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Chapter twenty two
Sixth year at Hogwarts
Goldie's POV:
After the events at the Qudditch World Cup, some people were slightly alarmed at Death Eaters wreaking havoc. I ended up sleeping with Fred again that night, still shaken up at what happened. We were due back at Hogwarts in a few days. The train ride was normal as usual. Fred, George, Lee, Alta, Yelena, Angelina, and I were crammed into one cabin on the way to Hogwarts. Once we arrived we had to go sit at our respective house tables. When I made eye contact with Lulu, my eyes widened. She was beautiful. I never thought I wasn't pretty but Lulu was way prettier than I was. Fred would definitely go back to her. It was a done deal. I had let Lulu push me around for two years. She wasn't going to do it this year. No way. "Goldie." I turned around to see Rasmus. He had gotten even taller than he'd been the last two years. He was more muscular than before. "Rasmus, hi." I said with a smile. "How are you?" "I'm good. How was your summer?" "Great. Did a lot of training for quidditch. As you can see." He boasted. I nodded and said "yes. You look great." I hoped that didn't come out weird. "So do you. I can't wait to see how you do during quidditch this year." I smiled. Rasmus gave me a hug and then walked over to the Slytherin table. I sat down next to Alta and Miguel. Cedric was sitting on the other side of Miguel. Dumbledore announced that we'd have visitors to Hogwarts this year. When he said that Beauxbatons would be here, my stomach dropped. I watched them come in, in their blue uniforms. When Zora and I made eye contact I felt sick. I wanted to throw up. I could handle Lulu but Zora too? Alta put a hand on my shoulder and said "don't worry about her." "Hogwarts is my only escape from her. And she's here this year." I replied. Miguel looked over at her and said "who is she?" "My step sister. She's awful. She's so mean to me. When I'm not at home, I'm away from her and my step mother. My dad and her mother aren't married but they're around constantly so they might as well be." Miguel shook his head and said "don't worry about her. If she starts shit, we'll finish it." I smiled at him and I watched all the boys stare at the Beauxbaton girls. The last girl who came in bowed gracefully, her eyes going to Alta. She was beautiful. Blonde hair and blue eyes that were almost grey. She gave Alta a small smile and Alta's breath hitched. I smirked and said "someone likes you." Alta pushed me playfully and said "shut up. You know who I like." "Still. She's pretty." Alta shrugged and said "yeah." Then the next school came in. Durmstrang, from Bulgaria. When Viktor Krum came in the room, all the girls swooned. I didn't think he was ugly but he was too stoic and serious for me. The Tri Wizard tournament. Dumbledore began to explain it and it seemed dangerous. I wanted no part of it. He then told us all that no student under the age of seventeen could participate. "That's rubbish! That's rubbish, you don't know what you're doing! BOOOO!" The twins yelled. I chuckled at them and Dumbledore quickly silenced the crowd which had protested. Once he was finished, dinner went normally. Except for the fact that I could see Zora staring at me for its entirety. I could feel her burning holes in the side of my head. All I wanted to do was to back go my dorm and not have to see her.


When I walked into potions I gasped softly. Zora was sitting next to Simone. She ran her hand through her blonde curly hair, making eye contact with me. She smirked and the twins walked in behind me, laughing. "Hiya, Goldie." George said. "Hi." I said, not taking my eyes off of her. Fred's hand went to my waist as he pulled me over to his seat. Zora's eyes went to Fred as he gave me attention. "Sit next to me and George." He said. Alta had sat down next to Yelena and the blonde haired girl from Beauxbatons sat down on the other side of her. I then took my seat next to the twins. I sat on the outside, next to Fred. "I'm Zora." I scoffed softly as she made her presence known. George looked up and said "Zora?" "Yeah, I'm Zora. From Beauxbatons." "You're the one who gives Goldie such a hard time?" Fred asked. Zora blinked a few times and then looked at me. "Give her a hard time? She's the one you shouldn't associate yourselves with." She said. "Can you move? I can't see Angelina." George replied as he motioned to her to move. Angelina turned around at her name being said, George winking at her. Angelina smiled and sat down next to Hannah and Lee. "Whenever you boys want to have some fun, you know who to come to." She walked away and George shook his head. "Would you shag her?" "Never. And if I did, I'd have to be drunk. Or high." Lulu walked in and said "hi, Fred." He looked up at her and said "hi." She then sat down next to Woody. Snape walked into the classroom and class began. It went normal for the first day, except for Fred constantly touching my hand, holding it in his and just touching me in general. The rest of my classes went well, considering Zora was in most of them. Lulu was only in a couple. Fred poked my side as we ate lunch. "Freddie!" I said as I giggled. His arms went around my waist as he pulled me closer to him. I bit my lip and he leaned over to whisper to me. "Godric, you look so pretty today. So pretty." I went to reply to him when a female voice interrupted us. "Mind if I sit with you all?" I looked up to see it was the girl from Beauxbatons. "Not at all." Lee replied. She smiled and sat down, a smaller girl sitting down next to her. "I'm Fleur. Fleur Delacour. This is my sister Gabrielle." Fred put his arm around me and said "hi, Gabrielle." She smiled at him and Alta said "hello." Fleur looked at her and said "and you are?" "Alta Fox." "Alta. That's a pretty name." Yelena clenched her jaw and said "I'm Yelena." Fleur's attention went to her and she said "hello." The twins introduced themselves along with Lee and Angelina. "I'm going to enter myself into the Tri Wizard Tournament." George looked at her and said "you're seventeen?" "I am. And I'd like to challenge myself. I think I'll win." "Must be nice." Fred said. I hit his chest and said "don't be rude." "M'not being rude." He said as his face inched closer to mine. I quickly pulled away from him and said "good luck to you, Fleur." Fred's arm slipped back down to my waist, holding me close. "It's a dangerous tournament. You could die." Yelena said. Fleur thanked me for my comment and then turned to Yelena. "I know the risks. I'll be fine. And I like the risk. That's why I'm entering." Yelena chuckled and said "hope you don't die." Fleur looked at her blankly and Gabrielle said "she won't." Yelena looked at the younger girl and I could sense the tension between Fleur and Yelena. "So, Fleur, are you enjoying your time at Hogwarts?" I asked, wanting to remove the tension. "I am. You all have a very pretty school." Then she scoffed. I turned around and saw Zora walking to a table. "I can't stand her. She's dreadful. She's so rude and I won't associate myself with her." Fleur said. "That's my step sister." Fleur looked at me and said "well, I won't hold my tongue." "She doesn't like her either." The twins replied in unison. I nodded and said "she's really mean to me. But, I'm not going to let her push me around. I'm tired of it. I've learned how to stand my ground and I will continue to do so." "I'll tell her off if she does something. Let me know if she causes you any trouble." Fleur half smiled at me as she finished. Angelina stood up and said "Goldie, Alta, could you help me with something?" I nodded and Alta did the same. I stood up and pushed my skirt down since it had ridden up a bit. Fred's eyes were glued to my legs and I followed Angelina out of the room, Alta doing the same.

Fred's POV:
I noticed Yelena staring at Alta. "I gotta go to my dorm." She said. George nodded at her and Lee said "see you later." My eyes stayed on Goldie's ass as she left the room, her thigh high socks hugging her legs. I felt myself become semi hard in my pants. "I'm not feeling good. I'll see you guys later." I lied. I didn't stick around to hear George and Lee's response. I saw Yelena rush into one of the girls bathrooms and quickly made my way to my dorm. Once I got inside I locked the door. George and Lee would be at lunch for a while but I wanted to play it safe. I shrugged off my robe and unbuckled the belt that held up my pants. When I pulled them down and looked at the tent in my boxers, I reached inside. I sighed as I began to move my hand up and down. I spit on my hand and threw my head back as I pumped myself harder. "Goldie...fuck." I wished so badly it was me fucking her instead of my hand. The way her socks went up her legs drove me insane. I wanted her legs wrapped around my head as I ate her out, my hands leaving marks on her thighs. My hand went faster, my cock twitching in my hand. "Goldie, I'm gonna cum. Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum." I spurted onto my hand, Goldie's name leaving my lips. "Ah, Goldie. Ahh, fuck." I panted as I came down from my high. I used a cleaning spell and made sure I was dressed before unlocking  the door. George came in a few seconds later and said "I hope you did that on your bed." I scoffed at him and said "of course I did. Were you listening?" "I came up to grab something. I just waited until you were finished. By the sound of you saying Goldie's name. You were done." I rolled my eyes and said "come on. We gotta go to Divination." George grabbed his book and said "let's go."

Yelena's POV:
I rushed inside the prefects bathroom. I locked the door behind me. I didn't need the bath running. I just needed to get off. I needed the release. I couldn't bring Alta with me at the moment so I'd do it myself. I walked over to the counter, setting my wand and robe on it. The edge of it rubbing against my crotch. I bit my lip, hating how good it felt. I took off my pants, rubbing my clit against the corner slowly. A soft moan left my lips. Alta and I hadn't done anything in a while. Probably since the first week we were at the Weasley's. And it's been a week and half since then, almost two. "Alta." I moaned as I moved my hips faster. I opened my legs a bit wider, the corner of the counter rubbing right against my clit. As much pleasure this was bringing me, it wasn't enough. I sat down and leaned against the wall, my hand slipping into my panties. I rubbed my clit as fast as I could, wanting to cum so bad. "Fuck! Alta..oh, Alta." It wasn't quite the same as when Alta and I had sex, it didn't feel as good. But it was enough. I reached up to pinch my nipples, imagining it was her. I imagined her hands running over my body, tugging at my hair as we kissed. The way her lips felt on me. "Yes! Yes! Alta, yes!" I came on my hand and fingers, my legs shaking slightly. I leaned against the wall, panting as I came down from my high. I knew I'd be late for class. I just knew I was. Divination. "Shit." I stood up and made sure I was dressed. I was hoping nobody would see me come out of the prefects bathroom. I didn't care but I'm sure they'd have me in trouble. I put my robe back on and grabbed my wand, heading to class.

kw-2187 GET REKT!! During goblet of fire there will be lots of spicy scenes. Hope y'all are ready for this lmaoo

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