half-assed this!"

Fang shook his shoulders again, harder this time.
"Come on lahhh, just this onceee. you're my friend right—"

"Fang stop that—"

But by then it was a little too late, the test tube slipped by Solar's fingers and fell, creating a mess and some of its content spilled on Solar's shoes.


Solar glared at Fang with a pissed off look.

"I–um, do you hear that? I think Cikgu Papa is looking for me, gottagobye—"

And with that, Fang took off from the lab with no shame.

Solar sighed in annoyance as he massaged his temple, "Now i've gotta do it again..." he muttered before heading to the school warehouse to look for a broom.

The light flickers.

A figure stared at the three dimensional digital map in front of him, a small red dot placed on a building on the map flickers ever so often.

The man smiled, albeit with manic unsetlling expression.

"So it has began"

"Eeh??? Solar? what are you doing here?" Yaya asked with suprise as Solar walked into the student council's room on that evening.

Solar looked all over the room, "Gempa told me to come here after i finished my extracurricular. Have you seen him?"

Ying shook her head, "Not recently, he went to the principal's office about 30 minutes ago. What's the matter?"

"I don't know, he just told me to go here. But i guess it's not that important so—"

"—Ahh..! Right, right, yeah. Come here Solar, sit here for now" Yaya pointed at the sofa behind the coffee table.

"Uhh...okay" Solar said as he reluctantly sit on the sofa, crossing his legs after.

Yaya whispered something to Ying as she gave him a skeptical look.
Ying paled a little before crossing her arms "So...you're his reccomendation? I can't believe this, Gempa must be crazy"

"Reccomendation for what? I didn't even sign up for anything!" Solar said in his defense.

Yaya sighed, "Well, as you may know, Gempa's term is ending soon, and the student council's is recruiting for a new leader.
And by Gempa's reccomendation we mean that Gempa reccomended you as his successor for the position of student council's leader. You could become the next leader instantly by the previous leader's reccomendation alone if you accept. Has he told you anything about this before?"

Solar looks dumbfounded and annoyed, "Me? A first year as the leader? Of the student council???"

Ying cleared her throat,
"Yes, apparently. But any candidate is valid as long as they're an active student of the school. So if you're interested—"

"—My answer is no"

"Wait, Solar!"


And Solar was out of the room within a second.

"That damn brat..." Ying muttered before resuming to do her work.

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