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Chapter forty two
12 Grimmauld Place
Goldie's POV:
"Dad, I'm going to see Fred." "You were practically with him all summer." "Yeah, but it's only for a few days before school. I'll be leaving for school after. He's at Sirius Black's house. Harry's godfather." "It's safe, right?" I nodded and said "of course, dad." After being petrified and Cedric dying, my dad was a bit apprehensive about me going to places he wasn't familiar with. I knew Sirius' house would be safe. I had also been dealing with my Legilimency powers. My father made me read his mind so many times to the point where I felt like a parlor trick. I had a better handle on it now and it no longer hurt. I guess my powers fully kicked in at the burrow. The last night Fred and I spent together was so magical. We drove over the city in his father's car, knowing we both had to be up early. I was nervous and excited to see him. "Could I at least drive you?" Dad said. I nodded and said "yeah." I packed for school and made sure I had all my things. Poppy trailed behind me as I did so. My father dropped me off in front of the house. I knocked on the door, awaiting for someone to answer. I was met with a man who had long curly hair. "You must be Goldie. I'm Sirius." He held out his hand and I shook it. Poppy rubbed up against my legs and Sirius looked down. "Cute cat." I smiled and said "her name's Poppy." Sirius gestured for me to come inside. I stood at the front door and Sirius said "Kreacher, come get the nice lady's bags." A house elf grumbled as he took my bags and trudged up the stairs. "I'll put you in George's room." Sirius winked as he walked away. I followed him down the hall and heard loud talking and commotion. "Goldie, dear, it's so nice to see you!" Molly said as she came over and hugged me. I hugged her and Arthur said "how are you?" I pulled away from Molly and said "I'm good. How about you?" "I'm great. Glad you're finally here. Fred couldn't keep his mouth shut about you." I smiled at that and heard Ginny's voice yelling my name. She rushed over and attacked me with a hug. I hugged her back and said "hi, Ginny." "How are you?" She asked. "I'm good. How about you?" Ginny smiled and went on about how nice it was to have me here. Ginny had gotten prettier over the couple of months I didn't see her. She seemed to always get prettier and prettier. "Fred! George! Goldie's here!" Ginny yelled. Loud footsteps thumped down the stairs. "Goldie!" The twins said in unison. My eyes widened as the two of them ran over, engulfing me into a hug. I was currently squished in between them, Fred crushing me. "Hi, guys." I said. George pulled away and Fred did the same. I gasped and said "you guys cut your beautiful hair! Why?!" George chuckled and said "it had to go. Like old things do." Fred shrugged and said "I might grow it out again one day." "Can I touch it?" I asked. Fred nodded and I reached up to touch his hair. I ran my fingers through it, going towards the ends of his hair. The twins currently had somewhat of a mullet and I was absolutely in love with it. As much as I loved their long hair, I think I loved this style a bit more. "I love it." Fred smirked and said "I'm glad." He wrapped his arms around the small of my back, kissing my lips passionately. I smiled into the kiss, missing the way his lips felt on mine. I pulled away and George said "hello?" I turned to him and said "I didn't forget about you." "Seems like it." I shook my head and said "I could never forget about you, George. Ever." He smiled warmly at me and I motioned for him to lower himself to my level. He did and awaited for me to kiss his cheek. I kissed his cheek and his smile got even bigger. I then gave him a hug. He swayed us back and forth. "I'm glad you're here." He said. "Me too." I replied. "Move, losers I'd like to see my best friend." Alta announced. The twins rolled their eyes at her and I hugged my best friend tightly. "I didn't know you'd be here." I said. "My mom's apart of the order." She replied. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "the order?" Everyone in the room seemed to get quiet after that. "The order of the Phoenix. It's to protect us. And Harry." Alta explained. "Are you all apart of it?" I looked at the twins for an answer. "Not really. Just our parents. I think dad would've asked your dad to be apart of it but...he's a muggle. He could get in trouble." Fred said. George nodded in response. I bit my lip and said "right. I wouldn't want that for your dad." I felt slightly out of the loop and out of place. "I need to check my luggage. I'll be back down in a few minutes." I left everyone and went upstairs. It took me a minute to find the twins' room since there was so many but I knew immediately which one was theirs. I saw my case along with my things in a corner of the room. "You're a mudblood aren't you?" A gravelly voice said. I turned around to be met with Kreacher. "I'm muggle born if that's what you're asking." He scoffed and walked away from me. I furrowed my eyebrows at the interaction I just had and shook it off. I made sure I had all my things. Poppy came up to me and I petted her, thankful she was with me. I had been making it a habit not to pry into people's minds. I could've just got all the information I needed by reading someone's mind but I didn't want to. I now felt bad about leaving my father. I had missed everyone here so much but I could've stayed with my father. It was only for a couple of days I'd be here. I should've spent the last few days of summer with my father, since there's a lot going on here anyway. "Hey." Fred said. I looked up and said "hey." "You alright?" I nodded. Fred sat down next to me, petting Poppy. "Mum's getting ready to serve dinner." "Oh. Is she?" "Yeah. She'll be mad if the two of us aren't down there." "I'll come down in a few minutes." Fred looked at me, a face of confusion. "What's wrong? Why don't you want to come downstairs? Sick of me already?" He joked. When I didn't laugh he immediately poked and prodded until I told him what was wrong. "The order. I feel like I'm not supposed to be here." "Why would you think that?" Fred asked. "Because. Nobody mentioned it to me. I guess I shouldn't be feeling like this. But, I do wish I would've known. And...it's because of my blood status. Isn't it?" I felt inferior to everyone in the house. "No. I told you nobody cares shout your blood status. I don't care. My dad loves you and your father. Thinks you're both so fascinating. And it has absolutely nothing to do with your blood status because Hermione knows everything about it. I wanted to write you. I did. But dad said the ministry might see. And it's kind of a secret right now. We don't want too many people knowing. And if they didn't trust you, you wouldn't be here. I had to beg them to let you to come. Sirius was the one who allowed it. Not even my own parents wanted you to know about this just in case it was used against us. There's lots of things going on in the wizarding world now that he's back. He's been on the hunt for Harry and I don't know too much. It's not like they let us in on their meetings. We're basically here for support and safe keeping." I felt a little bit better after Fred explained everything. "I'm sorry. That was selfish of me. I shouldn't of reacted that way. This isn't about me. It's about Harry. I'm really sorry." I told Fred. He shook his head and said "not a big deal. I figured you were sick of me already." I pushed him and said "am not. I missed you. I missed you so much." He pulled me into his lap and said "mmm, I missed you too." I kissed his lips passionately, Fred's hands running all over my body. He moved to my neck, kissing up and down it. I went to sigh but it came out as a moan. I quickly blushed and Fred smirked. "Missed me that much?" "Shut up." He chuckled and continued to kiss my neck. I held back the moans that wanted to escape my lips. "Let it out, darling. Let me hear those pretty little moans of yours." Fred nibbled on my sweet spot, a high pitched moan coming from me. "There it is. Good girl." I moaned again at his praising. Fred kissed my jaw and then my lips. "We have to go to dinner. And I think everyone would notice us fucking in here." I quickly got off of Fred's lap and said "you're right." He stood up and kissed my forehead, the two of us going downstairs.


When it was time for bed I was so thankful. I was unbelievably tired and wanted to just sleep. I changed into some sleepwear, Fred hugging me from behind. "I have to get changed." I said as I reached for my shorts. "No you don't. Stay like this." He played with the hem of my t-shirt and I said "your brother is in here." "He doesn't care. Right, George?" Fred let go of me and I turned around to see George looking at me. "No. I don't care." I walked over to the bed Fred was sleeping in. George's was across the room. I got under the covers and Fred peeled off his shirt. I pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth, my eyes going to his torso. I looked at the freckles that littered his body along with some scars from quidditch. Fred sat down next to me and said "enjoying the view?" I blushed and looked away from him. George turned out the light and said "goodnight." "Goodnight." I said to him. Fred and I laid down. I interlocked my hand with his, enjoying the darkness and silence of the room. Fred shifted his body and sighed. I closed my eyes, sleeping wanting to take over my body but my body wouldn't let it. Fred kept shifting his body and wouldn't sit still. This went on for a few minutes. "What's wrong, Fred?" I whispered quietly. Fred looked at me and said "nothing." His other hand went to his crotch and I immediately realized. "Oh." "Sorry, Goldie. I can't help it." He was still holding my hand, looking everywhere but me. I cupped his cheek and then kissed his lips. "It's ok. It happens." He nodded and shifted his body again. I motioned for him to lay in my lap. He did and stared at the door. I began playing with his hair, my fingernails scratching at his scalp lightly. Fred sighed and pushed the blanket down to my knees, kissing my thighs. I jumped at the contact from his lips and he pulled the blanket back up. A minute or two later he was snoring. I immediately took that opportunity to fall asleep.


"Hey." A booming voice said. Then a slap was heard. "Yelena!" I opened my eyes and saw that Alta and Yelena were at standing at the front of the room. George laid on his stomach, a groan leaving his lips. Fred was still on my lap, my hand still in his hair. "Molly's going to make breakfast soon." Yelena said. I said "ok. Give me a few minutes to wake up." Alta nodded and the two of them left the room. I tried to get out from under Fred but his grip on me tightened. I struggled against him and said "Fred, I need to pee." "Can't you hold it?" He grumbled. "No. I really need to go. Please, Fred." I pushed on him and he sighed obnoxiously and rolled off of me. "Thank you." I said quietly. I hurried to the restroom and did my business. I mentally cursed myself for drinking so much tea the night before. As I was coming out, George was coming in. "Sorry." He mumbled sleepily. "It's ok." He nodded and closed the door behind him. I went back to the twins' room and Fred was waking up slowly, rubbing his eyes. "You ok?" He asked. "Yeah. Why?" I said. "You were very adamant about going pee." "I drank a lot of tea last night. I should've went easy on it." "Well, my mum's tea is the best." I smiled and said "you're right." I sat down on the bed and Fred immediately pushed me onto my back and hovered over me. He kissed my lips passionately and I giggled. He cupped my cheek and deepened the kiss. He kissed my neck and jaw feverishly. I bent my legs at the knee as Fred placed himself in between them. He moved his hips against mine, groaning. "Mmm. Can we?" Fred asked. I looked to the door and then grabbed my wand. "Colloportus." I heard the door lock and Fred smirked, the two of us beginning to remove our clothes.

Alta's POV:
"Yelena, did the two of you to wake up Goldie and the twins?" Molly said. Yelena nodded and said "yes, Mrs. Weasley we did. They should be downstairs soon." George came downstairs in his pajamas and Molly looked over at him. "George, why aren't you dressed?" "Cause Goldie and Fred are upstairs shagging." Ron choked on his eggs which cause Hermione to start patting his back. Arthur made a face and sighed deeply. Sirius shrugged and said "eh, they're kids. That's what kids do." Molly's eyes widened and she said "Sirius!" "What? Kids who are in love have sex." Ron gagged and said "I think I'm gonna be sick." Ginny was snickering as her mother was beyond angry. Harry's face was red and Yelena leaned back in her chair, smirking at me. "George, go upstairs and get dressed. We have to be at King's Cross soon." George groaned and said "mum, please don't make me." "Go!" George huffed and Ginny said "I'll come with you. That way we both get scarred for life." Molly muttered things to herself as she served breakfast. "Fred won't be hearing the end of this." Arthur looked at his wife and said "at least he's off to school. I can only imagine what goes on there, since we're not there." Molly took a deep breath and said "it's not Goldie I worry about. It's Fred. I don't want any grandchildren this early." "Mum, please." Ron said as he put his head in his hands. A few minutes later George and Ginny came down with Fred and Goldie. Fred went to sit down but Molly grabbed him by his ear. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" He said as Molly pulled him into the other room. Goldie sat down and said "is Fred in trouble?" "Yeah. George told everyone you two were shagging." Ron replied. Goldie's eyes widened and she immediately looked down. "It's not a big deal." Sirius brushed it off. "Thanks a lot, George." Goldie retorted. "I didn't even think when I said it. Now, I wish I hadn't." I nudged Goldie and she looked at me. "Was it good?" I whispered. Hermione started talking about school which caused everyone to slowly forget about the whole Goldie/Fred fiasco. Goldie nodded while stabbing some eggs with her fork. "How good?" Yelena whispered. Goldie shook her head and said "I'm not answering that." Molly and Fred came back into the room. Fred was rubbing his ear and acting dramatic. "Oh, hush, I didn't hurt you." Molly said. "You really did, mum. My ear's aching." Fred sat down next to Goldie and Ginny said "so, how does it feel to be starting your final year of Hogwarts?" "It's bittersweet." Goldie said with a half smile. Fred sighed and said "as much as I do enjoy being at Hogwarts. I'm kind of glad I'm almost finished." "Me too. School is a hassle." George added. "The both of you need an education so don't complain. If you both want to be successful wizards you will go to Hogwarts and complete your studies." Molly scolded. Fred nodded and George did the same. I knew Goldie would have to work extra hard this year so she could become a healer. And I think Fred knew that too. "C'mere." He said as he pulled her into his lap. She let out a surprised noise and said "Fred, I'm trying to eat breakfast." "I know. I just want to hold you." He said the last part quietly. You would only be able to hear it if you were paying attention to them. If any one of us knew how bad this year was going to be, none of us would've stepped foot in Hogwarts this year.

Here's the update!! Order of the Phoenix has begun!!

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