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Chapter thirty seven
The Third Task
Goldie's POV:
I reached for Fred and realized he wasn't next to me anymore. I sat up and frowned. I saw a note on my nightstand and picked it up.

Went to take a shower at my dorm and change. Meet me at the great hall for breakfast.

I smiled and Alta said "good, you're awake." I looked at her and said "what's up?" "What happened to you last night? You were freaking out." I sighed and said "I've been hearing people's thoughts. It started a few months ago. During the first task. And Lulu was thinking awful things about me last night. I haven't told anyone. You're the only one who knows. It scares me. I don't know what it is or why. And sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. I wish it would stop. The last few times it's happened, it's hurt really bad." "That sounds like Legilimency. The ability to read minds. Not many witches and wizards can do it. You usually have to cast a spell in order to do it. But it seems like you might've been born with it. And the power is just kicking in now. Do you know anything about your mom?" Alta asked. I shook my head and said "no. My dad doesn't even have pictures of her. Well, actually he does but he's never let me see them. He says it's to keep my mom safe or something." "You're coming to stay at mine for a little bit this summer, right?" I nodded and said "yeah." "I'll have my mom try to find out about your ancestry. She works at the ministry and I'm sure she could find it and figure it out. Does that sound ok?" I nodded and said "yeah. You guys don't have to." "No, you're my best friend and you're hearing people's thoughts. We need to figure out why. School's almost done so after you spend some time with your boyfriend, you can come to my place." "You could always come with me." I suggested. Alta shrugged and said "maybe." I got dressed and pulled my hair up into a ponytail. Alta and I made our way to the Great Hall and Fred smiled when I approached him. "Hi, love." He said as he kissed my cheek. I wrapped my arms around him, giving him a hug. "Hi, Freddie." George sat down next to me and gave me a hug as I pulled away from Fred. "Hi, Georgie." I said as I hugged him. "Did you enjoy the Slytherin party?" I shrugged as I pulled away. "Yeah. It was fun." I wasn't ready to tell the twins I was hearing people's thoughts. They were two of my best friends and have never judged me before, I just wasn't ready to tell them. They had also been there for me when I didn't have anyone else. I'd tell them one day. As soon as I figured everything out. Probably when Alta's mom looked up my ancestry and figured out who my mom was and who I'm related to. Fred put his arm around me as he talked to Lee about Simone. George did the same, his arm resting on my waist. I leaned into Fred's touch, George leaning his head on my shoulder. "What's wrong, George?" I said. "M'hungover." He replied. "Angelina, where is she?" "Stayed in her dorm. She didn't feel good. She said she'll be there for the third task. But she's going to lay down for most of the day." I nodded and said "well, I could always make you a potion. So you won't be hungover anymore." George half smiled and said "that'd be nice." He pulled me closer to him and Fred quirked an eyebrow at his brother who ignored him. "Is it just a headache?" "Yeah. A bad one." I patted George's shoulder as he lifted his head off of me. "Well, eat you're breakfast. It might help you feel better. I'll still make the potion but you should definitely get food in your system." George removed himself from me and started eating his breakfast. Fred kissed my cheek multiple times which made me giggle. "Excited for the third task?" Lee asked. Fred nodded and said "yeah! I can't wait to see who wins." George nodded in agreement and said "I hope it's Harry." "I hope it's Fleur." I said. The boys furrowed their eyebrows at me and Fred said "she lost in the last task!" "Yeah, she should give up." Lee added. "She's a female. It's be nice to have a female champion. As much as I love Harry and Cedric, Fleur would be an excellent candidate to win." I stated. George shrugged and said "she's got you guys there." Alta nodded and said "I agree." Yelena rolled her eyes and said "Harry better win." "Still jealous Fleur was in love with your girlfriend?" Fred asked. Yelena smiled sarcastically at him and said "fuck off, Fred."


I pushed my way through the crowd so I could get to Cedric before he took his spot at the maze. "Cedric!" I called. He turned around and said "Goldie? What's up?" "I wanted to wish you luck. And to be careful. You're representing Hufflepuff house, you know." Cedric shook his head and said "a little birdie told me you went Fleur to win. Not even supporting your own housemate?" I shoved him playfully and said "it's cause she's a girl! It'd be so cool! You'd obviously be my second choice." Cedric smiled and said "I know." I gave him a hug which he gladly returned. "Be careful, Ced." He took my hand in his, squeezing it. "I will." Cedric walked away and went with his father. Miguel cheered loudly for him. I was quite nervous for the four champions. The last task could've went so badly. This one could be worse. I took my place in between Fred and George, sitting down. Dumbledore announced the rules of the task, explaining how to navigate the maze. When the four of them disappeared inside, my heartbeat picked up a little. "They'll be fine." George reassured me. I nodded and Fred took my hand in his, kissing it. A few minutes later Fleur was eliminated from the tournament. A huff left my lips and Fred said "looks like she lost." I rolled my eyes at him and said "whatever." Krum was eliminated shortly after her. Everyone seemed to get bored as we awaited for Harry or Cedric to appear with the Tri Wizard cup. I leaned my head on Fred's shoulder, sighing. Out of nowhere, Cedric and Harry landed on the ground. Everyone cheered and the band began to play again. I stood up to applaud them, the twins doing the same. Fleur screamed and then I noticed it. Harry cried over Cedric's body. I stood up and made my way down to where he laid. Cho covered her mouth and started to sob. Tears ran down my cheeks. Cedric was one of the first people to befriend me at Hogwarts. I felt horrible. I had lost a friend. He was such a kind person. Even though we weren't super close, I always considered him as someone I could go to if I needed help. Miguel cried and Dillie held him, telling him it'd be ok. "Ced..." I said. Harry buried his face into Cedric's chest and Fred pulled me in for a hug. "He's back! Voldemort's back!" Harry yelled. Dumbledore came over and began to usher the crowd away. "It's ok, darling." Fred rubbed my back and Alta cried into Yelena's shirt. Yelena stared at Cedric on the ground, her face unreadable. Hagrid and McGonagall began leading us all back to the castle. Cries and sniffled were heard as we walked back to the castle. Cho leaned on Woody, crying into his chest. "Miss Chang, come with me." McGonagall said as she took her away from the crowd. She then told us to go to our common rooms. Yelena pulled Alta towards the Ravenclaw common room and Fred put his hands in his pockets, looking at me. "Mine or yours?" "Yours." George half smiled at me, wiping his face. "We'll keep you company." He said. I followed the twins to their dorm and Fred offered me a shirt to sleep in. I changed in the bathroom and was glad I had left a pair of my sleep shorts here. I slid them on under the long shirt and sat down on Fred's bed. George did the same and I looked at him. Fred sat down on the other side of me. "We'll stay here with you and will be here if you need anything." Fred said. I nodded and laid down in between the twins. George laid his head on my shoulder and Fred pulled me onto his chest. "You ok, Dee Dee?" George asked. "I think so." I replied. Fred kissed my head and said "get some sleep, love. We'll be here if you need us."

Yes this chapter is lowkey lame and everything but next couple of chapters will be chaotic and funny lmaoo

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