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Chapter twenty seven
Gryffindor Party
Goldie's POV:
The party was tonight. I was excited. I was ready to let loose and dance the night away. Hannah pulled on her dress. She was excited for this party since she didn't go to the last one. "The twins are hosting it I assume?" She said. "You assumed correctly." I replied. I shook out my hair and applied my eyeshadow, some with mascara. "I'm excited to see Yelena." Alta said. Hannah smiled and said "I wish you two would get together already." "Me too. Not sure what'll happened though." Alta and I put on our dresses, which were yellow and white.

We finished getting ready and headed to the Gryffindor common room. Are You Bored Yet was currently playing. Red lights flashed all around the common room and I noticed the huge selection of drinks at the table. "Drinks are on us." "Why won't don't you have a drink? It'll make you let loose." The twins were practically shoving drinks in people's faces. I walked over and grabbed one. Fred's eyes went up and down my body. I winked at him and he did the same. Blaise and Rasmus walked in. Rasmus made eye contact with me and smiled. I smiled back and went to grab another drink. "Are you planning on getting shit faced?" Alta asked me. I shrugged and said "a bit." Fake ID started and Fred grabbed my hand. "We're doing this now?" He looked at me and nodded. "I told you that I wanted to dance with you." I hadn't had too much to drink to start grinding on him yet. His arms went around my waist and I looked up at him through my lashes. "I love this color on you." He said. I swayed my hips and said "thank you." Thats how Fred and I stayed for the rest of that song. Dragon Attack began and I quickly went to get another drink before meeting Fred once again. I felt his hand roam my lower body and I grabbed him by his collar, lowering him down to my level. Fred quirked an eyebrow as I leaned in to kiss his lips. I then pulled away while giggling. "You tease." Fred said as his hands went to my hips. "You're one to talk." I replied. I let go of his collar and said "I need another drink. Come with me?" He nodded and I pulled him to the drink table. He poured two shots of firewhiskey and we quickly downed them. I went to go back to the dance floor and Fred did another one. George did the same and then said "I bet you can't do three more." "You're on." As Wrecking Ball started, I watched the two of them do shots. I bopped my head to the song the alcohol beginning to consume me. "Hurry up." George said. Fred exclaimed as he did his third shot. Alta was dancing with Fleur and Lulu was glaring at me from across the room. "Come on, I wanna dance." I whined to the twins. "Oh really?" Fred asked. I nodded as Hayloft began to blare. I pulled the two of them to the dance floor as I sung the lyrics. Blaise and Rasmus were currently jumping up and down. I was currently squished in between the twins as three of us danced. I felt Fred kiss my neck and I bit my lip to hold in the moan I wanted to release. Yes I'm Changing began and George left us to dance with Angelina. I sung the somewhat sad lyrics and Fred pulled away to look at me. "I don't like this song." He said. "Why?" "Cause. It's about people changing. I don't wanna change. I like us. I like how we are." I blinked a few times as I was too drunk to comprehend what he was trying to say. "We're not changing. Are we?" "Only if we change for the better. Don't leave me, Goldie. Please." I furrowed my eyebrows and said "why would I leave you? I'm always scared you'll leave me." He shook his head and said "I could never." He cupped my cheek and I stared up at him. "Freddie." I whispered. He leaned in to kiss me but Lee said "Fred, I have an idea! I need you and George!" Fred looked at him and said "alright." His hand left my cheek and he left me standing in the middle of the dance floor. Rasputin started and I sighed, feeling weird at what just happened. I figured I'd go and get another drink. Alta was at the drink table and I noticed the twins dancing around Krum who was looking at them crazily. Fred and George were singing the lyrics to Krum who said "I'm not even Russian, idiots!" Hermione covered her mouth to keep from laughing and Alta was cracking up. Lee nudged Krum who was so annoyed. The twins were in sync as they danced around Krum. Fleur giggled at them and Ginny was holding her stomach from laughing so hard. Angelina shook her head at George. "I'm not Russian, dumbass!" Krum was so annoyed now. The hilarious moment quickly ended as Lulu pulled Fred to where she stood. Body Language began and I watched as her hand moved all over his body. I scoffed and did another shot. I walked across the room to where Rasmus stood and said "come on." He grabbed my hand and followed me. "You're so beautiful." Rasmus said as he grabbed me by my chin, cupping my cheek. The coolness of his rings felt so good against my body that seemed hot. I absentmindedly began to grind against Rasmus as he turned me around so my back was to his chest. Fred's eyes were on me the entire time. He glared at me and I noticed how his demeanor changed. Lulu was all over him. She kissed his neck up and down, pulling on his hair. I reached a hand up to run my fingers through Rasmus' curls. A sigh left his lips and his hand went to my face, making me look at him. The Lemon Song began and Rasmus leaned in to kiss me but I quickly moved away from him. He shook his head at me and I wrapped my arms around his neck as the two of us danced. We swayed slowly as Robert Plant screamed into the Gryffindor common room. John Paul Jones' bassline was soothing to listen to as I felt Rasmus' hands reach down to my butt. Fred was no longer dancing with Lulu. His eyes were trained on me and Rasmus. Yelena and Alta were dancing together, Yelena leaving kisses on Alta's shoulders and neck. Move Ya Body started and I detached myself from Rasmus. Angelina was walking by and I grabbed her, the two of us dancing. Rasmus stared as Angelina began to grind on me as I held her by her hips. Blaise's mouth hung open as he was now standing next to Rasmus. I noticed George try to hide his boner that was very evident. Fred bit his lip as he stared at me and Angelina. He sat down on the couch and George did the same, putting a pillow in his lap. Fred adjusted his pants and I smirked at him. Fred shook his head at me and Angelina pulled away from me as Si Una Vez started. "Godric, I've never done anything like that." She said. "Me too." I replied. The two of us giggled and Miguel sung along with Selena. Lee had managed to start dancing with Simone and I walked to the drink table, Angelina following me. George had his head propped up in his hand as he leaned on the arm of the couch. Fred clenched his jaw as his eyes never left me.

Alta's POV:
Immigrant Song started and the boys seemed to go nuts. Yelena had left marks all over my shoulders and neck. The Weasley twins looked to be in distress after Goldie and Angelina's show they put on. Draco once again wall hugged and didn't dance. He hated how much fun his friends were having. I grabbed a cup of water, bringing it to my lips. "Come on." Yelena said as she pulled me into a spare room. Can I Call You Tonight started. I was confused as to what this room was and it was announced that this would be the last song of the night, with The Lemon Song being played again because the boys weren't quite ready to leave yet. Yelena and I quickly engaged in a make out session. There was a bed in this room and I felt her tugging at my dress. I let her remove it and I stared at her purple jumpsuit she wore. She looked so good I could barely take it.

My eyes widened at the strap on Yelena pulled out. "Did you plan this?" I asked. Yelena nodded  and said "oh yeah." She kissed my chest up and down before putting it on. She spread my legs and ran the strap up and down my slit. I inhaled sharply and she put the plastic dick inside me. I gasped at the feeling, Yelena smirking. She barely gave me any time to adjust as she began thrusting into me. Moans and gasps left my lips as she began to go harder. "Ah, Lena!" I said. She kissed my lips and said "you're doing so well. Doing so good for me." Robert Plant's voice entered the air along with Jimmy Page's guitar. Yelena began moving to the beat of the song and the pleasure I was feeling was amazing. I gripped her shoulder blades and dug my nails into them. "You look so helpless right now. You're gonna cum all over my cock, yeah?" Yelena said. I nodded and she grabbed me by my chin. "Use your words." "Yes! I'm gonna cum all over your cock." I closed my eyes as the pleasure began to be too much. Yelena slapped my face. Not too hard but hard enough to make me look at her. "Look at me. I want you to look at me when you cum. I wanna see your pretty face." I nodded and her hand went to my throat, squeezing. "Who makes you feel like this?" "You. You're the only one who can make me feel like this." I rasped. Her lips curled up into a smirk once again, her other hand going to rub at my clit. The door opened and Fleur stood there, her eyes wide. "GET OUT!" Yelena screamed. Fleur's eyes went to my body and her lips parted. "Fleur!" I said. She quickly left the room and closed the door. Yelena's grip on my throat got tighter. I gasped for air and said "Lena, I'm gonna cum! Oh, I'm gonna cum!" She removed her hand from my throat and said "cum for me." I felt myself tightening around the strap, moans leaving my lips. "Lena, oh god, Lena." She kissed my cheek and my lips as I came, helping me through my orgasm. When I finally calmed down she pulled out, removing the strap. I sat up as she laid down on the bed. The beating of John Bonham's drums thumped in my chest as I positioned myself at Yelena's crotch. I licked up her slit and she sighed. I sucked on her clit while I inserted a finger into her. Her hands went to my hair, pulling on it. "Mmm, Alta." I sucked harshly on her clit before pulling away. I put an ice cube in my mouth from the cup of water I had brought. Yelena ran a hand through her hair and said "fuck." I went back down to her crotch, making the ice touch her. She shivered at the coldness. I fucked her with my tongue as the ice cube laid against her. "Alta...fuck." I moved back up to her clit, sucking on it once again. I grazed my teeth against her and her legs closed around my head. I quickly pushed them back open and she panted. "Alta, holy shit. You're doing so good. Making me feel so fucking good." I gripped her thighs as my tongue moved in and out of her. "I need to cum. Please, oh god." I hummed in response and she groaned loudly from the vibrations against her. "Cum for me, Lena." "Alta! Alta, I'm cumming! Fuck, I'm cumming!" I made sure to lick up all her juices, Yelena gasping and moaning for air. I pulled away from her as she came down from her high. "Holy shit." She said. I giggled and she looked at me. "You made me feel so good. Way better than my fingers." "I'm glad. And you with the strap, we'll have to do that more often." Yelena grabbed me by my chin and said "you can count on it." The two of us got dressed and mostly everyone was leaving as we stepped out of the spare room. Goldie gave Angelina a hug and did the same to Ginny before she left. George shifted uncomfortably on the couch and Angelina said "I'll see you, Goldie." "See you, Angie." Goldie left the common room and Fred bit his lip. Angelina turned to George and said "are you coming up now or later?" "Later." He replied quickly. "You sure?" He nodded and Angelina sighed. "Darn. I was hoping you'd come with me to my room. Or let me come with you to yours." George gulped and said "I can. M-Mine or yours?" Angelina shrugged and said "you pick." George stood up, his hands in front of his crotch. My eyes widened at his boner and he gestured for Angelina to follow him to the boys dormitories. "Fred, Lee, stay out." He said. Lee huffed and sat down on the couch next to Fred who adjusted his pants. Lee giggled at Fred who glared at him. "Shut up." "That looks painful." Lee said while laughing. Yelena sniggered and Fred rolled his eyes. "Good luck." I said to him. Fred flipped me off and said "it's your friend's fault." That was the alcohol talking and he never would've admitted that sober. "Which friend?" I decided to play dumb. "Goldie. Duh!" Lee was still laughing to be caught up in our conversation and I shook my head. "Goldie did that to you?" Fred grabbed the pillow George had earlier and covered his crotch. Both of them were well endowed. Goldie would be in for it whenever the two of them decided to hook up. Yelena walked me back to the Hufflepuff common room, giving me a kiss goodnight. My heart fluttered as she walked away. Her and I weren't officially together but we practically had sex all the time. I was hoping we'd take it a step further but I wasn't sure. Maybe one day.

Here's the update!! Once again kw-2187 GET REKT

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