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Chapter forty
Puking Pastilles and tea
Goldie's POV:
I heard the footsteps of everyone waking up. I snuggled into Fred's side, his arm tightening around my waist. George moved around the room. It sounded like he was getting dressed. I opened my eyes to the sun shining in. George got dressed and left the room. I didn't hear Molly hassling anyone to wake us up so I decided to let my body relax. Fred moaned in his sleep as his head lolled to the side. "No. Don't." He shuddered. I cupped his cheek and said "Freddie." A relieved sigh left his lips and I laid my head back on the pillow. Fred pulled me onto his chest and I got comfortable, sleep taking over my body once again. "Fred Weasley, you'd better have a good explanation as to why you're not down at breakfast! I swear if you're sleeping in, I'm going to-" Molly stopped as she came into the room. Fred sat up quickly, knocking me off of him. "What? What happened?" He said. "What're you two doing?" Molly questioned. Fred blinked a few times and said "huh? We were asleep, mum." He rubbed at his eyes and Molly said "oh, Fred, I'm so sorry. Goldie, dear I didn't know. Fred was under strict rules not to have you in here while he was alone but I guess it's ok if the two of you are sleeping." I half smiled and said "it's ok, Molly." Fred yawned and said "we'll get up now." Molly nodded and left the room. Fred sighed and leaned against his headboard. "You ok?" I asked. Fred looked at me and said "yeah. What do you mean?" "You said 'no' in your sleep. And you were moaning a bit. And when I said your name, you seemed to relax." Fred looked at the comforter on his bed and said "uh, yeah. I'm fine." He then stood up and walked to his closet. "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I'm fine." He replied quickly. I walked to the door and said "I'm gonna change. Meet me downstairs?" "Meet me at the stairs. I'll walk down with you." I went to Ginny's room and changed into a romper. I met Fred at the stairs, who was dressed in a t-shirt and jeans. He bit his lip as I stood in front of him. "Fuck, you're so hot. Let me take you after breakfast." My eyes widened and I said "with your mum here?" "I'm sure we could get away with it. After all, today is chore day and I'm sure George could cover for me." I shook my head at him and he said "I'm serious." "I know." I said as I walked down the stairs. Fred wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck up and down. I giggled and Ron made a face. "The two of you sit down so we can all eat." Molly said. I detached myself from Fred and he sat down next to me. Breakfast went great as it always did. And Fred was right. Today was chore day. Molly had her kids cleaning up. Yelena, Alta and I were not allowed to interfere. Hermione helped even though Molly told her she didn't need to. And Harry helped Ron since Ron made such a big deal that he couldn't clean by himself. I decided to go up to the twins room to see if one of them was finished cleaning. As I turned the doorknob, I was pulled inside. I gasped as I was pushed against the door as it closed. Fred stood in front of me, locking the door. "We only have a few minutes. Up for a quickie?" He quipped. I nodded and he quickly pulled his clothes off. I undid my romper and Fred pulled me onto his lap, guiding me back and forth to grind on him. I moaned softly and Fred kissed my neck up and down. "As good as this feels, I thought you said we'd only have a few minutes." I said. "Well, you have to be wet, darling. As much as I'd like to skip this and get right to it, I don't wanna hurt you." He replied. Fred let me grind on him for a few more minutes and then brought his hand to my crotch. He smirked when he saw how wet I'd gotten. He flipped us over so now he was on top. He pushed himself inside me and immediately started moving. He moved at a fast pace, his bed creaking loudly. "Fred, we're gonna get caught." I told him. He huffed and began to thrust into me slower, moving a certain way so the bed wouldn't make any noise. He buried his face in the crook of my neck. I ran my hand through his hair, holding him tightly. "Ah, mmm, mmm." Fred groaned. I bit my lip, sighing at the pleasure. Fred and I seemed to be in our own little world, that was until there was knocking at the door. "Fred, why aren't you downstairs with your brother?" Molly's voice said. My eyes widened and Fred said "I needed to change, mum. The shirt I had on was dirty and I'm looking for one in particular. I'll be downstairs in a few minutes." "That shirt you had on was not dirty, I just washed it two days ago." I could hear the irritation in Molly's voice. Fred whimpered and said "I got it dirty. I just needed to change. And then I'll be back down." Fred's grip on my hip got tighter and Molly said "Fred Weasley, you'd better get downstairs right this instant." Fred stopped moving and hung his head in defeat. He turned around to look at the door and said "mum, I'm getting dressed! I'll be down in a minute!" "Don't you yell at me! I'll unlock this door!" Molly went to say the unlocking spell and Fred quickly locked the door back, with a stronger spell. "Mum, I'm going to finish the chores after I get dressed!" "I should've known you were trying to skip out on doing chores! You and your brother always do!" "George isn't even in here with me! It's just me!" I could feel Fred going limp inside me as he argued with his mother. I squirmed under him, trying to get up. "You and George will be cleaning out the shed now! Since you want to skip out on doing chores. And you'll pull the weeds from the garden." "Ugh, mum!" I pushed on Fred's shoulder's and felt he was flaccid. "Fred, get off." I said. He turned around and looked at me, allowing me to get up. Molly's footsteps departed and I went to grab my romper, putting it back on. Fred looked at me and sighed. "M'sorry." He said. I shook my head and said "it's fine." I knew I'd have to resort to attempting to get off in the bathroom or just suffer through the feeling. The latter seemed safer. "Hey, I'll make it up to you tonight. I didn't know she was going to come and hassle me." I half smiled at Fred and said "you'd better go do the chores she asked you to. Otherwise I won't get to see you tonight." Fred used one of him and George's inventions to dirty up the shirt he had on before. He grabbed another one and put it on. Along with his boxers and jeans. Fred pushed me up against the wall and put his leg in between mine. The rough denim against my crotch was not helping my situation. I moved my hips against his thigh and Fred smirked as he leaned down to give me a kiss. "Remind me to let you ride my thigh one day." He removed his leg from me and pulled me away from the wall. He patted my butt and left me in his bedroom.


Later that day, after dinner. The twins were currently demonstrating the properties of their puking pastilles. Fred lost a bet between him and George so he had to be the victim who ate one. Ron chuckled as Fred bit into the pie, an annoyed look on his face. "Seems like he's fine right now, right? No. As soon as that thing hits your stomach, in a matter of minutes, you end up getting sick. I think the longest it's taken is ten minutes, right, Fred?" Fred nodded as his face began to turn green. George put a bucket in front of Fred who was holding his stomach. "How long does it usually take on you two?" Yelena asked. "Five minutes." George replied. "Mum, is there leftovers?" Ron said to his mother who was in the kitchen. "Yes, why?" "Fred's about to puke up all his dinner. He's going to need something to eat after this. Also I'm still hungry." Fred coughed a little and then started vomiting. Ron and George exclaimed in disgust while Percy covered his mouth. Yelena winced and Ginny said "gosh, George doesn't that seem a little bit extreme?" "It's just puking. It can't kill you." He said to Ginny. "Give me...the other piece." Fred said as he looked up at George weakly. George handed Fred the other slice which Fred practically shoved in his mouth. His body stopped heaving and a relieved sigh left his lips. "So, there's the puking pastille. Who wants to try a love potion?" George asked. "Those don't work." Ginny said. "They do! Ours do!" "Who have you tested them on?" "Well, we gave one to Adrian Pucey. We didn't really know the girl he used it on but she was all over him." "Love potions don't work and never have." Hermione said. "Ours do." The twins replied in unison. Fred stood up and went to the bathroom to clean himself up. "What do we do with the bucket of puke?" Ron said. "Get rid of it!" I said. "Percy, get rid of it." George and Ron said to their brother. Percy shook his head and said "no, I won't." "I'll get rid of it. It's mine." Fred said as he grabbed the bucket and went outside. I followed him and he was rinsing it out with the hose. "Freddie?" He turned around to look at me and said "hey." "Are you ok? You're not still sick are you?" Fred set the now clean bucket down and looked at me. "Love, don't worry about me. It's just a sneaky little thing to get you to puke. That's all it is. I'm perfectly fine now." I nodded and said "still. I don't want you to be sick." Fred chuckled and said "godric, you're fucking adorable. You know that?" I shrugged while blushing. Fred cupped my cheek and leaned down, our lips inches away from one another. The smell of mint toothpaste was entering my nostrils as Fred's breath fanned my face. "Are you going to kiss me or not?" "Hell yeah, I'm gonna kiss you." He pressed his lips to mine, his hand going to my butt. I moaned into the kiss as his hands squeezed, cupping my ass cheeks. I pulled away and the two of us went inside, hand in hand. "Mum, could you make me a plate?" Fred asked. "Yep. Sit down with everyone else."


It was in the middle of the night. We were all supposed to be asleep. But we were currently in the twin's room. All of us except for Percy. Fred was laying in my lap as George told a joke. Ginny laughed loudly and I quickly shushed her. Hermione covered her mouth to keep from laughing. Yelena added onto George's joke which sent him into a fit of laugher. I covered his mouth and he continued to laugh. "Shh!" I told him. He was laughing so hard he couldn't breathe. George threw my hand off his mouth, gasping for air. Fred laughed at how hard George was laughing. George took a deep breath and began laughing again. Yelena was staring at George in shock, loving how hard she made him laugh. "Shh, we're going to get caught!" Hermione whisper yelled. I covered George's mouth and Fred's mouth, the both of them laughing into my hands. Harry chuckled along with Ron who was shaking his head. George removed my hand from his mouth once again. He buried his face in the crook of my neck and continued to laugh but not as loudly. "George, you're tickling me." I said as I went to push him away. Fred licked my hand which made me instantly pull away from him. "Gross!" Fred laughed at me and George leaned against my shoulder, catching his breath. Fred closed his eyes as he too was catching his breath. "Let's go make some tea." Ron said. George looked over and said "yeah. We should." "Aren't we going to get caught by your mum?" Hermione asked. Ginny shook her head and said "not if we're quiet. And if anyone catches us it'll be Percy. And if he tries to go snitch on us this late, we'll have enough time to act like we were all asleep cause mum can barely function when she wakes up in the middle of the night." The nine of us snuck downstairs quietly. Fred picked me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck. The stairs creaked under Fred's feet as he went down the stairs slowly. "Shit, love I'm gonna drop you." Fred said as he struggled to keep me in his arms. "Fred, don't!" I said a bit loudly out of fear. Ginny shushed me and Fred chuckled. "I'm only joking. I can carry you down the stairs just fine." I hit his shoulder multiple times as we reached the bottom floor. Ginny turned on the kitchen light and I demanded Fred put me down. He did and I huffed, walking away from him. "Awe, love, I'm sorry. It was just a joke. You can't stay mad at me forever." I sat on the counter, ignoring him. Fred got in between my legs and said "come on. What can I do to make it up to you?" George started on the tea and leaned up against the kitchen sink. Ginny sat on the dining room table, Hermione next to her. Fred traced shapes into my thighs, awaiting my answer. I continued to ignore him and Fred poked my cheek. "Dee Dee, come on." I struggled not to smile but I did. Fred did the same and kissed my cheek. "I'd never drop you. You know that, right?" I nodded and hugged him. Fred sighed contentedly and kissed my neck sweetly. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too." I replied as I played with his hair. Fred pulled away from me, sitting next to me on the counter. Ron reached for the cookie jar and I said "ooh, can I have one?" Ron handed me a chocolate chip cookie and I said "thank you." He nodded to me and Harry grabbed one. "Are you guys excited for another year at Hogwarts?" Ron asked. Harry nodded and said "yeah. A little bit. I'm still reeling from Cedric and now that Voldemort is back, it might be a bit rough." Ginny frowned and Ron sighed. "We'll have a good year. Cedric would want you too." Ginny told Harry. Harry half smiled and said "you're right." Hermione patted Harry's back and Fred wrapped his arms around me. Once the tea was finished, it was distributed it among us. Everyone made small talk as we sipped on the tea. I stared up at Fred as he talked enthusiastically about him and George's shop. He was saying how much he wanted to start it and how happy it'd make him. George did the same. As much I wanted to listen to George, I couldn't take my eyes off Fred as he listened and added things onto what George was saying. I loved the way his hair sat on his shoulders, his laugh when George had made a joke, the way his eyes lit up at the thought of opening a joke shop and selling their products. "What would the shop be called?" Hermione asked. "Weasley's Wizard Wheezes." The twins said in unison. George then went on to explain other things about the shop. Fred noticed me starting and quirked an eyebrow at me. "What're you staring at?" He said playfully. I leaned my head on his shoulder and said "you. You're so pretty." Fred made me look up at him and said "you're prettier." I smiled and he kissed my lips. Harry announced that he was going to bed and Hermione said we should all do the same. We all crept back upstairs, being careful not to wake Percy and his parents. I went to sleep in Ginny's room and Fred pulled me down the hall into their bedroom.

Here's the update!! Next chapter will be a bit different and super interesting

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