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Chapter ten
The Leaky Cauldron
Goldie's POV:
My father ended up letting me stay with Alta and her mom the last two weeks of summer. And Fred did as he said. He wrote me every week. I had a stack of letters on my nightstand and that I constantly re read. I quickly realized I was falling for him. "Alta, your girlfriend wrote you another letter." Maisie said. Alta shook her head and said "mum." "The two of you would be so cute together! You need to ask her out!" Alta blushed and Maisie said "what about you, Goldie? I've seen your been receiving letters from the one and only Fred Weasley. He's cute." I nodded and said "yeah. I'm starting to like him." Maisie smiled and said "you and Fred would look really good together. And I'm sure he likes you too! You're beautiful. The both of you are." Alta smiled at her mother and I said "thank you, Ms. Fox." "Please call me Maisie. Ms. Fox is way too formal." I nodded and opened up another letter from Fred.

Dear, Goldie, we ended up going to Egypt! It was so cool! We got our picture in the newspaper. Ron won't shut up about it though. It's a bit annoying. I meant to write this letter out sooner but I was on vacation. How's everything going with Mallie? You said last week she mentioned something about you going to stay with Alta and her mum. Did you guys have an argument? If you did, I'm sorry. I know how much she bothers you sometimes. But you have Alta's mum. And mine! My mum has been asking about you like crazy. You guys need to properly meet one time. I hope you're doing well. I miss you, Dee Dee. Sincerely, Fred Weasley.

My heart fluttered at the nickname Fred gave me. "Dee Dee. That's adorable." Maisie said from over my shoulder. I jumped as I had no idea she was reading it. "Those Weasley men are something else." "Mum, for the last time Arthur is married to Molly." "Yes, I'm aware. I wouldn't steal my best friend's husband. How old is her oldest son again?" "Mum!" Alta groaned. Maisie laughed and said "I'm kidding! Goldie's dad on the other hand..." I looked at her and shook my head. "Your dad's hot." I chuckled nervously and said "if only he wasn't with Mallie." "She's got a stick up her ass. Your dad needs someone chilled out. Like me." "I think that's why he likes Mallie so much. She's stern and always in control." Maisie shook her head and said "your dad seems like the opposite." "My dad is a very practical person. And he doesn't have many friends since he's so awkward sometimes. But, he's usually always in control and never does things differently." "Well, he needs someone to help him chill out and I can help him with that. Then you two could be sisters!" Maisie was ecstatic as she said that. Alta smiled at me and said "that'd be kinda cool." I nodded and said "yeah." Maisie then looked at her watch. "We were supposed to be at the Leaky Cauldron an hour ago. Oh, well. Fashionably late is always best. Get your things together girls. I'm going to freshen up before we go." Maisie left the room and I quickly wrote a response to Fred. I then went to get dressed. I wore a skirt with a crop top since it was hot out. I had just turned fifteen and felt a bit more prettier. I applied some mascara and a light lip gloss. The three of us then made our way to the Leaky Cauldron.

Fred's POV:
I rolled my eyes as Ron showed the newspaper clipping of us in Egypt to someone else. Percy sniggered as the person seemed very uninterested. "Come on, girls. No time for dilly dallying." The voice of Alta's mum said. I watched as she pushed her long brown hair over her shoulder. Alta trailed behind her, Yelena following. Then my eyes landed on Goldie. My eyes almost bulged out of my head. Her hair was longer and she was a bit taller. She giggled at something Alta said. My eyes went to her chest, noticing her breasts were bigger. Goldie had gotten prettier. She wasn't just cute anymore. She was pretty. My lips parted a bit as I stared at her. "Goldie?" George's voice said. She looked over and I quickly adverted myself gaze, hoping she didn't catch me staring at her. "Georgie?" I wanted to cringe at the nickname she called George. She ran over and gave him a big hug. George hugged her tightly and she said "where's Fred?" "Here." I said. Goldie looked at the two of us, her eyes slightly widening. "What is it?" George said. "You guys got taller." "So did you." I said. She nodded and said "I told you I would." I rolled my eyes and she said "your hair." She reached up to touch it, her fingers running through it softly. "I like it." "Thanks." George and I said in unison. "George, come here." Ron said, George leaving our side. Goldie smiled and said "hi, Freddie." "Hi, Dee Dee." I gave her a hug and she hugged me tightly. "I really missed you." She said softly. I rubbed her back, inhaling her scent as I buried my face in her hair. "Me too." I whispered. I pulled away and Goldie smiled up at me. "What?" "You owe me three galleons." I scoffed and said "oh, piss off." Goldie held her hand out and said "I'm waiting." I rolled my eyes and pulled them out of my pocket. "Thank you." "If you were anyone else you would not be getting these galleons." Goldie put a hand over her heart and said "oh, I'm honored, Fred Weasley." "You're lucky, Goldie March." She smiled really big and mum walked over. "Goldie, Fred hasn't shut up about you all summer! I'm glad to finally meet you!" Goldie looked at me with a quirked eyebrow and I winked at her. She bit her lip and then said "Mrs. Weasley, how are you?" "I'm well, dear. How are you?" "I'm good, thank you." I watched my mum marvel at Goldie, making her feel welcome. "Goldie, I know you're having fun saying hello to the lovely Weasley's but you and Alta need to get set up in your room. With Yelena." Maisie said. Goldie nodded and looked at me. "I'll see you later, Freddie." "See you, Dee Dee." She left with Maisie and Alta. George nudged me and said "is it just me or did Goldie get really hot over the summer?" I smirked and said "she got hot over the summer. She was cute before but now she's kinda hot." George looked her up and down as she walked away. "You gonna make a move?" "Are you?" "No. Got my sights set on Angelina this year." George said. I bit my lip and said "Goldie's all mine then?" George nodded and said "go for it, mate."


I could barely keep my eyes off Goldie at dinner. She had gotten so pretty. I had never seen a girl so pretty, besides Lulu. I hadn't thought about Lulu all summer since I wrote Goldie every week. I looked forward to every letter she sent me. It was the highlight of my week for the majority of the summer. I pulled Goldie closer to me, making her slide across the bench. She giggled and said "what is it?" "I missed you." I replied as my arms went around her waist. "Your voice got deeper." "Yeah. Do ya like it?" "Your voice?" "Yeah." Goldie nodded while giggling. "Your voice would crack last year." I rolled my eyes at Goldie and said "not anymore. You've changed a bit too haven't you?" "What do you mean?" She asked. My eyes went to her chest and I said "they're bigger aren't they?" She hit my chest and said "Fred!" "It's hard not to look at. Especially when they were smaller and now they're...." "What else's have you noticed about me? Besides my boobs?" She propped her head up with her hand as she leaned her elbow on the table. "You got prettier." I flirted. Goldie smirked a little and said "you got handsome. Way more handsome than you ever were." "Will the two of you please kiss? It'd make my day." Maisie said. Goldie blushed and I quickly looked away from Goldie, removing my arms slowly. George smirked at me and I shook my head at him. Yelena stared at Alta, her eyes burning into the side of her face. Maisie noticed and said "Alta, she's staring." Alta looked like she wanted to die right then and there. Yelena's lips curled up into a smirk as she picked at her food.


Goldie and I currently sat in her room. She was sitting on the windowsill, watching the rain fall outside. "How was your summer?" I asked. Goldie sighed and said "fine. Mallie and I really don't get along. I'm just glad I haven't met her daughter yet." "Daughter?" "Yeah. She goes to another school. Beauxbatons. It's in France. She doesn't think Hogwarts is a good school. Even though she went here herself. I don't understand why my dad likes her so much. It blows my mind." I stretched out on Goldie's bed and I said "did you guys have an argument?" "I explained it all in the letter but since we're here I'll tell you." I nodded and listened as she talked. "Mallie and I got into an argument about me coming here with Alta and Maisie. I don't know why she cares so much but she does. My dad was at work so he wasn't there to see how she was acting. She said that I wasn't that good of a witch. She used to be nice. In the beginning. But now she's just awful." I watched her lip quiver and I frowned. "She told my dad I had acted out, talking back to her. I wouldn't do that. She told my dad I had a behavior problem. Luckily, my dad let me go. My things were already packed and he was too easy on me. Mallie was pissed." I stood up and walked over to her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry." She looked up at me and said "t-thanks." I pulled up a chair and sat next to her. Small tears ran down her face and she quickly wiped them. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cry. Gosh, you must be thinking I'm ridiculous." Goldie said. I shook my head and said "you're not ridiculous." All I wanted to do was comfort her and hold her. I wasn't sure if she'd want that though. I reached for her hand and went to take a chance. I leaned in slowly and I watched Goldie's eyes go wide but she leaned in as well. I licked my lips as I looked at hers, wanting to kiss them so badly. The door to the bedroom burst open and Goldie pulled away quickly. "Whoops! Forgot my sweater!" Maisie said as she laughed. Goldie backed away from me, leaning on the window. She noticed Goldie had pressed herself up against the window. "What's going on?" "Nothing. Everything's fine." Goldie said as she stood up. I immediately felt like an idiot. I had tried to kiss her. Why did I do that? The moment I went in for it, Goldie's eyes went wide. She didn't want to kiss me. I stood up as well and said "I was just leaving." "Oh. Well, don't mind me. Act like I never came in." Maisie said as she left the room, closing the door. I balled my hands up into fists at my sides. "I'm gonna go." I said. Goldie looked up at me and said "you don't have to." "I think I need to. It's clear you don't want me around." I said in a rude tone. Goldie's eyebrows furrowed and she said "Fred, what do you mean?" I shook my head and said "just leave it." I began to walk away from her. "Fred, what did I-" I slammed the door behind me and went towards my room.

Goldie's POV:
"Fred what did I-" The door slammed as he left the room. "Do?" I finished. I sighed and sat in my bed, not sure why he was upset. I quickly realized he was going to kiss me before Maisie had walked in. As much as I wanted him to, I was a bit scared. I had never kissed a boy before. He would've hated it. I was terrified of making a fool out myself. I stood up and left my room, going to find Alta. She was sitting with Hermione and Ron. I walked over and she said "hi." Hermione greeted me and I said "how are you?" "Good." I said hello to Ron since I hadn't seen him earlier. Fred and George walked by, leaving the building. Fred had a scowl on his face as he walked by, glaring at me. "What's wrong with him?" Alta asked me. I sighed and said "nothing. We had a little argument. Nothing serious." I figured lying was the best way to go, considering I didn't want to share what had happened in front of Hermione and Ron. Yelena sat a few seats down, drinking butter beer. Maisie and Molly laughed as they sipped on tea. I wanted nothing more than for Fred to come back and not be upset with me. I figured it'd be fine the next day.


Everyone was in a great mood during breakfast. Even Fred, who I was scared to even look at after what happened last night. Ron was currently showing me the newspaper clipping of them in Egypt. It was very cute picture. I half smiled at Fred's smile as Percy waved next to him. Percy looked so happy. I don't think I had ever seen the boy smile. "Not flashing that clipping off again are you, Ron?" George began. "I haven't shown anyone!" Ron defended himself. "No, not a soul! Unless you count Tom." Fred replied. "You've already shown the day maid." The night maid." "The cook." "That bloke who came to fix the toilet." "And that wizard from Belgium!" The twins finished as they sat down across from me. "Hi, Goldie." Fred said with a big smile on his face. "H-hi." I said, wondering why he was so happy. "H-how are you?" He teased. I rolled my eyes and said "I'm fine. What about you?" "What about me?" "Last night." I said in a hushed tone. Fred furrowed his eyebrows and said "what about last night? We talked about your dad's girlfriend and that was it. I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to. And you can talk to me anytime you want!" He said the last part very cheerfully and I was confused. I stared at him blankly. "Earth to Goldie." He said. "Oh. That's right. We talked and that was it." I went along with him, not knowing what was going on. Yelena put her arm around Alta and I half smiled at the two of them. Maisie smirked as her daughter blushed from the contact. "Good morning, Dee Dee." George said to me. "Hi, Georgie." Fred rolled his eyes and I looked down at my plate, my hair falling in my face and hiding the frown on my lips. "Hurry up and eat kids! After this we go to King's Cross!" Molly announced. I ate my breakfast and sighed softly. My mind went in circles as I tried to figure out what was bugging Fred. He seemed fine but the way he rolled his eyes when I greeted his brother. And the way he looked at me last night. Hopefully everything would be fine once we got to Hogwarts.

Please read this!! I recasted Mallie because I had second thoughts about her character and I've added two more characters to the cast! I usually don't do this but this book was a bit rushed when it came to planning. No other changes will be made and this book will stay on schedule now. But if you'd like to see who was added, just go back to the cast chapter. That's the only chapter that was changed. If you've been reading since the re cast, you have nothing to worry about.

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