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Chapter thirty one
Yule Ball Aftermath
Goldie's POV:
I woke up to the sun shining in the room. I stretched and sighed. I noticed Lee across the room in his bed. George's bed was empty. I went to get up when Fred's arms tightened around my waist. I tried to squirm out of his arms and then huffed when I couldn't. "Fred, I have to pee." I said softly. "You'll come right back?" He asked, his voice laced with sleep. "Of course." His arms loosened and I went to the bathroom, doing my business and coming back. Fred felt the bed dip as I sat down. He pulled me onto his chest and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Good morning." I said sweetly. "Good morning, love." Fred replied, his voice deeper from being asleep. I nuzzled my face into his chest and he kissed my forehead. "We gotta go to breakfast soon." Fred groaned and said "do we have to?" "Yes, aren't you hungry?" "A bit. We could always just stay here...and have morning sex." Fred got on top of me, bucking his hips against mine. "As tempting as that is, I want to have breakfast." I said. "Mmm." Fred groaned into my ear. "Fred, come on. We're going to miss breakfast." "Dee Dee, just let me cum. Shit, I'm almost there." His hips went faster against me, his hard on rubbing against my clit. I bit my lip as I began to get aroused. I got out from under him and Fred huffed in frustration. "I'm gonna borrow some of Ginny's clothes. Or Angelina's. I'll be back." I told him as I stood up. Fred laid on his back and said "yeah, yeah." I left him and went to Angelina's dorm. When I walked in she was getting dressed. I heard the shower running and she said "George is in there." "Oh. Could I borrow some pants?" I asked. Angelina nodded and gave me a pair of leggings which I was glad they fit me. I walked back to Fred's dorm and he was pulling on a pair of sweatpants, adjusting his bulge. He looked up at me and said "those look good on you." "Yeah?" He nodded and walked over to where I stood. He kissed my lips, his hands among my body. I ran my hand through his red locks. Fred moaned into the kiss. I felt his hard on against my stomach, pulling away from him. "Come on." I said. Fred adjusted himself again and said "we could've had a quickie." "Who says we won't later?" I said. I was slightly sore from the night before. Fred seemed to notice as we walked to the Great Hall. He chuckled at me and I said "shut up." We then sat down where the rest of our friends were. I brought my orange juice to my lips, gulping it down out of thirst. "Guess who lost their virginity last night?" Fred said to George. I looked at him with wide eyes and George chuckled. "How'd it feel?" George asked. I choked on my orange juice, he sounded very similar to Fred. "Uhm...not sure if I want to discuss that with you, George." I replied. "You're one of my best friends, who happens to be shagging my brother, so spill." I sighed and said "it was nice. I guess." "You guess?" Fred and George said in unison. "Guys, we're having breakfast and you're asking me about me losing my virginity." I said. Angelina patted George's shoulder and said "George, leave her alone." "It's just a question. Is my brother treating you right? Did he make you scream his name?" Angelina hit George's arm and I immediately looked at my plate, feeling the blush appear on my cheeks. Fred kissed my cheek and said "of course I did." Alta chuckled and I said "stop." I buried my face into Fred's chest and he said "you're adorable." "I'm glad my brother was able to make you feel good." George said. Angelina shook her head at me as I looked up. "How was your night, Alta?" Lee asked. Alta went to answer but Yelena did it for her. "She got fucking railed." Fred busted out laughing and George did the same. "I railed the shit out of Goldie." Yelena smirked and her and Fred gave each other a high five. "I railed Angelina." George said, wanting to be included. Yelena nodded to him and said "good for you, George." She gave him a high five and Lee shook his head. "You lot are disgusting." "You're just mad cause you didn't get any last night." Fred retorted. "You're right." George laughed at Lee's response and Alta rolled her eyes. Yelena put her arm around Alta. Fred made me look at him, his hand on my chin. "Can I have a kiss?" I nodded and he pressed his lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss, not wanting him to pull away. Fred pecked my lips before pulling away. He then kissed my cheek and then my forehead. "Do you guys wanna go to Hogsmeade today?" Lee suggested. George nodded and said "sure. How about it, Angie?" "Yeah. Sounds fun." "We're in." Yelena answered for her and Alta. "What about us, hmm? Wanna go to Hogsmeade?" Fred asked as he kissed my cheek again. "Mmm-hmm. I can get you something for Christmas." I replied. Fred quirked an eyebrow and said "oh yeah?" "Yep. I have to get dressed. So, I'll meet you outside?" Fred's arms went around my waist and he said "sure. Or I could just come with you." "No, cause you're not going to let me get dressed." I stood up and Angelina did the same. She followed me back to the Hufflepuff common room and I changed out of her pants, giving them back. I then changed into leggings with a skirt on over them. I put a shirt on under Fred's sweater and then pulled my jacket on over it. I carried my gloves and beanie with me as I met up with Angelina who was dressed for the cold. Snow fell from the sky lightly as I approached Fred who was talking to George. He ran a hand through his long hair and mentioned something about stopping at a certain shop. He looked over at me and smiled really big. He immediately wrapped his arms around my waist and said "hi." "Hi." He kissed my lips and then began kissing my neck. I giggled and said "you're awful affectionate today." "You're so pretty. I just want to kiss you all over." I stopped him as he went to kiss my neck again. Fred noticed the beanie in my hands and took it from me. He put it on my head, pulling it down over my eyes so I couldn't see. "Freddie!" I said as I pulled it back up over my eyes. He laughed and adjusted it on my head. "Can't have you getting cold." I smiled up at him and he gestured for us to follow George and Angelina. I put my gloves on as we walked. Yelena put Alta on her back, making her squeal and hang onto her tightly. Yelena chuckled as Alta clung to her. Once we got to Hogsmeade we decided we'd all go shopping for our girlfriend or boyfriend. "We'll meet up here, yeah?" Fred said. George nodded and Lee huffed as he didn't have anyone to shop for. I told him he could come with me since he'd be alone. We all then split up, going to the various shops at Hogsmeade. "I already know what Fred is going to get you." Lee said as we walked into Honeydukes. "Oh really?" I asked. He nodded and I grabbed a bag of jelly slugs and sugar quills. I paid for them and Lee and I went to another shop. "I was thinking I could get Fred a really nice bracelet. Something that suits him but is really nice." I said to Lee. He nodded and said "I think he'd like it." "Something in black or red. Or even orange. But it'd be somewhat expensive but not expensive at the same time." "Go with orange or black." I looked around the shop as Lee did the same. The shop had lots of pretty things. I found a bracelet which was basically pretty black stones on a thread. "Lee?" He walked over and looked at the bracelet in my hand. "Whoa, he'll really like that." "You think?" "I'm his best friend. I know what he likes and dislikes. And that, coming from you, he'll love it. And will always be grateful for it. That's the thing about Fred and George. They're always so grateful for anything you do for them. They never forget it." I took the bracelet to the counter and paid for it. It wasn't too expensive but looked like it. I placed it in the bag with his jelly slugs and said "we'd better go back and meet up with them." George was holding Angelina at the waist as we walked up. Alta was alone, waiting on Yelena. "Ugh, it's freezing. Fred better hurry back soon." I said. Alta nodded in response and said "Yelena is warm and I need her to shield me from the cold." We all talked amongst each other. Yelena showed up about a minute or two later. Five minutes went by, then ten. George shivered and said "where is he?" Lee looked around and said "if he's not back in five minutes I'm going." "I'll stay here and wait for him if you guys want to go." I suggested. Angelina shook her head and said "we'll wait with you." "Guys! Sorry it took so long. I had to make a decision and well it was hard." Fred said as he ran over, panting. "Did you run all the way here?" I asked him. He nodded and said "yeah." I cupped his cheek and noticed his face was red from being out in the snow. "Come on. Let's go back to the castle and open our gifts." George announced. Fred held my hand to his cheek and he said "I got you something really nice. I hope you like it." "I know I will." He smiled and I removed my hand from his face.


When we got back to the castle, I followed Fred to the Gryffindor common room. We went to his dorm and he shrugged off his jacket. I took off my gloves and he grabbed my hand, putting it to his cheek. He sighed and quickly did the same to my other hand. "My face feels frozen. And you're hands are so warm." I half smiled at him and said "awe, I'm sorry Freddie. After we open our gifts we could cuddle." "Please." He said. I nodded and he let go of my hands. I handed him his gift bag which he took from me. He pulled out the jelly slugs and chuckled. Then his eyes widened at the bracelet. He held it up and looked at it, staring at the stones that were glistening from the lights in the room. "How much did this cost you?" He asked. "Wasn't too bad. I wanted you to have something really nice." Fred looked at me and then looked at the bracelet. He handed it to me and then held out his wrist. I put it on his wrist, making sure the clasp was secure. Fred smiled at his wrist and said "I love it. It's wicked." I chuckled and he handed me my bag. I reached inside and pulled out a necklace. I gasped softly at the pink jewel that laid at the end of the chain. "Freddie...how much did you pay for this? It's beautiful." "I used all the galleons I had. That's why it took me so long. I had to make a decision on to get you this or something else. I'm glad I chose this one. I'm grateful I had enough galleons. I had been saving up for it to be honest. I wanted to get you something expensive. Even if we weren't together yet but I was hoping we were. And here we are." I looked at him and said "Fred, I love it. And I love you." Fred raised his eyebrows and I quickly realized I had said that aloud. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" Fred cut me off by kissing my lips. He cupped my cheek and pulled me to where he sat on his bed. I quickly straddled him and our lips moved in sync. Fred's hips bucked upwards and I gladly returned his request by grinding my hips down onto his. Fred pulled away to groan. "I love you too, Goldie. I've loved you since fifth year. Probably even fourth." I smiled really big and said "will you put this on me?" He nodded and I got off of his lap. I moved my hair out of the way so Fred could clasp the necklace around my neck. I turned around and said "how does it look?" He looked at the necklace resting on my chest and said "it looks beautiful. Godric, you're beautiful." I removed his sweater from my body and began fumbling with his belt. Fred quickly unbuckled his belt and I pulled my leggings off. I went to remove my skirt and Fred said "leave it on." I smirked and nodded. "You're getting what you wanted this morning." I said. Fred bit his lip and took off his boxers. "I'm gonna make you feel good, Freddie." He tugged at the shirt I had on, removing it. He then took off his shirt and I leaned down to kiss his lips, kissing him passionately. "Merry Christmas, Freddie." "Merry Christmas, Dee Dee."

Alta's POV:
We sat in my dorm. "I want to give you my gift first." I said. Yelena nodded and I said "it's nothing fancy. But I think it's something you'll like." She nodded again and I handed her the bag. She pulled out the first book and said "a book?" "Lena, just read what it is." She sighed and looked at it. Yelena's face softened a bit and she said "a book on the stars?" "Yes. I love them so much and thought you'd want to read about them. Maybe one night we could go stargazing." Yelena smiled and said "that'd be really nice." She pulled out the other book which was all about flowers. "I love flowers." She said softly. "Really?" "Yes. I don't mention it as much around people but I can around you. I can be myself around you. Thank you for this." Yelena had never been so sweet with me. I knew she could be if I broke her walls down a little. And I think I'm succeeding. Yelena handed me my gift bag which I took from her. I pulled out the necklace inside. It had stars hanging from the chain. "Lena, I love it." "I hoped you would." I took out the ring inside and gasped. "It's so pretty."

Yelena half smiled and I said "I love them both. I'll wear them both proudly." "You'd better. I want everyone to know that I gave them to you." I blushed and said "of course I will. Will you put the necklace on me?" I pulled my hair out of the way so Yelena could put the necklace on me. She clasped it around my neck and said "it looks beautiful on you." I blushed again and said "thank you so much." Yelena grabbed me by my chin and kissed my lips. "You're welcome." I kissed her again, her hands running all over my body. She moved to my neck and kissed my neck up and down. "Lena." I moaned softly as she started to make a hickey. "I'm going to give you an extra present." She smirked as she pulled away.

I hope everyone is liking this book so far!! Also, how do you guys picture Yelena?? I'm curious to see how you guys picture her or what show or movie do you guys think she's from??

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