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Chapter three
The Marauder's Map
Goldie's POV:
Ever since I dislocated my shoulder Fred, George and I have been inseparable. Along with Alta and I. I was very happy with the friends I've made so far and am glad they enjoy my company. We currently sat in the library, the Weasley twins sitting across from me while Alta and Hannah were next to me. I copied a part of the Transfiguration notes that I didn't receive since I couldn't write fast enough. Hannah wrote quickly and was sure to get everything on the board. A piece of paper hit my head and I looked up to see Fred motioning to the paper. I grabbed the balled up piece of paper and opened it up.

George and I are gonna ditch. Wanna come?

I sighed and wrote a response, throwing it back at him. He smirked as he opened it up, showing to to George who did the same. Fred threw the same paper back at me and I opened it.

Five minutes

I nodded at him and crumbled up the paper, putting it in the pocket of my robe so we wouldn't get caught. I finished the notes Hannah gave me and closed up my books. I watched George scribble something on his paper, his handwriting was messy. Fred's was a bit neater but rushed and messy like his brother's. I noticed the Slytherin boys whispering amongst each other, occasionally making eye contact with me. Fred stood up along with George. I stood up and followed them. I felt Fred take my hand as the three of us rushed out of the library. George laughed as he pulled something out of his robe pocket. "This way." He said. Fred continued to pull me through the halls and I said "where are we going?" "It's a surprise." He replied. I held my books and then we stopped at a wall. I furrowed my eyebrows and George lifted the tapestry to reveal a passageway. My eyes widened and he went inside, letting go of my hand. Fred did the same and I stood there, not knowing if I should follow them. "Come on." Fred said. "I don't want to carry my books." I replied. Fred took them from me and set them on the ground inside. "They'll be fine there. Just come on." I followed him inside, Fred adjusting the tapestry behind us. "I can't see anything." I said. I felt someone grab my hand and said "Fred?" "Yes, it's me." "Lumos." George's voice said from up ahead of us. I pulled out my wand and did the same. "Lumos." "Now you can see." Fred said while smirking. I rolled my eyes and we went further down the hallway. We reached a large room which had all kinds of things inside of it. "We found this place last year. Now we come here and hang out. George and I. Nobody knows about it except us. But, you're worthy enough to know." Fred said. There was a rug on the ground and some small pieces of furniture. George plopped down on the couch and Fred did the same. "This is the Marauder's Map. It shows everyone." Fred said. I looked at the map and saw the three of us in a secret passageway. "This map shows everyone?" "Everyone." "Where they are." "What they're doing." "Of every minute." "Of every day." I took it from Fred and said "that's amazing." I looked at all the names on the map, everyone I knew was on there. Every professor as well. "Where'd you get this?" I asked. "Knicked it from Filch's office, of course." "First year." I shook my head at them and said "you actually stole this from Filch's office? In your first year?" "Yeah. It was pretty easy too." Fred said. "How many of these secret passageways are there?" "Loads. Fred and I have only discovered a few. But this one is our favorite so far. It has all this furniture and we can come here and relax. With no one around." George said. I stood up and noticed the candles in the corner. "You guys are running out of candles." I said. Fred shrugged and said "that's ok. There's plenty to steal." I shook my head at him and I turned around to face them. "You have to promise you won't tell anyone." They said in unison. I nodded and said "I won't." "Promise." Fred said as he took a step towards me. "I promise." I looked up at him and George said "uh oh, Snape is gonna kill us!" "Potions is now?! Great!" I said. The three of us went to the opening of the secret passageway, making sure nobody was coming down the hall before exiting. We then walked as quick as we could to potions. Snape immediately stopped talking as we walked in. "Mr. Weasley and Miss March. You're late. I assume you have some sort of excuse that I do not want to hear. Detention after class. The three of you." George rolled his eyes and Fred sighed deeply. The twins left me to sit in their seats. I went to sit next to Alta who said "where were you?" The two of us had to whisper since Snape was going on with the lesson. "Just hanging out with Fred and George." She wiggled her eyebrows at me and I rolled my eyes. "Miss Parker, could you please explain to me why you're not paying attention?" Snape said. He was looking at someone behind us. Alta and I both turned around to see the tall girl who bumped into Alta about a month ago. "I'm paying attention." The girl replied. A boy sitting next to her looked her up and down, slight fear in his eyes. "Why are you staring at the back of Miss Fox's head?" Snape questioned. "I can't see the board." Her voice was almost monotone like she didn't care much anything. The boy next to her made a face like she was crazy, making sure she couldn't see it. Adrian Pucey winked at me as I was facing the back of the classroom. I half smiled back, not knowing what to do, turning around. I mentally cursed myself and a long sigh came from Snape. "Miss Parker, do not stare at the back of Miss Fox's head in my classroom. Because of your stature, it's obvious you can see the board. Pay attention or you will receive detention with Miss March and...the Weasley's." Snape drawled. Alta turned back around and said "she's so tall." I giggled softly and we went back to paying attention to the lesson. When Snape was finished, we had to work on our assignment quietly. "What did you do with Fred and George?" Alta whispered. "Just hung out. We roamed the halls." I said. "How did you not get caught by Filch?" "They're pretty good at not getting caught. They've been evading him for years now. Well, that's what they told me. And I think it's true." Alta shrugged and said "maybe." After a few minutes Snape dismissed the class. "Miss March, Mr. Evergreen, my office." He said. I noticed the boy who was sitting behind me, froze in his seat. The class began to clear out and the two of us walked into Snape's office. "Miss March, Mr. Evergreen isn't doing so well in my class. I'd like you to tutor him. You're exceptional at potions, for a Hufflepuff." Snape said. I nodded and said "thank you, professor." "The two of you may go." We left his office and the boy said "I'm Woody. Woody Evergreen." I turned to him and said "you're Dillie's brother?" He nodded and said "yeah. She's a couple of years younger though. She's in her second year." "I'm Goldie." I said. "I know." He replied. Then his eyes widened. "I didn't mean for that to sound so creepy. I just know you cause Dillie talks about you all the time. Plus, you're on the Hufflepuff quidditch team. I'm on the Ravenclaw quidditch team." "It's fine. Not a big deal. So, what're you struggling with in potions?" I asked as we walked. "Just about everything. It's not my strong suit. This is literally my worst class and I gotta keep my grades up. And with quidditch coming up, I'm gonna be buried in work." He ran a hand through his dark hair. "Don't worry. I'll help you. Whatever you need." I said. He half smiled and said "thanks. That really means a lot."


Fred and George demanded Alta and I sit with them at lunch. George was across from me while Fred was next to me. Alta sat next to George. "Is this Goldie?" A girl asked. "Yep." George said. "I'm Angelina. I know I'm on the Gryffindor quidditch team and haven't said anything to you but it's because I'm focusing too hard during quidditch. But, I've been wanting to meet you for a while now." She said. Angelina was really pretty. Her black hair was currently in a ponytail, a few strands hanging around her face. "Hi, Angelina." I said. She smiled really big and said "it's nice to finally meet you." A little girl with red hair sat down on the other side of George. "Hiya, Gin." He said. She smiled really big at him and then turned to me. Her eyes slightly widening. "Ginny, you remember Goldie? She's the one who bought our books." Fred said to her. Percy looked over. I had met the majority of the Weasley's. I knew Percy since he was a prefect and let everyone know it. I had heard of Ron but didn't meet him officially until he was puking slugs. Ginny was the only one I hadn't met that went to Hogwarts. "Hi, Ginny." I said, trying to make her feel comfortable. She gulped and said "h-hi." She then looked at Fred who was too busy eating the food off his plate. Alta said something about divination which made me look over at her. She said we'd be having a project where we'd have to be partnered up. The twins groaned simultaneously. "Thank you." Ginny said, talking over the commotion. I turned to her and said "what?" "Thank you. For buying our books. We can't afford much as you can see. And you didn't even know us. You just did it out of kindness. So, thank you." Ginny said with a half smile. "You're welcome." I replied.


Luckily my detention with the twins was during one of Snape's free periods which happened to be our divination class. We ended up not having to do the project. The rest of my classes came and went. Fred managed to grab me before my last class. "George and I are gonna sneak out to the Forbidden Forest before dinner. Wanna come?" "Forbidden Forest?" I asked. I had no idea what it was. "Surely you've heard of the Forbidden Forest?" George said. I shook my head and I watched their smirks grow. "Guys, what aren't you telling me?" "You'll see." They said in unison. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." George had his wand pointed at the map, everything beginning to appear. I gasped softly and Fred said "cool, huh?" I nodded and I watched George's eyes scan over the map. "This way." Fred and I began to follow George, going inside another secret passageway. I took off my robe and draped it on my arm, following close behind Fred. We then reached the outside of the castle. Fred chuckled and said "come on." The three of us walked the grounds of the castle, making our way towards a large forest. It was dark and eerie. I shook my head and said "I'm not going in there." "Oh, come on. Don't be a chicken." George said. Fred nodded and said "we'll be right there with you." I shook my head again. Fred offered me his hand and said "I'll hold your hand since you're scared." George began walking in the forest and Fred did the same, grabbing my hand and pulling me along. I stayed extremely close to him. I could smell his scent. He smelled of cedarwood with a small hint of cinnamon. I held his hand tighter as we made it to a dark area. "Maybe we'll see something scary." George teased. "Yeah. I hope we see one of those big spiders. What're they called again? Acromantulas?" Fred joined in. "Stop!" I said as I buried my face into Fred's chest. The twins laughed, taking great pleasure in scaring me. We continued on, the only light source was from George casting Lumos. I jumped at every noise and was clutching Fred's hand. "Lumos." Fred said as George began to get farther away. "George! Don't leave us!" I said. Fred stopped and looked around. "I hope an Acromantula comes out right now." Fred looked down at me and I said "it'd better not! I hate spiders." All of a sudden George jumped in front of me, yelling. I immediately screamed and fell back onto the ground out of fear. Fred and George laughed loudly, succeeding in scaring me. "I hate you! I hate you both!" I said as I stood up. I saw that there was dirt all over my knee high socks and my skirt. "Screw you!" I turned around and began walking away from them, not caring I was leaving them. I quickly realized I didn't know my way out of the woods. I then regretted walking away. "Goldie? Where are you?" George called. "We're sorry! Please come back!" Fred said. I wanted to go to them but I was afraid they'd be pranking me. I sat down on a rock that was next to me, putting my head in my hands. "Goldie, where'd you go?" "It was just a joke." "Come on, Goldie. We're sorry." I wanted to go them so badly. I felt tears welling up into my eyes, the fear beginning to take over. It was dark and cold. There were things in this forest. No wonder this place was forbidden. I cried softly and wished I was back at the castle. "Goldie! There you are! Didn't you hear us calling you?" George said as he now stood in front of me. I looked up at him, tears going down my face. "Goldie, what's wrong? What happened?" Fred asked. "Y-you guys pranked me. You brought me out here to scare me." I said. George frowned and said "no, we didn't. We wanted to have fun. Scaring you was my idea. I thought you'd be ok since you were standing with Fred. I never would've done it to you if Fred and I left you. We could've picked anyone to sneak out of the castle with us. We wanted to sneak out with you." "Why?" I sniffled. "Cause you're our friend." Fred said. I wiped my face and looked down. "We're sorry." They said in unison. "Can we go back now? It's scary." Fred chuckled and said "of course." He offered his hand for me to take once again. "No more jokes. I promise. Next time we'll go somewhere less scary." He reassured me. I took his hand and he quickly wrapped his arm around me, giving me a hug. George then hugged me as well, both of them having their arms around me. "I'm sorry." Fred whispered. I wrapped my arms around them, nuzzling my face into Fred's chest. When I realized I had, I quickly pulled away. "Let's go back. I'm starving." I played it off. George smiled and said "me too." Fred took my hand and the three of us snuck back into the castle undetected. "Ok?" Fred said to me as he let go of my hand. I nodded and said "yep." He held my hand the entire walk back. I be lying if I said I didn't have butterflies in my stomach. I thought Fred was rather cute but didn't have a crush on him just yet. And a boy like him wanting to hang out with me and hold my hand, even though it wasn't for dating purposes, made me really giddy. George noticed my skirt and socks. "Sorry about that." He said. I shrugged and said "I can wash them." I slid my robe onto my body, not wanting to get caught with a dirty skirt and socks. When we arrived at dinner, Percy immediately asked where we had been. "Where've you three been?" His tone was rather rude. "Studying. And you have no authority over Goldie. She's not in our house." Fred quickly lied. Percy rolled his eyes and said "I'm a prefect. If she's caught in the halls doing something she's not supposed to, I have every right to get her in trouble." He looked down at me before looking back at George who said "Goldie needed some help with defense against the darks arts homework. So, Fred and I helped her." "And where was this?" Percy asked. "The library." I quickly answered. Alta looked up at me, knowing I was lying. Percy nodded and said "alright." He sat down across from Oliver and the two of them began talking. I sat down in between the twins and Lee said "where were you guys." George smirked and said "the Forbidden Forest." Lee groaned and said "without me?" "Sorry, Lee. George and I wanted to scare the wits out of Goldie." Fred replied. "Did they get you?" Lee said as he put some food on his plate. "Yes. They did." I rolled my eyes and George said "I'm sorry. It was kinda funny though." I shrugged and said "yeah. I guess. I honestly thought the forest was cool but I was way too scared." Fred nudged me and said "so, you did have fun." "Who said I didn't?" I said with a quirked eyebrow. He smirked and said "I knew it. Even though you cried. You had fun." I shrugged and said "who knows?" George shook his head and Alta said "I can't believe you guys went to the Forbidden Forest." "You should come next time." George suggested. "No way. I'm perfectly fine staying here in the castle, thank you." She said as she looked down at her book. Lee laughed and said "take me next time, will you?" "Will do." The twins said in unison.

This chapter is cute?? I think it is lmao

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