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Chapter thirteen
Hufflepuff vs Ravenclaw
Goldie's POV:
Hufflepuff has a game against Ravenclaw today. Alta got dressed in her quidditch uniform and I did the same. "Goldie!" A hushed voice said. I furrowed my eyebrows. I walked to the door of the locker room to see the twins. "What're you two doing here?" I said. "Came to wish you luck, of course." They replied in unison. I smiled up at them and said "thank you. Now, go and get a seat." "Will do. Be careful in the rain." "It's raining?" Fred nodded and him and George left. I took a breath and Alta said "it's just rain. We'll do fine." We met up with the boys and started the game. It was pouring outside. "Today's game is Hufflepuff vs Ravenclaw! And they'll have their work cut out for them in this storm we're currently enduring." Lee announced. I noticed Alta's mom sitting next to Yelena, the two of them chatting away. Woody was a beater for the other team. He was a bit lanky like the twins but had a muscular upper body. I managed to steal the quaffle and scored. "One point goes to Hufflepuff thanks to Goldie March!" Lee's voice rung out. "YES!!" George yelled. Fred clapped and said "GO, GOLDIE!" I smiled at them even though the rain was pattering down. I watched the Fred push his hair out of his face, seeing how attractive he looked. "Goldie, the quaffle!" Alta said. She passed it to me and I scored again. "Good job!" Miguel said as he rushed past me. Woody hit the bludger and it went soaring in the air. I ducked and my eyes widened. Woody immediately apologized. "Sorry!" He said. I nodded at him and Alta went for the quaffle. She scored. "Another point to Hufflepuff!" I could hear the twins cheering and then I noticed Lulu. I hadn't seen her much since school had started back up. I watched Fred lean down to give her a hug, even though the both of them were sopping wet. She still looked beautiful even though it was raining and I felt jealousy bubble up into my stomach. "Goldie, look out!" The bludger came back in my direction and I dodged it, almost falling off my broom. "Goldie!" I heard George's voice. I panted and my heart began to beat crazily. Fred wasn't even looking in my direction. I rolled my eyes and focused back on the game. Ravenclaw had managed to get a couple of points. Everything was going well until tragedy struck. The bludger went right for Alta, hitting her in the ribs and smacking her against the side of the stadium. "Alta!" I said as I flew down to the ground. She gasped weakly and I heard Maisie's voice. "Alta, my god! Are you ok?" Alta couldn't answer as to much pain she was in. Woody flew down and said "Alta?" Maisie leaned down and kissed her daughter's head. I held her hand and said "Alta, you're gonna be ok." Yelena stood over us, water dripping from her short blonde hair. "I'll take her to the hospital." She said in a monotonous voice. Yelena knelt down and Alta looked at her. "I'm gonna pick you up. Ok?" Alta nodded and prepared herself. Yelena slid her arms under Alta's body and began to pick her up. Alta let out a yelp of pain and Yelena said "sorry." Lupin walked over and said "Miss Parker, I can take it from here." Woody was currently pulling at his hair and apologizing profusely. "Professor Lupin, I can take her." Yelena said, her voice stern. "You are a student. A professor needs to do so. Hand her over to me please." Yelena scowled at him and handed Alta to him gently. "Be careful. It's her ribs." Lupin nodded and said "Miss March, will you accompany me?" I nodded. "You too, Miss Parker." Yelena followed me as well. I carried mine and Alta's brooms as we followed behind Lupin. Every once in a while Alta would let out a groan of pain. Maisie would be allowed to see her later. She did put up a fight about it. Lupin sat Alta on a bed as we reached the hospital. Madame Pompfrey rushed over and began tending to her. "Goldie?" Alta called out weakly. "I'm here, Alta." Yelena sat down in a chair, pushing her bangs out of her face. I shivered at the coldness of the room since it was still raining outside. Lupin explained Alta's injuries and Madame Pompfrey said she'd be there for a couple of days. Maisie was let in a few minutes later. "It's about time!" She said. "You'll have to leave soon, Ms. Fox." Lupin told her. Maisie rolled her eyes at him and knelt down to her daughters level. "Oh, Alta. You poor thing. I always told you quidditch was a bad idea." Yelena looked up as she said that. "Miss March, I can take you and Alta's brooms back. And you could go up to your common room." Lupin said. I handed him our brooms and said "I'll go in a few minutes." He nodded and walked away. Maisie whispered sweet things to her daughter before being removed by Pompfrey. Yelena sighed deeply and said "I need to change. Will you stay here with her? Until I get back?" I nodded at her. She stood up and left the hospital. I shivered and hugged myself. "Dee Dee." Fred's voice said. I looked up and said "what're you doing here?" "Came to check on you and Alta." I half smiled at him and he said "are you cold?" "I'm freezing." I looked at Alta, looking at how her ribs were bruised. "Here." Fred offered me his sweater. I shook my head and said "no. I'm fine." "Goldie, take it." "You'll be cold." "No, actually. It's not that cold in here." I glared at him and he said "for me. I meant I'm not that cold. You need the jumper more than I do so will you please just take it?" I took it from him and said "it'll get wet." "Then take that uniform you have off." My eyes widened and I said "I'm not changing in front of you." "Just go in the bathrooms. And I'm sure Madame Pompfrey has something you could borrow." I shook my head and said "no. Just take it back." "Take the bloody jumper. I'm sitting here watching you shiver. You're freezing." "Freddie, it'll get wet." "I don't care, Dee Dee." I stood up and walked over to the bathrooms in the hospital. I took off my wet uniform shirt, along with my bra that was also soaked. I pulled the sweater over my head and felt the wool like material rub up against my skin. I tugged off my pants; my panties were surprisingly dry. I noticed some sweatpants that were in a cabinet. I grabbed a pair and slid them on, walking out of the bathroom. I carried my wet quidditch outfit and sat back down next to Alta's bed. Fred smirked a bit and I said "what?" "That jumper looks better on you than it does on me." I rolled my eyes and said "liar." "Why would I lie?" I shrugged. "You're cute." I quickly turned away from him as I felt my cheeks begin to heat up. Maisie walked back over and sat down. "I thought Madame Pompfrey kicked you out." "Ha! They can sure try!" She replied with a scoff. I smiled at her and she noticed the sweater on my body. She went to open her mouth and I shook my head frantically. "Nice sweater you got there." I wouldn't dare look at Fred but I could feel his smirk. "Yeah." Was all I said. Yelena walked in and said "you can go now if you want, Goldie." "I just need to take my uniform back." Yelena nodded and said "Maisie and I will be here." I stood up and began to walk back to the quidditch pitch. Fred walked alongside me, the two of us not saying anything. "Who won?" I asked, wanting the tension to be gone. "Ravenclaw." I huffed. "Bastards." Fred chuckled at my discontent and when we reached the locker room I told him to wait outside. Fred obliged and I hung up my uniform and grabbed my things. I had my other pair of clothes and just put my skirt back on with my cardigan. I pulled Fred's sweater back over my head and walked out. "Are you heading back to your common room?" I shrugged and said "yeah." Fred then proceeded to walk me to the Hufflepuff common room. When we reached the entrance I went to pull off the sweater. "No, keep it. You need it more than I do." Fred said. I bit my lip and said "are you sure, Freddie?" He smiled and said "yes, Dee Dee. I'll see you tomorrow." He kissed my forehead and left. I went up to my dorm room and quickly discarded the cardigan under the sweater. I loved the feeling of the wool material against my chest. I sighed contentedly as I sat down on my bed. The sweater smelled like cinnamon with a hint of tea. I inhaled Fred's scent and smiled to myself.


"Goldie, wake up. Breakfast is being served." Hannah's voice said. I groaned and sat up slowly. She gasped. My eyes widened and I said "what?" "Who's jumper is that?" "Fred's." My voice was barely audible. "Who?" "Fred's." I was bit louder that time. Hannah smirked a little and said "Fred Weasley gave you his jumper?" "It was cold last night. I was all wet from the rain and he just gave it to me." "Looks like Fred might have a crush on youuuu." I threw a pillow at her and said "he does not!" "He might. He's never given Lulu his jumper." I was so happy to hear that. As much as I didn't want to, I put on a bra under the sweater and followed Hannah to breakfast. Luckily today was a Saturday and I didn't have to wear the Hogwarts attire. I had leggings on since I was still pretty cold and the fall season was just coming in. "Hi, George. Hi, Fred." I said as I sat down at the table. George yawned and looked up from his plate. "Fred's jumper." Fred looked at me and said "how do you like it?" "Very comfortable. I slept in it." Fred smirked and George said "looks better on you than it does him." Fred elbowed his brother and said "piss off." George chuckled and Fred looked at the sweater on my much smaller frame. "You can have it back after breakfast." I told him. He shook his head and said "erm, you can keep it for now." "You sure? I have my own sweater." "Jumper." Fred corrected. I sighed and rolled my eyes, not used to the British slang and vocabulary. "Right. Jumper. I have my own." "Mine's warmer. My mum made it. She makes all of our jumpers." "And scarves." George said. "She makes bloody everything." Ron added. I smiled at them and said "that's really cool. I love everything that you guys wear. It's soft." I hugged my body and Fred shook his head at me. "Maybe mum will make you something one day." Ginny said. "I hope so. That'd be really nice." Ginny gave me a smile and turned back to Hermione. "You're so cute." Fred whispered. I looked down to hide my cheeks that were burning, my hair falling into my face. I felt Fred brush a strand of hair out of my face. I looked at him and he smiled. "You sure you're not cold, Freddie?" "Dee Dee, for the thousandth time I don't need the jumper right this minute. Plus I like it on you." He whispered the last part and he smirked at me, winking. I shook my head at him.


I sat down next to Alta's bed and she had woken up while we were all at breakfast. My eyes were wide at the fact Maisie was still here. "They haven't kicked you out yet?" I asked. Maisie scoffed. "I'm a witch too, honey. I know all the spells they know. They can try to remove me. But I have a few tricks up my sleeve that they might not know." Alta chuckled at her mom and then held her chest. "How are you?" I said. Alta looked up at me and said "fine. My chest hurts but other than that I'm ok. And-" She stopped as her eyes went to the sweater. "Who's jumper?" I went to answer but Maisie beat me to it. "Mr. Fred Weasley." Alta's eyes widened and she said "Fred gave you his jumper?" I nodded and sighed. "The two of you should just get together. It's obvious that he likes you and you like him." Maisie said. I shook my head and said "as much as I want to believe that, he doesn't like me." "Honey, he does." Alta sat up a little and said "does it smell like him?" I nodded while giggling. "It's very comfortable. I secretly don't want to give it back. I'm surprised he's let me have it this long." "Alta, are you ok? I'm so sorry. I had no idea that the bludger was-" Woody was cut off by Alta saying "it's not your fault. Accidents happen in quidditch all the time. Don't beat yourself up." Woody nodded and said "I just feel bad." "Don't feel bad." "Alta, how are you?" The twins said in unison, Lee trailing behind them. "I'm good. How are you guys?" "Great! I'm glad today's Saturday." George said. Fred nodded and said "me too. How's your ribs?" "I think they're doing better now." Her and the twins began to converse. I stared at Fred, watching everything he did. I watched the way his lips moved when he said certain words. I wanted to kiss him so badly. I bit my lip and continued to stare. He described how Alta was injured with his hands. I noticed how much bigger they were from mine. "Sweetie." Maisie said. I looked at her and she said "you're staring." I looked down, terrified at Fred's response. "They didn't hear me. In fact, they can't hear us at all." I looked back up and noticed everyone in the room was frozen except Maisie and I. "What did you do?" I asked as I stood up. "Goldie, calm down. Everything's fine." Fred and George looked like statues. "Are they alive?" "Yes, they're alive! All I've done is slowed down time. For a second. When I snap my fingers they won't even realize you've stood up. Or that we even had this conversation." Maisie snapped her fingers and the twins continued talking as if nothing happened. I was slightly freaked out at Maisie's spell and she seemed to be a lot more powerful than she was leading on. Alta noticed me and said "Goldie? You ok?" I nodded while looking at Maisie who said "honey, it's fine." "Mum, what did you do?" "Nothing!" "Come with us to our dorm?" The twins asked in unison. I nodded and we began to walk. Lee walked alongside George and I was next to Fred. I felt Fred grab my hand interlocking his fingers with mine. I looked up at him and he gave me a wink. Fred taking my hand was something he normally did so it was never a shock to me. But I did enjoy it a lot. I loved holding his hand. We went up to his dorm and I plopped onto his bed. I felt his arms go around my waist as he pulled me in between his legs. I giggled and my back was to his chest. George handed me a sugar quill and handed Fred a bag of jelly slugs. Lee shoved a chocolate frog in his mouth and George said "so, Hogsmeade next weekend?" I nodded eagerly and said "yes!" Fred nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck and I jumped. "Freddie!" He chuckled and I noticed George and Lee looking at us weirdly. "What?" Fred said. George just smirked at his brother and I blushed. "Alta will be better by then, right?" Lee asked. I nodded and said "she should be." "I think I'll ask Lulu to come with us." I turned to look at Fred as he chewed on a jelly slug. "Why?" "Why what?" "Why ask Lulu? Are you guys friends?" I played dumb. Fred shrugged and said "yeah. She's fun to be around. I promise." I nodded. I turned back around and frowned. George noticed and motioned for me to come over where he sat. I went to leave and Fred's arms tightened around me. "Fred." I said as I pushed him off. I walked over to George and he gave me a hug. I hugged him back and pulled away. "He'll get over her." He said softly. I furrowed my eyebrows and he said "Lulu. Fred'll get over her. I promise." Fred laughed at a joke Lee said and I said "don't tell Fred." "Never." George said as he smiled. I offered my pinky to him and now he furrowed his eyebrows. "What's this?" "Pinky promise. Pinky promise you won't tell." He chuckled. "That's actually so cute." He held out his pinky and I intertwined my pinky with his. I giggled and so did he. "What're we giggling about?" Fred said. George let go of me and said "Goldie taught me how to pinky promise!" "What's that?" I explained it to Fred and he said "I wanna try! I wanna try!" "Me too!" Lee added. I started with Lee and intertwined our pinkies. He giggled and it was the cutest thing. I smiled really big and Fred said "Goldie, come on." I then sat down on his bed in front of him. "Are we making a promise?" Fred asked. "What promise would you like to make?" I quipped. "Uhm, that we'll always be friends. I know we're fifteen and it might be kinda lame but...yeah." "It's not lame." I reassured him. Fred smiled and said "cool, cool." We intertwined our pinkies and I felt Fred pull my hand to his lips, jerking me forward slightly. "Fred!" I said in shock. He kissed my hand and said "what'd I do?"

The end was cute don't @ me lmaooo. This took so long to write oh my gosh

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