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Chapter forty one
Fred's POV:
I woke up to Percy waking us all up. Ginny and Hermione were making breakfast. Percy made sure to announce that. I sat up to see Goldie not next to me. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "George." He looked over and I said "where's Goldie?" "I dunno." He replied sleepily. I stood up and made my way downstairs. Goldie sat at the dining room table next to Alta. Goldie seemed down, like she was in a bad mood. I touched her shoulder as I approached her. "Hey." I said. Goldie looked up at me and then winced. "Hi." She said. Her eyes darted around the room very quickly. She gripped the side of the chair she was sitting in. I went to say something again when she stood up and went to walk into the living room. "Goldie?" I said as I went to approach her again. She dropped to her knees and pulled at her hair. Alta quickly rushed over and I did the same. "Goldie? Darling?" I scooped her up into my arms, pulling her into my lap. "Get her on the couch. I think it's her mind thing again." Alta said. Goldie let out a small painful scream and I said "what's wrong with her?!" I set her on the couch and Ginny looked over nervously. George knelt down next to me and said "Goldie? Where does it hurt?" "My head! You're all thinking so hard! I can hear what you're all thinking about! It hurts!" Goldie squeezed my hand so hard I was sure she'd break it. "Where's mum?!" I yelled. "She went to the ministry with dad." Percy replied. "Go get her! Mum will know how to take care of her." I said. Alta rubbed Goldie's head and said "I'm going to go and get my mom. I'm going to go with Percy. I told you before my mom could help you. I'll be back soon." "We'll take care of her. I know a potion that will help her relax. And help her stop hearing everyone's thoughts." Ginny said. "Hurry up and make it. She's in pain." Ginny looked at me and said "I will. Talk to her, Fred. Try to calm her down. Just a little." Yelena decided she'd go with Alta to the ministry. Harry frowned at Goldie's state and Ron said "blimey, Fred. Is she ok?" "Not right now. She will be." Goldie groaned in pain and I said "darling, focus on me. Remember the day you helped me study? Focus on me and only me. Focus on that thought." Goldie shook her head and said "I can't. I can't." "Yes, you can. Ignore everyone else's thoughts but mine." "She can read people's thoughts? Bloody hell." Ron said as he ran a hand through his hair. Goldie looked at Ron and another groan of pain left her lips. "Goldie, focus on me. Focus on the memory I gave you. Tune out everyone's thoughts. Can you do that?" Goldie looked back at me and whimpered. "Focus on me." I cupped her cheek and Goldie's grip on my other hand began to loosen slightly. "Good job. Ignore everything else. It's me and you." "Goldie, the potion is ready. Can I bring it to you?" Ginny asked. Goldie nodded and I said "come on, Ginny." Ginny walked over and knelt down with a cup in her hand. Goldie began to drink the potion, slowly calming down. "That's it. Focus on me, darling." Goldie drank the entirety of the potion. George frowned at her and said "you alright?" "Yeah. A little bit." She replied. Ginny sighed in relief and said "you really scared us." "It's just your thoughts. I could hear everything you guys are thinking about." Hermione walked over and said "that sounds like legilimency." "What's that?" Harry asked. "Someone who can hear people's thoughts." "I can read minds." Goldie said as her eyes fluttered shut. "Goldie." I said as I shook her softly. "Fred, it's the potion. It made her relax. Until Mum gets here, I hope she stays asleep." Everyone began to leave the room. Hermione finished cooking breakfast since Ginny didn't want to leave her side. Harry and Ron ate in the kitchen, talking quietly. George leaned his head on Goldie's legs, a deep sigh coming from him. I kissed Goldie's hand and brushed a strand of curly hair out of her face. Commotion came from the fireplace as mum stepped in with Maisie. Yelena, Alta and Percy came after them. "How is she?" Mum asked. "She passed out a few minutes ago. She was crying out in pain. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't help her." I said. Mum half smiled at me and said "you did enough, Freddie." Maisie knelt down and said "well, I know why she's having these issues. And I know why she's just now experiencing them." Alta awaited her mother's answer, wanting to know why her best friend was in so much pain. "We need to wake her up. So I can explain everything to her." I shook my head and said "no. She was in so much pain." "I'm going to help her. I know a spell I can teach her to keep the pain away. And once she gets the hang of Legilimency, she'll be able to control it. Turn it off and on if she needed to." Mum and Maisie woke Goldie up who immediately started complaining about her head. Maisie held a file in her hand and Goldie looked at her. She gasped softly. "That has some of my family details inside?" Maisie nodded. Goldie took it from her and Maisie casted a spell onto Goldie. Goldie furrowed her eyebrows. "What did you do?" "Made it stop hurting. Can you hear what I'm thinking right now?" "You didn't eat breakfast?" Maisie shook her head and said "no. I didn't. But, I'll probably grab some now that I'm here. Can you hear what Molly's thinking?" Goldie looked at Molly and nodded. "She wants me to be ok." "Yes, that's all I want for you, dear." "What about Fred?" Maisie asked. Goldie looked at me. There were so many things running through my head. But the most important one was for her not to be in any pain. She cupped my cheek and said "he doesn't want me in any pain. He wants me to be ok. He's....scared." She removed her hand from my cheek and began examining the file in her hands. She frowned and I quickly realized she knew I was scared. I wasn't scared of her. Scared for her. I didn't want her to have to hear what people were thinking all the time. Goldie furrowed her eyebrows again. "Queenie Goldstein? Who's she?" Maisie sighed and said "she's your grandmother. Your great great grandmother." I looked at the picture of Queenie. She had short shoulder length blonde hair, which was in curls like Goldie's. "How is she my grandmother?" "She married a muggle. And I assume down the line, there wasn't any witches or wizards born after that. You are the first witch born in the Goldstein bloodline in years. Well, Queenie's bloodline." Goldie stared at the picture of her. "She was beautiful. I wish I could've met her." "I'm sure I can find some stuff about her. And you could learn about her." Goldie smiled up at Maisie and said "thank you." "Now come on. I'm gonna teach you this spell." Goldie stood up and said "hi, George." "Hi." He said as he smiled. Maisie and Goldie left the room.


After breakfast Goldie had been distancing herself from me. Every time I'd try to talk to her she'd quickly get up and make an excuse. I was tired of it. I cornered her in Ginny's room. "Why're you avoiding me?" Goldie looked at me and said "I'm not." "You are. Ever since it's been revealed that you can read minds, you've been avoiding me. Is it cause of what you heard? In my head?" Goldie looked down at the ground and said "I don't want to talk about it." I grabbed her by her arms, pushing her against the wall. "Goldie, talk to me. You don't understand how stressed out I was. How scared I was for you." "No. You're scared of me. I heard your thoughts. You're scared of me. You're scared I'll hear everything you think in that head of yours. Why are you scared?" She broke free from my hold and said "is it cause you're thinking about other girls? Maybe you'll go back to Lulu. Maybe I'm not good enough for you. Now that I can read minds." I felt a pang in my heart. "Is that what you think? That I don't want to be with you? Cause I was scared?" "You're scared of me! Admit it!" "I'm not scared of you, Goldie! I was scared for you! You were screaming in pain earlier! There was nothing I could do but sit and watch! I felt helpless! And then, when you woke up, you were right back to being in pain. And when you read my thoughts, it scared me. I could feel you going through my head a bit. It didn't hurt. But it was kind of weird." Goldie rolled her eyes and went to walk past me. I grabbed her by her arm and pulled her in for a kiss. Goldie kissed back and then pushed me away from her. "Goldie, I love you. You're my everything. I don't ever want to be without you. And you can read minds. I don't care. It's fucking awesome. You've basically got a superpower. You're beautiful, darling. And I'd never go back to Lulu. She was so toxic for me. All I've ever wanted was you. You know that." Goldie's lip quivered and tears filled her eyes. "Are you reading my mind right now?" She nodded. "Yes. I just wanted to make sure you were telling the truth." I clicked my tongue and said "of course I am. I love you. I love you so much. You're my everything." I wiped her tears and pulled her into a hug. She cried softly into my chest and I rubbed her back. "I love you, Fred. I love you so much. I love you. Oh, Fred, I love you." I chuckled softly and held her tighter. "I love you too, Goldie. I love you with all my heart." She let out a sob and I kissed her forehead. Goldie pulled away and I wiped her tears once again. "You're beautiful. I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. You're so beautiful, Goldie. You're golden. Like you're name." She smiled up at me and said "I don't know what I'd do without you." "Same here. I'm excited for our last year at Hogwarts." Goldie nodded and then frowned. "What is it?" I cupped her cheek and she said "it's our last year at Hogwarts. What happens after that?" "Hey, we'll worry about that when it gets here. We haven't even started school yet. When the end of the school year comes and exams and everything like that, we'll take it one step at a time. There's no need for you to stress yourself out." I told her. Goldie nodded again and gave me a hug.


It had to be about 1:30 in the morning. Goldie decided she was going to sleep with Ginny tonight. I huffed as I rolled over, not being able to sleep. George snored from across the room. I got up and snuck to Ginny's room. I approached Goldie to see her staring at the ceiling. I motioned for her to follow me and she did. "What? What is it?" She whispered. "Come on. I wanna take you somewhere." I replied as I shuffled my shoes on. She furrowed her eyebrows and said "Fred, where are we going?" I noticed the thigh high socks she had on. We'd have to go back into Ginny's room to get her shoes. "I'll carry you. Just come on." I told her. I picked her up as we walked down the stairs. They creaked softly under my feet and I walked into the kitchen, grabbing the keys to my dad's Ford Angila. When we stepped outside, Goldie saw us approaching the car. She gasped and said "we're not supposed to take the car." "We're not allowed to steal it. I'm just taking you for a ride. There's no destination. We're just gonna cruise the skies." I opened the passenger door and put her down on the swat, closing the door softly. I got into the driver's seat and started up the car. I was thankful it was by the shed and not too close to the house. I put it in gear and we started to fly. I made sure to push the invisibility booster so we wouldn't be seen. I would not make the same mistake Ron did and feel the wrath of my mother. Goldie stared out the window as we drove over the city. The streetlights and bustling cars looking like ants from how high we were. I watched as a smile appeared on her face. "Freddie, this is amazing!" She exclaimed. I chuckled and then found a place George and I had went to one time. It was the edge of a cliff and I parked the car. Goldie looked over at me and I scooted next to her. I looked down at her legs that were bare due to the shorts she wore. My eyes then went to the small tank top she wore, her nipples poking through it. I felt myself getting hard and tried to cover my crotch. Goldie saw and I said "sorry." "It's ok. I'm glad I can get you hard just by doing nothing." I quirked an eyebrow and said "oh yeah? Do I get you wet by doing nothing?" Goldie hummed in response. My eyes went back to her chest and I shifted in my seat. "You alright, Freddie?" She teased. I rolled my eyes playfully at her and said "yeah. I kind of wanted to just have a romantic moment. But I'm hard and I wish it'd go away. I just want to enjoy this time we're having together. As much as I want to fuck you hard in the backseat, this is nicer. Just the two of us, looking at the stars." Goldie smiled and said "I'm glad you came and got me out of bed. I couldn't sleep." "Me neither." I exhaled and Goldie furrowed her eyebrows. "It doesn't help that you have that tank top on. And your tits are so visible." Goldie looked down and said "I can't help that, Fred." I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the seat, trying to get my boner to go away. "Fred, look at the moon!" Goldie said excitedly. I opened my eyes and looked up. It seemed to be huge from where we were. "It's so pretty." "It's ginormous." I gaped. Goldie looked at me and said "what are your thoughts on space?" "Space?" "Yeah. Like outer space?" "What's outer space?" Goldie gasped and said "Fred, you don't know anything about outer space?" I shook my head and said "no. Should I?" Goldie made a face like she was thinking. "Well, I guess not. Outer space probably doesn't apply much to the wizarding world." I shrugged and said "I dunno. You'll have to teach me." Goldie smiled and said "I will." She climbed into my lap, straddling me. "Please don't do anything to make that bloody boner come back." Goldie giggled and said "I'm not. I was going to give you a kiss." She cupped my cheek and kissed my lips. My hands went to her hips, squeezing. "Mmm, Fred, I'm still sore." "Sorry. Sorry." "It's fine." I kissed her neck up and down, Goldie leaning back. I didn't even notice how far back she was leaning until the horn went off. Goldie jumped and immediately hugged me out of fear. I chuckled and said "you leaned on the horn, love." Goldie huffed and said "I just had a heart attack. That scared the shit out of me." I kissed her cheek and said "I'll always protect you. You know that right?" Goldie looked at me and said "yeah. I know. And I'll protect you. If you were ever to die, I'd want it to be me. Instead of you." I stared at her in shock as she looked at me. "Dee Dee, you're all your dad has. If you died...he'd be alone." She frowned and said "I know. But....George can't live without you. He wouldn't be the same person. I wouldn't either if you died. Promise me. Promise me you won't ever leave me, Freddie. Please. I don't think I could take it. Please, promise me." My eyes started watering at the desperation in Goldie's voice. She gripped handfuls of the t-shirt I had on and she looked at me as if I'd disappear. "Hey, I'll never leave you. I'll always be here. Whenever you need me, I'll be there." Goldie bit her lip and I pulled her in for a hug once again. Goldie squeezed me and I sighed against her. I knew we'd need to go back to the burrow soon so we wouldn't get caught. Goldie got off my lap and cuddled up next to me as I drove. I made sure to park away from the house, not wanting to make any unwanted noise. Goldie was asleep next to me. I picked her up bridal style and went to walk back into the house. I hung the keys to the car and tried to tip toe through the house. "Stole dad's car did you?" Percy's voice said. I jumped and said "please don't tell mum." Percy went to say a snarky remark and then noticed Goldie in my arms. "Is she doing ok?" I looked down at her and said "yeah. She's a lot better now. She couldn't sleep so I was helping her destress. I took her for a ride." Percy nodded and said "you're lucky I have sympathy for her. Otherwise I'd be telling mum." He went into the kitchen to get a glass of water and I took my chance. I headed up to Charlie's old room. I set Goldie down on the bed as I began to unmake it. She rolled onto her side and I scooped her up in my arms once again. I set her under the covers and covered her up. I closed the bedroom door and took off my shoes, getting into bed next to her. Her hand searched for me and when she felt I was next to her, she cuddled into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close to me. The scent of her freshly washed hair and the warmth from her body was enough to put me to sleep.

So the next official chapter will be diving into Order of the Phoenix!! I meant to end Goblet of Fire a few chapters ago but as you can see, I got carried away

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