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Chapter thirty five
Disdain for Slytherin
Goldie's POV:
"Oh my god! You two aren't even dressed!" Alta's voice said. I slowly began to wake up and my eyes widened. I covered myself and shushed her. Fred snored loudly next to me and she stepped into the dorm. "I figured you guys would be up by now. The two of you need to prepare to go back to class tomorrow." "We will. And it's Sunday. So, we're fine for now." I said. "I'm going to take a shower." Alta walked into the bathroom and I went to stand up when Fred's arms tightened around my waist. "Where're you going?" He said. "I need to get dressed. Alta is here and is taking a shower." I replied. "What?" Fred said in an alarmed voice. I giggled at him and said "she didn't see anything. I also need to take a shower so you should go back to yours." "Can't we shower together?" Fred wiggled his eyebrows and I said "another day, Fred. I actually want to get clean. Showering together will lead to other things. Plus, I'm hungry so I'm going to shower really quick and I'll meet you in the Great Hall." "Meet me outside the common room? I'll go get dressed and meet you back here?" Fred awaited my answer and I said "ok. But, go get dressed. Don't linger around here." "I'm going." Fred put on his clothes from the night before and left my dorm. I then headed to the shower. When I finished I got dressed and Yelena was sitting on Alta's bed. I jumped and she said "I'm waiting for Alta." "Right." I said. She chuckled. "Did I scare you?" "Yeah. I didn't know you'd be sitting out here." "Were you expecting Fred?" "No. I was expecting no one actually." Alta shook out her hair and said "ready to go?" Yelena nodded and I followed the two of them as we left the dorms and common room. I was immediately grabbed by Fred as I stepped out of the common room. He kissed my cheek multiple times, making me giggle. He buried his face into the crook of my neck and said "you smell good." I looked at him and noticed his hair was slightly damp. "So do you." I replied. He smirked and leaned down to give me a kiss. I hugged him as I pulled away. Fred put his arm around me and said "to the Great Hall we go, milady." I went to reply when he picked me up bridal style and took off running. I wrapped my arms around his neck and said "Fred, don't you dare drop me!" "Wouldn't dream of it, love." "Mr. Weasley, put her down." McGonagall told him. Fred skidded to a halt and I clung to him for dear life. "Sorry, professor. Just having a bit of fun." Fred replied. McGonagall narrowed her eyes at him and said "I can see that. You're quite fond of Miss March." Fred set me down gently and said "sure am, professor." "Yes, well go and have breakfast. And keep her on the ground." Fred nodded and I half smiled to McGonagall who nodded curtly at me. We walked into the Great Hall and sat down with George and Angelina. Alta and Yelena walked over. Fred's eyes widened and George said "what's up with that?" "Her skirt? I know. That's weird." Fred replied. I watched the twins' eyes go up and down Yelena's legs. I noticed the love bites on her legs from Alta. "Her legs are so long." "Yeah, mate." Angelina and I hit our boyfriend's on the arm. "Ow!" Fred and George said at the same time. Angelina rolled her eyes at George who said "darling, it's just weird to see Yelena in a skirt. I want you." Fred grabbed me by my chin and said "you know I want you and only you right?" I nodded and he said "like George said, it's weird to see Yelena in a skirt. Especially with all the marks Alta gave her." "We want you." The twins said in unison. I blushed and Angelina smiled at George. I knew the twins weren't in love with Yelena. But them ogling at her slightly made me insecure. Yelena smirked as she sat down and Lee said "so, decided to show off your hickeys today?" Yelena nodded and said "sure did." I looked over at the Ravenclaw table and noticed Simone whispering to her friends while pointing at Lee. "Simone is saying good things, I hope?" I said to Lee. He nodded and said "we might've hooked up last night." "WHAT?!" The twins said. "Yep. I've been crushing on her a while now. And we finally hooked up." "Good job, mate." George said. "It's about time you got yourself a girl." Fred added. Colin walked over and said "Goldie, could I take your picture?" "What's the occasion?" I asked him. "Nothing special. I look at you as my big sister in a way. I'd just like to have one of you." Alta and Angelina swooned. I put my hands over my heart and said "awe, Colin, of course you can. Would you like me to stand or sit?" "Uhm you can stay sitting. Could you move, Fred?" George began to snigger and Fred flipped him off. Fred moved away from me and I watched Colin adjust his camera lens. I smiled for him and he took the picture. "Thank you. I hope you make head girl next year." "You're welcome, Colin. And I hope so too." Colin walked off and Fred shook his head. "He's got a crush on you." "He does not! I think he likes that I look out for him. He's quite adorable." "Yeah, yeah." I finished my breakfast and told Fred that I needed to perform my prefect duties. I left the Great Hall as breakfast was ending. The halls weren't too crowded on Sunday. Most of the older kids had headed to Hogsmeade and the younger kids played in the snow outside. "Nigel, you and your friends are not allowed to be in this area." I said. Nigel gulped and said "I-I know, Goldie. Please don't write me up. We'll leave right now." His friend nodded and said "yeah. We will." "You'll promise to stay out of this area?" Nigel nodded frantically and I said "go ahead." The three first years rushed off and I turned the corner, a breath of relief leaving my lips. "That's cute what you did." A deep voice said. I jumped and turned around to see Blaise Zabini leaning against the wall. "Pardon?" I asked. "What you did for Creevey. It's cute." "Oh, you saw that?" "It was kinda hard not to look. Especially when the camera flash went off. Malfoy was talking shit about the Weasley's and about you. I wasn't interested in what he had to say. You and Colin's interactions are cute." "Do you see our interactions often?" Blaise shrugged and said "I pay attention if that's what you're asking." "You've been watching me then?" "Observing." I nodded and said "right." Blaise's lips curled up into a smirk and he said "the Slytherin party is next weekend. I'd like to personally invite you." "It's right before the third task. Are you sure that's ok to do?" "Who cares? Slytherin hasn't had a party yet. Ours will be the last of the year. You've all had your fun. Now it's our turn." "You seemed to have fun at the other parties." I said. Blaise took a step towards me. "I did. Especially the last one. That Hufflepuff party was...the best so far." "Oh. Was it?" "Yep." Blaise now stood directly in front of me. The sound of two second years entering a classroom made my attention go off of Blaise. "I'll be at the Slytherin party. If you'll excuse me, I have to yell at those second years." Blaise nodded and said "I'll see you around then." I reprimanded the second years and then left the hallway.


I mostly did prefect duties today and Fred was being slightly clingy at dinner. Which I didn't mind cause I missed him. "So, the Slytherin party. We're going right?" Lee asked. George shrugged and said "I assume." "Why wouldn't we be?" Angelina said. Fred made a face and said "I dunno if I'll be going." "Why's that?" He turned to me and said "well, for one I don't care for Slytherins. I don't really want to be around Draco for a couple of hours. I also don't want to be around Rasmus and Blaise." "What's wrong with Rasmus and Blaise?" I stabbed a piece of my chicken with my fork and he said "have you seen the way Blaise stares at you? It's so obvious." "It's obvious what?" "Goldie, he obviously likes you." "Or he just wants to screw me." Alta sniggered and Fred said "I don't think we should go." "Well, you didn't have a problem being around Blaise last night. I mean, the three of us danced together." I replied. "Yeah, the only reason that happened was because I was drunk. And you looked so good last night. All I could think about was taking you upstairs." Fred scooted closer to me and said "and the way you grinded on me last night. Godric, it was so hot. And Blaise having his hands on you...in the moment I didn't care but now I do. That shouldn't of happened." His voice was quiet so the rest of the group couldn't hear. "Fred, you don't have to worry about Blaise. We're acquaintances. We're not even friends. And I want you. I've always wanted you. It's always been you, Freddie." I reassured him. He nodded and cupped my cheek, pressing his lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss and then pulled away. Fred then gave me a hug. I was taken aback at first but hugged him back. I heard him sigh and his arms tightened around me. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too, Freddie." I pulled away and Fred took my hand to hold. Him and George started talking about inventions for their shop. I zoned out a little bit, thinking about my father and this summer. I'd most likely be at the burrow for a week or two before being with my father for the remainder of the summer. But that would most likely change since Alta would probably invite me over at some point. When I looked up, I absentmindedly looked at the Slytherin table. I made direct eye contact with Blaise. He stared me down as he ate his desert, his eyes never leaving mine as he brought his spoon to his lips.

I quickly looked away from him, my attention going to Fred. I watched him talk enthusiastically about fireworks to George who did the same. Lee joined in and asked if he could help them with certain things to which they agreed to. I grabbed Fred's arm, holding it. He looked at me and George had said something to Lee so the two of them weren't looking at us. "You alright?" Fred said. I nodded and leaned my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm that I was holding around me. "If you don't want to go to the Slytherin party we don't have to. Blaise did invite me though." Fred shook his head. "Of course he did. We'll probably end up going. We get to drink. And I'm totally in the mood for drinking. I'll just keep you close. Cause you're mine." I kissed his cheek and said "and you're mine." Fred smirked and I kissed the corner of his lips. "What was that?" "What?" "I want an actual kiss, Goldie." He quickly pressed his lips to mine and I smiled into the kiss, cupping his cheek.


"It's one dance, Fred." "I said no, Zabini." "So, what the hell was last night then?" "I was drunk! It should've never happened. She's my girlfriend and excuse me if I have a problem with you dancing with my girlfriend." "I don't even understand why a girl like her would be with a blood traitor like you." "Don't you know? Goldie is muggle born. What would your pure blood friends say about that?" It was silent for a few seconds before Fred started talking again. "Aren't you Slytherin's all the same? Don't you all hate anyone who isn't a pure blood? And I can't imagine what you think of someone like Goldie." I stepped out into the courtyard where Blaise and Fred were standing. Fred told me to meet him here after Divination. He had skipped the class whereas I had not. "Is everything ok?" I asked, acting like I didn't hear their conversation just now. "Everything's fine, love. Blaise was just making sure we were coming to the Slytherin party." Fred replied. Fred put his arm around me and I looked up at Blaise. "I told you that I'd be there. I wouldn't lie." I told him. Blaise nodded and said "I didn't think you'd lie. Was just confirming it." I noticed Fred's jaw clench and Blaise bid us goodbye. "He called you a blood traitor." Fred sighed and said "heard that did you?" "Yes. I hate when people call you and your family that. I hate it. Your family is wonderful. How can people be so cruel?" I said as my eyes landed on Draco Malfoy. He leaned over to Adrian and whispered something. Adrian laughed as Blaise did the same. Rasmus, however did not. Draco then said something else which caused Crabbe and Goyle to laugh loudly. Blaise scowled at Draco and Rasmus immediately said "that isn't funny." "Of course it is!" Draco said. "They're so cruel. Why are they so cruel?" I looked at the ground and Fred said "they just are, babe." I sighed. "So, why did you want me to meet you here again?" "Well, I thought you'd want to come up to the astronomy tower with George and I. Unless you want to go to class." I shook my head as I looked up at Fred. "Let's go." Fred took my hand and we made our way to the astronomy tower. George was already there, laying on his back, a blanket underneath him. His eyes were closed and a sigh left his lips. I set my books down, taking off my robe. I knelt down and laid across his lap. George jumped and immediately grabbed me. "Goldie!" He said out of fear. "Awe, I'm sorry." I told him. He exhaled and said "you scared the hell out of me." "I'm sorry, Georgie." "It's fine." Fred sat down on the other side of me and pulled me out of George's lap. George leaned back on his elbows and I said "one day you'll have to come and stay at my house." "Would your dad allow it?" Fred asked. I nodded and said "yeah. Plus, it'd be nice to have you around if Zora was there." "Ugh, bloody Zora." George mumbled. "How long would you like to stay at the burrow? With us?" Fred said. "Isn't that up to your mom?" I questioned. "I'm sure we can persuade her to let you stay longer. She does really like you." "Does she?" "Of course." "And I'm assuming I'd be sleeping in Ginny's room." "You're definitely sleeping with me." "Your mom will kill you." I said as I laid on my back. "Not if she doesn't find out. Charlie and Bill don't live at the burrow anymore. We could easily take one of their rooms. We'll have to watch out for Percy though. He'll snitch for sure. He'll be at the burrow this summer. For what reason, I don't know." "I'm sure dad will have tons of muggle questions for you." George said. I turned to him and said "really?" George looked at me and said "yeah. He's going to bombard you with questions." Fred grabbed my face and made me look at him. He pressed his lips to mine, our lips moving in sync. I moaned softly and George groaned. "Can the two of you not make out?" Fred chuckled and I went to pull away as he kissed my lips again. I felt Fred's hand go up my thigh and he moaned into the kiss. I pulled away and pushed his hand down my leg. Fred smirked at me and I shook my head. "Fred." I said as he kissed my neck up and down. George was sitting up now, his face contorted in disgust. "You two are disgusting." He said. I sat up as Fred tried to kiss me again. "Freddie, your brother's here." I felt his hand creeping up my thigh once again. I shoved his hand away. "Freddie!" I scolded. George's eyes were on my legs and he quickly looked away. He shifted his body and Fred wiggled his eyebrows at George. The younger twin rolled his eyes and I said "what's going on?" "Nothing." George replied. I nodded and said "I wish summer would get here faster." Fred sniggered while looking at George. I looked between them and said "what're you two doing?" "Nothing!" George said quickly. Fred raised his eyebrows and then held back a snigger. George grabbed one of the spare blankets and put it across his lap. He shifted his body again and looked at the ground. "Georgie's got a boner." Fred said. George wouldn't look at me and I said "did I give you a boner?" A huff left his lips. "Yes." His voice was barely above a whisper. "Looks like I'm not the only one you have an effect on, Dee Dee." Fred kissed the corner of my lips and moved his hand back to my thighs, slipping his hand under my skirt. George looked over and Fred began to laugh. "Stop." I told him. George bit his lip and said "knock it off." "You're the one who has a boner. You knock it off." Fred replied. "Angie and I haven't had sex in like two to three weeks. Almost everything gives me a fucking boner." George covered his face with his hands. "How long has it been?" "Since the Gryffindor party I think. Or maybe after the night of the Yule Ball." "It's been that long? I'd go crazy." George fell onto his back and said "tell me about it." The twins conversed as if I wasn't in the room. "Angelina's been busy?" "Yeah. And it's your fault I even have a boner." "How so?" "Goldie's a girl for one and you're making her make those noises. And it doesn't help that you're shoving your hand up her skirt, practically putting her on display." Fred smirked. "She's got nice legs doesn't she?" "Obviously." "I'm right here." I said, wanting this conversation to be dropped. "Zabini has taken a liking here to Goldie. He practically begged me to let him dance with her at the Slytherin party." Fred continued. George made a face and said "Zabini? He's such a prat." "I know. And of course I told him off. He called me a blood traitor and I informed him they Goldie was a muggle born. And most pure bloods aren't supposed to associate themselves with muggle borns and I asked him if his little friends knew about it, would they still hang around him." "Malfoy sure wouldn't." "Exactly. I don't understand it." "Seems like a Slytherin is in love with your girlfriend." "Guess so. I could help you out with your problem, dear brother." George shook his head and said "how?" "I could make Goldie make all those pretty little noises she was making earlier. And you can just imagine that it's you and Angelina. It'll be our little secret." Fred replied with a quirked eyebrow. I looked at Fred with a look that said 'what the hell?' George covered his crotch with his hands which didn't help too much. "What if someone comes up?" George said. I immediately turned around to look at George with the same look I gave Fred. "It's almost dinner time. Nobody's coming up here." George bit his lip and said "you sure?" "I'm sure. But, I can only help you out, if Goldie is ok with it." I looked back at Fred. "Only if you want to." He cupped my cheek and George said "you don't have to, Goldie." "We'll only be making out. Nothing else." Fred whispered. I nodded and said "ok." "Yeah?" I nodded again. Fred put me on his lap and said "you sure you're ok?" "I'm ok. George would do the same for you. Wouldn't he?" I turned to look at George who said "yeah." I played with the ends of Fred's hair as his hands went to my waist. Then I leaned in, pressing my lips to his.

Alta's POV:
"Excited for the Slytherin party?" I asked Yelena. She shrugged and said "yeah. Fred seems annoyed by it." "Yeah. He does." A thunderclap was heard and I said "it's about to rain. And I left my robe in my dorm." Yelena held her arm out and said "you can get under mine." I quickly took the opportunity and as soon as I did the rain started. "Lena, you're going to get all wet!" She shrugged and said "I don't mind. You're dry, aren't I?" We hurried to where it was dry and Yelena sat down on a bench. I quickly straddled her and kissed her neck up and down. Her hands went to my hips, holding me in place. I began to make hickeys on her neck. Yelena let out hums of pleasure as I nibbled on her neck. "Aren't you worried a professor will see us?" She chuckled. "No. I hope they do." I replied. I went back to her neck when gasps were heard. Zora stood with Lulu and Pansy Parkinson. "The two of you are actually disgusting." Zora spat. Lulu looked the both of us up and down, rolling her eyes. Pansy scoffed and said "that's obviously not allowed." Zora nodded in agreement. Yelena moved me off her lap and stood up, Pansy's eyes widening at her height. "And who said Alta and I can't be together? Did Dumbledore say it? McGonagall? Snape? If one of them did, please inform me. Cause I think the three of you are just, uncomfortable." Pansy looked Yelena up and down, her lips curling upwards. "You two are disgusting! That shouldn't even be allowed!" Zora sounded like a child. Lulu took a step back and Yelena said "Lulu, how is it to be without Fred? The boy you fucked because you felt like it?" Lulu glared at Yelena. I swear her eyes turned red as if she was a demon. I covered my mouth to keep from laughing as Lulu said "I'm the best he ever had. He'll never get the pleasure he had with me from the bitch he's with now." Yelena quickly grabbed Lulu by her chin. "If anyone is a bitch it's you." Lulu immediately shoved Yelena's hand off of her. "Girls like you would never be tolerated at Beauxbatons." Zora said. Yelena leaned down to Zora's level. "I'm pretty sure we would be. After all, it's an all girls school. One of you is bound to be like me or Alta." Yelena smirked. I uncovered my mouth and gasped. Zora was speechless, her lips parting in shock. "Maybe it's you. Maybe that's why you're so hateful towards us. Because deep down you're just like me." Zora's breath quivered and Yelena walked over to me, putting me back under her robe once again. Then the two of us walked to the Great Hall where everyone was eating dinner. As I sat down next to Yelena, George and Goldie looked flustered. George's cheeks were red and Goldie brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Fred smirked at the two of them and I was confused. Angelina sat down next to George and kissed his cheek. He smiled at her and said "hi, Angie." "Hi, Georgie." Angelina began talking to Goldie and George looked even more flustered. Fred leaned over to his brother and whispered something in his ear. Yelena played with my hair as I tried to eat my food. I turned to her and she grabbed my hand, kissing my knuckles. I smiled and she said "you're adorable." "I love you." I said. Yelena looked at me in shock at first. Her lips curled upwards into a smile and she said "I love you too."

Here's the update!! Also Blaise is a year under Goldie and the twins instead of two years. I got carried away with this one lmaooo

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