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Chapter twenty five
Party aftermath
Goldie's POV:
I squinted as the sun came into the room. "Goldie, you awake?" Alta said. I groaned and buried my face into my pillow. "We gotta go get something to eat and have you sober up." "Can't we just stay here? Please?" "No, come on. Throw on a skirt or something." I so badly didn't want to move. My head was pounding and I felt dizzy. I sat up and grabbed a skirt than I didn't usually wear at school. I pulled my shoes on and said "come on." Alta chuckled at me and grabbed a wipe, removing the remaining makeup off my face. "How's my hair?" "Still looks good. Shake it out a bit." I shook out my curly hair and proceeded to follow Alta to the Great Hall. "I had a dream I kissed Fred last night." I said. Alta shook her head and said "you did. The two of you kissed last night." "What?" I was shocked. That was real? No, it couldn't of been real. "Yeah, you and Fred had a whole thing last night. You were grinding on him." My eyes widened and I said "oh my god." I felt like I wanted to puke. What if Fred remembered? He doesn't like me in that way so he'd only enjoy it because he was drunk. I stopped myself as we passed a trash can. "Goldie?" Alta said. I breathed through my nose, too scared to open my mouth. The halls were pretty vacant and I held my stomach as a small amount of vomit came up. Alta rubbed my back and I didn't even want to go to the Great Hall but I knew I needed to. I went to the bathroom and rinsed my mouth out and made sure I looked presentable. We walked over to our table. Ginny looked horrible. If the professors knew how drunk she had gotten we'd be in trouble. Ron was doing a good job to sober her up and she could sleep it off today if she needed to. George wasn't as drunk as Fred was but he still looked a bit miserable. Fred had his head propped up with his hand. "Hi." I said. He looked at me and said "hi." I reached for a cup of water and munched on a piece of toast. You could never go wrong with bread. It was good for nausea symptoms. "How are you?" Fred asked. "I'm good. I have a headache and kinda want to go back to bed." I replied. He sighed and said "me too. It feels like I barely slept. I know I did but at the same time I didn't. Did you have a good time last night?" I about choked on my water when he said that. "Yes. I did. You?" "I had a really good time. I can only remember bits and pieces though." I nodded. He probably didn't remember us kissing or me grinding on him. I never would've done those things sober. But the alcohol was running through me and I felt like a badass doing it. I decided I'd go back to my dorm, too tired to deal with anything else. Fred's eyes went up and down my body, a smirk on his lips. "Stop looking at me like that." I said while rolling my eyes. "Not my fault you look amazing in that skirt. He replied. I scoffed and said "I'm not falling for your games, Fred." As much as I hated to admit it, because I was hungover my hormones were still going through the roof. I wanted Fred to grab me and fuck me senseless. I walked into my dorm and closed the door. I fell onto my bed and felt the throbbing in my core get worse. I sighed and grabbed one of my pillows, putting it in between my thighs, sitting down on it. I moved my hips against the pillow, exhaling as I slowly began to feel pleasure. The rope in my stomach began to tighten, making a small moan leave my lips. I thought about last night, the way Fred kissed me, his lips moving sloppily against mine. The way I grinded on him and how he groaned into my ear, squeezing my hips. I remembered how good it made me feel, which is why I kept doing it. I began to move my hips faster, grinding harder against the pillow. I gasped as my clit dragged against my pillow, my panties becoming wet. "Fred." I whimpered as I felt myself beginning to get close. Shallow breaths left my lips as I thought about finishing. My hair fell into my face as my thighs began to cramp up. I was moving my hips so fast, desperately trying to cum. "Fuck. I need to cum, Freddie. Please let me cum." Remembering what his groans sounded like sent me over the edge. "Fred! Oh, Freddie." I rode out my orgasm, wanting every bit of pleasure. "Oh my god." I fell back against my bed, laying on my side. I panted and Alta came in. "Are you ok?" She asked. "Yeah." She looked at the pillow between my legs and said "oh my god, were you in here getting off at the thought of Fred?" I removed the pillow from in between my legs and said "no." "Are you sure? You know how much I think about Yelena. And how much I get off thinking about her." "Yeah, but it's different with you. The two of you actually have sex. I'm still a virgin and Fred is not thinking about having sex with me. Fuck, I shouldn't of done it." "Hey, it's not a bad thing to do. We all go through it." "Yes, but the problem is that Fred will never want to be with me in that way. If anything I'd be a rebound." "Goldie, you're beautiful. Don't put yourself down." "I know I'm pretty. But I'm not Lulu and I'll never be Lulu." I ran a hand through my hair and put my head in my hands. "I'm gonna sleep this off. I'm so hungover." "I have to cover up this hickey." Alta said. I looked at her and said "who gave you a hickey?" "Fleur." My eyes widened and I said "Fleur?" "Yes. We danced last night and she gave me a hickey. Yelena saw it and isn't happy." I chuckled and said "Fleur actually have you a hickey. That's crazy." "I know. Yelena was staring at it at breakfast so I should probably cover it up. She's a bit possessive over me. Even though we're not a thing." I shrugged and laid down, wanting to sleep this off.


By lunchtime, everyone seemed to be back to normal. I noticed Alta had covered up her hickey but Yelena glared at the spot that was now covered with makeup. Fred leaned his head on my shoulder and said "I shouldn't of got drunk last night." "Do you remember anything from last night?" I asked. Fred shrugged and said "I remember us dancing. And sitting on the couch. Other than that, no." I nodded and decided not to bring up the kiss. If he didn't remember it, it would most definitely ruin our friendship if I mentioned it. "How're you feeling, Gin?" George asked his younger sister. She looked up at him and said "better. When the next party?" George and Lee busted out laughing as she was ready for another night of drunkenness. It was quite hilarious. Fred's arm went around my waist and I said "don't, you're ticking me." "Ugh, you need to get over that, Goldie. How am I supposed to hold you if you're ticklish all the time?" I didn't answer him. I reached for my pumpkin juice and took a sip. "Fred, are we still on for Thursday?" Lulu's voice said. Fred looked up at her and said "yeah. I'll see you then?" Lulu nodded while smiling really big. I removed Fred's arm from me and pushed him off of me gently. I tried to hide my anger and disappointment but couldn't. Fred reached for me and I pulled away. He scoffed. "What's with the attitude?" "Nothing. I'm fine." Yelena was kissing Alta's neck, making a hickey in the exact spot Fleur had. She was doing it out in the open and my mind was blown at that. I guess she didn't care. Which was funny to me. Fred's hand went to my thigh and inched up under my skirt. I shoved his hand away and looked at him crazily. "What's wrong, love?" He said. "Stop." I replied through clenched teeth. "Oooh, tension is afoot." Lee said causing George to chuckle. George saw my face and then said "are you alright?" "I'm fine, George." "You sure?" "Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks, Georgie." He half smiled and Fred rolled his eyes. I stood up since I was finished with lunch. I decided I'd go back to my dorm, not wanting to deal with Fred's shit today.

This chapter is a bit shorter but the next chapter will be better I promise!!

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