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Chapter fifteen
The Less I Know The Better
Goldie's POV:
It had been a week since Fred and George's little conversation at the dinner table. Thanksgiving was spent at Hogwarts and it was really nice. I enjoyed it so much. The only bad part was I wished my dad could've been with me. I'd rather stay at school than go home. I followed Ron into the Gryffindor common room and the twins were laughing about something. "No way!" Lee said. Fred laughed and said "I did! Her and I did it about a week ago. And now, well, we're together. I'm am proud to say Lulu and I are together." My lips parted and I felt a pang of pain in my heart. Tears started to well up into my eyes and I quickly reminded myself that they'd see. I wiped my face and made sure I looked presentable. Alta was behind me since we were going to study with Hermione and Angelina. "I'm crazy about her, mate. And I'm glad she was my first. Godric, she was great." George shook his head at him and said "you're ridiculous." Ron looked at me and I quickly walked past him. "Hey, Goldie." George said. I stopped and looked at him, hoping he didn't notice my tear filled eyes. "Hi, George." I said, hoping my voice didn't break. I didn't greet Fred as he went on and on about Lulu. How great she felt, how pretty she was, how happy she makes him. I hurried up the stairs to the girls dormitories and Alta followed me. I walked into Angelina's dorm and Alta did the same. I shut the door and a shaky breath left my lips. "Goldie? What's wrong?" Hermione asked. Alta frowned at me and said "Goldie, I'm so sorry." I felt the tears running down my cheeks now. "What happened?" Angelina said as she stood up. "Fred got with Lulu. They're dating." Hermione didn't know about my crush but I didn't care in that moment. Angelina gave me a hug and said "awe, Goldie." I cried softly and said "why did I have to fall for him? He's stupid!" Angelina rubbed my back and Alta said "you'll get over it. And he's a git. He'll realize what he's missing out on." Hermione sighed and said "he's always fancied her, hasn't he? I thought you two would end up together. He talks about you a lot." I pulled away from Angelina and said "he does?" "Yes. Ron said he's always talking about you and that, in his words, 'it's so bloody annoying.'" I half smiled at Ron's comment and walked over to Hermione's bed, sitting down on it. I sighed and said "I shouldn't be crying over him." "He'll get over her." Angelina said. I shrugged and said "maybe. Hannah warned me about him. She told me that Fred liked Lulu. And I still fell for him. I'm stupid for that." "You're not stupid. You can't control your feelings. Things happen. Do not put yourself down like that." Hermione said. Alta nodded in agreement and I said "can we just study? I don't want to talk about this anymore."


Our study group went great. It helped me take my mind off Fred and I was able to be in a good mood. That changed however at dinner. Lulu was sitting next to Fred, kissing his cheek. Alta looked at me and said "we don't have to sit there." "If we don't Fred will know something is up. I don't want him to know. I don't want him to know anything." I quickly said. Alta nodded and said "sit next to Lee or Oliver. Hell, sit next to Ron or even Hermione." I nodded and took the seat next to Ron. He looked at me and said "h-hi, Goldie." "Hi." I said. Fred noticed the seat I took but didn't say anything. "Hi, Dee Dee." He said happily. I felt my heart break a bit and said "hi, Freddie." Lulu smirked at me as she kissed the corner of his lips, her eyes staying on me. I looked down at my plate and picked at my food, only eating a small quarter of it. "Are you gonna eat that?" Ron asked me. I shook my head and he gladly took my plate. Alta and Hermione made disgusted faces at him. "You're such a pig, Ronald." Hermione said. Ron looked at her, shocked. "I'm hungry. A guy can't eat?" "Not when you look like a pig." Ginny said. Ron huffed and Harry chuckled. "Where's Yelena?" I said to Alta. She shrugged and said "not sure. I think she ate dinner a little bit earlier than us and went to her dorm room." I nodded and I looked over at Fred. Lulu ran her hand up and down his chest and kissed his jaw. His face got red a bit and he said "Lulu, later." George gagged and said "the both of you are gross." "Just wait until you get a girlfriend. And lose your virginity." Fred replied cockily. George eyed Fred and said "piss off." I watched the younger twin glare at his brother. Fred smirked and said "it's ok, George. One day." George quickly looked down and I saw the redness appearing on his cheeks. Angelina didn't look at him as she knew he was embarrassed. I looked away as well, acting like I didn't hear the conversation. Fred and Lulu stood up and left early, Fred running his hands all over her. I rolled my eyes and Ron said "you alright, Goldie?" "Yeah, I'm fine."


I took off Fred's sweater that I had way longer than I was supposed to. I held it in my hands and made my way to the Gryffindor common room. I walked up to the boys dormitories and walked to Fred's room. As I went to open the door, Lulu stepped out of the room. She scoffed at me. Fred didn't hear. He was laying on his back on his bed, panting softly. Lulu closed the door behind her and Fred's eyes opened. "Goldie." He said as he sat up really quick. He was clothed, just didn't have a shirt on. "Here's your jumper back. I forgot to give it to you when we went to Hogsmeade. And it would be inappropriate if I was wearing it when you should be giving it to your girlfriend." I held it out for him to take. Fred took it from me and said "you didn't have to." "I did. Lulu deserves it. She's your girlfriend. I'm just your friend. I'm not as important as the girlfriend." I looked down at my feet, holding back my tears. "Dee Dee, you're just as important. You're my friend. Just because I have a girlfriend doesn't make you any less important. You know that." He reached for my hand, pulling me to where he sat. I made sure not to stare at his shirtless form. Fred looked up at me and said "you're so important to me." I shook my head and Lulu came back into the room. "Fred, I forgot my.." She stopped as she looked at me. She noticed Fred's hand holding my hand and he quickly let go. "My necklace. Where is it?" Fred looked around the room and said "erm.." He stood up and picked up his shirt off the floor. I noticed a necklace by George's bed. "There." I said while pointing. Lulu picked it up and said "thanks." I nodded and said "you're welcome. Bye, Fred." I went to the door, Lulu following me. "Bye, Goldie." Lulu closed the door behind us and we began to walk down the stairs. "Fred would never date a mudblood like you." I didn't say anything. "How does it feel that I get to kiss him? Have his hands on me? Have sex with him?" I lunged at her out of instinct and she stumbled backwards, grabbing the railing of the stairs so she wouldn't fall. "You're such a freak. That freakshow you put on in defense against the dark arts was a joke. You're actually scared of some woman?" Lulu asked. "And what're you scared of? Huh?" I questioned. Lulu didn't answer as she went back down the stairs, not saying anything else.


I sat with Yelena and Alta. Yelena's arm was draped over Alta's shoulder. George was currently laying in my lap. I absentmindedly began playing with his hair, running my fingers through it. George sighed and then turned red. "Sorry." He quickly said. I shook my head and said "it's fine. Do you mind if I play with your hair?" "No. It's ok." I continued to play with it, Fred walking over. "Hey guys." He said. I watched George's eyes flutter closed as I touched a certain point of his scalp. "Hey." Alta replied. Fred looked at me and saw my hands in his brother's hair. He clenched his jaw and said "what're you guys doing?" "Just hanging out. Nothing much." I said. George pulled his bottom lip between his teeth as I massaged his scalp. I noticed Fred's demeanor change. I was only playing with George's hair but the fact that Fred was getting angry made it so much better. "I was gonna ask you if you wanted to pull a prank with me." Fred said. "What kind of prank? And don't you have Lulu for that?" I said. Yelena was whispering things into Alta's ear, making her giggle. "Lulu never wants to pull pranks. Plus they're more fun with you. Come on, Goldie." I scratched at George's scalp and he sighed softly. Fred hit his twin brother in the leg. "Ow! What's wrong with you?!" George said as he quickly sat up. "I'm trying to talk to her and you're distracting her." Fred obviously wasn't going to give up so I told him I'd go with him. George, however was annoyed. I watched Alta's eyes widen as Yelena said something to her. I smirked at Alta who did everything she could to hold back her smile. I followed Fred down the hallway, realizing we were going to our hideout. It had been a while since I'd been here. "I need to talk to you." Fred started. "About?" I asked with raised eyebrows. "Us. What's going on? We were fine a couple of weeks ago. Then around thanksgiving, shit hit the fan. Dee Dee, what's wrong? What happened?" I looked up at Fred, his face seemed genuine. He seemed genuinely concerned. The stress and hurt I was under was a lot. I was unbelievably scared to go home and spend Christmas with Mallie and my father. My dad had wrote a letter and informed me that Zora would be there. I was terrified. And seeing Fred with Lulu every day broke my heart. I shouldn't be that upset over them but I was. I let myself fall so in love with Fred that seeing him with Lulu hurt so badly. And it didn't help that she was so awful to me. She practically rubbed it in my face every day. "I'm just going through a lot right now. I'll get over it." I told Fred, not wanting to get into details. "Goldie, talk to me." I shook my head and said "I'm fine. After Christmas, I'll be fine." I struggled to say that sentence. And Fred knew it. He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the couch. The both of us sat down and he held my hand in his. "Tell me what's been bothering you. Please." His thumb ran over the back of my hand and I wanted to tell him everything, so bad. "I don't know if I can." Fred looked hurt as I said that. He nodded and looked down. "I'm sure you'd tell George, wouldn't you?" He spat. "What? No. I've only told Alta. And I didn't even finish cause we got busy with schoolwork. George doesn't know anything." I replied. Fred looked back up at me and said "are you sure? You two seemed rather cozy with each other today." "Yes, I'm sure." I pulled my hand away from him. "If you came here to belittle me, you are mistaken because I will not endure it from you! I already endure it enough! From Mallie! From Lulu! I don't even want to go home for Christmas and I've been meaning to ask Alta but I get nervous when I try. And I'd never ask you or George. I don't belong at the burrow with your family. That's Lulu's place. I've missed spending time with you so much so I've resorted to spending time with George. You and I never spend time together anymore. It's like...we're not even friends!" Fred was appalled, his lips parting. I realized I had let almost everything out. I stood up and took a step backwards. "Goldie.." Fred said. I then rushed off, not being able to face Fred after that. "Goldie, don't go! Please talk to me! I can help you!" He called. I cried softly as I rushed back to my dorm room. Luckily Alta was there and I explained what happened. She had to comfort me and tell me everything would be ok. She also told me I could stay at her's for Christmas. I was more than happy. My dad would be a bit disappointed but I couldn't be there. Not with Mallie. And from the pictures I saw if Zora, she looked terrifying. "I miss when..." I could barely get the words out as I sobbed. "I miss last year. Fred was so nice to me. And she just had to get prettier! I'm not pretty like her. He'll never like me the way he likes her. I'll always be second place when it comes to Fred Weasley." Alta hugged me tightly and said "Goldie, you'll get over this. I promise. He's just a crush. Soon you'll be looking back on this and you'll be laughing. It won't be so painful. You'll be like 'I can't believe I actually had a crush on Fred Weasley.'" I sniffled and said "you think so?" Alta nodded and I said "we're barely friends. That time at Hogsmeade was the last time we even spent time together." "You'll have another day like that. I promise."

Fred's POV:
I watched Goldie leave me in the hideout. I had no idea she was going through all of that. I was too busy caught up in my own things that I didn't realize she needed me. I figured I'd stay here for a while. It was quiet and nobody was here. I laid on my back on the couch. I stared up at the ceiling, wishing that Goldie and I hadn't drifted apart. It wasn't my fault, at least I didn't think so. I liked Lulu so I took the opportunity. I've always liked her and now she's my girlfriend. The more and more I thought about it, I felt myself begin to get tired. I hadn't had a good night's sleep in a few days. I struggled to stay awake, but ended up falling asleep.


Groans left my lips as I woke myself up. I sat up and remembered I was in the hideout. Then I felt it. I saw a faint wet mark on my jeans and felt the evidence in my boxers. "Not again." I put my head in my hands and sighed deeply. Goldie. I'm dreaming about Goldie. My pants were beginning to be uncomfortable and sticky. 'My robe will hide it.' I thought. The wet spot wasn't too visible but I felt like everyone could see it. I pulled my robe on and quickly made my way to the Gryffindor common room. I rushed up to my dorm and grabbed a change of clothes. As I changed in the bathroom, I was still hard. "Bloody hell." I mumbled. The wet dream entered my mind, my hand absentmindedly going down to stroke my cock. I moaned softly and then stopped myself. I didn't have these thoughts with Lulu. Only Goldie. I didn't understand. I got dressed and decided not to fool with it. I adjusted myself so you couldn't tell I was hard, even though I was. I walked to the Great Hall for dinner, scratching the back of my head. When I walked in, my eyes went to Goldie. Alta was standing next to her while Yelena was standing close by. Rasmus gave her a hug and I rolled my eyes. Lulu waved at me as she was sitting across from George. I waved back and then went to approach Goldie. "Goldie." I said. She turned around and looked at me. A huge smile appeared on her face and she said "hi, Fred." I furrowed my eyebrows and Yelena towered over me. I looked up at her and a scowl was on her face. "Goldie, how're you doing? I'd like to talk to you later." I said. "Fred, I'm fine. I promise. What I said earlier, I was being over dramatic. It's totally fine." Alta was glaring at her best friend. I knew Goldie was just ignoring how she felt. All I wanted to do was make it better. "Goldie, you didn't seem fine earlier. All I want to do is talk to you." "I'm fine! I had a little outburst. They happen sometimes. You don't need to worry about me. Plus, Lulu's waiting for you." She nodded her head towards Lulu who smiled at me. "Right. You'll let me know if you need anything?" "I mean, I won't need too much. I'm perfectly fine." I nodded and turned around, going towards where Lulu was sitting. "What the hell was that?!" Alta asked Goldie in a hushed tone as I walked away. I sat down and watched them sit down a few seats down. Angelina went to sit with them, no longer sitting with George. My brother frowned as Angelina left his side. "Angie, stay with me. Please?" "George, I'll sit with you tomorrow. I need to talk to Goldie." George nodded with a sigh, a bigger frown appearing on his face. Lee began to talk about what he'd be doing during the Christmas holiday. Lulu joined in and mentioned something about her getting me something. "Freddie, have you gotten me anything?" Oliver looked at me along with George. I shook my head and said "no. I've been a bit busy. I'll go to Hogsmeade tomorrow though. And grab you something." Lulu kissed my cheek and said "thank you, Freddie." I nodded and George said "I'll go with you." "I'm really looking forward to Christmas this year. I miss my family a bit." Oliver said. Lee nudged him playfully and teased him. Oliver never opened up about things like that so it was a shock. Colin gave Goldie the biggest hug and she ruffled his hair. She handed him a wrapped gift and his eyes went wide. "For me?" He said. "For you." She replied. Alta smiled at Colin and he said "can I open it?" "No. Wait till Christmas." Goldie said. "Goldie! You won't be there! Can I open it in front of you? Please?" She allowed him to do so and he gasped as he opened it up. "A video camera?" "Yeah. Now you can take videos and pictures." "Wow! Thanks, Goldie!" He hugged her again and rushed off to his seat. I turned to my plate and started to eat. Lulu kissed my cheek multiple times and it took everything inside me not to push her off. I just wanted to eat. "Fred." Goldie's voice said. I turned to her and said "yeah?" "I have a present for you. I gave it to George who put it in your dorm room. Hopefully it'll make you smile." My heart sank as I realized I hadn't got her anything. I stood up really quick, almost knocking Lulu out of her seat. "Goldie..." I struggled to get the words out of my mouth. "It's ok if you didn't get me anything. I wasn't expecting it. Make sure you get something really nice for Lulu." Goldie looked at Lulu who stared at her in shock. "See you, Fred." I reached for her but missed. "Freddie, sit with me." Lulu said. Alta, Angelina and Yelena followed Goldie. "Goldie, wait up!" Ginny called as she rushed after her. I sat down and Lulu noticed I was moody. "What's wrong?" She asked as she kissed the corner of my mouth. "I didn't get Goldie a Christmas gift. She's my best friend and I didn't get her anything. What kind of friend does that?" I asked. "You can always get her something when you go to Hogsmeade. It's not too late." George told me. I shrugged and said "I dunno. We're having some issues right now. I need to fix it." "Freddie, she's awful weird isn't she. Why is it that you care about her so much?" Lulu said. George scowled at her and I said "she's my friend." "Your friend? You guys never hang out. And she always seems to have stuff going on. You shouldn't deal with someone that has baggage like that. She's also...a muggle born. She doesn't deserve to hang out with purebloods like us." "Don't talk about her that way." George said. Lulu smirked and looked over at him. "Crushing on her, Georgie?" George shook his head and said "no. She's my friend. I'm not going to let you sit here and talk shit." "She's not worthy enough to hang out with us. She's so annoying as well. Why do you all care for her so much?" "Shut your mouth." George spat. I narrowed my eyes at George and said "stop." "No. Tell your girlfriend to shut her fucking mouth." Oliver had distanced himself at this point and Lulu's smirk grew on her face. "You'll see one day, George. You'll see that she's just a mudblood." "Shut up! Shut the fuck up!" George yelled. Lee's eyes widened and he said "George, mate, calm down." "What's going on?" Percy's voice said. "Nothing. Everything's fine. You're not going to talk to her that way, George. She's my girlfriend and if you don't like it, you can piss off." I told my brother. George's lips parted and he quickly scrunched up his face in anger. "You're gonna regret this. I can't believe you. She called Goldie the worst thing you could possibly call her. And you're allowing it? I thought you were Goldie's friend." George stood up and stormed off. Lee followed him and I rolled my eyes. "They don't understand the love we have, Freddie." Lulu said as she gave me a kiss. I pulled away and said "you can't call Goldie those things." "I didn't mean it. I'm sorry." She said with a pout. I nodded and quickly let it go.


I walked into my dorm to see that George wasn't there. I sighed as I felt like shit for snapping at him. I noticed the present on my bed. I picked it up and looked at it. I opened it, pulling a picture out of the envelope. It was of Goldie and I last year. The day she woke up from being petrified. I frowned and sat down on my bed. I watched as I spun her around, Goldie laughing as I did so. I noticed a letter sticking out of the envelope. Goldie's handwriting was scribbled across the paper.

I hope this makes you happy as it made me. Colin took some pictures of us that day and I figured you'd want to have one of the pictures.

I put my head in my hands and said "fuck." I felt small tears pooling in my eyes. I quickly brushed them away and put the picture and letter in the drawer next to my bed. Lee walked in and I said "where's George?" "He's staying with Ron tonight. He's pretty upset, Fred." I nodded and changed into my pajamas. I laid in my bed, facing away from Lee. "Fred?" He said. "Yeah?" "You alright?" "I'm fine. Goodnight, Lee." "Goodnight, Fred." I pulled the picture out of the drawer and looked at it. I bit my lip, holding in the tears that wanted to spill from my eyes so badly. "I'm sorry, Goldie. I'll fix this." I whispered. George was right about one thing, Lulu couldn't say those things about Goldie. But I did enjoy being with Lulu. Goldie would always creep into my mind and no matter how hard I tried, I can't push her out. I can't remove her from my brain. Goldie didn't like me. Why am I so hung up on her? All I can think about is her. But when I'm with Lulu, I seem to forget. I needed to find things with Goldie but make sure everything stays ok with Lulu. Otherwise, everything's gonna come crashing down.

Here's the update. This hurt me to write and I'm aware my angst sucks. But this shit hurt like wow🙃🙃

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