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Chapter sixteen
Christmas 1993
Goldie's POV:
Fred and I went on like nothing happened that day a week ago. We were leaving for Christmas. I was to spend a few days with my dad before going to Alta's. I boarded the Hogwarts express with Alta and Yelena. Angelina followed me as we all sat down. I didn't sit with the twins since Lulu was sitting with them. Once we reached King's Cross, I saw my father waiting for me. Maisie was talking to him, the two of them laughing. I went to run over to my dad when someone grabbed my wrist, keeping me from going anywhere. I turned to see Fred. "Fred?" I asked. "I have a present for you." He handed me a box that was wrapped a bit messily. I chuckled at it and he said "I tried to wrap it myself. Without magic. I should've used magic." I shook my head and said "it's nice. Thank you." "Open it on Christmas. And write me when you see what it is. I opened yours last week." "Fred, you were supposed to wait until Christmas!" "I couldn't resist! The temptation was killing me!" I giggled at him and he smiled really big at me. "I'm sorry about last week." I whispered. Fred shrugged and said "it's fine." George waited with Ron, not standing next to Fred and I. "You and George still haven't made up?" Fred sighed and said "no. Not really. I've been trying. I'll fix it. Just like I fixed us." I nodded, knowing damn well we weren't really ok. We just didn't talk about it and pushed it away. "Well, I hope you have a great Christmas. And you'd better fix things with George." "I will, love. I promise." Fred kissed my forehead and walked away from me. George then walked over and gave me a a hug. "See you after Christmas, Goldie." "See you, George. Merry Christmas." He smiled and I said "Fred!" He turned around to look. "Merry Christmas!" He winked at me and George left my side. I approached my father who had just told a joke to Maisie. She laughed and said "you're so funny, Grady." Mallie rolled her eyes from next to him and I gulped as I looked at her. "Goldie, darling." She said as she caressed my cheek. "Hi, Mallie." I said in the strongest voice I could. "I want you to meet someone. This is my daughter, Zora." Zora stepped forward. She had short blonde hair that was cut like a boy's. Her lips were pink and plump. She was about the same height as me, just an inch taller. She looked down at me and said "Goldie." "Zora, how are you?" I attempted to be polite. "Fine. How are you?" Her French accent was very evident. "I'm good. Are you excited for Christmas?" Zora shrugged. "I guess." Maisie said "Goldie, long time no see!" She gave me a hug and I gladly returned it. "Who's this from?" Dad asked as he took Fred's gift from me. "It's from Fred." I said, smiling at the fact that Fred even got me a gift. "Is he here?" Dad looked around and I said "he's leaving with his family. There." I pointed and dad noticed all of Fred's siblings. "The Weasley's are a wonderful family. Molly is one of my best friends." Maisie told dad. He nodded and said "that's great." Maisie waved to Molly who waved back. "You can meet him another time, dad." I said. Zora sighed and Mallie said "well, we should get going." Maisie nodded and said "see you at Christmas, Goldie." I smiled really big at her and Alta gave me a hug before we left.


Poppy and I sat in my room. I pet her as Nirvana played softly. Zora then walked to the doorway, standing there. Her eyes scanned my bedroom and I said "hey." "Hey. This is your room?" I nodded and she looked at everything. She noticed a poster for her movie Aliens on my wall. "Aliens?" She stared at it and I said "it's a movie." "The thing?" "That's another movie. They're sci fi movies." Zora blinked a few times and said "muggle movies?" I nodded and said "sci fi stands for science fiction." "That's weird. Muggle stuff is weird and dumb." I ignored her comment and she then sat on my bed. Zora was a year older than me. She was sixteen at the moment. She was pretty. I thought she was. "You're pretty." I told her. Zora looked at me and said "what?" "You're pretty." "Another girl has never told me I'm pretty before. Only my mother. Men love to tell me that though." She ran her hand across my comforter that laid on my bed. "Nobody says it to me." "Well, that's cause you're not." She said bluntly. I scoffed and she said "I don't mean it in a bad way. You have to mature a bit. You're only fifteen. When you turn sixteen, you'll probably be prettier." "Yeah, probably." I leaned back against the pillows on my bed and Zora stood up. She left the room and I wished so badly I could use my wand to close the door. I stood up and closed the door, sitting back where I was before. "Jerk." I mumbled. I tried to be nice and she couldn't even take my compliment. She just used it against me. I looked at Fred's present that sat in a chair in my bedroom. I didn't trust Mallie enough to put my gift under the tree. I was sure she'd throw it away or damage it and say she didn't know what happened to it. And my dad wouldn't be the wiser to know it was her.


Dinner was absolutely dreadful. "What school do you go to?" Zora said. "Hogwarts." She made a face and said "that school is ghastly." "How so? I heard it was one of the best schools." Dad said. "It's not a bad school or anything it's just, Beauxbatons is better. But it would probably be difficult for Goldie to go there." Mallie stated. Dad looked at me and then back at Mallie. "Would you rather be at Zora's school?" I shook my head and said "no. I enjoy Hogwarts." "It's an all girls school anyway. You wouldn't be able to write that Weasley boy you always send letters to." Zora retorted. My eyes widened and I said "how do you know who I write to?" I kept my letters hidden in my nightstand drawer. I didn't mind people reading them but Mallie and Zora were a different story. Zora shrugged and said "I just assumed you'd write to someone like him. Considering he got your Christmas gift." "Did you read my letters?" I asked boldly. "Goldie." Dad said, about to scold me. Zora raised her eyebrows and said "what if I did?" "Did you?" Mallie looked at her daughter and I watched the fear appear in Zora's eyes. It quickly went away as Mallie turned to me. "Are you accusing Zora of reading your letters?" "It's obvious that she did! I keep them in a certain place!" For one time my father agreed with me. "She does keep them in a certain place. Which I know of and allow it. Zora shouldn't be prying in Goldie's things." "I didn't pry, Grady!" Zora was quick to defend herself. "It sounds like you did." "You're going to believe Goldie over Zora?" Mallie asked, shocked. "She's my daughter. And Zora hasn't been very nice since she's been here. This is my house. You'll follow the rules and do as I say. You're a guest here." Zora's face scrunched up into anger. I swear her face would've turned red like in the cartoons if it was possible. "Grady, Zora has come to stay with us and I'd like her to feel comfortable here." Mallie said calmly. "Then tell her to stop snooping around. What's the point? If you need something just ask. Don't go through people's things. If Goldie was snooping through your things I'm sure you'd be having a whole outburst." "Outburst?! I do not have outbursts, Grady!" Zora declared. "Well, you seem to be having one right now." Zora stood up, her chair almost falling over. My eyes slightly went wide and she stormed off. Mallie went after her and dinner went ok after that. It was just my dad and I at the table. It seemed like old times.


I was preparing myself for bed. I had to be up early in the morning to go to the Fox's. I had been home for three days and already wanted to be back at Hogwarts. "You're lucky I'm only here for a week." Zora spat from my doorway. I didn't say anything, I just looked at her. "Ugh, you're infuriating! I hope mum and Grady don't get married. Then I'd have to share a house with you! If you were at Beauxbatons, I'd make your life a living hell." "If you were at Hogwarts, I'd make your life a living hell." I replied, knowing the twins and I would prank her until she was begging us to stop. She scoffed. "Yeah, right. A fifth year. What can you do?" "With the friends I have, a lot." "Zora, your father sent you a letter." Mallie's voice said. Zora left the doorway and Mallie looked at me. A look of disappointment was on her face as she walked away. I closed my bedroom door and made sure my things were packed.


Luckily the next morning Zora and Mallie  had gone out for the day. Maisie stood outside and my dad said "you're staying with them for the rest of break?" I nodded and said "yeah. Is that ok?" "It's fine. Plus, Mallie and I need to work some things out. It's probably better if you're not here. I'll miss you though." I hugged my dad and said "I'll miss you too." "Hi, Grady." Maisie said as she leaned against her car. Dad waved to her and said "hi, Maisie." Maisie whispered something in Alta's ear and she said "mum!" Dad carried my trunk to the car and then said "oh, Goldie I have your gift for you. Let me go grab it." Maisie gave me a hug and then said "Goldie, you're dad's hot." My eyes widened and Alta said "mum, stop!" Dad came out of the house with my gift, handing it to me. "I hope you like it. It's some pretty cool stuff." I smiled at him and said "thank you, dad. I'll write you when I open it." "Sounds good, kiddo. I love you. And be safe with Maisie." "Don't worry, Grady. She's in good hands." Maisie got into her car and Alta followed. "You'll keep Zora out of my room?" "Of course. In fact I locked the door. And the key is on my key ring." I gave my dad another hug. I think he was finally being able to see that Mallie and Zora weren't good people. I got into the car as I pulled away from him. My dad closed the door and stepped away from the car. Maisie began to drive towards their house. I stared at the gift Fred had given me. I was so confused as to what he had gotten me. And he had even tried to wrap it which was cute.


Waking up at the Fox household on Christmas was slightly chaotic. "Merry Christmas, girls! It's time to open gifts! *gasp* I've gotta start the Christmas music!" Maisie's voice rung out. "Mum, we're coming." Alta said. Her and I usually shared a room when I came over. Alta and I were so close so it made sense. I rubbed my eyes as I followed Alta in the living room. "So, do you guys just want to open or go in order?" Maisie asked. "We'll just open them, mum." Alta replied. I opened Fred's gift first. I opened the poorly wrapped box to see his sweater inside. I gasped softly and saw a letter resting on top.

Merry Christmas, Dee Dee. You seem to love this jumper more than I do. And frankly, my mum will probably make me another one. As I said before, it looks better on you. You always look cute in it. And what you said about belonging at the burrow, there will always be a place for you here. You are so important to me. More important than you know. I usually don't express how I feel so this is a first and last time. When we get back to Hogwarts, remind me to take you for a walk while it snows.

I felt my heart swell at the letter. I pulled the sweater out of the box and put it on my body. Maisie said "he gave you his sweater? For Christmas? That's adorable! Honey, this proves he likes you!" I shook my head and said "he has a girlfriend. But, I do appreciate this. I didn't think he'd give me something like this. I know it's just a sweater but it means a bit more to me." "Who's he dating?" Maisie said to Alta. "This girl named Lulu." "Lulu what?" "Reynards." "Oh, she's revolting!" Alta and I stared at Maisie. "I know her parents. They work at the ministry and I remember meeting her one time. It was during the summer I believe. She had come with her parents to work and was stuck up. I only said a few words to her and she was just, ugh, don't get me started. Molly will hate her." I chuckled and said "really?" "Yes. Molly won't stand for girls like her dating her sons. And she won't stand for a guy like that dating Ginny. Molly is a bit fond of you, Goldie. She'd love for you to come to the burrow." I smiled at Maisie and opened the bigger box from my father. I saw that there were tons of movies inside. "Oh, dad." I said as I began picking them up. "Is that muggle stuff?" Alta said. I nodded and she came to sit next to me. She pulled movies out from inside the box and there was a Jurassic Park sweatshirt inside. "Jurassic Park?" Alta held it up and I said "it's a movie. About dinosaurs. It's so cool! I think you'd like it." There were a few things from Beverly Hills inside. I pulled out two bags of flaming hot Cheetos and Alta gasped. "Can I try these?" I shrugged and said "sure." Alta quickly took the Cheetos bag from me and ripped it open. "These are so good!" "They're a bit too hot for me but I love the flavor." Maisie picked up a few of the VHS' and said "these are muggle movies right?" I nodded and she picked up each one, examining them and reading the plots. "That's a funny one." I said as she picked up Beverly Hills Cop. "Funny? It'll make me laugh?" "Yep. There's a guy in it who looks exactly like my dad. Judge Reinhold." "I'm watching this right now." Maisie said. I noticed the VHS player inside the box and said "you need this." "Could we all watch it?" I shrugged and said "sure." I set up the player, Alta and Maisie watched everything I did. Once I set up the movie I went to put the rest of my stuff in Alta's room. I started writing a letter to Fred really quick. Just a quick response so he could hear from me. The sweater smelled exactly like him and I hugged my body. A huge smile appeared on my face as I looked at myself in the mirror Alta had in her room. "Goldie, I think the movie is starting!" I grabbed my paper and quill and walked to the living room. "I'm coming. Just finishing this letter." I sat down and continued writing out the letter, hoping to get it to Fred within the next couple of days.

Fred's POV:
"The post is here!" Mum yelled. Dad walked over and I eagerly walked over. "Is there something for me?" I asked hopefully. Dad handed me a letter and I walked up to George and I's room. I ripped open the envelope and saw Goldie's handwriting, making me smile.

Freddie, thank you so much for the gift. I honestly didn't expect you to get me one. This is probably the best thing you could've gotten me. And I hope your mom makes you another sweater, sorry, jumper. I'm still getting used to how you all talk here. Forgive me. You're the absolute sweetest. Thank you for the gift again. Tell George I said hello. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

"Awe, Dee Dee." I said softly. "Is that from Goldie?" George asked. I nodded and said "she said hello." George smiled and said "I miss her." "Me too." My brother then went to leave. We still hadn't made up and we had been putting on a act around our mum. I stopped him before he left. "George? Can I talk to you?" He turned to me and said "about?" "Our fight." He sighed deeply and said "are you going to admit Lulu was out of line?" "Yes. I'll admit it. She said it was an accident. She didn't mean to call Goldie that." "Of course she did, Fred. You know that. I know she's your first serious girlfriend and everything. I know she makes you happy in some way. But I won't let her talk however she wants about Goldie. Goldie is one of the sweetest people I've ever met. She's our friend. And Lulu doesn't like her because of her blood status. It doesn't matter what her blood status is. She's our friend. I won't let Lulu hurt her." I nodded and said "alright. I'll make sure Lulu doesn't hurt her. Since we've been apart I've been thinking about it more and more. I think she's jealous." "Jealous? Of what?" "Goldie." "Why would she be jealous of Goldie?" "Cause I give Goldie all my attention. I could be in the worst mood and not want to talk to anyone and I'd talk to Goldie. Kind of like you and I. No matter how I'm feeling I always have you. And I feel that way with Goldie too." "Have you told her that?" George sat down on his bed. I shook my head and said "no. I don't think I can. I've told her she's very important to me and that I care about her. Did I tell you about her outburst?" "Outburst?" George furrowed his eyebrows and I said "her and I went to the hideout that day. She said all this stuff. She said she didn't belong here, at the burrow. She said it was Lulu's place. She mentioned how she didn't want to go home cause of Mallie, her dad's girlfriend. She said she'd never ask you or me to come here. That hurt. Then when I saw her later in the great hall, she acted as if none of that happened. All I wanted to do was talk to her. I might've caused the outburst." "How did you cause it?" I sighed and George awaited my answer. "I was mad she didn't talk to me and I said that she had talked to you." "She never talks to me about stuff like that. Only if the three of us are together. So accusing her of talking to me, probably wasn't the best way to go." I nodded and said "it wasn't. I should've kept my mouth shut. We seem to be doing better now though." George stood up and said "don't hurt her anymore, Fred. I'm not sure how much she can can take, with everything she has going on at home." "I won't. And George?" He turned to look at me as he was leaving the bedroom. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry about that day. I wish it could've went differently." "It's ok, Fred. We're brothers. We argue sometimes. Just keep an eye on Lulu, yeah?" "I will." George left the room and I looked back at Goldie's letter. It made me happy to know that she was happy. I then began writing a response back to her, hoping it'd get to her in the next couple of days.

The end is wack but here's the chapter!! I've literally been working on this for so long agh

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