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Chapter twenty
Summer at the Burrow
Goldie's POV:
Spring break came and went, along with the end of our fifth year. For most of the summer I was with my dad. The two of us did lots of things together like we used to. But the last two weeks of summer I'd be staying at the burrow. "Molly, that'll be a fun time, won't it? The Quidditch World Cup!" Maisie's voice said. I hadn't seen any of my friends all summer. I was excited to see Alta, along with Fred and George. "Alta!" I said. She looked over at me and Ginny said "Goldie!" The two of them rushed over to me, giving me a hug. I smiled really big and said "hi." Alta began explaining that her and Yelena would be staying at the burrow. We'd all be staying in Ginny's room, along with Hermione. "Grady! Hi." Maisie said as she walked over to my father. "Grady?" Mr. Weasley said as he stepped out of the house. "Goldie, dear how are you?" Mrs. Weasley asked. "I'm good. You have a lovely home, Mrs. Weasley." "Please call me Molly, dear. Fred, George, Goldie's here!" Loud fast footsteps were heard along with the creaking staircase. "Finally!" Fred said as he reached the bottom. George stood next to him and pushed his very evident long hair out of his face. I took in Fred's features as I hadn't seen him since the last day of school. His red hair now touched his shoulders and his skin was a bit tan from being out in the sun. "Fred, take Goldie's bags to Ginny's room when you're done saying hello." Molly said. Yelena was talking to Alta and I walked over to the twins. "Hi." I said. "Hi." They said in unison. "Who do I hug first?" "Me." Fred replied as he gave me a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and felt him squeeze me. "Hi, Dee Dee." He said softly. "Hi, Freddie." "Mmm, I missed you." He swayed me back and forth, burying his face into the crook of my neck. I giggled and said "I missed you too." Fred's arms tightened around my waist and George said "hello? I'd like a hug." I pulled away from Fred who looked annoyed that George had said something. "Hi, Georgie." He gave me a hug and said "hiya, Dee Dee." I pulled away and Fred grabbed my bag. "I'll show you to Ginny's room." He said. I nodded and followed him up the stairs. "We have a guest room plus Charlie and Bill's old room but mum prefers it if you stay with Ginny. Percy doesn't let anyone in his room. Even though he'll be working for the ministry this year and won't be living here." We walked up a couple of flights of stairs before reaching Ginny's room. "George and I are a floor up. And Ron is on this floor with Ginny. Charlie and Bill's room are closer to the attic. Percy's too." I looked at Ginny's room which was adorable. I noticed there were some mattresses on the floor along with another bed. "So, all of us girls are sleeping in here?" I asked. "Yup." Ginny replied as she went to sit on her bed. "Come on, I wanna show you the rest of the house." Fred said as he grabbed my hand, pulling me out of Ginny's room. I struggled to keep up with him even though he was pulling me along. "Fred, I can't keep up." I said as we went up another flight of stairs. "Come on, we're almost there." When we reached the next floor I sighed, thinking it was over. I was wrong. Fred continued to pull me down the hall. We entered a bedroom and I immediately knew it was his and George's room. I noticed small things in the corner, looking like some kind of invention. One side of the room was Fred's while another side was George's. He pulled me to sit down next to him on his bed. "You're the first girl that's ever been in here." Fred said. "Really? Not even Lulu was allowed?" I said. Fred shook his head and said "mum wouldn't allow it. She forbid it actually." "She never actually saw your room?" Fred shook his head again. "Nope. Mum must like you. Since you're actually allowed in here." I sighed and said "I would hope so." I was still in awe of his room, looking at everything inside. Fred was looking at me and I said "what?" "Nothing. Just watching you look at everything. It's cute." My heart began to beat a little quicker. I thought being away from him would make the crush I had on him go away. It made it worse, especially now that he had long hair. "Can I touch your hair?" He nodded and I turned my body toward him. I reached up to touch the ends of it. Then I moved to the front where his bangs were. I ran my fingers through it, loving how it felt. "It's so soft." I whispered. Fred bit his lip and said "yeah?" His hand immediately went to my hair and began playing with it. He twirled one of my curls around his finger. I ran my hand through his hair, trailing down to his shoulder. He removed his hand and said "I'm really excited you're here." "Me too. I can't wait to spend time with you and George." "If you're interested, George and I could show you some of our inventions. They're not ready yet but you still could see them. If you wanted." He suggested. "Of course I would." "Guys, mum wants us to come down for lunch." George said. I followed George as he went downstairs. Fred wrapped his arms around my waist, making me giggle. "Freddie!" I said as I almost fell down the stairs. "I gotcha." He pulled me against his chest and I tried to wiggle out of his grip. I pushed on his arms just for him to tighten his grip. "Fred..." As much as I wanted him to hold me, I wanted to go downstairs and eat lunch. He pulled me back upstairs and gently pushed me against the wooden wall. I stared at him, wanting to know why he had just done what he did. His hand went to my hip and I watched him bite his lip. "What're you doing?" I tried to be confident but my voice quivered. A smirk appeared on Fred's face. "Admiring you. You're so pretty." His hand moved once again, going to the hem of the shorts I wore. "These look really good on you. Make sure you wear these again while you're here. Godric, your thighs." My heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to explode. Fred knelt down and pressed a kiss to my thigh. I bit my lip and his fingers slipped under my shorts. He moved towards the inside of my thigh and I instinctively pushed him away. Fred fell back, using his arms to hold him up. He chuckled and then stood up. "Goldie, your father's leaving!" Molly said. "I'm coming downstairs!" I replied. Fred raised his eyebrows and I walked down the stairs, Fred following me. I could feel his heavier footsteps behind me as the stairs creaked under his feet. "I'm off, Goldie. Have fun at the World Cup." Dad said. I gave him a hug and said "I will. I love you dad." "I love you too. And if there's anything you forgot, for school, send me an owl and I'll bring it to you at King's Cross." "Thanks dad." Arthur and Maisie walked my dad out. I looked over at Fred who winked at me. "Shit." I mumbled softly. "What's going on with you and Fred?" Alta asked. I jumped as I realized she was now next to me. "Nothing's going on." "It seems like there is. You're jumpy and about died when he winked at you." I pulled Alta into the living room and said "listen, my crush on him is coming back. And you'll never believe what he did upstairs." Alta gasped and said "did he kiss you?" "No. Well, yes. But, no." "Jeez, that's confusing." "He kissed my thighs." Alta raised her eyebrows and said "he did?" "And he told me I was pretty." "He did?!" She got louder and I shushed her. "I don't know what that means. I know Fred's a massive flirt so I won't take it too seriously but still. He's been looking at me differently. And he practically had me cornered upstairs." "You never know, maybe he'll finally admit his feelings for you." I shook my head and said "no. I don't think he likes me. He's probably just having fun. Or pranking me. I feel like it's a prank." Alta and I went into the dining room and found seats. I was next to Ginny and Fred quickly took the seat on the other side of me since he hadn't been sitting yet. Yelena knocked over a stack of books, her eyes widening and her face slightly turning red. "Yelena, dear it's fine. Don't worry about it." Molly said as she used her wand to stack the books back to the way they were. Lunch was going great. Molly had cooked lots of food and it was way better than Mallie's cooking. My dad was a pretty good cook but Mallie almost never let him in the kitchen. I jumped as I felt Fred's finger tracing shapes into my thigh. I looked at him and he looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. "You alright?" He asked innocently. I glared at him and said "I'm fine. Just a bit chilly." The burrow was way cooler than it was outside and I always got cold around air conditioning. I continued to eat my lunch, trying my best to ignore Fred's antics. Ginny and I had a casual conversation about quidditch and then Ron began to boast about the World Cup. He was a huge fan of Viktor Krum, the seeker for Bulgaria. I did my best to hold in a squeak when I felt Fred scratch at my thighs lightly. A chuckle left his lips and George looked over at his brother and then me, smirking. I looked at George with pleading eyes for help. George simply shook his head and Fred's fingers found their way under the hem of my shorts once again. I grabbed his hand under the table and luckily lunch was coming to a close. Ginny offered to help her mother with the dishes, Hermione doing the same. Harry laughed at Ron as he told George Ireland would lose to Krum. George was quick to defend them, saying Krum isn't all that great. I looked at Fred and he leaned over to whisper. "Just a bit of teasing, eh? You're always welcome to do it back." I pushed his hand away from me and ran my hand up and down his thigh slowly. I wouldn't go near his crotch as I was too scared to but I slid my fingers under his shirt, scratching at the skin lightly. Fred shifted in his seat and I moved my hand to the inside of his thigh, almost coming into contact with his crotch. "Is that...ok?" I whispered. I hadn't had much experience with boys and Fred Weasley had experience. He had enough experience with Lulu and I'm sure he's had other girls who wanted to sleep with him and I'm 100% sure he gave them their wish. Fred nodded, not saying anything. "Fred, will you go grab the extra plates from the shed? Dinner is going to be big tonight and I need more dishes." Molly said. Fred looked over and nodded. "Sure, mum." I made sure to drag my nails over his thigh before removing my hand. Fred cleared his throat and stood up, walking funny as he went outside. George sniggered and quickly followed him. "Yelena, could you grab that tea set up there? I hate to ask but you're so tall and I sent Fred outside and of course George had to follow him." "Of course, Mrs. Weasley." Yelena grabbed the tea set, setting it on the dining room table. "Thank you, dear. Make yourself at home." "Will you guys come upstairs so we can discuss sleeping arrangements?" Ginny asked us. Hermione dried her hands and we all followed Ginny. "So, someone can sleep with me in my bed. If you want." Ginny offered. Hermione looked at the other bed and said "could I have the extra? I always use it anyway." Ginny nodded and Yelena said "I'll sleep on the floor. I'll take one of those mattresses." "Me too!" Alta said quickly. Ginny looked at me and said "wanna sleep with me?" "Sure." She smiled and said "cool. I was gonna pick you anyway." "Hey!" Hermione said offendedly. "You had your chance, Mione. The offer is out the window." Hermione shook her head and the sounds of Ron screaming along with the twins' laugher filled the air. "I bloody hate you both! Idiots!" The thumping footsteps of Fred and George sounded above us. Ron stomped up the stairs and huffed. Hermione giggled at him and his long red hair that matched the twins' was sopping wet. "I really hate them sometimes. Bloody idiots, they are." He said as he shook his head. "Get them back, Ron." I told him. He nodded and said "you know what? I will."


I had been at the burrow for a couple of days now. Fred would flirt with me and always seem to glance in my direction. He had also been handsy in a way. Fred's always been a physical person, always holding my hand and somehow having his hands on me. But it seemed different now. I was currently laying in George's lap, Fred's head in mine, his hand resting on my thigh. "Come on, Goldie. Won't you try a puking pastille?" Fred begged. I shook my head and said "no! I'm throw up." "Ugh, try the fever fudge then." George said. "So I can have puss filled sores on my face? No, thank you." George groaned and said "Goldie, please." "Nope. You're not getting me to eat you're creations. Have you two eaten them?" "Of course! We have to test our own products don't we?" They replied in unison. I went to reach for my tea but George handed it to me. "Thank you." I said. "You're welcome." I absentmindedly played with Fred's hair, a deep sigh leaving his lips. George sniggered softly above me and I scratched at Fred's scalp. George got out from under me, setting me down on his bed gently. "I gotta take a leak." He said as he left the room. "Your hair is so soft, Freddie. I love it at this length." "Yeah?" "Yeah." I touched a certain spot on his head and he squeezed my thigh, sighing contentedly. "Do you not get scalp massages, Fred?" "Hmm?" "Scalp massages. It seems like you don't get them." "I don't. Lulu wasn't sweet to me like you are. She would never do things like this for me." "She wasn't good for you." "I know." "I won't put up with her shit this year. I was younger and didn't know how to process it. Now, the next time she opens up her mouth, she'll know not to mess with me." Fred sat up, making me remove my hand from his head. "You gonna tell her off?" He asked. I shrugged and said "maybe." "I hope you do." George came back into the room and said "wanna go for a walk? To the lake?" Fred nodded and said "sure." He offered his hand to me which I took. The three of us walked and George convinced Alta and Yelena to go. The golden trio wanted to go as well as Ginny. The nine of us laughed and talked as we walked to the lake. Fred picked me up and put me on his back, his hands going under my butt to hold me up. "I'm wearing a skirt." I whispered into his ear. Fred shrugged and said "so? They're all ahead of us anyway. Plus, I'll make sure nobody can see." I wrapped my arms around his neck and sighed. We reached the lake and Ginny and Hermione stood at the edge of it, talking to one another. Alta and Yelena did the same. Ron and Harry snuck up behind Hermione and Ginny, pushing them into the lake. Ron quickly did the same to Alta while George pushed Yelena. Hermione came up out of the water, her hair drenched. "Ron, you idiot! I hate you!" She yelled. Ron laughed and Ginny said "you're such a git!" Fred and George laughed at the girls, Fred still holding me. Yelena pushed her wet blonde hair out of her face and said "George, help me out of the lake." He reached for her to pull her out when she pulled him in. George went falling into the lake, Ginny cracking up. "Whoops." Yelena said as she shrugged. "What about Goldie? How come she gets to stay dry?!" Hermione was glaring at Fred. "She's in the lake with you guys. You're barmy, Hermione." He replied. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "Fred, what're you-" He quickly threw me into the lake, laughing as he did so. I was unbelievably angry as I came up out of the water. Fred laughed and laughed, taking a deep breath just he could laugh again. George ended up pulling Ron into the lake and because Ron was scared he pulled Harry in with him. "Are you done?" I said to Fred as he caught his breath. He nodded and said "that was funny." His eyes then went to my chest. I looked down and saw my boobs were now visible through the white shirt I was wearing. I wasn't wearing a bra and regretted not putting one on. I covered my chest and said "Fred, don't look!" "You can have my shirt. Just come out of the water." A splash war had ensued between George and Ginny. Fred took off his shirt and set it in the grass before coming into the water, jumping in right next to me. Fred came up out of the water and it took everything inside me not to stare at his shirtless form. I snuck a few glances, loving his physique. Ginny splashed Ron in the face and Hermione did the same. Harry held his glasses to his face as George shoved him underwater. Hermione eventually gave into the fun. Alta was staring at Yelena's boobs that were visible through her shirt. Yelena had no fear whatsoever. After a few minutes of us goofing around in the lake, we headed back to the burrow. Fred helped me out of the lake, his eyes going to my chest. I huffed and he said "I can't help it." "You can. Don't look." "You have nice tits." I hit him on the arm really hard and he said "ow, Goldie!" He picked up his shirt and handed it to me. Hermione and Ginny began to make their way back, Ron annoyed that he had to walk back with wet clothes on. I took Fred's shirt from him and turned around, taking my wet shirt off. I pulled on his dry one and he said "better?" I nodded and he smiled, grabbing my hand. After drying off once we got to the burrow, we all had some tea. Yelena brought her tea cup to her lips, sipping on it. Alta's eyes went to Yelena's lips that were wrapped around the rim of the mug. Yelena winked at her and Alta motioned for them to go upstairs. Yelena nodded. Alta and Yelena had something going on but I wasn't sure what. Alta, of course had told me they were having sex and stuff. They disappeared upstairs, no one suspecting anything. I had kept Fred's shirt on which was way too long on me. I put shorts on under it just to be safe. "Tomorrow, we all have to up bright and early for the World Cup! Everyone needs to be in bed by a reasonable time!" Arthur said. The Weasley children all responded. Arthur went into the kitchen and Molly was cooking dinner. Fred leaned over to George and the two of them were whispering, while looking at me. Ginny sat down next to me and said "it's our last night together. I'm a bit sad. Promise me we'll hang out this year? At school? I really like hanging out with you." I nodded and said "of course. We can do many many Hogsmeade trips. And have sleepovers." Ginny smiled and said "I'd like that." "Me too." The twins stood up and walked upstairs, the two of them whispering. I wanted to know what they were talking about so badly. It was definitely about me. Dinner ended as quickly as it began. Arthur wanted us all up early. I changed into my sleepwear, going to give Fred his shirt back. When I approached his shared bedroom the door opened. Fred stood there. "I came to give you your shirt back." He took it from me and said "thanks." I nodded and went to walk away from him when he grabbed my wrist. "Meet me in Charlie's room. At midnight." He whispered. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "why?" "Just do it." "Where is his room?" Fred pointed upwards and said "all the way at the top." I nodded and Molly said "everyone get to bed!" I walked back to Ginny's room, getting into bed with her. It was only 9:30 at night. I figured I could sleep a couple of hours until I had to meet Fred.


I woke up and checked the clock. 12:05. "Shit." I quietly snuck out of Ginny's room and tried my best to not make the floor creak as I walked towards the stairs. I followed them until I got to the top and saw the bedroom. I opened the door and Fred turned around. "I thought you stood me up." He said. I shook my head and said "I was asleep. Sorry. Why did you want to meet?" He motioned for me to come six next to him on the bed. "Remember that time when you helped me study? And I fell asleep before we even started?" I nodded. "Well, could we do that again? Could I just...how do I put this? Hold you?" My lips parted a bit and I said "you want to hold me? While we sleep?" "Yeah. Plus, I can't really sleep anyway cause I'm super excited for tomorrow. And you keep me relaxed." "Really?" "Yeah." The bed was already set up for the two of us to lay down. "What if your mum catches us?" I said. "George is covering for me. And mum won't suspect anything if you're out of bed earlier than I am. Just say you were going to the bathroom. She'll believe you more than me." "What about Ginny and the girls?" "Ginny isn't going to tell. She loves you. And she'd personally kill Hermione if Minoe ended up snitching. And I think Alta and Yelena could care less." I nodded and the two of us got under the blanket. I stared at the ceiling and so did he. My heart was being so fast and so loud. I swear Fred could hear it. "Come here." Fred pulled me into his chest. "You're so warm." I said softly. Fred kissed my forehead and said "you make me feel so relaxed. Sometimes I wish we could be like this all the time." "R-Really?" "Yeah. Don't leave me in the morning. Wake me up if you're going to leave." I nodded again this chest, wrapping my arms around him. My eyes began to grow heavy as Fred's breathing got slower and deeper. He was falling asleep so quickly and so was I.

This is long asf I hope y'all like it!! Goblet of Fire starts in the next chapter after the playlist!!

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