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Chapter eighteen
Spring break and letters
Goldie's POV:
With my help, Fred was able to pass his exams. Which he thanked me many times for. Him and Lulu were an on again off again couple. He was always in a better mood when they were broken up. "What're you doing for spring break?" Yelena asked Alta. "I dunno. Why." She replied. "I could come over during break. We could hang out." Alta looked at her and said "yeah, that'd be fun." "What about you, Goldie?" Angelina said. "Me and my dad are probably going to stay home. Nothing much." I replied. "You could always come over." Fred whispered in my ear. I shoved him playfully and said "no. I already told my dad that I'd stay home with him. Plus, Mallie won't be there so I'd like to spend some time with my dad." "That's great, Goldie. I hope you and your dad have a great time." Alta stood up to reprimand a younger Hufflepuff that was causing ruckus. Yelena looked Alta up and down, her eyes lingering on Alta's skirt and legs. "Knock it off." Alta said. I looked over and said "boys." "Sorry, Goldie. It won't happen again!" The boy quickly said as he sat down at the Hufflepuff table. Alta shook her head and said "these damn kids. I have to watch out for every kid now that I'm a prefect. And when Goldie tells them to stop, they stop." "You have a way with kids." George told me. I shrugged and said "I don't know why. They just listen to me." "Hopefully you won't rat me out." Fred said with a smirk. "Of course not." I replied. Fred smiled and Lulu said "Fred, can I talk to you?" "No. We're about to leave for spring break in a couple of days. I need this time for myself. We both do." He said. Lulu sat next to Fred and was whispering in his ear. I watched him shake his head and whisper something back. "Freddie, please." She begged. "Do it yourself." He retorted. She huffed, slightly stomping away. "What'd she want?" I said. "Nothing important. Don't worry about it." Fred said as he put his arm around me. I leaned my head on his shoulder and felt myself being pulled closer to him. "I hope you have a really nice time with your dad." Fred kissed my forehead and I said "thank you. I hope you have a nice spring break at the burrow. I can't wait to go during the summer." His hand went to my waist as he pulled me even closer to him, our legs touching. I removed his hand from my waist since I was a little bit ticklish. "What's wrong?" "I'm ticklish." "Aw, you're not still ticklish, are you? I thought George and I solved that problem." "Nobody touches my waist, Fred!" I whisper yelled. "So?" "So, I'm ticklish there." Fred smirked as I pulled away from him. The mail then came in. Owls flew all over the Great Hall, delivering letters. I smiled as I got one from my father. Each Weasley child got one, all of them catching their letters. Alta caught hers and smiled as she saw it'd be from her mother. I opened up my letter and smiled at my dad's handwriting.

Goldie, I'm happy to have this time together. We can do all the things we used to since Mallie will be in France. As much as I enjoy having Mallie around, we haven't had much time to ourselves. I miss it. So, that's why this week coming up is going to be fun. I love you, Goldie.

I couldn't wait to see my dad. I was more than excited to see him. I knew we'd have a good time. Once again, Alta's letter began to speak. Maisie's voice then came out of it. Maisie went on and on about spring break and some of the things she had planned. She suggested that Alta invite Yelena which I'm sure she was going to do anyway. Fred's eyes scanned over his letter. He frowned a bit and then his smile returned. "Good letter, I hope." I said. He nodded and said "this is a great letter! Mum said you can come stay at the burrow! And she said it'll be toward the end. Is that ok with you?" I nodded and said "it's perfect. I'll let my dad know in the next letter I send him. I forgot this time." "No worries. I just hope everything works out and you can come." "Don't worry, I'll make sure I will. I'd like to spend the end of the summer with you, Fred." "And I with you, Goldie."

Yelena's POV:
After receiving a letter from my parents I headed back to the Ravenclaw common room. Nobody would be in the dorms at this time and I liked it that way. I had been a bit more harsh this week to some people. I needed a stress reliever. Alta was the one to always do that for me. But, I needed to be alone for the moment. I was head over heels for this girl. And I had heard that she said she liked girls. So, she'd probably go out with me. My pride was too big to ask her of course. I sat down on my bed, huffing as I did so. Alta then popped into my head. Her outfit was a bit different today. It was spring. Her skirt was a bit shorter and her button up shirt wasn't buttoned up all the way. The more I thought about her, the more aroused I became. I removed the pants I had on, I refused to wear a skirt. The professors hated it at first but quickly forgot about it. I rubbed at my clit over my panties, a sharp inhale leaving my lips. I knew for a fact nobody would come into the dorms at this time of day. 'I have time to get off.' I thought. I unmade my bed, doing it as a precaution just in case someone were to come in. I was sure they weren't. I took off my panties and rubbed at my clit. I leaned against the headboard, quiet moans leaving my lips. As I thought about her legs, how short her skirt was, what her legs would look like around my head; made me rub at my clit even faster. I gasped as the pleasure inside me began to build and build. "Alta.." I threw my head back against the headboard, a loud thunk erupting into the air. "Fuck, Alta. You look so good in that skirt. Your fucking legs. Fuck." I mumbled, trying to bring myself to release. The rope in my lower stomach was hanging on by a thread, it was going to snap any second. "Oh, shit. Shit. Shit, I'm gonna cum." The thought of me pinning Alta underneath me as she let me do whatever I wanted to her is what made the rope snap. I gasped and said "Alta!" My back arched as pleasure ran through my body. I helped myself through the orgasm, rubbing until I was sensitive. But, I didn't stop, I continued. I was so sensitive, unbelievably sensitive. "Please. Oh, fuck. Need to cum. Oh, Alta, I need to cum. Let me cum again. Please!" My second orgasm washed over me, louder moans leaving my lips than before. I fell back against the headboard, another thunk entering the air. I panted as I slowly began to come down from my high. My chest rose and fell quickly, my hand falling limp next to me. My bangs hung in my face as I looked down at my hand which was wet with my release. "Yelena, my mum wants you to come over during the break!" Alta said excitedly as she proceeded to come into the room. My eyes widened and I quickly got under her covers. Alta came in and her face softened a bit. "Oh, are you sick?" I shook my head and said "no. Just laying in bed." "My mum said that you can come over during the break. She actually insisted. If you still want to." "Of course, I want to. I proposed the idea to you, didn't I?" She giggled and said "yeah. You did." Alta went to open her mouth to speak when she noticed my pants and panties on the floor. "Oh, uhm, did I interrupt you....getting off?" She said the last part quietly. I was embarrassed a bit but I would never let her know. "I was finished. I'm just, not dressed." I replied. "Well, you could get dressed. I don't mind. I'll even cover my eyes." Alta covered her eyes and I bit my lip, admiring how cute she was. "Are you getting dressed?" "Yes. Don't look." I got out of the bed and grabbed my panties, pulling them up my legs. I then put my pants on, doing the belt once I finished. I hadn't taken off my shirt so I was fine up top. "You can open your eyes now." Alta removed her hands from her face and said "cool. I didn't mean to...you know." "It's fine. Usually nobody is up here at this time so I took the advantage. Plus, being alone is nice sometimes." "Totally. I can understand that. Does it feel good? I haven't really done it yet. I get the urge to but...never end up doing it. I rub down there a little bit and then stop myself." If Alta wasn't being so cute I'd throw her onto my bed and eat her out and she'd be screaming my name. "It feels really good. Try it one time. Just rub your clit and see how far it takes you." I smirked as she blushed.

Alta's POV:
Goldie walked next to me as we patrolled the halls. It was later at night the castle was pretty quiet, except for Goldie and I making conversation. I had told her about me almost walking in on Yelena. "Maybe she was getting off to you." Goldie suggested. I hit her arm and said "yeah, I wish. She was probably just getting off to get off." Goldie shrugged and Percy Weasley's voice entered the once quiet castle. "I'll kill you both! I will make sure the both of you get detention for this!" Fred and George's rambunctious laughter bounced off the walls of the hallway. Goldie began to smile and the twins rushed down the hallway we were currently walking down. "Hide us, Goldie." George said as he got behind her. Fred grabbed his brother and the two of them entered a portrait in the wall, a random one. Percy's stomping footsteps were heard. "You two! What're you-" He stopped as he saw we were prefects just like he was. "Oh, I didn't realize you two were prefects." "Yeah. Just got the gig a month or two ago." Goldie replied. Percy nodded and said "did my idiot brothers come this way?" "No. We heard them though. Maybe the next hall over." Goldie was quick to lie for the red headed twins. Percy nodded again, walking away. "If Percy finds out we lied, he'll kill us." I said. Goldie sighed and said "I know." "He'll never find out." The twins said in unison from behind us. Goldie turned around to talk to Fred. Her lips curled up into a smile as he talked to her and the way she looked at him, she was still crushing on him. I knew she hadn't fallen as hard as she did before but there was a part of her that still liked him. She's my best friend. I can tell how she's feeling just by looking at her. "We gotta go. He'll come back." George said. Fred nodded and gave Goldie a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, love. I owe you one." Fred followed his brother and Goldie stared at him longingly. "You're whipped." Goldie crossed her arms over her chest and looked at me. "I am not whipped. He's not even with me so why would I be whipped. He's pretty to look at." She replied. "Keep telling yourself that." I went to walk away, Goldie following me. "Says the one who's whipped for Yelena." I stopped in my tracks and said "stop." "Just saying. If I'm whipped, you're whipped too."


The day would come for us to go home for spring break. Yelena would be at my house for a whole week. To say I was excited was an understatement. Goldie was so excited to see her dad and spend time with him and I was happy for her. As we stepped off the Hogwarts express, Fred's eyes lingered on Goldie. His eyes went up and down her body, staring intently. He nudged his brother who did the same. George's lips parted and he said "she keeps getting prettier." "I know, mate." Fred replied. I cleared my throat and the twins looked at me. "Ogling at Goldie, are we?" George's cheeks began to turn red and he stuttered. "Alta, d-don't tell her. P-please." He was slightly adorable getting all flustered. "Do you have a crush on her?" I said. He shook his head and said "no. J-just don't tell her. We have a good friendship. Don't wanna ruin it cause I was staring at her." "It wouldn't ruin it. In fact she'd be honored to have someone like you two staring at her." "Someone like us?" They asked in unison. I nodded and said "yep. If one of you asked her out, I'm sure she'd say yes. But you'll never find out if you just stare at her." I was hoping to give Fred a push. Maybe he did like her. Maybe he didn't. According to Goldie, he did not. But, the way he was looking at my best friend, he'd be lying if he said he didn't like her. I'd tell Goldie but every two weeks Fred ends up messing with Lulu again and Goldie hasn't been worrying about it too much. I didn't want Goldie hung up on him if he was never going to make a move. And she was accepting that at the moment. It needed to stay that way so she could be happy. I walked away from the twins and walked over to my mom. Goldie introduced Fred to her father. I watched Grady smile at Fred who did the same. Grady thought he was even cooler that he had a twin. "Did he drop that other woman yet?" Mum asked. "No!" I whisper yelled. Mum put her hands up in defense and said "just asking a question." Yelena chuckled and I said "Mallie's not even at their place. You might have a change to have lunch with Grady or something." Mum shrugged and said "maybe. Don't know if I will though. I want Goldie to spend time with her dad. Since you told me they don't get to as often." I nodded and my mom greeted Yelena who was just as happy to greet her back. Fred and George gave Goldie a hug and the two of them walked over to the Weasley clan. Goldie said goodbye to me before her and her father left. "Ready, girls?" Mum said. "Yeah." I replied as Yelena and I began to follow her. My mind kept going back to the other day. If I was a minute or two earlier, I would've walked in on Yelena. I don't know what I would've done in the situation but how badly I wanted to see it was insane. I wanted to see what she looked like trying to bring herself to an orgasm, her long fingers rubbing at her crotch helplessly. I wonder what her moans sounded like. My eyes went to her chest, staring at her breasts. They weren't too big but they were there. The more I stared at her, the more I felt the need to get off. As we got in my mom's car, I pressed my thighs together and hoped the feeling would pass soon.

I didn't really know how to end this and everything but kw-2187 get rekt

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