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The link for each playlist will be above during each party chapter!!🤍🤍🤍

Chapter twenty four
Ravenclaw party
Goldie's POV:
Besides the Tri Wizard Tournament, all anyone could talk about was the party Ravenclaw was throwing. The other houses would follow suit I'm sure. Woody was pretty excited that Ravenclaw was throwing a party. Simone too. Lulu made sure to invite Fred in front of me. He accepted her invitation but told her we'd all be going with him. Lee was all for a night of partying. And for our guests from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, they'd also be attending. Zora had been gaining herself a lot of attention lately. And she'd constantly flirt with Fred and George. George didn't even give her the time of day but Fred would flirt back and then turn her down. It was funny. Yelena had also invited Alta to the party. Obviously I'd be going with her but she was very happy that Yelena had invited her. Fleur was very excited to be partying with the kids at Hogwarts. She seemed to be very excited that Alta would be at the party. "Going to the party, Goldie?" Rasmus asked me. I looked up from the assignment I was doing. "Yes. Are you?" He sat down in front of me and said "yeah, of course!" I smiled and then went back to the assignment. "Snape's potion assignment? I already finished mine." "That's great." I replied without looking up. I just wanted to finish this so I could leave the library. "Hello, Hawthorne. Goodbye, Hawthorne." Fred's voice said. Rasmus sighed deeply and glared at Fred as he walked away. "What're you doing hanging out with that git?" "I'm not hanging out with him. I'm trying to finish this homework assignment. He asked if I was going to the party." I said. "And what'd you tell him?" I looked up at Fred and said "I told him I was going." "Why would you do that?" "Fred, what do you mean? Aren't we going to the party?" "Duh! I just didn't want him to know you were going." "Why?" "Cause you're going to the party as my date, aren't you?" "What? We have to bring dates?" "No, I just thought we could go." "Wouldn't you rather go with someone who was..." I didn't know how to say it. "Who was what?" "Not me." "I'd rather go with you than anyone else. Well, besides George." I shook my head at him and said "so you didn't want Rasmus to know because I'm supposedly going to the party with you?" "Yeah." "Or are you just afraid he'd flirt with me?" I decided I'd play this game Fred wanted to play. He always flirted with me and been jealous of me hanging around other guys. And to be honest I'd flirt back and hated it when he was around other girls. Neither one of us would admit it though. Fred flirted with me to flirt, not because he liked me. Fred looked at me, his jaw clenching. "Did he flirt with you?" "No. He makes conversation like he always does." "Like he always does?" "Yes, Rasmus and I are just friends." Fred looked over at Rasmus who was sitting with Adrian and Pansy Parkinson who stared at him with doe eyes. Seemed like she had gotten over her obvious crush on Draco Malfoy, for the moment. Blaise Zabini sat down next to Adrian as the three of them talked, Pansy just listening. Blaise winked at me and Fred's head snapped in my direction. I smiled to myself and Fred said "what is going on between you and the Slytherin's? They're awful." "Nothing is going on between me and them. I'm friends with Rasmus and Blaise is flirting I guess." "Don't flirt with him." Fred said in a stern tone. I grabbed my books and finished my assignment. "Then don't flirt with Lulu." I stood up and then walked away, leaving him dumbfounded.


Alta and I were currently getting ready for the party in our dorm. Hannah decided she'd skip this one, she wasn't feeling up to it. I think the party was for fourth years and up. But I had already heard from Ginny that she'd be making an appearance. She was quite rebellious and I know exactly where she got it from, her idiotic but wonderful twin brothers. I adjusted my green dress and shook out my hair. "That color looks great on you." Hannah said. I turned to her and said "thank you." Alta pulled on the long sleeve black dress she had picked out and hen looked at me.

"Think Yelena will like this?" "She's going to die when she sees you in that dress." Alta smirked and said "good." Hannah shook her head at us and said "I hope you all have a good time. I'll be at the next one. I'm assuming there'll be a next one?" "Yes. Fred and George are already talking about throwing a Gryffindor party. "I'll definitely be at that one. See you guys later." Alta and I left our dorm and headed downstairs. Cedric and Miguel were dressed up nicely. Miguel was in his fourth year and made the cutoff. I'm sure some other third years would find their way to sneak in somehow but most of them would be turned down. "Can we escort you to the party, ladies?" Cedric asked. He offered his arm to me and I said "sure." Miguel offered his arm to Alta and the four of us headed to the Ravenclaw common room. Missed Kiss was booming from outside. Once we walked inside, I could see who all was here. Ginny was sipping on butterbeer, talking to Hermione. Woody was talking to Roger Davies and I noticed Woody's little sister Dillie was dancing with Dean Thomas. Miguel sighed as he watched her dance with Dean. "When they're finished, ask her to dance." I told him. He shook his head and said "no, I don't think she'd dance with me." "I'm sure she would. All you have to do is ask." Miguel nodded and went over to the table which had punch and butterbeer. From certain conversations around the room I quickly learned the butterbear was spiked. I already knew that was the twins' doing. Alta searched the room for Yelena, who was leaning against the wall, dressed in black from head to toe. She also had butterfly clips in her hair, which Alta was dying over.

"Goldie, could we dance?" Woody asked. I nodded and said "sure." Crimewave was playing and Woody moved his body to the music awkwardly which was cute. I danced with him just not as awkward. Blue lights swirled around the room, some of them flashing to the beat of the music. "You look nice tonight." I told him. Which he did. He wore a simple dress shirt with pants, nothing too fancy but Woody looked nice. His outfit made him even more attractive than he was. "Thank you. So do you." I was glad the room was pretty dim and he couldn't see the blush on my cheeks. I then headed over to the table with drinks. I went to grab a butterbeer when I felt the twins standing on either side of me. "Hello boys." "Hi, Goldie." They said in unison. "You guys spiked the butterbeer, correct?" "Obviously." I brought my glass to my lips, sipping on it. I felt the burning of the firewhiskey running down my throat. "You're not letting Ginny drink this are you?" "Of course not. What kind of brothers would we be?" They continued to talk in unison. Ginny walked over and hiccuped a bit as she grabbed another drink, walking away. I looked at the twins and said "nice." I finished my drink and Angelina rushed over to me. "Goldie, dance with me!" Fred's eyes went up and down my body. He pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth, staring at me. "Let's go." Angelina and I went to the dance floor where everyone was dancing. Lulu and Zora were dancing together. I scoffed softly. Of course the two of them would become friends. Dead to Me started playing. Angelina and I sung the words loudly, not caring how we looked. Alta was at the drink table downing a few drinks. The twins cheering her on. "Go ahead, Alta. You can drink another one!" "Yes, let your worries slip away as the firewhiskey runs through your system, eh?" Fleur was dancing alone, moving her body to the music provocatively. She motioned for Alta to dance with her and I watched Alta take that chance. "George looks so good tonight." Angelina said. "Ugh, so does Fred." The two of us giggled as we ogled at the red headed twins. Ron and Harry were being wall huggers and not dancing with anyone. Viktor Krum had snatched up Hermione and was dancing with her. Ginny was beginning to let loose and was dancing with Lee. Draco Malfoy was also being a wall hugger, scowling at everyone. I didn't even understood why he came. Blaise was dancing with Pansy who laughed as his hands moved around her body. Rasmus and Adrian were doing shots of firewhiskey before they headed to the dance floor. Lay All Your Love started. I gasped and said "I love this song!" I hurried to get another drink before the song got too deep into it. As I went to go back to Angelina, there was a hand on my waist. I looked up to see Fred Weasley looking down at me. "Yes?" I questioned. His eyes were half open and he said "I wanna dance with you." I noticed he was pretty drunk. I nodded and said "ok." I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the dance floor. His twin brother grabbed Angelina who was giggling from how much alcohol she had consumed. "You look so pretty tonight. Godric, you're beautiful, Goldie." Fred mumbled in my ear. I smiled and said "thank you. So are you." He chuckled and turned me around o that my back was to his chest. If I was sober I wouldn't of started grinding on him the way I did. But the alcohol made me feel more confident. And my hormones were off the charts. I could see Lulu glaring at me in my periphery vision. Fred's grip on my hips got tighter as soft groans left his lips. I turned my head to look at him as I leaned more on his chest. His bangs fell into his face as he looked down at me, leaning in slowly. He quickly turned me around so I was completely facing him. He cupped my cheek and kissed my lips. The kiss was sloppy as we were both drunk and not thinking straight. I cupped his cheek and pulled him closer to me. He moaned against my lips and his hands roamed my body. As we pulled away Eyes Without a Face began. I panted and so did he. "Woah." He said. I nodded in agreement and said "woah is right." He smiled and said "I really liked kissing you. I really fucking liked it." "I liked kissing you too." He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the drink table.

Alta's POV:
Even though I was a bit tipsy and was feeling the alcohol take over my body, I was in shock watching Fred Weasley kiss my best friend. I was dancing with Fleur who looked really pretty tonight. She had done her makeup and let her hair down instead of the usual ponytail it was in. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer to her. My eyes went to Yelena who was watching my every move. The outfit she wore really brought out the the shapes of her breasts. I could see that her nipples were hard as her eyes burned into me. She brought her drink to her lips, her eyes going to my chest. My Boo started and Blaise started yelling. Fred swayed Goldie back and forth to the beat, burying his face in her neck. Rasmus was singing the words drunkenly, Blaise doing the same. Draco started at his friends with disgust on his face. George was slow dancing with Angelina even though the song wasn't slow. It made my heart swell. I felt Fleur kiss up and down my neck, beginning to make a hickey. My eyes fluttered closed as I enjoyed the feeling. "What the hell is this?" Yelena's gruff voice said. I jumped as I saw her towering over me and Fleur. "What do you mean? We're dancing." Fleur replied. "It's my turn, so fuck off." Fleur looked at Yelena in shock and said "this song isn't over. You can dance with her when this song is over." Yelena scoffed and began cracking her knuckles. "Wanna bet?" Fleur was very tipsy and said "yes. I do." "Lena, I'll dance with you. Fleur, just go sit down." I told her. Fleur blew a raspberry and went to sit on the couch, where Lee attempted to hit on her. Yelena took my hands in hers and the two of us began to dance. "What's got you so upset?" I said. "She's kissing all on you and I don't like it." I smiled to myself and Bidi Bidi Bom Bom started. Goldie began to sing the words even though she didn't know any Spanish. Miguel was dancing with Dillie was he sang the words to her. Fred's eyes were fixated on Goldie's body as she moved to the song. Yelena's hand roamed my body and I stared up at her, biting my lip. "You look so hot. I want to ravage you." She growled in my ear. Zora stared at Yelena and I. Yelena looked over and noticed I had become slightly uneasy. "Don't worry about her. It's you and me. We're having a good time. Don't let her ruin it." I Feel It Coming started and Yelena kissed my cheek. For the majority of the song we just swayed back and forth, enjoying each other's company. I leaned my head on her chest as she wrapped her arms around me. I closed my eyes, not wanting this moment to end. I tuned everyone else out as if it was only her and I in the room. The sound of her heartbeat and the music put me at ease. The songs began to slow down. Polygon Dust started playing and the party was slowly coming to a close. Fred and Goldie were laying on one of the couches, just talking. Fleur had disappeared and Rasmus was dancing with Pansy. Cedric was dancing with a girl named Cho and Yelena's voice broke me from paying attention to everyone else. "Want to get a drink?" She said. I shook my head against her chest. "I need to sober up a bit." "I'll get you some water." We walked to the table and Ivy started playing. Goldie was laying in between Fred's legs as he played with her hair. Her eyes were lidded and she looked drunk as did Fred. "Augamenti." Yelena handed me a cup of water and I quickly downed it, making myself another one. "What're you doing after this?" She asked. "Taking her drunk ass back to the common room. God, I'm so glad tomorrow is Saturday." I replied. Yelena chucked and said "I didn't think Goldie would get super drunk like that." "Neither did I. And I'm shocked at her and Fred right now." I Could Fall in Love started and George was still dancing with Angelina. He brushed her hair off her shoulder and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Miguel was dancing with Dillie, singing the song softly. "We'll do something tomorrow, yeah?" Yelena said. I nodded and said "of course." I walked over to where Goldie was. "Hey, you ready to go?" She looked up at me and said "in a minute. I'm hanging out with Freddie." Fred sat up and pulled her into his lap. "Mmm, don't leave me, Dee Dee." "Weasley, she's leaving soon. The both of you need to go to bed. You're drunk." Goldie pouted and said "Alta, I'm fine. I'm with Fred. He'll take care of me." "I'm sure he will. But, I'm taking you back in a few minutes." George walked over and said "how're you, Freddie?" "Drunk." He stated before he busted our laughing. The Millonaire Waltz started and was announced that it'd be the last song and that everyone needed to leave after that. Most people left when that announcement was made. I grabbed Goldie's hand and pulled her up to her feet. "Alta, I'm fine." "I know. We need to sleep this off." She sighed and turned around to look at Fred. "Bye, Freddie." "Bye, Dee Dee." George helped his brother to his feet as he couldn't stand. Goldie and I walked back to the Hufflepuff common room and up to our dorm. I helped Goldie out of her dress and into some comfortable clothing. I gave her Fred's sweater that she now owned. I didn't bother to give her pants as I helped her into bed. She'd be fine. I hung her dress in the closet and removed mine, getting into some comfortable sleepwear. "How was it?" Hannah asked. "It was good. You definitely need to be at the next one." She nodded and looked at Goldie. "She looks like she had a good time." I sniggered and said "she sure did. She's going to be hating her life in the morning. I sobered up a bit so I won't be too bad." "Well, I'm glad you guys are finally back. It's kinda creepy in here at night when you're alone." "Awe, I'm sorry Hannah. We're here now. Now you can finally sleep." She half smiled and then laid down in her bed. I did the same, loving how comfortable my bed felt as I drifted off to sleep.

Whoa whoa whoa I had so much fun writing this!! I hope you all enjoyed this and are excited for the next party chapters to come!!

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