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Chapter twenty six
The First Task
Goldie's POV:
"Place your bets!" "Place your bets, right here!" The twins were taking bets from all the students. Ginny crossed her arms over her chest and said "that's wrong." "To make bets?" I said. She nodded. "Any of them could die in this tournament and they're worried about bets and money. They don't seem to be the least bit worried about Harry." "Are you?" "Am I what?" "Worried about Harry?" Ginny scoffed. "Yes. Of course I am. He's my friend and I don't want anything happening to him." I nudged her shoulder and said "are you sure it's not a little bit more?" Ginny narrowed her eyes at me and said "I care about him a lot. He did save me from the chamber of secrets. And I hope he wins. He's the only one I'm rooting for." I watched Fred wrap his arm around Lulu, kissing her cheek. Ginny noticed where I was looking and said "ugh, I hate her." "So do I." "I wish he'd date you. You're so much prettier than her. You're also nicer than her. When she came to the burrow, she was so mean. I'm not sure why but she was." I looked at Ginny in shock. "I'm sorry she was mean. And he'll never date me." "Why?" Ginny asked, confusion in her eyes. "I'm not his type first of all. He likes girls like Lulu. Second, I'd always be a rebound. If he can't have her, he flirts with me." I replied. She sat down next to me, not saying anything else. "Mudblood." Zora spat as she walked by. Ginny stuck her foot out and Zora tripped, falling onto her knees which were now red and bleeding as she stood up. "Watch your mouth." Ginny said. Zora looked at her crazily and then looked at me. She went to open her mouth when Yelena sat down next to Ginny. Zora took a step back and Alta sat down next to Yelena. "Is there a problem?" Yelena said. Zora looked at her and said "no. Everything's fine." She turned around and walked to wherever she was going to sit. I watched her sit next to George and flirt with him. He wasn't giving her the time of day. Angelina sat down next to me and I watched her face fall as Zora cupped George's cheek. He brushed her off while smirking and I nudged Angelina. She looked back over at George who used his wand to put a frog in Zora's lap. Him and Fred busted out laughing. Lee was holding his stomach from laughing so hard and Fred said "scared of a little froggie?" She stood up and said "screw you!" George scrunched his face up in disgust and said "no way would I ever screw you!" Lee howled with laughter, patting George on the back. Zora stomped her foot like a child and walked off. Fred wiped a tear from his eyes as he stopped laughing. George picked up the frog and made it disappear. The tournament then began. Krum was up first. "Come on, Krum!" Ron yelled. Hermione sat up a bit as Krum was trying to defeat his dragon and take the egg. He managed to finish this task quickly. Fleur was next. She walked out into the arena slowly, her eyes scanning the area for the dragon.

Just need to get the egg.
As long as I get the egg, I complete the task
The dragon. Oh god.

Fleur's voice echoed in my head. I winced and Ginny looked at me. "Are you alright?" I nodded and said "yeah." Fleur's dragon made its appearance known and she stared up at it. "Fleur!" Gabrielle said as she stood up. Fleur looked up at her sister in the stands and then quickly dodged the dragon's breath of fire. Fred brought his binoculars to his face while George looked nervous for her well-being. Fleur quickly outsmarted the dragon, snatching the egg as she finished. Cedric walked out into the arena, looking for his dragon. "You got this, Cedric!" I cheered. He smiled at me and went to face his dragon. "Cedric, behind you!" Miguel yelled. Cedric turned around to face his dragon. I covered my eyes as fire was shot at Cedric. The crowd began to cheer and I uncovered my eyes, seeing that Cedric had the egg but had to defeat the dragon. He was quicker than Fleur but not quicker than Krum. Last but not least it was Harry's turn. He had the worst dragon out of the four of them. He was struggling. Draco Malfoy made it known how funny he thought it was. Blaise told him to be quiet as he was invested whether Harry was going to live or die. "Your wand, Harry! Use your wand!" Hermione screamed at him. Harry took advantage of that and used his wand. His broom came over to him and he took off out of the arena, the dragon breaking free from the shackles and following him. "Well done dragon!" Fred yelled. I shook my head at him and George laughed at Fred's antics. Since Harry had left the arena, we weren't sure what all was going on. We knew he was being pursued by the dragon but that was it. Everyone talked quietly so we could hear what was going on. A few minutes later Harry came back. "Yes! Yes!" Hermione cheered. Once Harry grabbed the egg, the twins announced that there'd be a Gryffindor party in two days. Once the task was over everyone was buzzing with excitement. We all went to lunch and I was walking alongside Ginny and Angelina. I watched Fred shove Lulu against the wall. The two of them kissed sloppily and Angelina said "gross." "I wish he'd move on from her. She's disgusting." Ginny retorted. I didn't comment as we walked to the Great Hall. Fred sat down at our table without Lulu. I wanted to ask him about it but at the same time I didn't. "Congratulations, Harry." I said. Harry looked at me and said "thanks, Goldie." The Hufflepuff table was rousing with excitement as Cedric sat down. I was happy for him. I was happy for them all. They were all getting this attention which I'm sure was somewhat nice. "So, everyone will be at the party, yeah?" Fred said. Angelina nodded and said "you don't need to ask Lee and I. We're in the same house." Fred then turned to me. "You'll be there?" "Yep." "Great. For some reason I thought you were going to say no." "Why would I say no?" He shrugged and said "I dunno." "Well, don't worry. I'll be there." He half smiled and said "awesome." I went back to my food and felt his eyes on me. "Yes, Fred?" "We'll dance again?" He had said that softly. I looked at him and said "did you want to?" He nodded and said "I had a great time with you. I'd like to do it again." "Then we shall." "Goldie." Rasmus said. I turned to look at him as he approached the table.

Fred's POV:
"I'm assuming you're going to the Gryffindor party?" "You assumed correctly." "Save me a dance? I didn't get to dance with you last time. I was too busy partying with Blaise." Goldie giggled and said "I saw you guys. The both of you looked like you were having fun." "Well, we'll have a dance together. I'm looking forward to it." She smiled and said "me too." Jealousy ran through my body as the two of them conversed. Why would I feel jealous if I have Lulu. No, we're not officially back together but we're back to being friends with benefits. Goldie wanted to be with Rasmus. The way she looked and talked to him explain it all. Why would she ever want to be with me? She could have anyone she wanted. I'm not as special as someone like Rasmus. He walked away and Goldie turned to me. "So, are you and George having the same drinks?" "Yeah. It's all we can get away with here. If we had straight firewhiskey we'd probably get in trouble." "The big and bad Fred Weasley is afraid of getting in trouble?" She giggled. "Not really. I just know George and I would have detention for the longest time." "I'm sure I could ease your sentence if you got caught." "How would you do that?" "McGonagall loves me. Even though I'm not a Gryffindor. She'd be the one to administer the detention, right?" I nodded. "I'm sure I could persuade her into giving you a lesser sentence." "That's if we get caught. And we're not going to get caught, darling." Goldie bit her lip and said "I'm sure you won't." I winked at her and my attention went to Lee as he said something. Goldie engaged in conversation with Alta. My eyes went to her skirt, looking at the thigh high socks she wore. The tops of her thighs peeked out from under her skirt. Then my eyes went to her chest. Her boobs had gotten bigger since last year. I quickly adverted my eyes so she wouldn't notice. As I talked to Lee, I wasn't focused on her that much anymore. But it didn't help that she was sitting right next to me and all I wanted to do was kiss her. Maybe the party would give me that chance. I was hoping it would.

Here's the update!! There's a double update so go ahead and read the next chapter

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