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Chapter two
Goldie's POV:
I've been at Hogwarts about a month now. I've grown quite close with Alta and Hannah. But also Fred, George and Lee. Lulu was a bit stuck up but was always cordial towards me. I decided that I'd try out for quidditch. Cedric and Miguel had already put in a good word for me but I still technically had to try out. So I did. As I stepped out onto the quidditch pitch, I felt confident. There was a few people on brooms whizzing through the air. "Trying out for quidditch?" George said to me. I nodded and said "yeah." "If you do get on the team, hopefully you don't get bloodied up too bad. Can't make any promises, of course. Rough game, quidditch!" "Brutal!" Fred added. I knew the severity of quidditch but wasn't too good at it. I was a bit scared but I wanted to try this. "Be careful." George said. I nodded and said "thanks." I got on my broom and did what the tryout consisted of. I actually did it pretty well. As I landed Cedric applauded. He put his hand on my shoulder and said "I think you got in. Won't know till tomorrow though." "I hope so." Alta was also on the quidditch team and believed that I would get in.


The next day after lunch the results were posted. I gasped as I saw that I had indeed made the team. Cedric congratulated me along with Miguel. I was more than happy to be on the team. Cedric ended up taking the seeker place and put me on as chaser. "I'm glad you're on the team. We're in need of another girl." Alta said. "You're the new Hufflepuff chaser?" Fred asked. I nodded and said "yep." "Well, you won't beat Angelina. She's pretty good. "We'll see about that." Fred opened up his mouth getting ready to say a snarky comment but George interrupted him. "Congratulations, Goldie." He said. I smiled and said "thank you." "Made it on the team huh, Goldie?" Rasmus said. I nodded and said "yes." "Lucky for you, your first game is against Slytherin. And to be honest, I think our new seeker isn't that great." I chuckled and Oliver said "good job getting on the Hufflepuff team, Goldie." "Thank you." "Quidditch is a dangerous game. Better be careful." Fred said. I turned to him and said "don't think I can handle it?" He shrugged and said "a girl like you? No." "A girl like me?" "Yeah. An innocent girl like you. Might get hit with a bludger. It'll hurt." George nodded in agreement and said "they do hurt but don't listen to him. You've got this, Goldie." Fred stood with his arms crossed, annoyed at his brother. We all then went to dinner, sitting at our respective tables.

Fred's POV:
"What's got you in a mood?" Lee said. I shrugged and said "nothing. I'm not in a mood." "Seems like it." George said. I rolled my eyes and said "I'm not in a mood." Oliver mentioned something about quidditch and I rolled my eyes once again. I didn't think Goldie was cut out for quidditch. I honestly thought she'd get hurt. I tried to scare her into not even trying out but she ended up doing it anyway. I was a bit fond of her and didn't want her to get hurt. "Fred." Angelina's voice said. "Huh?" I said as I looked up. "Who's the new chaser? For Hufflepuff?" Angelina asked. "Oh, erm, it's Goldie March." I replied. "The new girl? She actually got on the team?" I nodded as I brought my pumpkin juice to my lips. "Yeah she did. She's quite good. I watched her practice today." George said. "Have you met her?" Angelina said to me. "Yeah. She's really nice." I said. "Well, I'd like to be introduced." "Lee, Fred and I let her sit with us on the way to Hogwarts. Since she didn't know anyone. And she's the one who helped pay for our books this year!" George said the last part really happily. "Oh, she's the one who paid for your books? That's awesome." Angelina said. George smiled and said "she just walked up and did it! It was so nice." "George, stop making such a big deal about that." Percy said. George looked over at him and said "well, it was nice of her. And she didn't even know us." "They're just books." Percy retorted. "She didn't have to and she did. She had no idea who we were and bought the books. Goldie did it out of kindness. George has every right to make it a big deal. Nobody's ever done something like that for us before. She's one of the few people that's met us and doesn't look down on us." I said. Percy nodded and didn't say anything else.


"I just think she's not cut out for it. She's gonna get hurt." I said. George shook his head and said "I'm sure she'll be fine. She played seeker on her last team." "Yeah, but she's never played chaser. That's not easy." "Neither is being a beater." "It is for us. We're quite good." George rolled his eyes and said "yeah, yeah." "She's so small and she's gonna get hurt. Honestly, I don't think she's all that good as she says." George went to open his mouth to reply and Alta said "that must make you feel really good. To badmouth someone you barely know. Goldie always says how nice you are to her but you're being a jerk right now." I looked in front of us to see her and Goldie. They must've of been going to walk by. "I'm just saying the truth." I replied with a shrug. Goldie looked up at me from being Alta, her face turning into a frown. "Hannah was right." Was all she said. I went to reply and Alta said "just leave her alone." George stepped forward and said "Goldie-" Goldie shook her head and said "just leave it. I figured I could at least get closer to you both if I played quidditch. But, I'm not that good according to Fred." "I didn't mean it in a bad way-" I began but Alta cut me off. "In what other way could you mean it?" Goldie turned around and left, not saying anything. "Goldie, wait." I said. She didn't stop, she just kept walking. Alta did the same, clutching a book in her hand. George nudged me and said "why'd you have to say that?" "Cause it's true." I replied. "Come on, Fred. You could've waited until we were in our dorm." I put my hands in my pockets and said "I just didn't want her to get hurt." "Then tell her that!" My brother said. I huffed and we then walked back to the common room.


It had been two days since I last spoken to Goldie. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel bad. I wouldn't let anyone know though. Possibly George but that's about it. Oliver demanded we practice today but Slytherin quickly beat us to it. Marcus Flint made it perfectly clear that we were not going to use it. I rolled my eyes and George sighed deeply. "We have to train our new seeker." Marcus said. Oliver blinked a few times and said "who's your new seeker?" Draco Malfoy stepped forward. "Malfoy?" Harry asked, appalled. Draco smirked and said "that's right." Alta and Goldie were walking by, seeing the confrontation. Hermione and Ron also approached the group, not liking the tension between Harry and Draco. Their brooms were also brand new. Ron stared at them in shock. "Courtesy of Draco's father." Marcus said. Rasmus looked over at Goldie, giving her a wink. Goldie smiled at him, a blush appearing on her cheeks. A quiet scoff left my lips. Rasmus was just as bad as Draco and he was fooling Goldie pretty well. I watched Adrian Pucey look Goldie up and down, smirking slightly. "At least Harry didn't have to buy his way in. He got in on pure talent." Hermione said to Draco. He stepped forward and said "no one asked for your opinion, you filthy little mudblood." Hermione glared at him and Goldie gasped at the insult Draco used. She walked over and Ron said "you'll pay for that one, Malfoy. Eat slugs!" He tried to curse Malfoy but ended up cursing himself. Harry and Hermione immediately went to his aid and he threw up a slug onto the ground. Rasmus laughed along with Draco. Adrian chucked and Marcus thought it was absolutely hilarious. George made a disgusted face and Goldie said "do you guys need help?" Hermione nodded and she went to help them. Alta doing the same. "Goldie-" I began. "Leave me alone, Fred." She replied as she helped Ron to Hagrid's. "Heard what you said to her, Weasley. That's awful rude." Rasmus said. My head snapped in his direction and he smirked. "How did you hear?" I asked. He shrugged and said "she told me. Her and I are quite acquainted you know. She's nice to me and I'm nice to her. And you're, what's the word she used? Mean." I lunged at him and Lee said "Fred, no!" George grabbed me along with Lee. "Just leave it." George told me. Marcus shook his head as he began to walk to the quidditch pitch. The rest of the team followed him and I shook George and Lee off of me. "Practice tomorrow then." Oliver said as he went back to the locker rooms. George looked at me and said "don't let them get to you." "I hate them." I mumbled. "I know. Have you apologized to Goldie yet?" I shook my head. "You'd better do it, Fred." "I'm going to, George."

Goldie's POV:
Hermione cried softly as we walked to Hagrid's hut. I pulled her aside as the boys went inside. "If it makes you feel any better, that hurt me too." I said. "You're a muggle born?" Hermione asked. I nodded and said "I am. It's just me and my dad but yes. I'm Goldie." "Hermione. Are you friends with Fred and George?" "Kinda. I don't know them that well. I am friends with Lee and Oliver. I've yet to meet Angelina." "She's nice. And I think it's cool you're a muggle born. I haven't really met any other ones yet. I know they're around but, you're really nice. I heard what you did for Ron and his brothers. And Ginny too. You bought their books." "Yeah. It was the right thing to do." I said. Hermione nodded and I followed her into the hut. Ron unfortunately had to wait until he stopped puking slugs. I felt bad for him. I patted his back and told him it'd be over soon. Hermione was still upset about the mud blood comment. I was too to be honest. That was my first interaction with Draco Malfoy. I had obviously heard of him but had never met him. He's just what people say. Harry was confused as to what a mud blood was. Hermione explained it and Harry said "that's horrible." "I can't believe he said that. It's awful." I said. "Are you muggle born as well?" Harry asked. I nodded and said "yes." Ron puked up a slug and I rubbed his back. "You need to get your wand fixed." I said. Ron looked up at me, his face pale from being sick. "I know." I turned to Hagrid as he told Hermione not to listen to Draco. "Good luck on your game tomorrow." Ron said as another slug began to creep up his throat. "Thanks. How did you know I had a game tomorrow?" I barely knew Ron and was curious as to how he'd know. "Fred mentioned it. He said you guys were going up against Slytherin. Then you have to go up against Gryffindor." "Did he mention anything else?" "About what?" "Me." Ron shook his head and said "I don't think so." I nodded and Ron said "why?" "Nothing. I was just wondering." Luckily Ron didn't think too much of it. I truly wanted to know if Fred had run his mouth to his younger brother as well. Turns out he did not.


Alta hovered next to me on her broom. "We got this." She said. I looked at Marcus and Adrian, the chasers for the Slytherin team. Rasmus was a beater. The quaffle and bludgers were released. Marcus quickly went after the quaffle. Cedric was our seeker while Miguel was a beater. Alta went for the quaffle, passing it to me. I took it and scored, the crowd going wild. "Good job, Goldie." Miguel said. I smiled and a bludger was coming his way. "Miguel!" I said as he dodged it. "Thanks!" He said as he rushed off. Alta scored and I watched Adrian's face scrunch up in anger. Draco was also having a difficult time against Cedric. He could barely keep up with him. Marcus passed me really quickly to go after the quaffle. I rolled my eyes and went after him, trying to steal the quaffle from his arms. Alta distracted him causing him to drop it. I caught it and then scored once again. I didn't have to do too much work during this game as Cedric had caught the snitch. Adrian and Marcus were quick to show their disdain towards me as they lost. I sighed as I landed on the ground. Rasmus glared at me. I rolled my eyes and everyone was congratulating us. Draco scoffed and walked off the pitch, pissed as can be. Alta gave me a high five and said "we work really good together. That was amazing." I smiled at her and said "honestly. I thought playing as the seeker was thrilling. Chaser is pretty cool. I like the thrill it brought." Alta sniggered and said "looks like you've pissed the Slytherin boys off." Marcus mumbled something about me being a brand new chaser and ended up winning. "I don't understand how they won if she's never played the position before." Adrian added. "Boys, it's just a game." I said. The scoffs that came from them was instantaneous. The Hufflepuff team went back to the locker rooms. I showered and made sure I was presentable before meeting Alta. As we walked to the Great Hall. Multiple Hufflepuff's congratulated me. Cedric rushed over to me and gave me a hug. "That was awesome! Your first game as a chaser and we ended up winning! That's amazing!" He said. I shook my head and said "we won cause of you." He shrugged and said "still, you did really good out there." "Thank you." I said. He nodded and walked off towards Miguel. Fred rolled his eyes as I walked into the Great Hall. I did my best not to frown but I did anyway. I made my way to the Hufflepuff table where everyone was congratulating Cedric. Alta had her face buried in that book she always carried with her. "Goldie?" I turned around to see George. "I just wanted to say congratulations. On your first game. That was wicked." He smiled sheepishly and I said "thanks, George." He furrowed his eyebrows and said "how'd you know it was me?" I pointed to his brother who was glaring at me. George looked over his shoulder and said "oh. I told him he should apologize." I shook my head and said "it's fine. Not that big a of a deal." "Still, he shouldn't of said it. And I'll let him explain himself but he means well." I nodded and George said "well, I'm gonna head back." "See you, George." He walked back over to the Gryffindor table and I watched Fred lean over and the two of them started talking.


The week went by agonizingly slow until the next quidditch game. And Fred still hadn't said two words to me. I didn't expect him to since it wasn't that big of deal. But his comment did hurt and I understood that the majority of the boys who played quidditch were cocky and arrogant. George was one of the few that was sweet. Lee only commentated the games but was so nice. I stood in the locker room in my quidditch jersey. "We're gonna do great." Alta said. I nodded and said followed her out to the pitch. We all awaited Madam Hooch to release the quffale and bludger's. "Good luck." Fred said to me. I looked at him in shock, the two of us had barely exchanged words to each other. The game began. Alta had the quaffle and scored, earning a glare from Oliver. Harry and Cedric awaited for the snitch to appear. "Goldie!" Alta said as she passed the quaffle to me. I took it and threw it through the hoops, scoring. Miguel hit the bludger and sent it towards George who dodged it. Cedric and Harry rushed past me to go after the snitch. The gust of wind blew my hair everywhere and I huffed. I decided I'd go for the quaffle, not seeing the bludger hurling towards me until it was too late. It made contact with my shoulder and I felt immense pain, immediately grabbing my shoulder. "Goldie, you alright?" Cedric asked as he stopped. "Get the snitch!" I told him. He nodded and rushed off. Alta came to my aid and told me I needed to land. I shook my head and said "I can finish the game." "I think your shoulder might be dislocated. You can't play like that." She said. "I'm fine. Seriously." I looked over at Fred who's eyes were wide. Alta and I worked together to get points for our team. I took a risk and went after the quaffle, getting it and quickly passing it to Alta who scored. I flew out of harm's way to check my shoulder that was hurting. Fred looked up at me and went to say something but George had to knock the bludger away from him. "What're you doing?!" George said. Fred rolled his eyes and his focus went back to the game. Cedric caught the snitch which signaled the game was over. To say Oliver was pissed was an understatement. I landed on the ground, clutching my shoulder. "You need to go see Madame Pompfrey." Miguel said as he looked at my shoulder. I nodded and said "I know." "I'll take you." Fred said. I looked at him and said "I'm fine." "Please just let me take you. It's my fault. I hit the bludger and..." Fred looked down. "That was you?! It didn't hit me randomly?" "I didn't do it on purpose! I feel bad enough. Just let me take you." I sighed and nodded. Alta told me she'd put my broom up and George took Fred's. The two of us began to walk to the hospital, not saying a word to each other. I winced and Fred looked at me. "I'm really sorry. I wasn't trying to hit you." He said. I looked at him and said "it's ok." "No. It's not. We haven't talked for a while and it's my fault and then I hit you with a bludger." "These things happen in quidditch sometimes. It's not a big deal. And it's just my shoulder. I'll be ok." When we reached the hospital Fred explained everything to Madame Pompfrey who got to working on my shoulder. "This might hurt." She said as she aimed her wand at my shoulder. Fred offered me his hand and I looked at it and then looked back at him. "You can squeeze my hand if it hurts." He said. I bit my lip and took his hand. His fingers were long and skinny and his hand was so much bigger than mine. Fred's hand was also pretty rough which I assumed was from playing quidditch. "Episkey." I squeezed Fred's hand and whimpered at the pain. "You should be fine, Miss March. You and Mr. Weasley can go now." "Thank you, Madame Pompfrey." I said. She nodded and walked off. I let go of Fred's hand and he said "you've got a wicked grip." "Sorry." I said. He shook his head and said "it's fine. I'll walk back with you to the quidditch pitch if you want." I nodded and said "please." "Of course." We walked to the pitch in silence. I went into the locker room and showered, glad I could change out of my uniform. When I stepped out of the locker room, Fred was waiting for me. "You waited up for me?" I asked. "Yeah. After what I did today, I feel bad. And about that comment I made, last week, I only said it because I didn't want something like today to happen. You just seemed so small and I didn't think you'd be able to play without getting hurt. Seems like my point was proven." He smirked and I said "last week I played great. With no injuries. And there's always room for improvements." Fred scoffed and said "you don't need improvement. All the guys on the Slytherin team think you're amazing." "What about you?" I asked. Fred furrowed his eyebrows and said "what about me?" "What do you think of me?" "I think you're too small but a great chaser." I pushed him playfully and said "you're a pretty good beater." He shrugged and said "yeah. I'm sorry. I shouldn't of said those things to George. I didn't want you to get hurt like today. And it was my fault. I'm really sorry." "Fred, it's ok. I'm sure there'll be a day where I have to take you to the hospital cause you ended up getting hurt." I said while smiling. "Never." He said.

This chapter is long asf and I've been working on it for so long!! Some of the chapters during chamber of secrets will be long like this since I'm going to try to get through it pretty quickly.

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