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There was a lot of crowd as the people were going crazy about the event. In the hall there was lot of noises going on as standing in group the men and women were gossiping. While few couple were having dance.

The moment freshen up some memories as he gulped down the whole glass of wine. He didn't let the pain convert into anger, he didn't want to fall weak this time.

It was the business party of their business partner Mr. Johnson's which he had attended with no heart. He wasn't ready for it but prem got some unavoidable work and he sent him.
Sitting in the corner he was just randomly focusing on his drink.

On other hand krisha entered in the room. She was decked up in a beautiful off shoulder greenish-blue long gown. Her hair were tied lightly in a bun and few strands freely falling on her bare skin.

Her eyes were in search of someone as the reason behind her arrival was only that person. She traveled her eyes through the hall, she skipped the couple dancing there then looked at the chairs but he was nowhere there. She walked down slightly picking her gown as once greeting the boss and her colleagues she moved from there.

She then finally got the view. Ritvik was there standing while leaning over the bar counter. She admired her man, he was looking deadly hot and handsome in the white shirt with black trouser and the white blazer over it.

Her face lit up with a gorgeous smile and she turned her feet in his direction. She was about to call his name when a girl jumped in her way.

"Hi handsome! Would you like to have dance with me?" Her seductive approach pulled his attention as he smirked and checked her from down to up.
He was about to reject her approach when his sight got the view of krisha. Seeing her body language he could clearly see the ounce of jealousy. The fire of revenge lit up and in the fraction of seconds he sank his arm around the girl's waist and brought her deadly closer to himself.

"I would like to do a lot of thinks to you." His flirty tone shocked krisha while the girl grabbed opportunity and traced her fingers on his face. Ritvik too smirked and rubbed his palm on her bare back and shoulders. He went closer and kissed her cheek then pulled back.

The girl in his arms curled her fingers on his collar and whispered something in his ear. He gave the same expression and for last time passing a seductive look she left.

Just after she left he lifted his face and saw krisha's face. She was completely red and her eyes full with tears. Her heart was aching and it satisfied his heart. Wiping the lone tear she came to him and looked at him with a betrayed look.
"W_why are you doing this?"

He let out a sarcastic laugh and grabbed her arm in his painful grip. "You don't like this? Don't worry you'll see much more than this. I'm gonna entertain you with more such scenes." Her eyes scanned the hate in his eyes. She could see him greeting at her with the disgustful smile as they were surrounded with people.

She hissed with pain as he got tighter but didn't protest. "I_i know you are pretending to hate me__ritvik please once believe me__"

"Believe you? I would rather believe my enemy but not you miss krisha."

"Okay do whatever you want. Hate me as much as you want but atleast don't do that. I__i__ can't see you with someone else." Her words broke his temper. He looked around then grabbing her arm pulled her out from there. He dragged her with him mercilessly. Once reaching to the car he opened the door and pushed her inside on the passenger seat.

"W_where are you taking me?"

"Get. In!" He said and she silently sat.

He took his seat and soon drove the car in high speed. Krisha was whole way pleading him to slow down the speed but he was no ways hearing her. At last they reached at the apartment where ritvik was currently living. He dragged her inside the home and once reaching there threw her forward. She stumbled but then balanced herself on a place.


"What did you say? You can't see me with someone else? Haan?" He asked throwing his coat in some corner.

She was fluttering on her words as his dangerous angry face scared her. She moved backward and he just came closer and closer. Krisha gasped when he held both her shoulder in a very tight grip that even his finger marks were printing on her fair skin. He came near her as his eyes checking her up, they were gawking her luscious lips then her face with a dangerous emotion where she couldn't find love.

"Who the hell are you to say this? You gave you the bloody right? Didn't you feel the same while cheating me with those bastards? Didn't your heart once feel shame to sleep with them__"

"Ritvik__" Her high pitched voice got cut by him.

"DON'T SHOUT!" Krisha felt the tears collecting in her eyes. She couldn't take his words when she hasn't done anything. She wanted to yell the truth but he wasn't in the state to hear her. Already he was drunk and angry that anything she say will go wrong.

"I will hurt you in same way you had done and it's beginning from today itself." He said and walked from there.

"Wh_at do you mean?"

"Nothing much darling! I'm just completing your wish. You were so desperate to marry me, now take this papers and sign it." He came and threw the paper over her. Krisha caught it and read the contract. Her eyes instantly flooded with tears and streamed down her cheek. Krisha looked up with a hurt look and read what she saw in contract. "Six month marriage contract?"

"You read right darling!" He mocked with the same smirk devouring his face.

"Sign it and be my wife for the next six months. See I'm completing your wish." He said filling a glass of wine for himself.

"Why this contract? What do you want to do? I want you ritvik, completely, for my whole life__"

"Whole life!?" He repeated and laughed as loud as he could. His laughter pierced her heart. "Bear me for six months then we would think about whole life darling. I won't give a chance to imagine about it. Iss 6 mahine mein unn 6 saalon ka pura hisab liya jayega, tumhe har uss dard ki saja milegi jo tumne mujhe diya hai." He gulped down throwing the empty glass.

"You are doing it for revenge? Okay, I am not signing it. I will marry you but not like this." She spoke up and wiped her tears then giving the papers back to him she started walking away.

"No problem at all! This rejection will cost for your dear David's career and maybe his life. After firing from me he will never get any job in any company. I hope you have seen my power." He smirked and tucked his hands inside the pocket.

Krisha's steps huddled hearing his words. She turned to him with more shock which only gave happiness to him.
"Y_you can't ruin his life. He has nothing with us_"

"This! This care of yours is showing how much you love him, right?" His inside burnt, he could swallow the care and love she was showing for that man. The anger stuck more in his mind. He grabbed her and pinned to the wall.

"Either you sign it or I will ruin him, believe me my action will affect him more." He warned in a dangerous tone. Krisha sideways her face as the strong alcoholic smell was making hard to breathe. Ritvik's jaw clenched as he took it wrong way. He felt like she was feeling comfortable with his touch. Once they used to be so close to each other, so much that even the barrier of clothes wasn't mattered and now she was uncomfortable with the same touch.

He leaned more close to him, pressing his body over her as her breast squeezing with his chest.

"Ri_tvik__ w_we will talk tomorrow, you are not in good condition at this time." She said placing her hands on his chest while trying to push him.

He hid his face on her neckline as for some moments the affection inside his heart overpowered his senses. Nuzzling it with the nose tip he pressed his lips there. His action left her all shivering as goosebumps erupted on her body. Krisha clutched her gown in a tight fist as she controlled her desires and emotions at that time.


A gasp left her mouth as it had then pleasure and pain both. His sudden bite over her neck surprised her. As marking on her flawless skin he pulled back and reached to her lips. His hands roaming freely on her bare back as he pulled her more on himself. Krisha looked deep into his eyes as she cupped his face rubbing her thumbs on his cheek. His eyes closed at it as again opening them he leaned forward as their lips just inches away from when she closed her eyes waiting for him.

His lips stretched in a smirk as he jerked away and pushed her like a waste thing. "Do you think yourself worthy for my love?" She jerked with his voice as the less she was expecting the more he was hurting her with his words.

"I feel disgusted even to touch you and this is far away. Even if I am marrying you but i will never give you the right of wife. You are the person I hate most. I will show you the how it feels when your partner cheats on you." He spoke each word with a great determination and she was just hearing him out. There was no way for her. If she left then he will ruin her innocent friends life and if she stays then he will ruin their love. She couldn't see a way out of there.

Krisha's thoughts broke at his footsteps. She noticed him stumbling as he was over drink. His calf hit with the tea table as he got imbalanced and fell over the couch fortunately.

"Ritvik!" She ran to him and held on his shoulder "Please go to your room and take rest ritvik." He shrugged off her hand and stood up. Then climbing the stairs with the support of wall beside he reached in his room. Whole way krisha was behind him as she didn't want him to slip.

He unbuttoned the upper two buttons then sitting on the bed half laid there and soon fell asleep. His posture was uncomfortable as krisha came to him and adjusted him well. She removed his shoes as freeing his feet from the socks she covered him with the blanket then keeping his arms neatly she creased his head.

His behavior has completely changed. Her ritvik was a short tempered man but not in such way. He never used to insult anyone like this. He never let any girl touch him before and after her too. He was a gentleman and she knows he is a gentleman but what happened to him? Why this hate?

"Don't go! I__i lo__ve you!" His almost fading voice pulled her attention. Her heart got heavy as it started beating with high speed.

'He still loves you, he's the same ritvik you loved just his anger on you is not letting him love you again. You still have a chance to win your love back. Don't let him go away from you this time. He needs you, your love can change his heart. Stay near your ritvik.'

Her inner voice insisted as she wiped her tears and kissed on his head. Ritvik snuggled as he kept her hand below his cheek. His breathing normalised. Krisha kissed on his cheek as she wiped the sweat from his temper.

She brought the papers as once again reading them she signed it. Now she was his wife though it's a medium of revenge for him but she promised to herself that she will make everything right as before.


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