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Chapter thirty two
The Second Task
Goldie's POV:
Alta and I were hanging out in our dorm. It was a bit late at night and Professor McGonagall came in. "Miss Fox, I need you to come with me." Alta looked over at her and said "is there something wrong?" "Nothing wrong. I just need you to come with me." Alta nodded and stood up, leaving the room. I sighed and proceeded to get ready for bed.


I woke up early since the next task was today. It was taking place at the Black Lake. I looked to Alta's bed. It was already made. I felt bad that she had left without me. I got dressed in warm clothing and met up with Angelina. Her and I began to walk to the Black Lake. Ginny saw us and walked next to me, talking about the task. "Place your bets!" "Place your bets right here!" "Who will live?" "Who will die?" "Maybe they all die, who knows?" The twins boasted. Ginny scoffed at them. She butt in between them, making sure to hit them both. They both turned around and looked at her, shocked. "Don't be mean." "Place your bets!" They quickly said as they turned around. Ginny rolled her eyes and Angelina shook her head. Fred stopped when he saw me and said "save George and I a seat, yeah?" I nodded and he kissed my cheek before walking off with George. We rode on the boats over to the seating area. Alta was still nowhere to be seen. "Have you seen Alta?" Yelena asked me. I shook my head and said "no. I haven't." "This is ridiculous." She mumbled as she went off to find her. I sat down next to Angelina and Ginny. The wind blew and I shivered, wishing Fred and George would hurry up and get up here. Fleur wrapped her arms around herself as she stood in her baby blue bathing suit. Gabrielle stood next to her, talking to her. Krum looked bored and Cedric stared at the black water, fear on his face. Harry looked the most scared though. I felt bad for him. A few minutes later the twins showed up. "Thank god!" I said as I wrapped my arms around Fred. He chuckled and said "miss me, love?" "I'm cold. Keep me warm please. And yes. I did." Fred sat down and said "gladly." "Hiya, darling." George said to Angelina as he kissed her head. "Hi, Georgie." He put his arm around her and I smiled at them, loving how the two of them were with each other. Fred rubbed his hand up and down my arm to make me warm. "Getting warm?" I leaned against him and said "yes." "Good." His eyes went to the four champions standing on the dock. The horn went off and Fleur, Krum, and Cedric all jumped in. Harry did the same but was later than then. "Oh my god! I've killed Harry Potter!" Neville said as he pulled at his hair. Harry came up out of the water, jumping up high. The crowd cheered, the twins being the loudest of them all. I jumped at Fred's loud voice and he chuckled at me. "Stop. You scared me." I pushed him playfully. "You're so cute." Ginny sat up a little, awaiting for someone to come up out of the water. "Fleur Delacour has been eliminated from this task. She was captured by merpeople and couldn't complete it." Lee announced. Fleur came up out of the water and onto the dock, sputtering. I felt bad for Fleur. She wrapped herself up in a towel and sat down with her sister. A few minutes later Cedric came up first, Cho next to him. Everyone began to cheer again. I clapped and Fred did the same, his hands in front of me since his arms were around me. Then Krum came up with Hermione. Then I put two and two together. I stood up, leaning over the balcony. "What's wrong?" Fred asked. Fleur was supposed to save Alta. It explained why she wasn't there. Fleur had small tears leaving her eyes as she looked at the water. Ron and Alta then came up out of the water, coughing. "What the fuck?!" Yelena yelled. She pushed past people so she could get to the dock. "Fred, I'll be right back." I said. "I'll come with you." He said. I nodded and grabbed his hand as we weaved our way down to the dock. Alta climbed up onto the dock and Fleur said "Alta? Alta, are you ok?" "I'm ok." Alta said. Fleur cupped her cheeks and said "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, ma chérie." Alta coughed and Yelena said "she was yours to save? And you failed?" Fleur looked up at her and said "Yelena, I tried. I feel horrible. All I wanted to do was save her. I knew she'd be the one I'd have to save. The task was you had to save something you care about. I care about her a lot." Yelena wrapped Alta in a towel and I said "are you ok?" "I'm fine. Harry saved me. And it's not your fault, Fleur." Alta replied. Fleur half smiled at her and Fred said "what was it like down there?" Fleur looked at him and said "horrible. Those merpeople were everywhere. They almost killed me. I could see Alta. I was almost there. And they attacked me." Yelena glared at Fleur and Fred said "I'm glad you're ok, Alta." "Thanks, Fred." Fleur kissed Alta's cheek and said "I'm so sorry." She stood up and Alta said "it's ok, Fleur." Fleur stood up and distanced herself from Yelena who was glaring at her so hard that if looks could kill, Fleur would drop dead. Yelena put her arm around Alta and said "we need to warm you up." Dumbledore made the majority of us move away. Fred and I headed back upstairs where George, Angelina and Ginny were. Dumbledore announced that Cedric had won this task and Harry had got second place. We all clapped for Harry. "Yes!" Fred and George cheered. Angelina smiled really big as she clapped for Harry. Krum got third and was visibly triggered by it. Fleur didn't care that she lost. All she cared about was Alta's well being.


Later on we all sat in a circle in the Gryffindor common room. I was sitting on Fred's lap as he laughed at a joke George told. "Fleur looked pretty distraught, eh? Alta's so hot she couldn't even save her." Fred laughed even harder and Yelena glared at George. "I honestly thought she'd win." Lee said. I nodded and said "me too." Angelina cuddled up to George who was sitting on the couch next to Fred and I. "It could've been a lot worse." Ginny said. Alta nodded and said "but it wasn't. I'm ok and everything's fine." Harry was praised for saving two people even though he finished last. "That water was so bloody cold." Ron said. Alta nodded in agreement and Harry said "you're telling me." I shifted my body and Fred's gripped my hips. I looked at him and he gave me a stern look. "Sorry." I said. "Godric, don't move." He whispered. "You're such a horn dog." I whispered in his ear. "The things you do to me." He replied. I leaned back against his chest and didn't move as I felt his dick poking me. I took one of his hands in mine, playing with it. "I can't wait till this bloody tournament is over." Harry said. "You win eternal glory if you win. I hope you win." George said. "If I win, you can have my winnings." Harry replied. "Really?" The twins asked in unison. "Yeah. I don't need it. The two of you can have it for your joke shop." Fred looked at him and said "oh, heard about that, did you?" "Ron told me." I had heard of their infamous dream to start a joke shop. They had been inventing things that were pretty crazy. I hadn't seen them yet but they had told me about them. "Well, I hope you guys are able to do that." Alta told them. George looked at her and said "thank you." Fred did the same. "Thank you." "Of course." I straddled Fred to look at him. Oohs and ahhs were heard from the group. "Oh, piss off." Fred told them. "Tell me more about your joke shop." I said. "What would you like to know, darling?" "Everything. Tell me everything." I played with his hair and he smiled really big. He started going into detail about how him and George wanted the shop to look and stuff. George eventually joined in and I loved how passionate they were about it. "Boys, I hope your dream comes true. It's all I want for you." George smiled and said "thanks, Dee Dee." "Thank you." Fred kissed my lips passionately, cupping my cheek. I pulled away as he sat up, wanting another kiss. "You could work with George and I. You could be the cute little cashier people see when they walk in." Fred suggested. George nodded and said "you'd bring us a lot of business." "As nice as the offer is boys, I'd like to be a healer. But, I'll always help if you need it." I said. Fred pouted and said "come on. Not even for me?" "Fred, don't make that face. I'll give in." "That's exactly why I'm making it." I shook my head at him and said "you're such an idiot." "You're idiot." I blushed and gave him a hug, not wanting to let him go. Fred held me as I got off of his lap, his boner that had been poking me long gone. Up until we all had to go to bed, we all joked around, enjoying the time we were all spending together.

Here's the update!! Now the next few chapters might move a bit fast cause I'd like to get into order of the Phoenix soon

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