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Chapter twenty one
The Qudditch World Cup
Goldie's POV:
"WAKE UP WEASLEY'S! IT'S TIME TO GO TO THE QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP!" Arthur's voice yelled out. I jumped and Fred groaned at the sensation. I looked at the clock in Charlie's room, 5:00am. I wanted to stay asleep so badly. The sound of creaking floors were heard as people in the house started to move around. Sleep took hold of me again, my eyes struggling to stay open. A few minutes later Arthur was yelling out again. I huffed and Fred's arms tightened around my waist. I noticed our legs were entangled, my leg across his lap. I gulped and then looked up at him. His fiery hair was hanging in his face as he slept, his lips parted. "Fred? Goldie? You guys still up here?" George said. He opened the door and said "I can stall dad for a long time. But mum will be getting up in about ten minutes. The two of you should try to wake up a bit." "I can but I don't know about him." Fred began to snore and George said "I'll stall for a little bit longer. You guys should be fine if mum doesn't come upstairs." He closed the bedroom door and I ran my hand up and down his chest slowly. "Freddie? We need to wake up." He shifted his body and I felt his morning wood against my thigh. My eyes widened and I moved my leg below his crotch carefully. "Freddie? The Qudditch World Cup is today. We're going to see Ireland kick Bulgaria's ass." No response. I shook him softly and he groaned again. "What?" He asked sleepily. "Your dad says it's time to get up." "For what? It's not even light outside." "The World Cup." Fred opened his eyes and I half smiled at him. "Hi." He said as he leaned down to kiss my forehead. "Hi. I hate to tell you this but we need to get up." "I'm kind of excited for today. I'm glad you're coming with us. I'm glad I get to spend today with you." "Me too. I'm looking forward to today." "George, where is your brother?" Molly's voice said loudly. "Which one?" George replied. I quickly sat up and Fred said "don't leave." "Your mother will kill us both." "No, she'd only kill me. She likes you too much." "Well, I'm gonna go. I don't want to get in trouble." Fred sighed and his arms fell from my waist as I stood up. I quietly walked down the stairs and Molly hit George on the arm as he walked past. "Get your brother up, now!" "Alright, mum. Don't hit me." "Don't talk back, George Weasley." Molly had her finger pointed at George who nodded at her. "Goldie, dear, how are you this morning?" She said to me with a smile. "I'm good. How are you?" "I'm just fine. Did you need to take a shower?" I nodded and said "yes. I meant to do it yesterday but was tired." "Well, you could use Bill or Charlie's bathroom. Grab your clothes and then go on ahead." I stepped past her as she greeted Ginny who was wide awake. I grabbed my clothes for the day and headed back upstairs. I went into the bathroom and took a shower. I combed my hair and made sure I was dressed before leaving the bathroom, considering the house was mostly males and I didn't need any of them seeing me naked. I went to take my dirty clothes back to Ginny's room when Molly made me give them to her. "I'll wash them. And if there's anything else you need washed, let me know." "Thank you, Molly." She smiled at me and walked away. "Boo." The twins said from behind me. I jumped and turned around. Fred smirked down at me and George said "scared ya?" "Yes." Hermione walked past to wake up Ron and Harry, who were most likely going to get screamed at by Molly. I headed downstairs and Arthur greeted me. "Hello, Goldie." "Hi." "Lovely morning for the games." "Yes, of course." Ginny handed me a biscuit and I sat down at the table, quickly eating it. Ron grumbled as he came down the stairs, dressed and ready to go. "Everyone, grab some food for the road! We're off!" Arthur said. Molly kissed each of her children on the cheek. George made sure to give his mother a hug and Fred gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Watch out for Ginny." "We will." The boys replied. Yelena followed Arthur, asking him tons of questions about the World Cup. We walked through the woods, following Arthur. Fred and George were on either side of me. Arthur stopped to talk to a man who introduced himself as Amos. Then his son jumped down from the tree. It was Cedric. "This is my son Cedric." Hermione and Ginny looked at one another, smirking a bit. I guess they hadn't paid too much attention to Cedric at school. He had gotten more attractive. But I was too busy crushing on a certain red head to even look at Cedric the way Ginny and Hermione were. We started walking again. Fred reached for my hand which I let him take. "What's going on with that?" Ron said a bit loud. Fred and I looked over our shoulders to see Ron regretting he had opened his mouth as he was pointing at Fred and I. Hermione and Ginny turned to look at him as well, rolling their eyes at him. Harry was red in the face and immediately whispered something to Ron. "Seems like younger brother is curious." George said. "Curious about what? We're friends. I've always held her hand and I don't care how it looks." Fred replied. He squeezed my hand and I half smiled up at him. We reached a field and Ron said "a manky old boot?" "It's not just any manky old boot, mate. It's a portkey." The twins said in unison. Fred let go of my hand so we could all grab the portkey, all of us flying through the air and landing on the ground. I landed on Fred, my legs on either side of his waist. "I'm sorry." I said, trying my hardest not to blush. "You're alright, love." Fred replied. I quickly got off of him. Fred stood up and offered me his hand. He pulled me up to my feet and said "alright?" I nodded and he went off with George. Alta nudged me and said "you should've seen the way he was looking at you." "He wasn't looking at me any differently than he normally does." I said as I shook my head. "When he saw you were on top of him. I swear he would've kept staring if you hadn't said anything." "I highly doubt that. I'm trying not to enjoy the attention he's giving me. Because, it could be false. It could be a prank. I know the majority of it is real. We are friends. But the flirting and the touching and last night." "What happened last night?" Alta and I began to walk, Yelena on the other side of Alta. I whispered everything that happened the night before since Fred was only a few feet in front of me. "He totally likes you." Alta said while chuckling. We stopped at a tent that looked to be way too small for all of us. Arthur told us all to go inside and we did. I looked around and it was huge inside. There was a full on kitchen with multiple bedrooms. "Ron, get out of the kitchen, we're all hungry." Arthur said to his son who was already scavenging for food. "Yeah, get out of the kitchen, Ron!" The twins sat at the dining room table with their feet propped up onto the table. "Feet off the table!" Arthur scolded them. They removed their feet and quickly put them back on the table. "Feet off the table!" I giggled softly at them. Yelena looked around and pulled Alta to one of the bedrooms. "Goldie, you sleep with me!" Ginny called out. I nodded and said "alright." Hermione was walking around the tent while Harry stared at everything in awe. "What team you rooting for, Goldie?" Ron asked me. "Ireland of course." I said. Fred and George cheered. Ron rolled his eyes and said "how can you not root for Viktor Krum? He's amazing." "I don't think he's bad. I just like Ireland better." Ron shook his head and said "I'm gonna go buy face paint." "I already have some." Ginny said. "Yeah, but it's green. I need red." Ron left the tent and Harry followed. "I need some." George said as he went to take the face paint from Ginny. "Come here, I'll do it." I told him. Fred beat him to it and sat down in front of me. I shook my head at him and he said "hello." "Hello. What would you like?" "A gigantic shamrock plastered on my face, please." I nodded and pulled his hair out of his face with a hair tie from my wrist. I then began painting the shamrock on his face. A few loose strands of his red hair fell into his face. He reached up to brush them away and I stopped painting his face. "Sorry." He mumbled. I shook my head and said "it's fine." I started on his face again and once I was finished I giggled. "You're all done." He stood up and walked over to the mirror. "Awe, Dee Dee, I love it! My hair actually looks good like this." I motioned for him to give me my hair tie back and he did. George pushed Fred away from me and said "my turn. Just give me green and white lines on my face. I don't want a bloody shamrock on my face." "That's cause you know it wouldn't look good on you." Fred said. "You look like an idiot." George retorted. Nobody paid attention to Yelena and Alta. Yelena had Alta in her lap as she painted a small shamrock on her cheek. Yelena's hands rested on Alta's butt. I noticed Alta shiver at her touch and Yelena just smirked up at her. I did George's face paint as he kept his hair out of his face. We only had about thirty minutes or so until the game started.


We walked up to our seats which were up high. "Blimey, dad, how high up are we?" Ron asked. "Well, if it rains you'll be the first to know." The voice of Draco Malfoy said. Fred and George looked over at him as him and his father approached us. "Still hanging out with mudblood's, Weasley?" Draco asked the twins. George looked at me and Fred glared at Draco. Arthur and Lucius began to talk to one another. Draco boasted about how their seats were better than ours. Draco took a step closer towards us and Fred put his arm around my waist. "You're such a git, Malfoy. You're sitting in those nicer seats with who? Your dad? No friends? At least I'm at this game with my friends and family, people who are nice to me. Don't you know what that's like? Oh, that's right. You have none." Draco seethed at Fred's words and Lucius had to tell his son to back off. The Malfoy's walked away and we headed up to our seats. Fred's arm was still around my waist and I was in between him and George. The game started and I was in awe of everything. Yelena was awful touchy with Alta tonight. I watched as she wrapped her arms around Alta's waist, holding her close. The twins were very enthusiastic during this game as was Yelena. Ron about passed out when Viktor Krum came out. Harry was dying of laughter as Ron couldn't believe he was seeing Krum in person. Ireland ended up winning, Ron was furious. "There's no one like Krum!" He said. I shook my head at him as we all sat in the tent. "Krum?" "Dumb Krum." The twins taunted. Ron continued to say how amazing he was, the twins teasing going further. "I think you're in love Ron." Ginny said as she came to stand next to me. "Viktor, I love you! Viktor, I do! When we're apart my heart beats only for you!" We all sung to Ron who was annoyed. Explosions could be heard from outside, sounding like fireworks. "Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on." Fred said. "It's not the Irish. We need to leave now." Arthur told us all. He made us all go outside and tents were being set on fire while people in masks walked about. The crowd was going nuts and Arthur said "Fred, George, Ginny is your responsibility! Everyone else, hurry back to the portkey!" Yelena practically picked up Alta and ran off. The crowd was running all around me. I felt myself get separated from everyone else. "Fred? George?" I called out. "Goldie! Where are you?" "Goldie, where'd you go?" "Ginny! Fred!" The people in the masks were getting closer and I panted. Someone grabbed me by the arm and I screamed. "Hey, it's just me." Fred said. "Freddie!" I wrapped my arms around him and he said "come on, we gotta get back to George and Ginny." I held onto him tightly as we met up with George and Ginny. We made our way back out to the field where the portkey was. Arthur was there with Yelena and Alta. He sent us back with the portkey and told us to walk back to the burrow. I landed on the ground with a thump. I groaned softly and Arthur went back to get the other's. "You alright?" Fred asked me. I nodded and he pulled me to my feet. I clutched his arm and said "don't leave me." "Love, it's alright. We're safe now. I wasn't going to let anything happen to you." I looked up at him and he cupped my cheek. "Nothing bad will happen to you. Not while I'm around." Fred whispered. "Come on. We need to get to the burrow." George announced. Yelena set Alta down and said "yeah, come on." I held onto Fred the whole walk back. Molly was shocked at us but George quickly explained what happened. She gave Ginny a hug and then looked at me. "Goldie, you alright, dear?" "Just a bit shaken up. I'll be ok." I replied. "Well, I'll fix some tea. That'll calm you down. And you can help Fred wipe that stuff off his face. Your mind will be focused on that and you'll forget about it." I nodded and Yelena didn't leave Alta's side not once. Arthur soon arrived with the golden trio and everything seemed to calm down. Fred and I went into the bathroom and grabbed a wet rag, removing the face paint. Fred's hair fell into his face as I wiped his forehead. I reached up to push it away when he did. "Close your eyes." I said softly. Fred did as he was told and I brought the rag up to his face again, removing the face paint. I rinsed it and did the other side of his face, making sure to remove all of the paint. I dried his eyes and around them so he wouldn't get any water to remaining paint in his eyes. "You can open your eyes now." Fred opened his eyes and I finished his jaw and chin, along with the sides of his face. "All done." Fred sighed and said "thanks." I nodded and rinsed the rag of the paint and went into the kitchen, getting a cup of tea. "Sleep with me tonight?" Fred whispered. I nodded and turned to him. "I was so scared, Freddie." "I'm here. You have no reason to be scared, Dee Dee." I half smiled and Fred gave me a hug, kissing my forehead. "Meet me at 11:30 tonight." I nodded again, watching him walk away. Him and George headed upstairs. I finished my tea and then went up to Ginny's room, wishing the time would pass faster.

The end is lowkey dumb but here it is yall

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