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Chapter thirty eight
Summer at the Burrow
Goldie's POV:
A memorial was held for Cedric, which I cried all the way through. Fred kept himself pretty composed through it all. George, on the other hand cried like I did. I patted George's leg as I sat in between him and Fred. He sniffled and his bangs fell into his face. "Georgie." I whispered. He looked at me with a frown and I took his hand in mine. He squeezed my hand and I looked down as more tears came down my face. When the memorial was over, everyone packed up their bags so everyone could go home for the summer. Poppy meowed at me as we stood in the courtyard, everyone saying goodbye to one another. Fleur approached me and gave me a hug. I furrowed my eyebrows as she did so. "Goodbye, Goldie. I hope we meet again one day." "Bye, Fleur. I wish you and Gabrielle the best." Gabrielle nodded to me and the two of them walked away. Fleur walked over to Alta and Zora stopped in front of me. Yelena glared at Fleur, wanting her to go away. I sighed, ready for Zora to tear into me. "Bye, Goldie. Hogwarts has been quite an experience. I usually would never do this but l wish you the best here at Hogwarts." My eyes widened as the words came from her mouth. I went to thank her but she walked away, going to stand with other girls from Beauxbatons. "What'd she say to you?" Alta asked me. "She told me she wishes me the best." I replied. Yelena furrowed her eyebrows and said "that's odd." "It's weird. It's like something changed in her." "My suspicions about her were probably right. I called her out in front of Lulu and she kinda gave me a death glare." "What did you say?" I said to Yelena. Yelena smirked and said "I said that she probably likes girls and is too afraid to admit it. If I went to Beauxbatons, I'd be acting up. An entire school full of girls. It's a lesbian's dream." Alta shook her head and I said "I just hope I don't have to see Zora anytime soon." "I'm sure you won't. Your dad always has your back. And we'll be at the burrow and you'll be at mine before you see her again." Alta said. I nodded and said "yeah. That's true." Arms wrapped around my waist and I smiled really big. "Ready to come to mine for two weeks?" Fred asked as he kissed my neck and then my cheek. "Of course." I replied as I grabbed his hands that were resting on my stomach. I turned around to look at him and he said "I'm really excited." "Me too." George pulled me from Fred's hold, giving me a hug. "We can prank Percy while he's staying home this summer." He said. I smiled up at him and said "I can't wait."


The train ride home was normal as can be. My father knew I'd be going to the Weasley's for a couple of weeks so he didn't show up since I wouldn't be coming home with him. Maisie was at the station, greeting Alta and Yelena. Ginny stood next to me and said "I'm really glad the twins invited you over for the summer. If they hadn't, I was going to. I also want to do a girls night with you, Hermione, Alta, and Yelena. I think it'd be fun for us." "Totally! I'm probably in need of a girls night. I'm almost always with Fred and George." "Yeah, we're going to change that." Ginny smirked playfully at me and I shook my head at her. "Goldie, it's so nice to see you!" The voice of Molly Weasley said. "Hello, Mrs. Weasley." I smiled at her. "Goldie, dear, call me Molly. I've told you this before." "I know. I'm just trying to be respectful." "You're wonderful. Now, how is that son of mine treating you? Because if he's not being a gentleman, he'll be sure to hear from me." Fred cowered slightly and said "Mum, I've been treating her very well. I love her." My heart fluttered at Fred's words and Molly said "oh, the two of you are so cute. And Goldie, I hope you don't mind sleeping in Ginny's room. I'm not sure I trust my son with you." Fred wiggled his eyebrows and Molly pointed a finger at him and said "don't you even dare, Frederick Gideon Weasley." Fred cringed at his full name and I giggled. Molly kissed Fred's cheek and gave him a hug. She then went to give George a hug. "Goldie, how are you? Alta's been telling me about the parties that happened at Hogwarts." Maisie said. "I'm good. And yes. Quite a few parties were thrown." The twins smirked and we were on our way to the burrow. "The car! You got it fixed!" Ron exclaimed as we all approached a blue Ford Angila. "Yep, worked it on it while you were all at school." Arthur replied proudly. "I don't want anyone taking joy rides in this car. Does everyone understand?" Molly asked her children. Ginny nodded and Ron did the same. Molly then looked to the twins. "Especially you two." "Mum, we're not stealing the car. In fact, we only did it to save Harry from those dreadful people he's related to." Fred said. "Yeah. His aunt and uncle could care less about him. And Ron actually stole the car." George added. "Drove it all the way to Hogwarts, he did!" Fred went on. George nodded in agreement and Molly turned to Ron and began to tell him he wouldn't be allowed to steal the car either. I noticed Percy standing next to Arthur and I walked over to him. "Hi, Percy." Percy looked at me and said "hello, Goldie. How are you?" "I'm good. How are you? What've you been doing since you left Hogwarts?" I asked. Percy half smiled and said "well, I've been working at the ministry. It's a nice paying job. And I kind of enjoy it." "Do you still get to boss people around?" "Yeah. A bit." I chuckled and Fred walked over. "Quit flirting with my girlfriend, Percy." Fred said. Percy rolled his eyes at his younger brother and said "I'm not flirting. We're just talking." "Mmm-hmm. I was asking him about his job, Freddie." Fred made a face and said "his office job? I'd rather die than work one of those." "Oh and what is it you want to do again? Open a joke shop with George? That'll never happen." Fred frowned slightly and I said "you wanna open a joke shop with George?" Fred nodded and said "yeah. That's why we have all those inventions." "Well, I hope you and George achieve that dream of yours. I hope the both of you become entrepreneurs and sell wonderful Weasley products. Like Zonko's." Fred smiled down at me and said "gosh, I don't know what I'd do without you." He kissed my nose and I scrunched my nose up at him. Fred cupped my cheek and kissed me sweetly. Molly and Arthur had us all pile into the car which was very similar to the tent at the Qudditch World Cup. Inside the car it was huge. I was currently sitting in between Fred and George. I leaned my head on Fred's shoulder and he put his arm around me.


When we arrived at the burrow, Ginny helped me unpack my things. I'd be sleeping with her in her bed while I was staying there. Well, for the majority of the time. I'm sure Fred would find a way for the two of us to sleep in the same bed. Molly was preparing lunch and I had changed into something that would allow me to be cool since it was hot outside. "Those shorts are so cute!" Ginny gushed. "Thank you." I replied. Her and I walked down the stairs, Ginny jumping onto my back once I got to the ground. I giggled as she wrapped her legs around my waist. "Ginny, you weigh nothing!" Ginny leaned her head on my shoulder and I walked over to the dining room table. I set Ginny down gently, her hands on my shoulders. I turned to her. "Good?" Ginny nodded and I down next to Alta and Fred immediately frowned. "What's wrong, Freddie?" "You're not sitting next to me." He pouted. I shook my head and walked over to where he sat, sitting next to him. Alta rolled her eyes and said "really, Fred?" "What? I want to sit next to my girlfriend." George sat down on the other side of me, Percy glaring at him. "Find another seat, mate." "Shove off, George." Percy sat next to his father and Ginny was across from me. Ron sat next to Ginny and Yelena took her seat next to Alta. Molly began serving us all which was I grateful for since I was so hungry. Fred kissed my cheek and I smiled. He then made me look at him, kissing my lips hungrily. "Mum, they're snogging at the table." Ron groaned. "There'll be time for that later. Eat up. The both of you." Molly told Fred and I. I pulled away from Fred who held my hand under the table. "I need my hand, Freddie." He brought my hand to his lips, kissing it. I blushed slightly and he said "made you blush." "Shut up." I said as I shook my head.


Dinner time came and went. I was awakened by loud singing. Hermione groaned and rolled over in her bed. Ginny had her face buried into her pillow. Alta and Yelena were fast asleep, cuddling on the floor. I got out of Ginny's bed and tip toed my way to the door. "Tell them to shut up, will you?" Ginny said. I closed the bedroom door behind me and went up another flight of stairs to the twins' room. The singing then abruptly stopped. "Let's go again, Freddie. Again!" George said. Fred's laughter was heard and Hayloft started blasting. My eyes widened and I could hear Fred imitating the guitar riffs. "My daddy's got a gun, my daddy's got a gun, my daddy's got a gun, you better run!" George sung loudly. "It started with the hayloft a-creaking. Well it just stared in the hay." Fred started. "LOFT!" George replied. The two of them laughed and I opened the bedroom door. The two of them were dancing around the room and I noticed the radio on the nightstand. Must've been a gift from Arthur. I'm sure he acquired it since he loves muggles so much. "Hey." I said, trying to get their attention. George spun in a circle and Fred was singing the lyrics, his back to me. "Boys." No response once again. I went to open my mouth again when Fred turned around to face me. He smirked and said "come to see the show?" "What show?" "Us performing Hayloft." George said in a matter of fact tone. I blinked a few times and said "it's so late. Can't you guys be quiet?" "No. It's summer. And we'll be as loud as we want." "No, you will not Frederick Gideon Weasley." Molly's voice said from behind me. Fred's eyes widened and Molly stepped into the room. "Of course. It's that muggle radio your father brought you." She looked at George who was still spinning in a circle, singing. "George Fabian Weasley stop spinning this instant." George stopped and gulped. Molly used her wand and made the radio stop playing. Both boys groaned and Molly said "it's one thirty in the morning. I want you both to stop this nonsense and go to sleep. There'll be plenty of time during the day for you two to be rambunctious as you always are. But not in the wee hours of the morning. Understood?" Molly was surprisingly very calm. I expected her to scream at them. "Goldie, dear, I apologize for them. Do you need something to help you get back to sleep?" "No, I'm ok. I actually came up here to tell them to stop." "Right. I hope the two of you heard me right." George nodded and Fred sighed. "Yes, mum." Molly nodded curtly at them and left the room. George fell onto his bed and said "I'm dizzy." "That's cause you were spinning, doofus." I said as I sat down on George's bed, running my hand through his hair. I yawned and George said "sorry we woke you." "It's ok. I can go back to sleep now that your mom yelled at you." George rolled his eyes and Fred said "or you could stay here with us." "I'm tired, Fred. I'll see you both tomorrow." I patted George's chest and Fred grabbed me as I left the bedroom. He kissed my lips and then leaned his forehead against mine. "Goodnight." He said softly. "Goodnight." I wrapped my arms around him, giving him a hug. Fred sighed and leaned his head on my shoulder. I kissed his forehead and said "I'll see you in the morning." Fred pulled away from me and nodded. He plopped down on his bed that let out a creak. George struggled to keep his eyes open and I said "goodnight, boys." "Goodnight, Goldie." They replied in unison. I closed the door softly behind me and went back down to Ginny's room. I laid down in her bed and she immediately put her head on my chest. "You're back. It's cold in my room and need you here so I can be warm." She whispered. I giggled softly and put my arm around her, falling asleep almost instantly.


"Wake up! Both of you!" Hermione's voice said. I opened my eyes and saw Hermione standing over Ginny and I. "Yes?" I said. "Molly's making breakfast. She wants us all downstairs." Hermione was already dressed for the day. Ginny huffed, her face buried in the crook of my neck. "Hermione, do you ever sleep?" Ginny asked. "Yes, of course. I just don't sleep in like you all." "You should." Yelena's voice boomed from the floor. Hermione jumped and said "you scared me." Yelena chuckled and stood up, Hermione looking up at her. Alta shook out her hair and said "I think I'm gonna take a shower." She grabbed her things and headed to the bathroom, Yelena hot on her tail. Hermione shook her head at them and said "I'm sure they're up to no good." "They're together, Mione. What do you expect. As much as I don't want to think about it, I'm sure Goldie will be shagging my brother at some point during her stay." Ginny said as she sat up. I bit my lip and Ginny smirked at me. "You're probably right." I said softly. "I know I'm right. Fred is a horny bastard and always has been. Him and George talk about sex constantly. I hate how many conversations I've walked in on." Ginny made a face and I giggled and then looked to Hermione. Are the twins up yet?" Hermione shook her head and said "no." "I'll go wake them up. After I get dressed." I went to my suitcase and Ginny said "do you guys want to go to the lake tomorrow?" "Why not today?" I said. "Well, it wasn't planned. Probably better if we all just have it planned out. Instead of springing things on people at the last minute. We could go shopping in Diagon Alley today or something." Ginny replied. I nodded and grabbed a sundress out of my suitcase. I changed in front of Ginny and Hermione. I noticed Ginny's eyes linger on my body before I put my dress on. "I'll go wake the twins." Hermione nodded and I left the room, going upstairs. I opened the bedroom door, my eyes immediately going to George. He threw his head back as hand went up and down his cock at a fast speed. Soft moans left his lips as he was desperately trying to reach his release, his back arching. "Oh god." I said, wishing I hadn't walked in. George looked at me and quickly covered himself. "Goldie! Get out!" Fred sat up sleepily and said "what's going on?" "Fred, come with me. Now!" I said as I walked over to him. I pulled him out of his bed. "It's so early!" He whined. "Just come on." The two of us left the bedroom and I closed the door shut behind us. Fred rubbed his eyes and said "Goldie, why're you dragging me out of bed?" "Well, your mom is making breakfast. And second, I kinda walked in on George jerking off." Fred sniggered and said "really?" "Yes. I didn't even think about knocking. But at the same time, I didn't think either of you would be up this early." I said with a sigh. "I'm sure Georgie will forgive you. He might've been knocking one out to the thought of you." Fred replied with a quirked eyebrow. I pushed him playfully and said "you lie." I walked away from the door and he said "I'm sure he was thinking of Angelina. I just wanted to mess with you." I shook my head at him and Fred looked me up and down. "Fuck, Goldie. That's a pretty dress." I bit my lip and said "you think so?" He grabbed me by my waist and said "Godric, you're so pretty. I wish I could take you right here. Just lift up your dress and fuck you right here in the hallway for everyone to see and hear." I gulped and said "wow, Freddie." Fred's hands rested on my hips and he pushed me against the wall gently. He kissed my neck up and down and I moaned softly. Fred smirked against my neck and said "I love when you make those pretty noises for me." I cupped his cheek and made him kiss my lips. "Goldie, did you wake- oh." Hermione stopped herself as her eyes laid on us. I pulled away from Fred and said "George is up. He's just getting dressed. So, we were waiting for him." Hermione nodded and said "I have to wake Ron and Harry." She then went up another flight of stairs. I patted Fred's chest and said "go get dressed. Breakfast will be ready soon." I walked away from Fred and went downstairs, sitting next to Ginny. The two of us talked while Molly prepared breakfast. Percy came downstairs, still in his pajamas. He yawned and his hair was curly and messy. "Hi, mum." He kissed Molly's cheek and then sat down. "Hi, Percy. Are your brothers up?" "They should be." I answered for him. Molly nodded and George came downstairs. "Hi, George." I said, hoping there wasn't any tension or anything weird between us. "Hi, Goldie." He sat down across from me, brushing his hair out of his face. Alta walked in, her hair slightly damp from the shower. Yelena sat down next to her, hickeys littering her neck. I wiggled my eyebrows at Alta who smirked at me. Fred sat down on the other side of me, kissing my cheek. "Mum?" Ginny began. "Yes?" "Is it ok if we go to Diagon Alley today? Just to walk around and shop?" "Ooh, yes, mum, please?" Fred said. Molly turned to look at her kids. "Yes, of course." "Yes!" Fred high fived George who smiled really big. "You'll shop with us, yeah?" Fred said to me. Ginny looked at her older brother and said "you and George always have Goldie. Can't I have her for one day?" George propped his head up with his hand and said "no." "George!" Ginny glared at him. "Of course you can." I looked to Fred who nodded. "You spend the majority of the day with Ginny and then when we get back...you'll hang out with George and I?" I nodded and said "yep."


We all arrived in Diagon Alley, the twins heading off towards the quidditch shop. Yelena pulled Alta into a shop and Hermione stood next to Ginny and I. "Where to first?" Ginny grabbed my wrist and pulled me down to a shop which had clothing in it. I decided I'd get some new panties since they were all so pretty. I also got a couple of new skirts since the summer season was unbelievably hot. Ginny bought about six pairs of shorts and a few tank tops. Hermione got shorts that went to her knees and Ginny tried to convince her to get a pair of short shorts. She succeeded. Ginny then drug me to the quidditch store. She wanted to get some stuff since she'd be trying out for the team next year. I was happy for her. And I knew we'd be playing quidditch at some point during my two week stay. After that we headed to Florean Fortescue's ice cream parlor. Hermione, Ginny and I got our ice cream and sat down. I then realized we didn't have napkins. I walked back up to the counter to get some and I felt arms around my waist. "Hiya, love." Fred's voice said. I giggled and said "hi, Freddie." I removed myself from him and him and George got ice cream before sitting down with us. "Where's Ronnie and Harry?" George said. I shrugged and said "not sure." Yelena and Alta found us, sitting down. Alta squirmed in her seat and Yelena smirked at her. "Let's go to the lake tomorrow." Ginny said. "Ugh, we haven't been in a while." George replied. "I can finally see you in a bikini, yeah?" Fred whispered. I smirked to myself and said "yes. Obviously." After we finished our ice cream, Fred practically drug me away from Ginny and the girls. We still walked around Diagon Alley, nobody ready to go home yet. I giggled as Fred pulled me along behind him. "Freddie, what is it?" He then quickly pulled me in an alley and pressed me up against the side of a building. "You look so good today, Goldie. You're driving me crazy." He kissed my lips passionately, our lips moving in sync. I moaned softly and felt my panties begin to get wet. I gripped Fred's shirt as he continued to kiss me. His lips then went to my neck, his hand going up my dress. I stopped him and said "we can't." "There's nobody around, love." I let go of his wrist and his hand went up my thigh. His fingers slipped into my panties, running through my folds. I squeezed his arm and he chuckled. "Awe, you're nice and wet for me. I should take you right here, let everyone see how desperate you are for me." Fred said lowly. I slowly grinded my hips on his fingers and said "let's apparate." "Where?" "The burrow." Fred clicked his tongue and said "my mum'll be there. I know she'll be out tomorrow. When were all at the lake. We'd have the house to ourselves." I pulled Fred in for a kiss, my hand going to his crotch. He leaned his head on my shoulder, removing his hand from me. "We have to wait. Come on." I told him. Fred groaned and said "nobody's gonna come down here. Come on." I shook my head and fixed my dress before taking Fred's hand. He sighed and followed behind me. Everyone then headed back to the burrow.


Now I couldn't wait till tomorrow. Fred kept teasing me and knew there wasn't anything I could do about since we were in a house filled with people. Two could play at this game. For the majority of dinner, Fred was rubbing at my clit. I gripped his wrist, hoping he'd stop; he didn't. I barely talked during dinner and I blamed it on being tired so I wouldn't get asked too many questions. When Fred moved his hand away I felt relief and frustration. I was frustrated that I hadn't finished but relieved that I wouldn't let out any unwanted sounds or be caught. I took that opportunity to get back at Fred. I palmed him over his jeans before slipping my hand in his pants. His hand was on my thigh, squeezing hard. As people began to leave the table, Fred and I were finishing our tea. I moved my hand up and down his shaft slowly, squeezing as I did so. A breathy groan left Fred's lips and I smirked, leaning over to kiss his neck. "Goldie, do you mind helping me with the dishes?" Molly asked. I nodded and said "sure." I removed my hand from his pants and stood up, going to help Molly. Fred leaned back in his chair, sighing. "You alright, Fred?" Molly awaited an answer from her son. "I'm good, mum." Molly nodded and then turned around to face the sink. Fred stood up, covering his prominent bulge with his hands, rushing up the stairs.

Here the update!!!

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