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Chapter forty five
Dumbledore's Army and Decrees
Goldie's POV:
After the quidditch game a couple of weeks ago, Umbridge was declaring that things at Hogwarts weren't how they should be. She then started making these decrees. Over the stupidest things really. The first thing to go was quidditch. Everyone I knew was furious. So was I. But, I had so much on my plate already this year so not having quidditch was a plus for me. I didn't want it taken from everyone else though. "How can you take away quidditch? We have every right to be able to play." George said. "What do you gain by taking it away?" Angelina asked. Filch stood on the ladder, ready to hammer the decree into the wall. Umbridge stood under him, smiling. "Does this make you happy? Making all of us upset? You're one cold hearted bi-" I covered Fred's mouth and shook my head. He was about to earn himself another detention for having a big mouth and I refused to let him do that to himself. Fred nodded and I removed my hand from his mouth. "It's my first year on the team. Of course, quidditch gets taken away." Blaise mumbled. Draco huffed and then said "now what am I supposed to do with my spare time? I have nothing to look forward to." Filch then got down and put the ladder on his shoulder, swinging it around. George dodged it and Fred pulled me down to duck. George didn't even have to duck since he was on the opposite side of Fred and I. Luna went so low to the ground I thought she was going to sit down. We all began to stand up but Filch swung the ladder around again, causing George to take a step back this time. Fred still had ahold of my arm as Filch left the room. Little things were taken away here and there. What really irked me was when Umbridge banned Fred and George from using their inventions. 'All Weasley Products Are Banned.' The decree read. I watched Filch hammer it into the wall. Fred and George stood on either side of me, enraged. Fred held my hand tightly and I said "ow." Fred looked down and said "sorry, sorry." I pulled my hand away from him and he quickly grabbed it back. "I'm sorry." He said as he kissed the back of my hand. Over the next two weeks, more and more decrees were made. "Students must not be within eight inches of each other." I cringed as I heard the announcement for the fifth time today. Umbridge made it her goal to make sure everyone couldn't be with their significant other. And since Fred and I sat next to each other in her class, she moved our seats so now we were two feet away from each other but in the same seats. Fred would often glare at her for the entire class period. As more time went by, everything got worse and worse. Fred and I hadn't spent anytime together for almost a month. It was absolutely dreadful. I was walking back to my common room, ready to just relax, when I was grabbed by someone and pulled into a broom closet. Their hand was on my mouth and I tried desperately to get out of their hold. I quickly elbowed them in the gut and a familiar groan was heard as I was let go. I turned around and said "Fred?!" "Shh! I was trying to have some time with you." He winced. I sighed and said "I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you." Fred exhaled and said "did you dad teach you that move?" "Yeah. He was a detective so he taught me a lot of things." I looked around and realized this was the same broom closet Fred had said he wanted to fuck me in. I also noticed there was a lock on the door and he had locked it. Pillows and blankets were spread out along the floor and Fred sat down, telling me to sit down next to him. I took off my shoes since I didn't want to dirty up the blankets and Fred pulled me into his lap. "Hi." He said. I smiled and said "hi." I cupped his cheek as I kissed him. I ran my fingers through his hair and Fred's hands roamed my body. "Take this off." He tugged at my robe and I quickly discarded it. He did the same to his. I kissed him again, the two of us kissing each other sloppily since we hadn't shared any time together since Umbridge set out the decrees and because I had so much work to do. Fred attacked my neck with kisses and his hips bucked against mine. He panted softly, his hands going to my hips. "Goldie....it's been so long. Oh, it's been so long." I kissed Fred's lips and stopped him. Fred groaned and I said "as much as I want you to fuck me in here like you said you would, I just want to spend time with you. I've missed you, Freddie." Fred kissed my cheek and said "I've missed you too. I've been going crazy." I got off of his lap and he covered his crotch with a pillow. "How have your classes been going?" He said as he tried to ignore his very prominent boner. "I have way too much on my plate. How about you?" I said. Fred sighed and said "I have to tell you something. And you have to promise not to be upset with me." I furrowed my eyebrows and said "depends what it is." "Well, George and I were thinking of dropping out. To start the shop." My eyes widened and I said "really?" "Yeah. We're not the brightest kids in school, Goldie." "You and George aren't dumb. I hate when you guys put yourselves down. The both of you are smart. Especially when it comes to your inventions, you both are so so smart." "I don't mean to put us down but I'm just saying. And I don't know when we'll be doing it but you'll be the first to know." I nodded and Fred cupped my cheek. "It'll probably be towards the end of the year. We can't do it now. And it has to stay a secret. Ok?" I nodded again and Fred kissed my lips passionately, Fred letting go of me as he pulled away. "I'm happy for you. Al I want for you and George is for the both of you to start your joke shop. So, where will it be? Tell me everything." Fred chuckled and said "well, we've been looking at this property in Diagon Alley and there's a decently sized flat above it. We haven't seen it yet but we've read about it and talked about it. It seems like the perfect place." "That's amazing, Freddie. I'm so happy for you." Fred smiled and I shivered, reaching for my robe. "What're you reaching for that for when you can have this?" He asked as he took off his sweater. "No, don't take it off. Then you'll be cold." Fred rolled his eyes and said "here. Take my jumper." I took it from him and slid it onto my body. Fred bit his lip and I said "so, I see you've been ignoring Umbridge's decree." Fred's hand was currently bleeding and he shrugged. "If I get detention for using my inventions, so be it." "I don't want you to get hurt, Freddie. I worry about you and George. Since, I barely get to see you both outside of class. And in class I barely get to talk to you. Having potions together sucks since Snape will give us detention if we talk. I'd much rather have detention from him than Umbridge." "Ew, and clean vials and cauldrons? No way." I hit his shoulder and said "that's better than having this done to your hand." I grabbed his wrist and held it up. I looked at his hand and gasped softly at the words etched into his skin. "I thought you got detention for using your inventions." I said. Fred sighed and said "it's what I wanted you to think. You weren't in class today because of divination, right?" I nodded and said "I had a test I had to re take. So, Trelawney let me stay back a period." "Well, I was writing you a letter cause I wanted to plan a date for tonight or tomorrow. But, uh, Umbridge caught me." "I will not write love letters to..." When I saw my name etched into his skin my heart broke. "Freddie..." I grabbed my bag and pulled some medical stuff out of it. Fred's eyes widened and he said "what is all that? You carry that stuff around with you?" "Yes, because I'm very close to being a healer. And if I'm ever in a situation where I need to save someone, I want to be able to do it. I want to be good as Madame Pompfrey one day. I just want to help people." Fred half smiled and said "that's amazing, Goldie. That's really amazing." I used my wand to light some candles in the room and then I started on his hand. Fred winced a bit and I said "sorry. I'm sorry." Fred shook his head and said "you're fine." As I worked on his hand, I felt his eyes burning holes into my skin. He watched everything I did. "Ferula." The bandages wrapped around his hand and I brought his hand to my lips, kissing it. Fred smiled really big and said "thank you." "You're welcome." He then pulled me in for a kiss, our lips moving in sync. "Godric, you're amazing. So bloody amazing. I can't wait till we get out of Hogwarts and we live together, and you help George and I with the shop when you have time, and everything would be great." My heart fluttered and I said "you want me to live with you? After we leave Hogwarts?" Fred nodded and I said "we're actually going to move in together?" "Why not? I love you and you love me. We deserve it." I bit my lip and said "I'd love to move in with you." I then hugged Fred tightly.

"Fuck, I love you. I love you so much, Dee Dee."

I smiled to myself and said "I love you too, Freddie." I pulled away to look at him and he shook his head at me. "I forgot you can read minds." I smirked and said "never forget it." "Trust me, I won't. It's what makes you, you. And I love it. It's so cool. Honestly, you're badass." I giggled and Fred smiled at me.


The rest of that week consisted of Fred and I having quickies in that broom closet. We wouldn't have time to go to each other's dorms and it honestly helped Fred destress a little bit. Today, Fred just pushed my panties aside, the two of us not even undressing. His thrusts were hard and fast, the both of us not lasting very long. Fred's head fell onto my shoulder as he came. "Ah, Goldie." He groaned. His grip on my thighs got tighter as he held me up, my back pressed against the wall. I held onto him for dear life as I came down from my high. He panted softly and I kissed his neck. "Fuck, you're amazing." I hummed in response and felt my legs shake. "Ah, I made you cum so hard you're legs are shaking." I hit his shoulder and said "put me down." Fred lifted his head up and he pulled out, inhaling sharply. "Looks like I'm not the only one who's sensitive." Fred rolled his eyes at me and I sat down on the blankets on the floor. Fred laid down next to me, tucking himself back into his pants. It was silent for a few minutes except for Fred's breathing going back to normal. I looked over at him, admiring him. His hair stuck to his forehead and his chest rose and fell as he laid with his eyes closed. I pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth as Fred shifted his body and a low moan escaped his lips. I laid down next to him, turning my head to look at him. "You know what? I just had an idea." Fred said, breaking the silence. "What is it?" I asked. "We should shag in Umbridge's office. That'd really freak her out, wouldn't it?" Fred opened his eyes and turned his head to look at me. "You're crazy! We'd have detention for the rest of the school year! And I'd probably lose my position as head girl." "Yeah, you're right. If you weren't head girl, we'd be doing that next week." I shook my head and said "you're absolutely crazy." "But you love me." "You're right." Fred smirked and kissed my lips. He grabbed my wrist as I pulled away, looking at my watch. "Lunch is in half an hour, wanna hang at my dorm until then?" I nodded and stood up, smoothing out my skirt. I adjusted Fred's tie and shirt, making sure he looked presentable. "Can't have everyone know what we just did." I said. Fred nodded and said "right." I put my robe on and stepped out of the closet, Fred hot on my tail. Seeing as how we were a good distance from Umbridge's office, Fred put his arm around me as we went to walk. We were then stopped by Hermione. "Did you two just come out of that closet?" She asked. I went to answer but Fred did it for me. "Yeah." Hermione made a face and said "gross. Could I talk to you both? About defense against the dark arts?" "Sure." I said. "Harry, Ron and I were thinking that we all need to learn the correct spells. And Umbridge isn't going to teach them so I figured Harry could. And we're all meeting in Hogsmeade about thirty minutes from now. To discuss it. You two should come." I nodded and Fred did the same. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I have to go tell some other people as well." Hermione left us and Fred said "come on. I need to drop off my books at my dorm." "I should do the same." I said. "Leave them at mine." "No, I'll just go back to mine." "Please, leave them at mine. I miss you. Stay with me tonight. And you left some clothes in my dorm so you can just wear those tomorrow. Please." Fred looked at me with pleading eyes, pouting like a child who didn't get what they wanted. "Ok. Let's go." Fred smiled really big and kissed my cheek multiple times. I giggled and hugged him.


"Hey, everyone." Harry said to the large group of kids. There were lots of people I knew here. Yelena and Alta sat across from me and the twins. Angelina sat on the other side of George. Luna stood next to Cho and Dean was sitting next to Neville. Miguel stood next to Dillie and Woody. Simone and Rasmus stood at the back of the room. I was shocked to see Rasmus here. Simone probably forced him to come. Colin sat next to Nigel. Hermione began explaining what exactly we'd be learning and what we'd be doing. We would all have to sign up. After Harry told everyone he could produce a patronus charm, everyone seemed interested. I had never produced a patronus charm. I always wondered what mine was. I followed the twins and got in line, watching them sign their names. I chuckled softly at their messy handwriting and signed up. Harry gave me a smile and I smiled back. "Hey, Goldie." Ron said. I stepped off to the side and he said "is Fred in a better mood? He's been super moody all week." "Yes, he's in a better mood now." I replied. I looked over and saw Yelena's graceful handwriting along with Alta's. I walked over to Alta and said "how's it going?" "Good. Yelena and I have been having to sneak around just to see each other. Umbridge has been trying to break us up." I shook my head and said "she's awful." Alta looked at Fred's hand as he talked to George. "He got detention again, huh?" "His hand shouldn't be that bad anymore but he really wants this one to not scar." "What'd she make him write?" I frowned as I thought about it. "He was writing a love letter to me. So, she made him write, I will not write love letters to Goldie. My name was scratched into his hand." Alta put a hand on my shoulder and said "Fred'll be fine cause he has you. No matter what happens to him, you'll be there to help." "I hope so. It broke my heart when I saw his hand." "Well at least it'll heal up good." I nodded and said "yeah." After everyone signed up, we still had to find a place for Harry to teach us. So, that was currently being sorted out. Or would be over the next few days. After dinner I followed Fred and went to his dorm with him to spend the night. I shrugged off my robe and changed into one of Fred's sweaters to sleep in. I sat down on his bed, laying down next to him. Fred sighed contently as he pulled me onto his chest. I inhaled his scent leaning up to kiss his neck. Fred hummed and wrapped his arms around me. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too." Fred replied sleepily. I smiled at his sleepiness and fell asleep shortly after he did.

Hope this chapter wasn't dumb or anything. I lowkey regret not writing my George book like this with super long chapters. But, I guess since there's so many, that makes up for it

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