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Chapter fourteen
Boggarts and trips to Hogsmeade
Goldie's POV:
We all stood in defense against the dark arts, Lupin was teaching us a brand new spell. The class was buzzing with excitement. "Inside here, is a boggart. It takes the form of the thing you're most afraid of. And with the spell 'Riddikulus' you turn it into something funny. Who'd like to go first?" A girl with short blonde hair raised her hand. "Miss Hawthorne, step right up." Alta's ribs were a bit better but she still had some soreness. She stood next to me and the girl who shared the same last name as Rasmus stepped to the front of the room. I quickly learned from Rasmus' whispering that her name was Simone. Lupin opened the cabinet door and everyone awaited for something to come out of it. Rasmus came out of it to which the class laughed slightly. His skin began to deteriorate and turn grey, his eyes becoming dull and lifeless. I gasped softly at her fear. Her fear was to lose her brother. "Wand at the ready!" Lupin told her. Simone raised her wand up and said "Riddikulus!" The dead Rasmus turned into a large group of beautiful butterflies. "Form a line and you can all have a turn." The class quickly lined up and I got behind Alta, Fred was behind me. Woody was next as he stepped up to the front. The butterflies quickly turned into a woman with long dark hair. "Woody, you never listen!" He tensed up and said "Riddikulus!" The woman disappeared and turned into a funny looking ufo which spun in a circle. Angelina stepped forward and the ufo turned into a troll. The troll made a loud roaring sound. I jumped and took a step back. I felt hands on my waist and turned to look up at Fred. "You're alright." He said. I nodded and Angelina said "Riddikulus!" The troll then fell onto his butt and had a dumbfounded expression on his face. "Miss Fox. Whenever you're ready." Alta stepped up to the front and the troll turned into a large pile of worms. She gasped in disgust and Lee said "gross!" George peeked over my shoulder and Alta held out her wand. "Riddikulus!" The worms turned into large gummy worms that flopped around on the floor. The class laughed at that. "Miss March, are you ready?" I nodded to Lupin. I wasn't sure what the boggart would turn into as I stepped forward. My eyes widened as it turned into Mallie, my father's girlfriend. "Goldie, you're such a disappointment. You'll never be a good witch. You'll always be weak. Your father doesn't need you. You should stay at that bloody school and never come home!"

Tears began to well up into my eyes as she walked towards me. "Goldie, you'll never be as good as Zora. You'll never be my daughter. Zora, my real daughter, will always be better than you." She spat. My lip quivered and I gasped softly. "Goldie, it's not real! She's not here! Say the spell and she'll go away!" Alta told me as she stood next to me. She was supposed to go to the back of the line. I shook my head and Lupin said "wand at the ready, Goldie!" I aimed my wand at her. She looked at me in disgust. "Riddikulus!" She turned into a patch of flowers and the class cheered. I panted and Alta said "Goldie, are you ok?" I quickly left the classroom. "Miss March!" Lupin called. "Goldie!" Fred and George said. I rushed out and began running down the hall, tears blurring my vision. I didn't know where to go. I found an empty hallway that was a bit far from the classroom. I sat down and cried softly. I would have to face Mallie for Christmas, spring break and the summer. I was dreading every holiday with her. She was the worst. I wished I had a mother. My real mom. Why did she leave? Why did she leave me and my dad? What did we do? I wished I had a sibling so I wouldn't have to go through it alone. I knew I had to be strong for my father but I wasn't sure if I could do it anymore. I stood up since I heard Filch coming down the hall. I really didn't want detention so I turned the other way and left the area. I turned the corner only to almost bump into someone. I fell into their arms and then looked up. "Dee Dee." Fred said softly. I sniffled and immediately hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and said "are you alright?" I shook my head and said "n-no." "Filch is coming, love. We gotta go." Fred grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him as we started to walk. He pulled me inside an empty classroom and hugged me. I cried softly and Fred said "Dee Dee, you didn't tell me she was that bad." "I didn't want to. I've only ever talked about it with Alta. And now everyone knows about it." "I'm sure they forgot about it once I stepped up there." "What was yours?" I asked curiously. I looked up at him and his arms were wrapped around the small of my back. "Well, it was a bit like Simone's. Except it was George. And well, George's was me." "Awe, Freddie. I'm sorry you had to see George like that." He shrugged and said "I knew it was fake. But I'll be honest. It scared me a little." I frowned and his hand moved to my front, tugging on the sweater I had on. "Still wearing this ratty old thing I see." I looked down and totally forgot I was wearing his sweater under my robe. "Do you want it back?" "Give it to me after we go to Hogsmeade." I nodded and he said "I'm so sorry you had to see her. I'm sorry she said those things. None of them are true. Have you even met her daughter?" I shook my head and said "no. She lives with her dad. She goes to school in France since her dad lives there. Supposedly she's better than me." "She is not. You're one of the brightest witches I know. You're a lot brighter than me and always will be. You're amazing, Goldie." "Fred, do you really mean that?" "Every word." I stared up at him and I watched his eyes go to my lips. He leaned in slowly, me doing the same. Then the classroom door burst open. "Weasley! I knew it was you!" Filch said. Fred's head snapped up to look at him and he grabbed my hand. "Try and catch us, Filch!" We ran all the way back to Lupin's classroom, where the class was still going on. Alta rushed over to me and pulled me away from Fred, bombarding me with questions. I watched Fred walk over to Lee and George who were waiting on him. I sat down and Alta said "are you ok?" I nodded and said "yeah. I'm fine. Just shocked me was all." "It wasn't real. You know that right? She wasn't really there." "Yeah, I know. Still freaked me out and made me cry." Alta hugged me and said "forget about her. She can't say anything like that here."


The rest of the week flew by and it was time for our trip to Hogsmeade. We still had a week before thanksgiving break. It hadn't snowed yet and to be honest I wasn't ready for the cold weather. I was from Beverly Hills and not used to snow. I stood with Angelina and Alta, waiting on the boys to arrive. "Fred, it's not fair!" Ginny said. "You can't go. You're too little." He replied. "Can't I come with you? Please?" Ginny pleaded. "Mum said you're not allowed to go! It's not up to us." George told her. "She would never know! Please Fred! Please George!" I watched them turn around and looked at their little sister. She looked up at them with puppy dog eyes. "Alright, come on." Fred gave in. She smiled really big and said "thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She hugged George and then hugged Fred. I smiled at her and said "hi, Ginny." "Hi, Goldie." George ruffled her hair and said "you stay close to us. And you never tell mum about this." "Deal." "You're taking Ginny to Hogsmeade? She's not allowed!" Ron interjected. "Shove off, Ron. She'll be safe with us. And if you tell, you might wake up with spiders in your bed." Fred threatened. George made a spider appear at Ron's feet. "Aah! George, make it go away! I hate bloody spiders!" Hermione giggled at him and Lulu came around the corner. Fred greeted her, giving her a hug. I turned my attention away from them. I then remembered that Fred and I almost kissed in that empty classroom. I hadn't told Alta yet and needed to. Yelena walked over and our group then proceeded to walk to Hogsmeade. I noticed Lulu had stayed very close to the twins. She barely said a word to us the entire walk there. Ginny was ecstatic as she had never been before. Harry, Ron and Hermione weren't allowed to go yet. So, seeing Ginny get to go made Ron absolutely furious; which was quite funny to see. My thoughts were currently running through my head and I wasn't in the conversation as much. Arms poked my sides and then went around my waist. I squealed and heard Fred's laughter. "Freddie!" I said as I felt myself being lifted off the ground. He spun us in a circle and I noticed George doing the same to Angelina. I held onto Fred's arms as he spun us faster and faster. Lulu glared at me as we spun. Fred didn't seem to notice her as he set me down. "I'm dizzy." I said as his hands rested on my hips. I felt my head slightly spinning and Fred said "dizzy, you say? Well, I'll cure that!" He quickly put me on his back. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands held up my legs. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me. I leaned my head on his shoulder, inhaling his scent. Alta shook her head at Fred and said "you'd better not drop her." He then pretended to drop me and my arms tightened around his neck. "Freddie!" I scolded. "You're gonna choke me, love." "Well, don't drop me." Fred turned his head to look at me, smirking. "Ugh, come on! You're all waisting time we could have at Hogsmeade." Lulu said in an annoyed tone as she led the way. We all followed Lulu. I smirked to myself, knowing she was jealous. I knew eventually Fred would set me down and his attention would go back to her but I was loving the attention he was giving me at the moment. "Let's go to the three broomsticks! And get butterbeer!" Lee said. Fred carried me until we reached the three broomsticks, setting me down gently. "Alright?" He said as his hands rested on my waist like they had before. I nodded and he opened the door, holding for me as we walked in. We all sat at a table. I was squished in between the twins and Angelina was next to George. Lulu, unfortunately had to sit next to Lee and was so annoyed. Ginny was on the other side of Fred and Alta was next to Yelena. I sipped on my butterbeer as Ginny asked Alta about her injury. Alta was explaining the pain in her ribs and Ginny said "sorry, that happened to you. One day I'll play quidditch." Lulu chuckled and Ginny looked at her. "What? Don't think I can play?" "You're too young." "Yeah. Right now. But in a year or two I could totally play. Plus, I'm quite good." "Have you ever even got on a broom?" Lulu asked in a condescending tone. "Of course! I've got six brothers! Half of them play quidditch!" "She's good on a broom." George said. Fred nodded in agreement and said "one day Ginny will be the best on the team." Lulu rolled her eyes and Ginny said "you're not even on the Ravenclaw quidditch team. How do we know you're any good?" Lee choked on his butterbeer and I held back a laugh, loving Ginny go after Lulu. "I'll prove it to you all." Lulu replied. Fred shook his head and said "we don't care. Just leave my sister alone." Lulu glared at him and Lee said "I hope to see you on the team one day, Ginny." "Oh, you will." She said. Yelena looked at her and said "definitely try out next year or the year after." "Will do." "I'll be doing the same." Lulu declared. Nobody replied to her, George changing the conversation. "What do you guys think about the dementors?" "They're gross. Have you seen their mouthes?" Ginny said. "They terrify me." I added. "I wish they'd disperse but they can't because of Sirius Black." Alta said while rolling her eyes. "Well, they can't get to us. We're pretty safe." Fred put his arm around me as he said that. A shrill noise came from Lulu. Everyone looked at her and she said "I'm not feeling good. I'm going back to the castle." Her eyes were on me, anger evident on her face. "Want someone to walk back with you?" Lee offered. She scoffed. "No. I'm fine." She stood up and left, her feet slightly stomping. "What's got her in a mood?" George said. Angelina shrugged and said "don't know. She's a bit rude, don't you think?" George nodded and Fred said "come on, guys. She's not all bad." "Fred, she's not as nice as she appears to be. I heard her-" "Lulu is one of my friends. I've known her since first year. She's really nice. You guys just have to get to know her." Fred was quick to defend her. Angelina sighed and said "just watch out for her, Fred. I've heard her say some horrible things." "Rumors or you actually heard her say them?" "I actually heard her say some really rude things, Fred." "Like what?" Angelina looked at me and I sighed. Fred looked at me and then Angelina. "What? What did you hear her say?" "She's a bitch." Yelena mumbled. Fred turned to her and went to open his mouth and Yelena quirked her eyebrow, as if inviting him to say something. "Lulu has said horrible things about Goldie being muggleborn. She was so rude about it. I think she even...said that word. I won't say it. I refuse. Goldie is one of my friends and I won't say that awful word." Angelina said. Fred looked back at Angelina and said "Lutie wouldn't do that." My eyes widened as he used her full name, George's doing the same. "Lutie?" He said. Fred nodded and said "that's her name." "Fred, she's awful. She also said Goldie shouldn't hang out with you and George. That she wasn't worthy enough of your time. And that...she didn't belong here. She didn't belong in our group of friends." "Lulu would never do that. I can't believe you guys would tell lies about her." Angelina's lips parted in shock and George said "why would they lie?" "I don't know. It's stupid." Fred removed his arm from around me and I watched Angelina look down. "I'm not lying, Freddie. I wouldn't do that. Not to you. Not to Goldie. Not to George. Not to any of you." A small scoff left Fred's lips and Angelina pushed on George to get out of the booth. George stood up and let her out. "Angie, don't go." George said, a frown appearing on his face. "I'll see the rest of you at the castle." I scooted out of the booth and went to follow her. "Goldie, not you too." "See ya, guys." I said. Alta then stood up and Lee sighed. Yelena quickly followed Alta as we left the three broomsticks. "Angelina, thank you." I told her. She turned to me and half smiled. "Fred deserves to know that she's not a good person. I care about the twins. I don't want someone like her around them. She's not all that she appears to be. I also know that you like Fred since the way you look at him." Nerves ran through my body and Angelina said "I won't tell him. As long as you don't tell George I like him." I nodded and said "deal." "Like I said before, she's a bitch." Yelena said. Alta chuckled and said "yeah. She is." "I hated leaving George in there but he needs to straighten out his brother." Angelina said. We all walked back to the castle, changing the subject as we talked.


At dinner, Fred seemed to be in a better mood but didn't say why. I hadn't seen him since Hogsmeade and that was at least a couple of hours. Lulu stared at him from the Ravenclaw table. As much as she was obsessed with Fred, she never sat with us at our table. I hadn't sat with my friends from Hufflepuff in a while. Fred leaned over to George and whispered something in his ear. George sniggered and said "you're a liar." "Am not. Did it an hour ago." "Oh, yeah? With who?" Fred cupped his hand around his brother's ear, whispering almost inaudibly. George's head snapped in Fred's direction and he said "you're a bloody liar." "Am not! You can go ask her." I had no idea what they were talking about and frankly I wasn't sure if I wanted to know.

The next chapter will have a bit of drama in it soooo that's why it kind of ended here

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