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Chapter seventeen
Quidditch, Dementors and Failed Grades
Goldie's POV:
It was nice to be back at Hogwarts. Snow fell from the sky as we approached Hogwarts. I pulled Fred's sweater onto my body along with my robe. "Walk you back to the castle?" Fred's voice said. I turned around and ran over to him, giving him a hug. He hugged me back and said "I missed you, Dee Dee." "I missed you too, Freddie." His hand went up to a strand of my hair as I pulled away. "You've got snow in your hair." I did the same to him and said "so do you." He chuckled and said "are you cold?" "Yes. I'm absolutely freezing." Fred put his arm around me and pulled me into his chest as we walked. "What about.." I said as I went to push him away from me. "Lulu? I don't care. You're my friend. And we're having a walk back to the castle. If she's mad at me, oh well." He said. I smiled really big at him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He touched one of my hands and said "you're really cold aren't you?" "Yes. My gloves are in my trunk. I meant to get them." "D'you want mine?" "Fred, I can't take your gloves." "Yes, you can." He began pulling off his gloves and he handed them to me, causing me to remove myself from him. I put his gloves on that didn't fit my hands but was helping my hands get warmer. "Better?" He said. I nodded and wrapped my arms back around him. He chuckled and put his arm around me. "What do you think of the snow?" "It's beautiful." I replied. I felt Fred's hand move up and down my back. "Well, I'll always be here to protect you from the cold." I leaned my head on his chest and he said "I really missed you." "R-Really?" "Of course. And George and I made up. So, we're ok." "I'm glad. I was worried about you two." "Don't ever worry about me and George. We fight but we always fix things." "You're so lucky, Fred. You're so lucky to have George and Ron, and Ginny. Even Percy." Fred shook his head at the mention of Percy and said "yeah. I love my siblings. I care about each of them. Especially Ginny and George. Ginny's my only sister and I'll do whatever it takes to keep her safe. As for you, you have me, you have George. Ginny looks up to you and you'll always have me." "Always?" I asked. "Always." Fred said as he stopped me from walking. One of his hands rested on my waist while the other brushed some of my hair behind my ear. "You look really pretty." He whispered. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "t-thanks." "Weasley and March, let's go." Snape drawled from ahead of us. The two of us began walking again. "The both of you go straight to the Great Hall for dinner. Understand?" "Yes, professor." I said. He nodded at me and once we got inside Fred pulled one of his gloves off my hand. "Hey." I said as I was confused. He slipped his hand in mine and said "I oughta keep your hand warm instead of a stupid glove, eh?" "Sure." He removed the glove from my other hand and we walked hand in hand to the Great Hall. George was up ahead, wearing the same beanie Fred had on his head. "Sit with me?" Fred asked. "Is it ok with Lulu?" "That doesn't matter. I want you with me." I smiled at him and he led me to the Gryffindor table. Alta was sitting there with Yelena and Angelina. Lulu was nowhere to be seen. I sat down next to Fred and George greeted me. "Hi, Goldie." I smiled really big at him and Fred didn't let go of my hand as we sat down. I felt his thumb run over the back of my hand. Not seeing Fred over the break made me miss him. I told myself that I wouldn't let myself fall so hard for him. He was with Lulu and I'd make sure to stay away from that, not wanting to break them up. Fred let go of my hand, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Sorry. My hands a bit sweaty." He wiped his hand on his pants and I said "I don't mind." "Really?" I nodded. "Well, as soon as my hand isn't sweaty anymore, I'll hold your hand." He whispered the last part. As much as my heart fluttered at his words, my brain told me not to fall for it. I wouldn't let myself go down that road again.


"Another quidditch game in the rain! Hopefully there are no injuries today. But, don't want to jinx it, have a good game, guys!" Lee said into the microphone. The storm roared over us as the Gryffindor quidditch team zipped around in the air. I cheered on Fred and George, making sure they could hear me. Harry seemed a bit unfocused but was still doing well. "Come on!" Yelena said, wanting Gryffindor to get a point. My eyes scanned the crowd for Lulu who was sitting with other Ravenclaws. I wasn't sure why she wasn't making herself known to Fred but as long as I wasn't around her I was fine. Ginny stood next to me, cheering on her brothers. I pulled my wet hair into a ponytail, wanting it out of my face. The game was going great, until the dementors showed up. My eyes widened as one came close to us. Ginny gasped in fear and I shoved her behind me. A camera went off and Colin said "I got it!" "Colin!" I said, immediately grabbing him and putting him behind me. Yelena aimed her wand at the dementor, ready to attack it. Dumbledore was quicker. I panted and felt Ginny gripping my arm. Colin doing the same to my other arm. "Colin, are you ok?" I asked. He nodded and I looked to Ginny. "I'm ok." "Arresto Momentum!" Harry was falling from the sky, the crowd screaming as Dumbledore quickly stopped him from falling. The game was stopped and everyone was sent back to the castle.


I walked into the hospital, wanting to check on Harry. I about tripped when I noticed Fred. I stopped in my tracks and took in his appearance. He was standing behind Ron, still in his quidditch uniform. His red hair was slightly damp from the rain and he chuckled as Ron said something to Harry. I walked over and said "hi, Harry." He looked up at me and said "hi, Goldie." "How are you?" "I'm good. Bummed my broom is messed up but I'm fine." I nodded and said "that's good." I felt someone touch my ponytail and it was Fred. "What is this?" He said as he swatted it. "My hair." "I've never seen it in a ponytail. It's weird." "Is it ugly?" He shook his head. "No, it's not ugly at all." I smiled and Fred did the same. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by a shrill voice. "FRED WEASLEY!" The group of us turned around to be met with Lulu. I watched Fred cringe and she said "you've been ignoring me ever since we came back to school! What is wrong with you?" "Nothing, Lulu, I promise. Everything's fine. I've just been busy." "Busy with what?!" "Just busy." "I need to talk to you. Right now." Fred sighed deeply and said "alright." George shook his head as his brother went to walk away. I grabbed Fred's arm and he stopped, turning around to look at me. "Fred, I'm waiting." Fred took my hand off his arm, kissing it where Lulu couldn't see. He walked away and Lulu began bombarding him with questions. "Lutie, it's not a big deal." Fred mumbled. "Don't call me by my full name!" She hit his arm multiple times and he said "piss off." "He needs to break up with her." George said. I nodded in agreement and said "honestly."

Fred's POV:
Lulu went on and on and on. "Would you give it a rest?! I was busy, alright! And you were the one who didn't talk to me for two weeks. We've been back two weeks and you haven't said two words to me. So, don't get mad at me." I said. "How dare you? I'm your girlfriend! You never once came to see if I was ok or upset! You were just hanging out with-with, her! That mudblood!" Lulu spat with such disgust. I grabbed her by her arms, pushing her against the wall. "Don't call her that. I told you about that." I was fuming. Lulu smirked and said "you're so hot when you're mad, Freddie." "I told you to stop calling her that. I won't let you disrespect her." Lulu tried to reach up to grab my face and I stopped her. "Freddie, I didn't mean it. I was mad. I get mad sometimes and don't think before I speak. I love you, Freddie." My eyes widened and I let go of her arms. She cupped my cheek and said "I love you." I shook my head. She pressed her lips to mine, kissing me passionately. I didn't kiss back, not at first. I didn't understand. Lulu pulled away for air and kissed me again. I moved my lips against hers, kissing her back. Her hand went down towards my crotch and I stopped her. "What're you doing?" I said as she pulled away. "I thought you'd wanna...you know, fuck." "You we're just screaming at me. I don't understand." "We're past that. I was jealous. That's all." "Don't be. You're my girlfriend and Goldie's my friend. I'm with you. Not her." Lulu's hand slid into my pants and I said "don't." "You know you want it. You're hard." I pulled her into an empty classroom, immediately kissing her.


"Godric, how much action have you been getting? That's like the fifth time this week. George said as I walked into our dorm room. Lee looked up and said "you're never here, mate." I sighed as I closed the door behind me. Lulu and I had been shagging quite a lot. I sat down on my bed and sighed. "Fred, she's tiring you out. All the time." George said. "It's just sex. Nothing serious." I replied. "You're exhausted. You barely sleep. You can't even focus in class. All the two of you do is fight, when you're not shagging each other's brains out. We have O.W.L's, mate. You could fail." I shrugged and said "I'm not gonna fail." "Lulu's not good for you. She's crazy." "She's not crazy. She loves me." "Do you love her?" I didn't answer. I thought about it. I thought I did. I felt like I did. Don't know how true it is though. "Yeah." I laid on my back, falling asleep.


"Mr. Weasley, you're going to fail this class." I had heard that statement about five times today. Lupin suggested I get a tutor and McGonagall did the same. Snape didn't offer me help and Trelawney warned me of my failings. I put my head in my hands as I sat in the library. George was next to me, studying for Lupin's class. "Fred, I could tutor you." Neville offered. I shook my head and said "m'fine." "Fred, any of us will help you but you need to pick someone and start studying. Mum will kill you if you fail. And so will he." George pointed to Percy who was yelling at a couple of first years. "You will listen to me! I'm head boy!" The children cowered and Ron said "blimey, he's really going at them, isn't he?" "Yeah. He has to let everyone know he's the boss." Goldie sat at a table with Miguel and Cedric. Oddly, everyone was sitting with members from their houses. Alta was obviously next to Goldie. Lulu was across the room, giggling with Simone. She winked at me and I half smiled back, wanting to disappear. All Lulu and I ever did was fight. The only time we weren't fighting was when we were shagging. I wanted to break up with Lulu but then she'd be alone. And I'd be alone. My eyes drifted back over to Goldie. The last week and a half, I hadn't spent much time with her. But if anyone could help me pass, it'd be her. I grabbed a piece of parchment and sent her a note, asking her if she'd tutor me. I sent it flying across the room and she blinked a couple of times as it gently hit her nose. Her eyes scanned the room and I waved. Goldie opened up the note and quickly wrote something back, sending it over to me.

Yes, of course I'll tutor you

"Thank you." I mouthed. Goldie gave me a smile and nodded. She went back to doing her work and when we were released from the library, I immediately approached her. "Dee Dee?" "Yeah, Freddie?" I had barely slept since Lulu and I were arguing and all she did was belittle me. For some reason, I still liked her. But, Goldie, standing in front of me, looked like an angel. "Can we go to your dorm? And study? I need your help." She nodded and reached for my hand. I gladly let her take it as she led me to the Hufflepuff common room. We walked up to her dorm that was empty. She closed the door behind us and I felt weak in the knees. "Dee Dee." I said weakly. She turned around and said "Freddie?" I felt myself beginning to lose my balance. Goldie quickly helped me to her bed and said "god, Fred. She's depleted you of all your energy." She pulled me into her lap and I wrapped my arms around her waist. "Goldie, I'm so tired. My grades are slipping. What do I do?" "I'll help you. But first you need to sleep a little. Just lay here with me. You'll be ok."


A few hours later I woke up. I didn't recognize my surroundings and I felt something warm underneath me. I looked to see it was Goldie, asleep. I tapped her gently and she moaned softly, shifted her body. My eyes went to her lips, I never noticed how plump they were. Her skirt was slightly bunched up since I had been laying on her. I tapped her on her shoulder again. "Goldie." Her eyes opened slowly and then she gasped. "Fred." She quickly said. "Uhm, did we get any studying done?" She began to fix her skirt and I adverted my eyes as she did so. "No. You collapsed in my arms. You haven't had any sleep. So, I let you sleep. We can study now. I'll make sure you pass all your classes." I smirked and said "I know you will. You're the smartest person I know." I poked her cheek and she shoved my hand away. "Yeah, yeah." I noticed a prefect badge on her robe. "Don't tell me you're a prefect." Goldie nodded and said "yeah. Cedric appointed me as one." "You?" "Yes. I'm quite responsible, Fred." "So, does that mean you'll get me in trouble if you see me doing pranks? Like my git of a brother, Percy?" "I'd only reprimand you. Would I snitch to a professor? No." I smirked and poked her cheek again. "What subject would you like to start with first? I'm determined to make sure you pass." I noticed she had my assignments spread out on the bed and I sighed. "Transfiguration. I'm quite good at that." Goldie nodded and said "cool. And with my help, you'll exceed expectations in potions." "So, if I get a question right, what do I get?" Goldie shook her head while giggling. "What do you mean?" "What's my reward?" "I don't know. I'd give you a sugar quill but I ate them all." "How about a kiss?" I wiggled my eyebrows and she said "are you crazy?" "I've never kissed a prefect before." My eyes went to her lips and she said "you have a girlfriend. You can't kiss me." "What she doesn't know won't hurt her. And she doesn't even know I'm here. She'd never find out." "Fred, I don't know." "You don't want to kiss me? I thought you thought I was handsome." Goldie hit my arm and said "you jerk, I can't believe you remembered that!" "Of course I did. I'm sure you remember all the things I've said to you, yeah?" "We're not having this discussion. I'll give you a kiss on the cheek. When you get questions correct." She awaited me to do to the assignment. Which I did. Transfiguration wasn't too hard for me. I hadn't missed that much, I just wasn't doing the work. Then we started on potions, where I was completely lost. Goldie helped me and made sure I understood each potion. Divination was by far the hardest. I pulled at my hair as I tried to focus. "Hey, I'm here to help you. Don't stress. I'm going to make sure you pass." Goldie said in a soft voice. I half smiled at her. 'She looks so pretty.' I thought. She'd never date me, of course. She always did stare at me. I acted like I never noticed but I always did. I never knew what she was thinking. Goldie was mysterious. Sometimes I'd think 'she likes me. I just need to tell her.' Then my confidence would diminish when she'd look away from me or give Rasmus the biggest hug. "Freddie, what's wrong?" She asked. My heart was beating out of my chest, I wanted to say it, I wanted to tell her. But I knew for a fact, she didn't feel the same. She never would. "Could we take a break?" I said. Goldie nodded and said "of course." She stood up and walked over to her bag, rummaging through it. She gasped. "I have a sugar quill!" She rushed over and said "here." I shook my head and said "I can't take your last sugar quill." "You've been working hard. You deserve it. Plus, you're going to pass your O.W.L's. I just know it. Don't stress about it. And if you ever want to go over anything. I'm here." She offered the bright blue quill to me. I took it from her and she smiled at me. "Thanks." "Of course." "How bout that kiss on the cheek now?" I wiggled my eyebrows at her and she said "you're such an idiot." She leaned in slowly and kissed my cheek. I smiled, I couldn't help it. "I'll kiss yours if you want. As a reward for helping me." Goldie shook her head and said "I don't need any reward. If you want to kiss my cheek, that's up to you." She went to walk away and I grabbed her, making her gasp. I grabbed her by her chin gently. I kissed her cheek, very close to the corner of her lips. I pulled away and Goldie looked flustered but quickly regained herself. "You're very cheeky, Fred Weasley." I winked at her and she walked over to the closet, grabbing my jumper out of it. I watched her pull it onto her body, smiling as she did so. "Goldie?" "Yeah?" "I know it's a bit early to ask but, would you want to come stay at the burrow? For the summer? A week or so? Maybe towards the end or the start or summer? Whatever works for you." I rambled, regretting it. "You really want me to come to the burrow for the summer?" She asked. "Of course. We could hang out as long as we wanted. And you could meet my dad. And see where I live. I promise you you'll like it." Goldie smiled and it was beautiful. But as quick as it appeared, it disappeared. "What about Lulu? Wouldn't you rather have your girlfriend over?" I winced as she said that. "No. My mum doesn't like her. She met her over the break. Let's just say, mum was not too happy with her attitude. At first I was angry at her for it. Now, I understand why she told me she wasn't good for me. I understand why George says it. I understand why you're so afraid of her." Goldie walked over and sat next to me. "Is it her? Is that why you're failing everything?" "Yes and no. I practically gave up on Divination at the beginning of the year. But everything else was her. We always argue and when we're not arguing we're having sex." Goldie looked at the ground and I said "sorry for mentioning that. My mouth just runs sometimes." "It's fine. I figured you guys were. I could notice the marks on you. And she practically brags about hers. I've also overheard you talking about her. I wasn't eavesdropping but you boast about her. Especially when the two of you first got together." "Sorry about that." "It's fine, Fred. You're going to pass your exams so you don't need to worry. And about the summer, yes. I'd love to." I smiled really big and gave her a hug. Goldie hugged me back and I said "I'm so happy you said yes." I pulled away, not removing my arms from her waist. "Of course I would. I love spending time with you. And George. Everyone in your family is so nice. Except Percy, he's always in a mood." "You can say that again." "Want to finish defense against the dark arts tonight or tomorrow?" "Tomorrow. I probably need to get a good night's sleep." Goldie nodded and said "want to walk to dinner together?" "Yeah." She stood up, my arms slipping from her waist. I followed and put my arm around her waist once again. I watched her pull her bottom lip in between her teeth. "Come on, prefect." I teased. She rolled her eyes and said "leave me alone, Fred." "You're so cute." She went to push me off of her but I stood my ground, to which she was annoyed. "Come on, doofus. Let's go get dinner." The two of us walked, my arm around her waist the entire time.

This chapter is kinda cute???

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