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Chapter eleven
Fifth year at Hogwarts
Goldie's POV:
All anyone could talk about was Sirius Black. Dementors were guarding the school just in case Sirius were to show up. The dementors gave me the creeps. They actually terrified me. Dumbledore told us all we were not to go near them and that they shouldn't go near us. As we all went back to our common rooms for the night, I watched Lulu run over to Fred. My stomach dropped. She had gotten so pretty over the summer. Fred hugged her and spun her around. Jealousy began to bubble up inside my body. I thought about what had happened between Fred and I the other night. Fred didn't want to kiss me. He wanted to kiss her. He was imagining if I was Lulu. Our hair was practically the same and we had the same skin tone. She was just way prettier than I'd ever be. His hands rested on her waist as she talked to him. "Hi, Goldie." Angelina said, breaking my gaze. "Hi!" I said. I was excited to see her. I gave her a big hug and she gladly returned it. She noticed Fred and Lulu. "You know, she's awful mean. She said some things about you last year. I refuse to hang out with someone like her." "What do you mean?" I asked Angelina. "Things about you being a muggle born. She said you didn't need to hang out with the twins. Or me for that matter. And the way she looks at Fred..." I looked down and Angelina said "oh, Goldie I'm sorry." "It's not a big deal. I was stupid for letting myself fall for him over the summer. Those stupid letters. I'll get over him. There's plenty of other boys." I said as I put a fake smile on my face. Angelina frowned and said "are they together?" "I don't think so. I think they're just flirting. Which, I can't really get mad if they flirt. Fred's not mine and I'm not his." Alta looked Lulu up and down and said "she's really showing herself off isn't she?" Her skirt was super short and I watched Fred's eyes go to her legs, her skirt, then her chest. He bit his lip as he eyed her body up and down. The smirk on her face proved she enjoyed it. "Can we go?" I said. Angelina nodded and we walked away.


I was quite fine with my classes this year. Except the fact that Lulu had decided to sit with the twins in Divination. Lee was out of luck and ended up having to sit with Oliver and Angelina. Alta, Miguel and I were at one table. From sitting next to Miguel the past week, I learned that he was muggle born. My mind was blown. I couldn't believe I didn't know. He told me how terrified he was of being petrified last year. Rasmus had gotten taller and a bit more muscular over the summer. "Goldie, long time no see." He said. "Hi, Rasmus." I said. He smiled down at me and said "how was your summer?" "Good. Yours?" "Great. I was training for quidditch mostly. My sister thinks it's ridiculous but I wanted to be in better shape. For when the season starts." His voice was deeper and his Swedish accent made my knees weak. "That's great. I wish you luck this season." "Same to you. If you're ever not doing anything and want to hang out, I'm always free." I felt myself blushing a bit at the attention I was receiving from him. "I'll keep that in mind." He winked at me and went to sit next to Adrian. Defense Against the Dark Arts seemed fun this year. Professor Lupin was my favorite teacher so far. I always felt calm and at ease in his class. He knew how to make students feel welcome and not stressed. In most classes I sat next to Alta. She decided to sit next to Yelena which I was fine with. I ended up sitting with Rasmus. He was smarter than I thought. Way smarter. I figured he was like most Slytherin's and didn't pay attention. But he's smart. And he's exceptional at defense against the dark arts. Potions was also different. Woody took the spot next to me. Dillie, his sister, had started taking other classes. She was a bit too smart for her year so she took the next potions class above her. She sat next to Miguel, who fell for her with each passing day. Rasmus sat with his sister, Simone. I knew of his sister but hadn't met her the year before. Alta and Yelena had been getting pretty close the last two weeks. Which I was totally fine with. Fred and I hadn't exchanged much words. We had said normal greetings and things like that. But for the most part, we barely spoke. I missed him. I wished that moment in the bedroom never happened. It's what changed everything. I assumed that it was my fault. Everything seems to be. George would always give me smiles but never approached me. I missed him too. I tried to focus on my schoolwork and forget about them. But it was hard when I constantly saw them. I wished we were friends again. It was all I wanted at the moment.

Fred's POV:
Watching Goldie sit with Rasmus made my blood boil. He was the absolute worst person to hang out with. And there she was, hanging out with him. "You could just tell her." George whispered. I rolled my eyes and said "tell her? I'm not telling her. She doesn't even like me. Never has." "Did she kiss you back?" "No. She backed into the corner in disgust. Her eyes were so wide." I scribbled at my class work, annoyed. "You told me you kissed her." "I lied. Maisie ruined it anyway. She came in." "Did Goldie back away before or after she came in?" I shrugged and said "I dunno. After." "Then it wasn't you. She probably got spooked by Maisie." George replied. "No. She's not into me, George." "You can't punish her for that, Fred. She probably doesn't even know what she's done for you to barely speak to her. And the fact that you think I shouldn't speak to her as well is ridiculous. She was my friend too. I'll be damned if I let something like this get in the way of a friendship. I miss her." I watched my younger brother frown, his eyes going to look at her. He then shifted in his seat and raised his hand. "Mr. Weasley." Lupin said. "Restroom." He nodded and George left me sitting there. Goldie had turned around to look at me. Her face fell as she made eye contact with me. She slowly faced the board. I put my head in my hands and felt guilty. It's not her fault. I was the one too scared to tell her the feelings that had built up over the summer. If I pushed them down, they'd go away. I thought.


My eyes fluttered closed as Goldie kissed my neck up and down, grinding her hips on mine. The two of us quickly removed our clothes, Goldie sinking down onto me. She gasped, her hands on my chest for support. As she moved up and down the pleasure began to build in my stomach. I knew I wouldn't last long. "I'm almost there." I whimpered. Goldie hummed in response and I thrusted up into her, making moans leave her lips. With a grunt, I came. My eyes shot open. I was in my dorm room. I looked to see George in his bed across the room and Lee in his. I panted softly and felt the wetness in my boxers. I lifted the comforter and the sheet to see a wet spot on my boxers. I covered my face and mentally cursed at myself. I quietly got out of bed, getting a new pair of boxers and going to the bathroom. I closed myself in a stall in case someone walked in. I removed my boxers that were filled with my release, my dick still sensitive. I winced and quickly put on my clean pair of boxers. I had never had a wet dream like that before. And it was about Goldie. "Fuck." I said as it replayed in my head. I left the stall and threw my boxers in the hamper. I pulled my pajama pants on and laid back down in my bed. I had taken them off when I had went to bed. Now I wanted them on just in case I were to have another dream.


"Fred, get up. We're gonna be late." George said. I groaned and buried my face in my pillow. The dream I had last night entered my head and made the morning wood I had more obvious. I huffed and took my clothes to the bathroom, getting dressed. Lee quirked an eyebrow and said "getting dressed in the bathroom? What's up with that?" "I had wood. It was really obvious." I replied. "You had a boner?" George smirked and I said "piss off." "Wood is just a little tent in your pants. I think you had a big one." Lee said. George chuckled and I said "fuck off." "Who'd you think of, Freddie? Pretty little Lulu?" George quipped. I shook my head and said "just drop it." I grabbed my things and left the room. "It was Goldie wasn't it?" My head snapped to look in his direction. Lee and George began laughing. "Shut up!" I said. "Awe, you had a little hard on for Miss March." Lee teased. "If only she knew." George added. I aimed my wand at them and said "I'll hex you both." Lee put his hands up in defense and George said "like I'd tell her. You don't even talk to her anymore. Imagine if she found out you were having dirty dreams about her. She'd be very confused." I left the two of them, storming away annoyedly. I left the common room, pushing past other students. I came out of the portrait and began making my way to breakfast. I ran into someone who said "ow." "Why don't you watch where you're-" Goldie looked up at me in shock. "Going." I finished. "Sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you. I'll be going now." She went to walk away and I grabbed her wrist. "Wait." Goldie tried to pull her wrist away from me and I said "hey, what's-" "Let go of me, Fred. Please." "What's wrong?" She tried to get away from me once again and I said "Dee Dee, what is it?" "You don't get to call me that. After not speaking to me all these weeks. Just let me go." She yanked her wrist from me and I managed to grab her by her arm, pushing her against the wall. Nobody was around since mostly everyone had gone to breakfast. And I took the extra long way to the Great Hall. Goldie must've done the same. She stared up at me, trying to get free from my hold. "Am I hurting you?" I asked. She shook her head and said "no." "Why are you trying to get away from me? Did I hurt you when I ran into you?" Her breath quivered. "No." "Then what is it?" She looked down and shook her head again. I made her look up at me, my hand under her chin. "Dee Dee." "We're not friends anymore, Freddie. You made that perfectly clear after the Leaky Cauldron." Tears began to well up into her eyes and my hands fell to my sides. Goldie pushed on my chest to get past and she began walking away. "I'm sorry." She turned around. "What?" "I'm sorry. I don't really have an excuse for what I did. I'm just...going through some stuff. I took it out on you. I shouldn't have. I'd like to be your friend again. If you'll let me." The last part hurt me to say. But I promised myself I'd push the feelings I had for her down. Lulu was the better choice anyway. Goldie would never look at me in that way and Lulu did. Goldie walked over to where I stood and threw her arms around me, hugging me. I held her and she said "I missed you. I want to be friends with you again. And George." "I missed you too." I leaned my head on top of hers, swaying her back and forth slowly. "You can always talk to me. What happened at the Leaky Cauldron, it's not a big deal. If Mallie is ever bothering you or makes you upset, please know that I'm here. I'll gladly talk to you about it." Goldie squeezed me and said "thank you." I petted her hair, it was super soft. Way softer than I thought it'd be. Goldie began to pull away and said "we need to get to breakfast." I nodded and she left my side, walking away. "Will you sit with me?" She stopped in her tracks and said "you want me to?" I nodded, not being able to answer as I saw the hope in her eyes. I didn't mean to make her feel the way she had. I figured she was better off without me. The two of us walked to the Great Hall. George looked up as Goldie sat down. "Hi, George." She said softly. "Hiya, Goldie." Angelina smiled at Goldie. She was sitting next to me, Lee and Oliver greeting her. Percy greeted her as well. I grabbed one of Goldie's hands holding it. I squeezed it tightly, not wanting her to leave again. She looked at me and put her other hand on top of mine. "Are you ok?" She whispered. "Yeah. I just..." I didn't finish. Her eyes examined my face, awaiting an answer. "I'm really sorry." Her face softened and it made my heart beat a little faster. I was mentally cursing at myself. I was really crushing on her. Her thumb ran over my hand and she said "it's ok. I forgive you." Those three words were something I didn't want her to say again. I didn't want her to have to forgive me because I was being a hot head. I've always been pretty stubborn and hot headed. "Wanna go to the hideout? Later?" Goldie nodded and said "yes." "We could just talk or do whatever." "I'd really like that." She said. I smiled and she did the same, not letting go of my hand for the remainder of breakfast.

Here's the update!! Most of Prisoner of Azkaban will be filler chapters but will still follow the movie. Don't worry.

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