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Chapter twenty three
The Goblet of Fire
Goldie's POV:
I looked up at the goblet, watching the blue flames emit from it. Cedric had come in and put his name inside. I was sitting next to Alta and Colin was on the other side of me. He was helping a first year named Nigel get the hang of things. It was cute. "Goldie's a prefect for Hufflepuff but she still looks out for all of us younger kids. I think she'll make head girl this year or next year. She's a good person to have around you at Hogwarts. And she's friends with the twins." Colin said. "The Weasley twins? They're so cool and so funny. You think they'd be friends with me?" Nigel asked. I looked at him and said "of course they would. They're in Gryffindor just like you. They'll watch out for you just as they watched out for Colin." Yelena sat behind Alta so her long legs were on either side of her body. Fleur came into the room. All the boys seemed to swoon and stare. She was quite beautiful. Alta gulped as she put her name in the goblet. Gabrielle stood outside of the age line as she was not able to cross it. None of us were. Unless you were seventeen. Fleur then walked out of the room, making sure to smile at Alta when she did. "Yes!" Fred and George yelled as they ran into the room. "What have you got?" I said to them. "Aging potion!" "Brewed it up this morning!" "It's not going to work." Hermione said. Fred quirked an eyebrow and leaned down to her level, George doing the same on the other side of her. "Oh yeah? And why's that, Granger?" Hermione explained that Dumbledore wouldn't be fooled as something as dimwitted as an aging potion. "Ah, but that's why it's so brilliant." "Because it's so pathetically dimwitted." I shook my head at them as they stood up on the bleachers. "Ready, Fred?" "Ready, George." "Bottoms up." They jumped past the age line and made it through. Everyone in the room cheered. Fred laughed as they had succeeded. Then they put their names into the goblet. "Yes!"

Their success was short lived as they were shot across the room, out of the age line. White hair and long white beards sprouted on their faces. George gasped softly and Fred looked at his brother angrily. "You said!" "You said!" They began to wrestle each other. "Fight! Fight! Fight!" Ron and the other students chanted. "Idiots." I said to myself. Then Viktor Krum entered the room. Everyone got silent as he put his name into the goblet. The attention was then taken off the twins. I walked over to them. "Are you two finished?" They looked up at me and I watched George's beard began to disappear. Fred's hair started to turn red once again and his beard was gone. "There's my boys." They stood up and I had to look up at them. Fred took a step closer to me and said "that's my girl, checking up on us every time we do something stupid." "You're right. It's my job after all." "Oh, I forgot you're a bloody prefect." George mumbled. "It's kinda hot. Don't you think?" Fred said as he looked me up and down. George did the same and said "oh, you love that don't you? A girl telling you what to do." "If Angelina was a prefect I'm sure you'd feel the same way." George shrugged and then walked away, not answering his brother. "Don't." I said to Fred. "Don't what?" "Don't ogle at me like that. Staring like I'm the prettiest thing in the room." "You are the prettiest thing in the room." "Very funny." I left him as I went to go sit down with Alta. Fred scratched the back of his head and I assumed he went to go find George. I'd be lying if I said his words didn't go straight to my heart and straight to my core. Especially when he said 'that's my girl.' I pressed my thighs together and started the homework assignment I had been working on before this whole fiasco ensued. "Freddie get you worked up?" Alta asked me. I pushed her and said "a bit." "What'd he do?" "It's not what he did. It's what he said." Alta turned her attention to me and said "do tell." "He said 'that's my girl.' In the most seductive way too." Alta giggled and said "I could tell cause you always get fidgety when he does something." I sighed deeply and said "ugh, he'll never go out with me. Why did I fall for him? Why couldn't I fall for Rasmus or something?" "If Fred doesn't make a move on you this year he's stupid. Besides, he's been so handsy and physical with you lately. He's also telling you how pretty you are." I shrugged and said "he's a flirt. It's what he does. Anything he says, he doesn't really mean." "He means it to an extent." "He says those things to everyone. He also sleeps with everyone. I walked in on him and George bragging about it yesterday." "He's in love with you. He's just too much of a pussy to admit it." Yelena said. She had been silent for most of this conversation. I turned to her and said "you think?" "It's obvious." I shrugged and said "yeah. You might be right." "I am." Yelena replied in a matter of fact tone.


It was time to announce who would be competing in the Tri Wizard Tournament. "From Durmstrang, Viktor Krum." The crowd cheered as Viktor walked up to where Dumbledore stood. "From Beauxbatons, Fleur Delacour." Fleur stood up and smiled really big. Gabrielle clapped for her older sister. Zora rolled her eyes. I assumed she'd put her name in the goblet. Too bad she didn't get picked and faced horrible dangers. "From Hogwarts, Cedric Diggory." I clapped for Cedric and Miguel quickly congratulated him. Cedric walked over and the three of them stood next to Dumbledore. Then a fourth name came out of the goblet. Everyone seemed to be shocked. "Harry Potter?" Dumbledore read the piece of paper. Harry didn't move. "Harry Potter!" Everyone in the room looked at him. "That's not fair!" "He cheated!" Harry looked terrified as he walked up next to the trio who would be competing. It was now a quartet. As I looked at Harry, I could hear his voice but he wasn't saying anything. I winced softly as I felt pain in my head.

Why would my name come out of the goblet?
I didn't put my name in there
I'm not even old enough to compete
Everyone's going to think I cheated
They'll think I'm a cheater

I put my head in my hands, not knowing why I was hearing his voice when he wasn't speaking. I just wanted this ceremony or whatever to be over. As soon as it was, I quickly made my way out of the Great Hall. I just wanted to sleep so this headache would go away. "Where're you running off to?" Fred asked. I looked at him as he walked alongside me. "I have a headache. I just want to sleep." He wrapped his arms around me and said "awe, I'm sorry, love." I hugged him and said "it's a bad one." He rubbed my back and said "anything I can do?" "Hold me for a bit?" "Wanna go to the hideout?" "Please." Fred and I hurried to the hideout before we were seen by any professors. "Look at you, prefect breaking the rules." I shook my head at him and said "I break the rules every day by not informing professors of your illustrious pranks." "It's cause you love me." He smirked. I rolled my eyes playfully and Fred pulled me to lay on his chest. He sighed and I said "thank you." "Of course, Dee Dee. Whenever you need me, please let me know. Don't ever suffer." He cupped my cheek and made me look up at him. He kissed my forehead and then moved to my left cheek, kissing the corner of my lips. I half smiled at him as he pulled away. "Don't ever hesitate to come to me for anything. Ever. I'll always be here for you. I know I can be standoffish sometimes and don't express how I feel the correct way but always come to me. Please. I'd hate to see you hurt or upset. It actually breaks my heart." "Really? That's all I want for you. Is to be happy." Fred smiled and said "I'm always happy. It's you who needs to be happy. And I'll make that my job if I have to." It was my turn to smile. He tucked a strand of my curly hair behind my ear and said "Godric, you're so beautiful." I buried my face in his chest and he said "do you always hide when you receive compliments?" "When they're from you, yes." I replied, muffled. I pulled away to look at him and he said "how's your headache?" "Starting to go away." I looked at my watch and saw how much time had passed. "We have to go. Before we're caught." "You're not going to get in trouble. You're a prefect. All you have to do is say that you caught me doing something mischievous. And you're escorting me back to my common room." Fred stated. I stood up and said "I suppose you're right." "Ever since you became a prefect, you talk all professional like now." "No, I don't." "Yes, you do. It's cute. I kinda like a woman in charge." Fred stood up and was now towering over me. I rolled my eyes at him and said "let's go." The two of us left the hideout and he demanded he walk me back to the Hufflepuff common room. "You're going to get caught." I told him. Fred shook his head and said "I know my way around this castle. I'll take shortcuts and secret passageways." I nodded and Fred kissed my cheek where he has earlier, kissing the corner of my lips. "See you, tomorrow." He whispered. "See you." He spun on his heel and walked away. I walked inside the common room and up to my dorm. Alta shook her head at me as I walked in. "Out with Frederick I presume?" "And I'm sure you were out with Yelena today at some point?" Alta narrowed her eyes at me and shrugged. "Possibly. And you and Fred?" I gave her the same response. "Possibly." She smirked and I sat down on my bed. "Have you confessed your feelings to Yelena yet?" "No. Have you confessed your feelings to Fred yet?" "No, because he doesn't like me. I think he's still hung up on Lulu." "I think he's in love with you." "Pshh, he's not! I'm not his type." "Yes you are! You're totally his type! I wish you'd see the way he looks at you!" "Alta, he'll never go out with me. He's flirting because he's Fred." "Yes, Fred is a flirt but what if he actually likes you?" "That'd be a shock to me."

Here's the update!! Meant to have this up sooner!!

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