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Chapter one
First day at Hogwarts
Goldie's POV:
I looked at myself in the mirror as I slid the Hufflepuff robe onto my body. I liked how it looked. I shook out my curly hair and smiled really big. My tie was a bit crooked but I didn't really know how to tie it. 'My robe would cover it.' I thought. "Ready?" Hannah said. I nodded and I walked out with her and Alta. I looked at the schedule in my hands. "What class do you have first?" Atla said. "Uhm transfiguration." I replied. "Ooh I have that one too." Hannah said. We walked to the classroom and I saw Miguel sitting next a boy in blue. He was in Ravenclaw. Atla told me I could sit next to her. I gladly took that seat while Hannah sat next to Cedric. "You're the new girl, right?" A boy said. He had curly blonde hair and was a bit tall. "Yes." I said. "What's your name?" I noticed his green tie and the Slytherin crest on his robe. "Goldie." "Goldie what?" "Goldie March." "Goldie March. Hello, Goldie March. I'm Rasmus. Rasmus Hawthorne." He held out his hand. Silver rings adorned his right hand that he offered me. I shook his hand and he smiled. "Hey, Alta." He said before he went to sit down. He went to sit down next to another boy across the room. Professor McGonagall began to take roll and the twins walked in. "Mr. Weasley, the both of you are late." She said. "Sorry, Professor." They said in unison. They sat in their seats which were next to mine. I listened intently on the lesson. I already really liked Professor Mcgonagall. I was quite good at transfiguration. That class ended and we had to go to the next one. "Defense against the dark arts. We have a new teacher don't we?" Hannah said. Alta nodded and said "Professor Lockheart." "Isn't he that author?" I asked. Atla nodded and I said "I saw him at the bookshop in Diagon Alley. When I went to get my books. I also met the twins there." "Which twins?" Hannah said. "Fred and George." "The pranksters? Better keep an eye out or you just might be their next victim." She warned. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "what?" "They prank everyone in school. Be careful around them. I think the only one off limits is Lulu Reynards." "Who's Lulu Reynards?" "Her." I saw a girl with wavy brown hair run up to Fred giving him a big hug. "How was your summer?" She said to Fred. "How come she's off limits?" I said in an annoyed tone. Hannah chuckled and said "cause Fred has a crush on her." "How do you know that?" "It's obvious. They started flirting last year. Plus, I overheard Fred talking about her to George and Lee one day. He said she was pretty. And that he thought she was cute." The blue tie around her neck meant she was a Ravenclaw. She was a lot prettier than I was. I had just turned fourteen in August. She smiled up at Fred as he mentioned some things him and George did during the summer. He noticed me, Hannah and Alta approaching the classroom. "Goldie! How are you?" He said. I was taken aback and said "I'm good." "Hufflepuff. I told you." He winked at me and I looked down to hide the slight blush that went to my cheeks. "Oop, your tie is crooked. Can I fix it?" He said. I looked back up and said "oh yeah. I don't know how to tie it." "No biggie. I'll fix it for you. Don't worry, I won't make it too tight. Just sit still." Fred reached for the tie and began to adjust it, making it the way it was supposed to be. "T-thanks." I said. "No problem. I could teach you if you want. So you don't walk around with a crooked tie." I shrugged and said "sure." "Fred, who's your friend?" The voice of Lulu said. Fred turned to her and said "this is Goldie. She's new. Today's her first day at Hogwarts." Lulu looked at me and said "I'm Lutie. I go by Lulu though." I nodded and said "hi." "What's America like? I've always wanted to go." She said. "It's nice. Depending where you live. I lived in Beverly Hills." I replied. "So, you're rich then?" I shook my head and said "no. My dad and I always lived in a apartment." "Oh. What does your dad do?" "He was a detective." Lulu furrowed her eyebrows and said "what is that?" "A detective? It's someone who solves crimes and protects the city from bad guys." "That's not a wizarding profession is it?" Fred shrugged and said "I don't think so." I remembered the word Fred used for non magic people. "My dad's a muggle." I said. Lulu had a look of disappointment on her face. "Oh, you're a muggle-born." Her tone was slightly condescending. "Yes." "And what does your father do now?" "He has to find a job. I'm sure he's found one." "I don't know that much about muggles. They bore me. That must be hard. Having parents who don't understand magic." I shrugged. "I guess." It didn't feel that way to me. My father was always supportive even in the things he didn't understand. And he was always so fascinated, wanting to know more. But he'd have to hold his tongue quite often. We then walked into class. Lulu ended up sitting with a girl with blonde hair who was in Gryffindor. I took the seat next to Alta once again. Professor Lockheart began to teach, the girls seemed to be in love with him. I didn't see it. He got on my nerves. An explosion went off in front of him and he nearly hexed a student because he got so scared. George sniggered while Fred was chuckling. "Whatever that was, I'd like it to not happen again." He declared. It was quite funny to see the little man jump out of his skin.


The rest of my classes went really well but I was pretty exhausted. I wasn't used to the schedule yet. It was a lot different than Ilvermorny. Miguel grabbed a biscuit and shoved it into his mouth, reaching for another one. "Eat with your mouth closed, please." A girl said. "Dillie, you should try one." He replied. "Don't talk with your mouth full, that's gross." Her wavy hair hung in her face as she looked back down at the book she was reading. "That's Dillie. She's nice but keeps to herself." Cedric said. I nodded and looked over my shoulder at the Gryffindor table. Lee laughed loudly at something George had said. Fred added something on which made Lee laugh louder. Oliver seemed annoyed but still had a smile on his face. I turned back to the table and Hannah said "have a crush already? It's your first day." I shook my head and said "no. They were the first people I met. They let me ride in their cabin with them. On the train." "That's nice of them." Miguel said. "Lee is a sweetheart. Just be mindful of the twins. They can be a bit of a handful. And a bit mean sometimes." Hannah said. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "mean?" "They're boys. Boys can be mean sometimes. Just proceed with caution. I always do." "Why's that?" "They love to prank me. I hope they find another victim this year. I really do." Hannah brushed a strand of blonde hair out of her face. I felt bad that they had indeed pranked her. But at the same time they were only pranks. I hoped they wouldn't prank me. "Quidditch tryouts are soon. We're in need of a new seeker." Cedric said. Miguel sighed and said "if the last one hadn't quit our team would be ready." "I think I'll give it a go." I said. Cedric turned to me and said "really?" I nodded and said "yeah. I've always wanted to play. I played a bit back home but not much. I could only play at school." "What position did you play?" "Seeker." "At this point you don't even have to try out. We should just put her on the team." Cedric said. Miguel nodded in agreement. "Honestly." I smiled at that. Dinner was over and we retired for the night. My first day went pretty well. I was looking forward to this year. And I hoped it'd only get better.

Here's the first chapter!! Hope it's decent!

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