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Chapter forty four
Quidditch and detention
Fred's POV;
I had spent the night at Goldie's dorm for the last couple of days since she got detention. She had been taking good care of my hand and I made sure she did; even though she didn't need me to. Goldie woke up to me getting out of bed. She looked up at me and I said "sorry, love. I've got early quidditch practice." She nodded and said "oh. Ok." "I didn't mean to wake you. I was trying to be quiet." "It's ok." I brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and said "just sleep, love. I'll be back soon. Rest since there's no class today." She nodded and laid back down. I got dressed in my quidditch uniform and headed to practice. I hovered in the air on my broom, awaiting for the bludger to come my way. All I could think about was how Umbridge had given Goldie detention. It made me so angry. "Fred! The bludger!" Angelina yelled. I quickly hit the bludger hard, which went flying. "Woah!" George said as I hit it. I wanted practice to just end. I'd much rather be with Goldie but I needed to practice for the next quidditch game. As much as I loved quidditch, I wanted nothing to do with it at this very moment. After quidditch I showered and headed back to Goldie's dorm. She was still asleep. No one was here. Everyone must've went off and found something to do. I went ahead and got into bed with her.


Goldie scratched at my shoulder blades as I thrusted in and out of her. "Please. Oh, please, Goldie." I said. "Mmm, I'm gonna cum, Fred. I'm gonna cum all over your cock." Her words made me move even faster, trying to get to my release as quick as possible. "Need to cum. Ah, I need to cum so bad." Goldie kissed my lips and said "cum for Freddie. Cum for me." I groaned as I came, waking myself up. Heavy breaths left my lips and I opened my eyes to see Goldie awake next to me. I jumped and nearly fell out of the bed. "Sorry. Sorry. You, uh, woke me up." She said. "Shit. Did I?" Goldie nodded and said "yeah." I covered my face with my hands and she said "don't feel bad about waking me up. I have to go and do my prefect duties anyway." I uncovered my face and looked at her. "Still, I didn't mean to wake you up." Goldie bit her lip and said "did you cum in your pants?" I nodded and Goldie said "all cause of me?" "Yeah. I haven't had a wet dream like this since uh...fifth year." Goldie ran a hand through my hair straddling me. I winced as I was still sensitive. Goldie said "well, I'd love to stay and help you out but I am indeed a prefect so I have to go." I grabbed her by her waist and she leaned down to my ear. "Meet me in the prefects bathroom at 4:30." I smirked at her as she pulled away. Goldie pulled on a skirt and changed out of the small tank top she wore into a white button up shirt. She slid on her robe and put on her 'head girl' pin. I watched her shake out her curly hair in the mirror, applying some mascara. She checked her face for blemishes, which she had none. I admired her, loving how beautiful she looked. "I can't believe the head girl of Hufflepuff is my girlfriend." Goldie turned around to look at me and smiled. "Stay out of trouble while I'm gone." She walked back over to her bed and I said "no promises." She giggled and leaned down to kiss my lips.


I didn't see Goldie most of the day since she had her prefect duties. I went to the prefect bathroom and walked in, closing the door behind me. "Lock the door, would you?" Goldie's voice said. I locked the door and walked inside. The bathtub was filled with hot water and tons of bubbles. "Goldie, where are you?" I said. "Here." She said as I turned around. She stood in her bra and panties in front of me. I gulped and she took a few steps towards me. "I need you, Freddie. I need you so badly." I felt myself begin to get hard. I bit my lip and said "so do I, if I'm honest." Goldie tugged at my shirt and I quickly pulled it off. She then giggled as she walked away from me, unhooking her bra. My dick strained against my boxers, getting harder by the second. I went to pull my pants down but realized I had a belt on. I fumbled with my belt and was trying to rush and get it off quickly. "Need help, Freddie?" "Y-Yeah." Goldie reached for my belt, undoing it. Her hand went to my crotch and she said "look how hard you are." I grabbed her by her hips and quickly kissed her lips. She cupped my cheek and I rutted my hips against her. I groaned into the crook of her neck. "Oh, Freddie..." I was desperate for a release, desperate to cum right here and now. Goldie detached herself from me and I huffed in annoyance. Goldie walked towards the bathtub and I followed, tugging my pants down. Goldie removed the strawberry covered panties she wore slowly. I stared at her figure as she turned around to face me. She motioned for me to come towards her, her finger curling in a 'come here' motion. She stepped down into the large tub and I followed. The water was hot but not scalding. Goldie sighed in content as she sat down on the bench. "Isn't this nice? This is a perk of having the head girl of Hufflepuff as your girlfriend." I quickly sat down next to Goldie and pulled her into my lap. Her crotch was pressed up against my dick. "You're so gorgeous. I can't wait to hear your pretty little moans bounce off the walls in this bathroom. This will most definitely be one of our spots." I told her. Goldie moved her hips against mine which caused me to groan. "That's why I told you to meet me here. So, you can fuck me and we'll still have time to go to dinner together." I began making hickeys on Goldie's neck as she moved her hips back and forth. It had been a couple of weeks since we had done anything. It was hard for me to hold back. "Mmm, Goldie..." "Are you gonna cum, Fred? Just from me rutting against you like this?" I nodded and she tugged on my hair, making me look up at her. "I'm the only one who can make you feel this good. She never made you feel like this." I bit my lip and nodded again. Goldie was right. I never felt this way when I did anything remotely sexual with Lulu. Sure, it felt good. But, it didn't feel like when Goldie did it. I leaned my head against her chest. "Mmm, I'm gonna cum." Goldie's hips moved faster and a gasp left her lips. "Cum for me, Fred." I gripped Goldie's hips as I came, groans leaving my lips. Goldie's hold on my hair got tighter as she made me look at her once again. Little moans came from Goldie as she slowly came down from her high. She let go of my hair and her hand fell into the water. I kissed her jaw and said "ready for me?" "Mmm-hmm." Goldie hummed as she ran her hand up and down my chest. She lifted herself up slowly and I pushed myself inside her. I exhaled and Goldie squeezed my shoulder blades as she sunk down onto me. Goldie began to move slowly. "Go slow, love." Goldie nodded and moaned softly. She had never ridden me before and I wanted her to take it slow. "You feel so good, Fred. Feel so good filling me up." I guided her hips up and down, helping her ride me. I threw my head back in pleasure, Goldie moaning softly into the crook of my neck. I ran my hands over her body, touching every inch of her. "So beautiful." I whispered. Goldie started to move faster. "Fuck." I groaned. The lavender bubble bath and having Goldie so close to me was euphoric. "How does it feel, darling?" "Feels good. Feels so good, Fred. Oh, you make me feel so good." I made her look at me and I cupped her cheek. I kissed her passionately and our lips moved in sync. I then pulled away and kissed her neck up and down. I nibbled on her neck gently, leaving hickeys up and down it. Goldie sighed softly and did the same to me, the two of us giving each other hickeys. "Fred, I'm close." Goldie kissed my neck sweetly and then kissed my jaw. "Me too, love. Fuck, let's cum together. At the same time, yeah?" Goldie nodded and her hips started going faster. She panted and gripped my shoulder blades for dear life. "Fred, I-" "You ready? I need to cum." "Fred, I-I..." I felt her tightening around me which caused me to come undone. Goldie moaned my name as her hips started to slow and I spilled into her. "Goldie..." "Oh god, Freddie. Oh my god." She kissed my collarbone and sighed softly. I panted softly and Goldie winced. "You ok?" I quickly asked. "My legs. They're cramping. Ow." I lifted her off me gently and placed her back on my lap. "Straighten your legs, darling." Goldie did as she was told and exhaled, leaning against my chest. "Oh, Fred...thank you." "You alright?" She nodded and said "yeah. I really worked myself up. My thighs will be sore tomorrow I'm sure." I kissed her cheek and she sat in my lap for a few minutes. The two of us enjoyed each other's company, not saying anything. "I know you showered already today but, I need to wash my hair. You can go back to the common room if you want and meet me at dinner." Goldie said as she slowly got off my lap. I shook my head and said "no, I'll stay here with you. I probably smell like sex so I'll wash off." Goldie shook her head at me and said "gosh, Fred. At least let me wash your hair. If you're going to stay." I nodded and Goldie grabbed some of her shampoo which smelled of coconut and I said "that's girlie shampoo." "It'll make your hair nice and soft. You said you'd let me wash your hair, Freddie." "Alright, alright." I dunked my head underwater so it'd be wet and I came up out of the water. Goldie giggled and put a small handful of shampoo in my hair. I felt her fingers scrub at my scalp softly. I sighed and leaned against her chest as she sat behind me. Her legs were on either side of me as she washed my hair. My eyes fluttered closed as I enjoyed the feeling of her fingers running through my hair. "Feels so good, darling." I felt Goldie's lips against my cheek. I opened my eyes to look at her. "I love you. I love you so much." I whispered. She cupped my cheek, suds falling onto my cheek from her hand. "I love you too, Fred." I smiled up at her and said "you'll let me wash your hair too?" Goldie nodded and said "uh huh." Goldie removed my hand from her cheek and went back to washing my hair. When she was finished she rinsed my hair and then sat down and I got behind her. She went under the water and her curly hair was now wet. I grabbed some shampoo and put it in her hair. I massaged her head and she moaned softly. I ran my fingers through her hair and she said "ow, Fred." "What happened?" I asked, not knowing what I did. "I've got tangles. My hair is curly so I get tangles." "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, love." "It's ok. I need to get the tangles out with the conditioner. And let it sit." "I'll be careful. I won't do it again." I said. Goldie looked up at me and said "not a big deal. Not a big deal at all." I finished washing her hair and she rinsed her hair. The two of us put conditioner in and I watched Goldie pulled her hair apart. She mumbled small "ow's" as her fingers ran through her hair. When she was finished she got back into my lap. "This water hasn't got any colder." I stated. "Mmm-hmm. I used a spell that'll keep the water warm. I hate bathing in cold water." I ran my hands up and down her hips and said "oh yeah?" "Yeah." Goldie said as she pressed her lips to mine. Our lips moved in sync as we kissed passionately. "How long does the conditioner have to sit for?" I asked against her lips. "About fifteen to twenty minutes." Goldie replied. "Let me kiss you for the next fifteen minutes." At first Goldie said no but eventually gave in. I made sure to leave a large hickey on her neck that would be visible to everyone. She left a few on my collar bone. I started to make one on her right boob, right on the top. Goldie moaned softly and tugged at the ends of my hair. I smirked against her skin and then pulled away, admiring my work. "I want everyone to know you're mine. You're mine and mine only." I said. Goldie nodded and said "I'm yours. And you're my boy. My beautiful, beautiful, darling, boy. My Freddie." I smiled at her and she did the same. I pressed my forehead to hers and said "I love you." "I love you too." Goldie and I then rinsed the conditioner out and got out of the bath, drying off. We then got dressed and headed to dinner.

Goldie's POV:
Fred and I walked hand in hand to the Great Hall. "Excited for the quidditch game tomorrow?" Lee asked me as Fred and I sat down. I nodded and said "yeah. I've missed it. Who are you guys playing against tomorrow?" "Slytherin." Fred and George said in unison. Rasmus walked by. My eyes widened slightly at how broad he got gotten. "Looks like someone is ready for quidditch this year." Ginny stated. Fred nodded and said "yeah. He got pretty buff over the summer, didn't he?" George looked him up and down and said "his team still sucks." "Not anymore it doesn't." Blaise's voice said from behind Fred and I. I turned around to see him dressed in a Slytherin quidditch uniform. "You're on the quidditch team?" I said. Blaise nodded with a smirk. "That's right. I hope you Weasley's are prepared to get your ass kicked tomorrow." Fred glared are Blaise and George rolled his eyes at him. "So, Goldie, how've you been? I haven't seen you much lately." I cleared my throat and said "I've been good, Blaise. How about you?" "Really good actually. Well, I'll let you get back to your dinner. I'll see you in class." He walked away and I turned around to face the rest of the table. "You have a class with him?" Fred said as he stabbed a piece of chicken harshly with his fork. "Divination. It's the only class I have with him. And it's my first class of the day so after that class I don't see him anymore." I replied. Fred nodded and didn't say anything. "Fred, I haven't had a chance to tell you. And I was going to, please don't be mad." Fred looked at me and said "I'm not mad. I just wish you didn't have a class with that git. Especially when he likes you. He could take you from me." I furrowed my eyebrows and said "I would never leave you for him. I love you, Fred. You're the only one I've ever wanted. I'm so glad you fell in love with me because I love you so much." Fred smiled and said "I love you too. I just get a bit insecure. He has more money. He can give you things I can't." I grabbed his hand and said "Fred, I don't care how much money he has. He isn't you. I love you. I love your family. We were best friends before we became a couple. I think...we're meant for each other." Fred kissed my hand and said "yeah. Me too." I smiled at him and dinner went pretty well.


"Ugh, I hate you guys! You're so mean!" Nigel yelled at the twins. Fred and George laughed rambunctiously as Nigel doubled over, vomiting all over the place. "How's the pastille?" Fred asked in between laughs. George clapped his brother's back and started laughing even harder. "Guys." I said, ready to reprimand them since I was doing my prefect duties. The twins continued to laugh at Nigel's discomfort. "Give him the other half. That's not nice." Nigel looked up at me and George huffed, handing it over. Nigel quickly ate the other half and before I could say something to the twins, Umbridge's sickly sweet voice entered the air. "Mr. Weasley." They both turned around to face her. "The two of you will come to my office at 4:15 to receive detention." Nigel panted softly as he caught his breath. George hung his head in defeat and Fred sighed. "And Miss March?" "Yes?" "Take Nigel to the infirmary to be checked out. He could possibly be sick from this heinous Weasley products." I nodded at her and she left the hallway, giggling to herself. "I can't believe she's giving us detention." Fred mumbled. I bit my lip and said "I don't want you two to go but I'm sure she'd rain hellfire on the both of you." "Hellfire?" The twins questioned in unison. "It's just a thing muggles say." George's lips formed into an 'o' shape as he nodded. Fred furrowed his eyebrows and I looked at Nigel who was looking better already. "You don't have to go the infirmary. You're fine, Nigel." "Are you sure?" He looked up at me and I said "you're fine. The function of a puking pastille is to make you sick. The other pie is supposed to make you feel better. You're perfectly fine, Nigel." He nodded and then left me alone with the twins. "You should be our cashier when we open up our shop." George said. I smiled at him and went to answer when Fred said "she's gonna be a healer, Georgie. We'll have to find someone else. Personally, I think you and I can do it on our own." "You'll have to have someone help you. Your inventions are going to be a huge hit. Especially amongst kids." I said. Fred shrugged and said "yeah, but it won't be you. Your dream is to become a healer. You need to see to it that you get there." George looked at Fred in shock and so did I. Fred never talked about serious things like this. George leaned over to Fred and whispered something to him. I looked down at my watch and saw it was 4:00. "As much as I hate to tell you this, you guys better go to Umbridge's office. Maybe she'll be less harsh if you're on time." I said. George nodded and said "come on, Fred." I gave Fred a kiss goodbye as the two of them left me.


As I finished my prefect duties I walked to the Great Hall with Alta. The two of us talked amongst one another. When we walked into the Great Hall, I only saw George. Not Fred. "George, where's Fred?" I said. George looked up at me and said "our dorm. His hand is bugging him." I looked at Alta who said "go." "George, I can fix your hand if you want." I said. "Help Freddie first. Please." I watched George clutch his hand under the table. I frowned and nodded, heading to the Gryffindor boys dormitories. I walked up the steps to Fred and George's dorm. When I walked in I saw Fred sitting on his bed. He clutched his hand and looked up at me. I noticed the tears in his eyes before he looked back down. "I thought you were George." He said with a weak chuckle. I closed the door behind me and sat down on his bed next to him. "Fred, let me see." He shook his head and I saw the tears running down his cheeks. "Fred." I cupped his cheek and he looked up at me. His lip quivered and I took his hand. I then looked down at it. My heart sank when I read 'I will not pull pranks.' "Fred, I'm so sorry." He sniffled and said "it hurts. It really hurts, Dee Dee." I stared at my boyfriend in shock. I had never seen him cry before. "Oh, Freddie." I hugged him and he held me tightly. I rubbed his back and he cried softly into the crook of my neck. "Freddie, I'm so sorry." Fred squeezed me and said "she's horrible. I hate her. I hate her so much." I held Fred a little tighter and ran my hand through his hair. "I'll make it better, Fred. I'll use some of the things I've learned with healing and fix your hand. Like I fixed mine." Fred nodded against my shoulder and the two of us went into the bathroom. I rinsed his hand as he leaned against the counter. "Ow." He said. "I have to clean it. So it won't get infected. Then, I'll wrap your hand." He nodded at my response and let me do my work, but every once in a while he'd let out a dramatic moan of pain. I was getting cross with him at first but after a while it made me laugh. "There it is. I've been trying to get you to laugh for about five minutes now." He said. I half smiled and said "I know, Fred. I was just concerned about your hand." "Doesn't hurt that much anymore. You're making it feel better." "Ferula." The bandage wrapped around Fred's hand and he winced from the tightness. "Is that ok?" "Yeah. Did you help Georgie?" I shook my head and said "he wanted me to help you first." Fred sighed and said "I'll switch places with him. I'll go eat and you help George with his hand. I'll bring you some food back." I nodded and awaited George once Fred left. "Goldie?" George's voice asked after a few minutes. "In here." George walked in the bathroom and I told him to either sit or lean on the counter. George decided to sit. His shoulders slumped and he stared at the ground. "Hey." I said as I cupped his cheek. George looked at me and I said "I'm going to make it better." "I know. It's just burning right now. It feels like my hand is on fire." "I'm going to fix. It. Don't worry." George looked down again and I let go of his cheek. I then started my work on his hand, the two of us being silent for a few minutes. "Is Freddie ok?" George asked softly. I looked up at George and said "yeah. He's ok." He nodded and said "good, good. That's great." "Are you ok?" "Huh?" "I asked if you were ok, George? Has anyone asked you if you were ok?" George bit his lip and said "only Angie. And maybe Lee. I didn't mention it to Ginny. I didn't want her to worry. Everyone else was more concerned about Fred. And I was too, he's my brother. But...nobody cared to ask how I was doing. I'm always second when it comes to Fred, you know." I sighed softly and gave George a hug. He was taken aback and tense. I squeezed him and rubbed his back. He slowly relaxed and wrapped his arms around me. "Oh, thank you. Thank you, Dee Dee." "You're welcome, Georgie." I went to pull away but George held onto me. "Thank you for being so kind to me, Goldie. I do appreciate being your friend and I very much appreciate how happy you make my brother." I gasped softly and hugged George once again. "You do know I care about you both so much, right? I love and care about you both so much." I pulled away from him and George let go of me. I grabbed the bandages and said "ferula." The bandages wrapped around George's hand and he said "thank you." "You don't need to thank me. I'll always be around to help you and Fred." I told him. George smiled and got up off the counter. "Did you eat?" He said. I shook my head and said "Fred's supposed to be bringing something back for me." George nodded and said "I'll wait with you."

Alta's POV:
"Faster, Alta. Go faster." Yelena said from under me. I moved my hips faster, Yelena moaning at my clit rubbing against hers at a new speed. Yelena guided me back and forth as I grinded on her harder. "Fuck, Alta." I put my hands on her chest for support as I was desperate to bring us both to our orgasms. Then Yelena stopped me. I tried to move my hips and she smirked up at me. "Why are we stopping?" I asked. "No reason. I just felt like it was a good time to take a break." She replied. I huffed and said "I was so close." Yelena pouted up at me and said "awe, poor baby." I sat on top of her for a minute or two, my clit throbbing. Yelena started to guide me. A sigh of relief came from my lips as my clit rubbed against hers once again. Yelena exhaled deeply and I started to move my hips faster. "Just like that, Alta." I leaned down to Yelena's neck and started giving her hickeys. Yelena wrapped her arms around my neck, holding me close. "Fuck, you make me feel so good. So good. You're doing such a good job." I sat up and applied more pressure to our clits as I grinded harder. "You're so pretty, Alta. You look so pretty rubbing up against me like this." The praise from her was amazing. I put my hands back on her chest for support. "Lena, I'm close." I whimpered. She smirked up at me and said "are you now?" I nodded and my hips moved against hers sloppily. "Cum for me, Alta." I gasped as the rope inside me snapped. I moaned Yelena's name as I came. Yelena came shortly after me, gripping my hips. "Fuck. Fuck." She said. I collapsed onto her chest and Yelena held me close to her. The two of us panted softly as we came down from our highs. I then got off of her and started making hickeys on her thighs. Yelena hummed in content as I did so. I couldn't wait till the next day where they'd be more prominent.


"Alta, do you have any pants I could wear?" Yelena asked as she rummaged through her closet. I shook my head no. "None that'll fit you." I said. Yelena huffed and said "I don't have any clean pants." "Do you have a skirt?" Yelena whipped her head around to look at me. "I'm not wearing a skirt." "Well, if you do, you'll get to show off those hickeys I gave you." Yelena looked at her thighs which had black and blue marks up and down them. Yelena sighed deeply and grabbed a blue pleated skirt out of the back of her closet. It was so pretty. I bit my lip as she pulled it on, making sure it was facing the right way. "Wow, Lena." "Hurry up and get dressed. We're going to be late for class." Yelena and I had lots of classes together this year. Charms went by nicely and then we headed to defense against the dark arts. As we walked in, I noticed Fred and George's bandaged hands. I hadn't got detention from the pink toad yet. But I knew of people that had and I didn't want to experience it. Umbridge looked at Yelena and I as we walked in. Her eyes went to Yelena's legs and then to our hands that were interlocked. "Miss Parker." Yelena looked at Umbridge and said "yes, professor?" "I'm going to have to give you detention." "For what? I didn't do anything." "You've participated in illicit activities with Miss Fox. And those things should not be tolerated here at Hogwarts." Umbridge gestured to Yelena's legs and Goldie frowned at the two of us. George shifted in his seat as Umbridge made eye contact with him. "You're really giving me detention? Because you can't to see two girls together?" Yelena shot back. Umbridge looked at her and said "that has nothing to do with it." "It's obvious, Dolores." "Enough, Miss Parker! You will come to my office at 3:00 for detention." "During the quidditch game? Are you serious? No. I won't do it." "Then I have no other choice than to give you two days." "Lena, just go during the game." I whispered. Yelena looked down at me and then back at Umbridge. "Fine. I'll be in your office at 3:00." "That's what I thought." Umbridge said with a giggle. Fred glared at her and the two of us sat down.


"Welcome to today's game everyone! It's a nice day for a Gryffindor vs Slytherin game." Lee announced as the game begun. I was currently stressing about Yelena but Goldie reassured me that she'd be fine. I looked at Goldie's hand that was looking better. "Does it hurt?" I asked her. Goldie nodded and said "yeah. I can wrap Yelena's hand when she gets out. Like I did for the twins." I looked up at George who hit the bludger. "Nice hit there from George!" Lee said. I nodded and said "will you? Wrap Lena's hand?" "Of course. And if the time comes, I'll wrap yours." I half smiled at Goldie and he attention went back to the game. Blaise had the chaser position. I watched him zip by Fred really fast, almost clipping him. Goldie had missed it however since Ginny had said something to her. "Another dreadful point for Slytherin!" Harry sat on his broom, looking for the snitch. Angelina passed George and went after the quaffle. Fred moved to hit the bludger, successfully hitting it. Blaise however, hit him this time. Fred clutched his shoulder and George said "Zabini, you prat!" Ginny looked up and said "oh no." Goldie looked over and saw Fred grimacing in pain. She stood up and looked at Fred worriedly. Harry looked at Fred and rushed over to George. I watched Blaise come around for another pass. "Zabini, don't you dare!" George yelled. Goldie took a step closer to the edge. "Blaise!" Harry said. Blaise wasn't listening. He was still heading towards Fred who was recovering from his last hit. Quidditch could be rough but this was ridiculous. Blaise was purposely coming after Fred. "Blaise, don't!" Goldie said. He looked at Goldie and back at Fred. He then moved his broom to the right slightly but still ended up clipping Fred's arm. Fred let out a small yell of pain and Goldie said "Fred!" She rushed off towards the bottom and I followed her. Fred was currently trying to land and Harry made it his goal to find the snitch so Gryffindor could win and the game could end. George, on the other hand was furious at Blaise. "Fred, let me see your arm." Goldie said as Fred sat down on the ground. She gently took his arm in her hands and he winced. "It's broken." Fred huffed and leaned his head on the wall behind us. You could tell his arm was broken from the current bone placement. I believe his shoulder was dislocated as well. "I'm gonna fix you up, Fred." Goldie pulled out her wand and said "I've never done this spell before. But, I'm gonna try. Ok?" Fred nodded and said "just do it, Dee Dee." Goldie aimed her wand at Fred's arm and said "brackium emendo." Fred immediately grabbed Goldie's hand as a small cracking sound was heard. "Freddie.." Fred looked down at his arm and said "is it fixed?" "I think so." Fred took a breath and said "my shoulder still hurts." Goldie chuckled and said "Madame Pompfrey might have to take care of that. I haven't gotten that far." Fred chuckled weakly at her and Lee's loud voice entered the air. "HARRY POTTER HAS DONE IT AGAIN! HARRY POTTER HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH! GRYFFINDOR WINS!!" The crowd went crazy and George flew down to check on his brother. "Freddie?" "I'm ok. Goldie took care of me. But, we still have to go see Madame Pompfrey for my shoulder." "Why?" "It's dislocated." Fred and Goldie said in unison. George nodded and said "oh. Well, I'll come with you guys." "I'm going to go find Yelena. If that's ok." I said to the group. "Yeah, go ahead, Alta." Fred said. I stood up and left them on the quidditch pitch. I walked to Umbridge's office where Yelena was just coming out. I bit my lip and she said "hey, I'm fine." "Are you sure?" I asked as the both of us walked down the hall. Yelena and I walked in silence, her hand hidden from me. "What did she make you write?" "Alta, I don't want you to see it. I'm going to go wrap it." "Goldie will. She's gotten a lot better with healing stuff." I grabbed Yelena's wrist and saw the writing on her hand. 'I will not perform illicit activities with a girl.' I gasped softly and Yelena yanked her hand from me. "I told you I didn't want you to see it." She spat. "Lena....she's horrible." "It's not that big of a deal. I'd rather I get detention then you get it. Umbridge is a real piece of work." I sighed and said "well, Goldie is in the infirmary." "What happened to her?" "She's fine. Fred got hurt during quidditch today." "Is he ok?" "I think so. Goldie helped him a little bit." Yelena ran a hand through her hair and said "well, I'll be in my dorm. Go and find Goldie for me, would you? I'd rather not everyone see what's on my hand. And, she won't say anything, will she?" I shook my head and said "no, she won't. She'll keep it a secret." Yelena nodded and said "ok. I'll meet you there." She left me and I sighed, feeling horrible for my girlfriend. I walked to the infirmary and assumed the crowd huddled around a bed was for Fred. "Ok, Mr. Weasley, I'm going to pop your shoulder back into place. Are you ready?" The voice of Madame Pompfrey said. "Yeah, go ahead." I walked over to see Fred's shoulder popping back into place. "Godric!" He said as he whipped around to look at Madame Pompfrey. She shook her head at him and said "your girlfriend took this like a champ compared to you. It's just a dislocated shoulder." "It hurt!" Fred whined. Madame Pompfrey said "oh, you're fine." Goldie smiled at her boyfriend and George said "what'd it feel like?" "Well, George, my shoulder was out of place and then she pushed it back in, and it hurt." Lee and George laughed and I said "Goldie?" She looked over at me with a smile. "Yeah?" Fred looked up at her and I said "could you come with me? To help Yelena?" "Of course. Is she ready for me now?" I nodded. Goldie began to say something to me but I looked at Fred. He stared up at my best friend in awe. "You did very well with his broken arm, Miss March." Pompfrey said. Goldie smiled and said "really?" The older healer nodded at her and Fred continued to stare up at her. "Kiss me before you go." He said. Goldie looked down at him and Fred smirked up at her. "You're going to be the death of me." Goldie said as she leaned down to give Fred a kiss. She kissed him passionately and George said "you guys are gross." Goldie pulled away to peck his lips and she said "remind me to call George and Angelina gross the next time they kiss." Angelina rolled her eyes and Fred said "will do." Goldie kissed Fred's forehead and said "I'll see you later." Goldie and I then went to the Ravenclaw dormitories. Goldie had never been there so she looked around at a lot. Yelena sat on her bed and Goldie walked over to where she sat. "Alta, could you grab the first aid kit under the sink?" I did as Goldie asked and Goldie took Yelena's hand in hers. She gasped softly. "That's horrible." "I hate it. I wanted to die when she told me write it. She said some pretty harsh things in there. Nothing I couldn't handle but it still hurt. I don't think Alta will be able to handle her wrath." Yelena said. "I'm right here." I stated. "I know. That's why I'm saying it. I'm going to make sure you never have to receive detention. You won't be punished for something stupid. And knowing her, she'd probably punish you for the same thing." I sighed and watched Goldie clean Yelena's hand. Goldie then held bandages in her hand and said "ferula." "That's tight." Yelena said. "I know. It'll help though. I promise. If it gets to be too tight, let me know and I'll fix it." Yelena nodded at Goldie who stood up to put the first aid kit away. "Thank you." I said. Goldie smiled at me and said "of course. I'll see you both later. I'll let you guys have some time together." I half smiled as Goldie left the room.

Goldie's POV:
I walked down the hall back to the infirmary to see if Fred was still there. I was pretty sure he wasn't but I wanted to be certain. I saw Blaise in the hallway and went to turn around but he saw me. "Goldie." I turned on my heel and started walking fast. "Goldie, I need to talk to you." My feet seemed to move faster as he said that. I thought I had outrun him but he grabbed my arm, pushing me against the wall. "Hey!" I said as I tried to get free of his hold. "Goldie, listen to me!" "No! I saw what you did today!" "I wasn't trying to hurt him. I just wanted to roughen him up a bit." I scoffed and said "you asshole." "I didn't mean to break his arm. I even tried to move out of his path at the last second but, I clipped him. I didn't mean to. You have to believe me." "Let go of me." Blaise let go of my arm and I said "stay away from Fred. Ok? When there's another quidditch game, stay the hell away from him. It's not even your job as chaser to go anywhere near the beaters. You specifically went after him because you don't like him. Because he's a Weasley. A pureblood who associates himself with people like me." Blaise blinked a few times and said "fine. I'll stay away from him. And, you're right. I don't like him. But, if you want me to stay away from him, I will." "And stay away from me too." "We have a class together, sweetheart." "I want that to be the only time we see each other. If you see me, walk in the other direction. Don't even come near me outside of class." "Fine." Blaise walked away from me and I decided to just go to the Gryffindor common room. If Fred wasn't there I'd wait for him.

Whoa whoa whoa this chapter is long. This took me a while to write and I usually don't write super long chapters like this. But, I have a plan for this book and don't want to dwell too much on Order of the Phoenix. No, this won't go by quick or anything but I don't want to spend as much time on it as I did with Goblet of Fire. I hope you're all enjoying this!! And if you want more Weasley content from me, I have a George and Ron book. The Ron book is an AU but I'm having a blast writing it.

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