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Chapter four
Goldie's POV:
Everyone couldn't stop talking about going to Hogsmeade. I had no idea what it was since I'd never been. Alta explained it to me and then I really wanted to go. Lulu then sat down at our table. I furrowed my eyebrows as she did. "Are you guys going to Hogsmeade?" She asked. "Yes." Alta said. "Did you guys want to go? It could be a girls day." She said. Hannah looked over at her and then looked at me. I shrugged and said "who all would be going?" "Me, you, Alta, Hannah, Angelina." I looked at Alta and Hannah, waiting on their response. "It sounds fun. Sure." Alta replied. I nodded and Lulu said "great. I don't know you all that well and though we could maybe..be friends?" Lulu was very condescending the first time I met her and she was way prettier than I was. I couldn't help but be insecure around her. By next year or the year after, all the guys would be chasing Lulu. There was no doubt about it. "Out of the way, Jordan." Rasmus' voice said as he pushed Lee. Lee was a lot smaller than the other boys. I watched Lee stumble and say "you're a git, Hawthorne." Adrian bumped into him on purpose and said "oops." Lee rolled his eyes and I said "leave him alone." "Oooh, what're your gonna do about it, March?" Adrian said. I went to open my mouth when George said "why don't you guys leave, yeah?" Fred stood behind me and George stood next to Lee. Rasmus rolled his eyes and left the area, Adrian following him. Lee sighed and I said "are you ok?" "Yeah. They're just idiots. Gotta mess with someone, I guess." "Why're they messing with you?" Fred said. Lee shrugged and said "I dunno." Fred turned to me and said "how are you today?" "I'm good. How are you?" "You all going to Hogsmeade?" I nodded and Lulu said "yeah, but it's a girls day." Lee blew a raspberry and said "it'll be more fun if we all go." George nodded in agreement and Oliver said "how about it, Lulu?" She rolled her eyes but gave in to the boys request. I could tell she was slightly irritated but went along with it. Alta mentioned something about putting her books away before we went. "We'll meet up in the courtyard." George told her. The fall months were ending and the winter months were starting. It hadn't snowed yet though. I was eager to see it since I had never seen it in person. "I can't wait till it snows. I've never seen it." I said as we reached the courtyard. The twins looked at me. "YOU'VE NEVER SEEN SNOW?!" They asked in unison. I nodded, smiling sheepishly. "Just wait!" George started. "We're going to take you out for a snow day when it snows!" Fred said excitedly. I smiled and Lee said "I can't believe you've never seen snow." "Fred, could I take your picture?" A boy with blonde hair said. He was rather small and carried a large camera. "Colin, we're getting ready to go to Hogsmeade. We're waiting on our friend and then we're going." Fred replied. "Fred, it'll only take a second. Maybe George could stand next to you? Or you could, Goldie! I know you are cause of quidditch! How's your shoulder?" The boy went on. Fred replied his eyes at the boy and I said "what's your name?" "Colin! Colin Creevey!" He said as he smiled really big. "It's just a picture, Fred." I said as I looked at him. Fred sighed and said "fine. George get over here." I took a step back as George approached us, saying hi to Colin as he did so. Fred grabbed my wrist and pulled me in between him and his brother. "Look here!" Colin said as he brought his camera to his face. I watched George's face scrunch up into a smile, Fred's doing the same. I looked at Colin and smiled. The flash went off, it was excessively way too bright. I blinked a few times and Colin said "thanks, guys! Have you seen Harry?" George shook his head and said "no. Check the common room." Colin nodded and said "bye, Goldie! See you guys later!" He rushed off and I said "he's adorable." Fred rolled his eyes and said "he's quite annoying sometimes." "Oh, leave him alone, Fred." Alta walked over and said "I'm ready." Lulu smiled and said "let's go." I began to walk with Angelina and Alta, Lulu on the other side of me. The four of us talked about girl stuff, nothing too crazy. "Out of all the guys at school, who do you think is the most attractive?" Angelina said with a quirked brow. Lulu shrugged and said "oh gosh." "I think George is just dashing." Angelina said while giggling. Alta shrugged and said "I don't know. I haven't really been paying attention to boys." "What about you, Goldie?" I shook my head and said "I don't know." "Oh, come on! There has to be somebody!" Angelina prodded. I looked down and said "well, I guess if I had to choose..." Angelina nudged me and I giggled. "Come on! Spill!" Lulu said. I sighed and said "Fred's kinda cute." Angelina squealed and said "I thought I was the only one who liked one of the Weasley's." "I just think he's cute. I don't have a crush on him." I stated. Lulu's whole demeanor changed once I said that. "Rasmus is also kinda cute but a bit of a jerk. But, Fred's a lot nicer and really cute." I admitted. Alta smirked at me and Angelina said "oh, I hope George notices me one day." "I'm sure he will. You're really pretty, Angelina." She smiled at me and Alta grabbed ahold of my arm and Lulu and Angelina walked up ahead of us. The boys were a few feet behind us. "Goldie, can I tell you something?" She asked. I nodded and said "sure." "I know I haven't known you that long but I feel like I can tell you this." I awaited her answer and she said "I like girls. That's why I didn't answer when Angelina popped the question. But, I'm not ready to admit that to the group yet. If you don't want to be friends with me anymore, I understand." "Alta, I don't care who you like. We're friends. It doesn't matter that you like girls. You'll find someone. There's a girl in this school somewhere, that's gonna love you." I said. Alta smiled and said "wow, Goldie. I hope you're right." The really tall girl who I still only know as Miss Parker, yelled out in celebration at something. Alta quickly turned to look at her and said "I wonder what that's about."


When we reached Hogsmeade, I marveled at all the shops. Honeydukes was my favorite. Lee rushed around the shop, picking out different candies. I had stayed with the girls most of the time we had been there, but when I saw Fred's shoulders slump at the till counter, my heart broke. I walked over and said "I can get it." "That'll be two sickles, miss." The cashier said. Fred watched in shock as I purchased his candy for him. "T-thanks. I was only short two sickles. That git." Fred said. I shrugged and said "it's no problem. You deserve the candy. What'd you get?" "Jelly slugs! About four bags of them!" He replied excitedly. I put my candy on the counter and he said "sugar quills, chocolate frogs, and blood lollipops?" "I've never had any of it and it all sounds good." I said as I paid for the candy. I grabbed one of my lollipops and began to suck on it. "Could I have one?" I handed him a lollipop. I watched him stick it in his mouth, his tongue swirling around the red candy. George walked to the counter with a handful of droobles. Alta called me over to where she was and I left the twin's side. I helped her pick up some candy and then we left Honeydukes. The rest of the time we were there, we all just goofed off and laughed at one another.


Woody and I sat in the library, I was helping him with his potions stuff. The poor boy was clueless but he had me. He warmed up to me a lot quicker than I thought he would. He seemed awkward but stoic. "So, that's how you make polyjuice potion?" He asked. I nodded and he saw the ingredients for it, his eyes widening. Then he noticed the dizziness drought. "What does that do?" He said. "Makes you really dizzy. Whoever drinks it will become super dizzy and lightheaded." Woody looked over the piece of paper which had the ingredients on it. "Hiya, Goldie!" The twins said in unison. I quickly shushed them as we were in the library. "What're you doing here with Evergreen?" Fred questioned. Woody rolled his eyes at him and I said "I'm helping him with potions stuff. Snape told me to." "Are you guys almost finished?" George said. I looked at our assignment and said "almost. We have one last section of the homework. Now, the two of you can sit here and wait patiently or I can meet you outside when it's finished. "We'll sit here patiently." They said. Woody and I talked quietly as we worked on the assignment. "Goldie. Goldie." Fred was trying to get my attention but I was currently ignoring him since I was helping Woody. My eyes flickered up to look at him and I said "what?" "Do you have any lollipops with you?" I shrugged and said "I don't know." "Could you check?" I sighed and looked in my bag. I realized I had put them in there since I became addicted to them and the sugar quills. "Here." I handed one to him. Fred took it from me, ripping the wrapping paper off. He stuck the lollipop in his mouth. Woody asked me a question and I answered it. Fred made a loud slurping noise with the lollipop. I glared at him and George was sniggering. "Will you stop?" I said. Fred removed the lollipop from his mouth and said "sorry. Didn't mean to be loud." Woody huffed at him and the two of us finished the assignment. "Same time next week?" He said. "Yep." Woody gathered his things and left the library. "What is with you two?" "Just come hang out with us." George said. I packed up my things and stood up. Fred grabbed my hand and the three of us walked fast through the halls. We went to the secret passageway we were at a couple of weeks ago. I set my things down and Fred said "so, how'd you like Hogsmeade yesterday?" "I loved it. I can't wait to go back." George sat down and opened up one of his packs of droobles. Fred tore open into a pack of jelly slugs and said "want one?" I nodded and he handed me one. I bit into it and noticed Fred still had the lollipop in his mouth while chewing on a jelly slug. "You're gonna choke." I said. George looked at me and said "eh, he does that all the time." Fred nodded and patted the spot next to him on the couch. I sat down next to him and he said "what did you and the girls talk about?" "Girl stuff." George rolled his eyes and said "boo! That's not an answer." "We kinda just talked about things girls like and stuff like that." I wasn't about to tell them Angelina and I had said they were cute. No way in hell. Who wouldn't think either of them were cute? I didn't have a crush on Fred yet but I thought he was really cute. And Angelina crushing on George was the cutest thing. "Boring stuff like clothes then?" Fred said with his eyebrows raised. I nodded and said "yeah." George made a face and said "gosh, that's really boring." "Told you." "I was hoping you'd get us some inside stuff on what you girls really talk about." Fred started. "Oh, yeah? What's that?" I quipped. "Boys." They said in unison. I chuckled nervously and said "we weren't talking about boys." "I know for a fact, girls talk about boys just like boys talk about girls." Fred said as he took another lollipop from my bag. "You could give us the whole scoop and nobody would know." George added. I shook my head and said "no. I know you boys too well. That information will spread around the whole school." "Answer me this, who's the best looking?" "Who are we talking about?" "Us." They deadpanned. "You want me to say who's the better looking between you two?" "Yes." "You're twins." "So?" They continued to speak in unison. "You two look the same." "We do not!" I rolled my eyes at them and began to look at the two of them. I knew what my answer was. I thought Fred was the better looking twin. But George just as attractive. I didn't want to choose Fred and see the disappointment on George's face. I also didn't want to choose George and see the disappointment on Fred's face. "I think, you're both attractive in your own way." I said, hoping they'd be satisfied with that answer. "You have to choose one." Fred said. I huffed and said "fine. But this doesn't mean anything. It doesn't mean I have a crush on either one of you. I just simply think you're attractive." "Go on, then." George said. "Fred." I watched Fred's face turn into a smile and he began to laugh. George rolled his eyes and said "whatever." "Ignore him, George." "Trust me, I do." Fred smirked at me and said "think I'm attractive, eh?" "Drop it." I warned. Fred sniggered and I rolled my eyes.

This chapter is a bit shorter but I hope you all still enjoyed it!!

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