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Chapter thirty three
Goldie's POV:
I panted softly as Fred collapsed next to me, laying on his stomach. He panted heavily, his red hair falling into his face. His eyes were closed as his breathing started to slow down. I rolled on my side to look at him. He opened his eyes. "Whew." Fred breathed. "You ok?" I asked as I reached up to brush his hair out of his face. He nodded and said "fuck, that was good." I reached for the watch that my dad had given me. It was in my nightstand drawer. I saw the time and said "shit! Fred, we're gonna be late for class!" I sat up really quick. "Babe, it's Saturday. There's no class today." I realized he was right. "Oh, right." He chuckled and said "come here." I put the watch back in my drawer and laid down next to Fred. He rolled on his back and pulled me onto his chest. Fred snuck into my dorm early this morning and decided we'd have morning sex. Not that I was complaining. He was super energetic which made it even better. And Fred's not a morning person. I guess he woke up on the right side of the bed today. "So, George and I are gonna pull some pranks later. Wanna come?" "Sure. I want to get some breakfast though." "I told George to bring some up for us." "Really?" I sat up and he frowned at the loss of contact. "Yeah. I thought we could eat breakfast up here." I smiled really big and said "you're so sweet." Fred reached for his jumper and handed it to me. I pulled it on and covered my waist with the blanket. Fred grabbed his t-shirt and slid it onto his body. A few minutes later George walked in with breakfast. "Ah, thank you, Georgie!" I said as he handed us our plates. I kissed George's cheek and he said "you're welcome." He sat down on his bed and Fred said "where's Angie?" "Her dorm. Had to take a shower or something." I munched on the bacon that was on my plate. "I was starving." I said as I leaned against the headboard. Fred stabbed his eggs with his fork and said "me too." George shook his head at us and said "if you came to breakfast like normal people you'd be full right now." "Says the person who made me cover for him last week." Fred smirked at his brother who rolled his eyes. "Dee Dee is gonna help us with our pranks today." George quirked an eyebrow and said "oh yeah?" I nodded and said "yeah. Who are you guys pranking today?" "Malfoy, Snape, Filch, and possibly Nigel." I gasped and said "awe, leave Nigel alone." "He'd be honored if we pranked him. All he does is follow us around." "He wants to be your friend. He looks up to you two." "It's just a prank, Goldie. He won't be too upset." I finished my breakfast and set the plate on my nightstand. "George, can you cover your eyes? I need to go to the bathroom and get dressed." George made a face and nodded. He brought his hand up to his eyes, covering them. I quickly grabbed a pair of panties and a skirt before going into the bathroom, changing. I kept Fred's sweater on and came out to see him changing. "Who's first?" I asked. Fred pulled a long sleeve shirt over his head and said "Snape." George smirked and and I followed the two of them out of the room. We walked down the hall to his classroom which was empty since it was Saturday. "What're you guys going to do?" "You'll see." The twins replied in unison. The two of them snuck into his classroom and told me to be lookout. I leaned against the wall, a sigh leaving my lips. "WEASLEY!" Snape's voice yelled. "Catch us if you can, Snape!" Fred said while laughing. George darted past me and took off down the hall. Fred grabbed my wrist and pulled me with him as we ran after George. Snape burst out of his classroom, his normally black cape now pink. I gasped and covered my mouth as I began to giggle. "Weasley, where are you? I know you're there, laughing like idiots. The two of you are such disgraces to this school." Snape said, his voice full of anger and annoyance. George motioned for Fred to follow him and Fred nodded. Fred's hands grabbed me by my waist and pulled me along as we walked down the hall. His hand stayed on my hip as we approached Filch's office. Fred pulled what looked to be a pie out of his pocket. "What's that?" I asked. "A puking pastille. You eat it and well, you puke. It's one of George and I's inventions." Fred replied. I made a face and said "gross." George sniggered and said "come on." The three of us walked inside, George setting the pastille on Filch's desk. We then hurried out of the office since he'd be coming back. The three of us watched from the door as he went inside. Filch only took two bites to realize it was the twins' doing. "Weasley's!" He began to run for the door. Fred grabbed my wrist and George said "run!" Fred and I took off in one direction while George went the other. Fred then shoved the two of us into a broom closet. Mrs. Norris meowed as she walked by the closet. "Where are they, Mrs. Norris. Find them." Fred backed us away from the door. This closet was surprisingly a decent size. Wasn't small inside and had a few cleaning supplies in the corner. The doorknob began to turn and I gasped softly. Then a yowl was heard down the hall. "Come on, Filch!" George's voice said. I let out a breath of relief and Fred sat down against the windowsill. This broom closet had a window and was decent sized. It was kinda weird. "You think this leads to a secret passageway?" I said. Fred furrowed his eyebrows and said "why do you say that?" "Why is this closet so big? Doesn't make sense." He shrugged and said "I dunno." I stepped closer to the door, trying to hear if Filch was still around. Fred then pulled me over to where he stood, patting my butt. I jumped up into his arms and he sat down, making me straddle him. "Hi." He said. I smiled and said "hi." His hands went to my hips and I played with the ends of his hair. "I have a proposition for you." He wiggled his eyebrows. "Oh?" I questioned. "You'll come stay at the burrow again? During the summer? Maybe right after school ends? You could stay for a week or two?" I nodded and and said "I'd love to. Does your mom know about us?" "Yes. I wrote her this week. She'll be hearing about it soon. Plus she loved you. You have nothing to worry about, Dee Dee." He cupped my cheek and I said "are you sure?" "Yes. My mum loves you. She'll be so happy to know that we're together." I kissed his lips sweetly and said "are you going to be able to not have sex for two weeks?" I kissed his nose and Fred said "who said anything about that?" "I assume with all of your siblings that we won't have much time to ourselves." "I'll find a way." I shook my head at him, kissing his nose again. "Let's go get Malfoy, yeah?" I nodded and got off of Fred's lap. "I gotta remember this broom cupboard. I'd like to shag you in here." I hit his chest and said "Freddie!" He chuckled as he turned the doorknob and we stepped out into the hallway. Filch and his dreaded cat were nowhere to be seen. "So, what do you have in mind for Malfoy?" I asked. "Gonna turn his hair green like those horrible green robes he wears." Fred replied. George was around the corner and said "should we go to the Slytherin common room?" "Let's just go near it. I'm sure we'll find him." I followed the twins as they quickly put together a contraption. They talked fast and I watched their hands jumble this thing together, each of them taking turns. "Lemme see it." Fred grabbed it from George and turned a screw on it. "Give it back the nozzles loose." George took it from his brother. We were approaching where the Slytherin's hung out. "What is that thing gonna do?" I questioned. "You'll see." They replied in unison. And it was as if Draco had a cue. He stepped out of the Slytherin common room, Zora walking alongside him. "What're you guys doing down here?" Draco said to the twins. "Have fun being green, Draco." The blonde headed boy went to open his mouth when the twins aimed their contraption at him. Green liquid spurted out of it and onto Draco. He screamed as it landed on his face and chest. "You're gonna get it!" He said. Then his hair began to turn green. Zora gasped and he said "what?" Fred held up a mirror while chuckling evilly. "My father will hear about this!" He yelled at the twins. George laughed and held his stomach. Zora looked at me and said "god, can't you just disappear so I don't have to see you? Mudbloods like you shouldn't even be allowed in this school." Draco would've insulted me as well but he was pulling at his hair and screaming. "As for you, Zora. We think you'd look amazing with bright blue hair." Fred turned the knob on the rod in George's hand and he aimed it at her. Light blue liquid which matched the Beauxbatons uniforms sprayed onto her face and hair. Her hair quickly changed color and she screamed horrifically as she saw her reflection. Fred picked me up bridal style and the three of us began running. I held onto Fred as he ran, telling him to be careful. We ran all the way back to the Gryffindor common room. Fred set me down, his hands on my waist. He leaned down to give me a kiss and I wrapped my arms around his neck, smiling into the kiss. I pulled away and George began to nudge Fred as Nigel walked into the room. I watched Fred pull out his wand and aim it at a bucket of water. The bucket poured water all over Nigel who stood frozen in place. Lee looked over from the couch and covered his mouth to keep from laughing. Colin snapped a picture with his camera and said "they finally got you." Nigel blinked a few times while staring at the twins. George chuckled and Fred did the same. "Great. Now I have to change." Nigel mumbled. As soon as Nigel took a step and as soon as his shoe squeaked, the twins lost it. They began laughing loudly. I hit them both on the arm and Nigel saluted them before going upstairs. Fred grabbed me by my chin and said "you'll be my date to the Hufflepuff party, yeah?" I nodded and he brought my face towards his. "I'm the only guy you'll dance with. Understand?" I nodded again. Fred kissed my lips and let go of my chin. "Well, I need to go and get ready for it. I'll see you later, Freddie." I winked at him before leaving the Gryffindor common room.

The end is dumb I know. My dumbass realized I have to write the Hufflepuff party and the Slytherin party before I write the last task and then we can start to move into Order of the Phoenix. I know this book is slightly stretched out and a bit different but I hope you're all enjoying it!!

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