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Chapter forty six
Defensive spells
Goldie's POV:
Turns out, Neville had found the place for all of us to learn from Harry in. The room of requirement. Tomorrow would be the first lesson. And we all had to stay quiet about it since Umbridge was starting her own group of do-gooders. They were similar to prefects but were just around to enforce her decrees and get information about Dumbledore's army. That group consisted none other than Draco Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle obviously followed in his footsteps. Blaise had done the same. Along with Adrian Pucey. It was rather annoying to see them skulking the halls, being very pompous about their new group. "Goldie." Blaise said. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. "Goldie, I need to talk to you." I huffed and turned to him. "About what?" "I'm sorry." "You said that before." "No, listen. I'm sorry about what I did to Fred. I'm sorry about the way I've treated him. We had somewhat of a good friendship. I don't want to lose that. Is there anyway you can forgive me and move past this?" Blaise asked. I thought about it and sighed. We were pretty good at divination and had somewhat built a good friendship. The only problem was, he didn't like my boyfriend. And he'd always talk bad about him. "Blaise, I'm not sure if we can do that. You constantly talk bad about Fred. People like you and people like me aren't meant to be friends." Blaise sighed and said "look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't of said those things. It was wrong of me. I just want us to go back to what we had. Forget the other stuff ever happened." I sighed again and said "we can try. But one comment and we're done. Understand?" "Got it." I left Blaise and began making my way to the Great Hall. I wasn't sure if he was being genuine or if he was going to try to get information about Dumbledore's Army but I'd be keeping my guard up since I didn't trust him. I sat down at the table where my friends and boyfriend sat. "Hello, darling." Fred said as he kissed my cheek. "Hi." I replied as I kissed his lips passionately. Fred moaned softly and then pulled away. "What did I do to deserve that?" Fred asked. "Nothing in particular. I just wanted to kiss you." I said. He smirked and I blushed a bit. "You're adorable." My cheeks began to get hotter and I turned to Alta who had gotten my attention. "So, have you seen Draco and his goons parading the halls?" I huffed and said "yes. They're annoying." "Honestly, and Umbridge keeps trying to get Lena to join." "Why?" Alta shrugged and said "no clue. I think it's cause she knows Yelena is tall and intimidating. It would be funny to see her join and see the look on Draco's face." I laughed and said "I wish someone would teach him a lesson." "Honestly, he can be such a git sometimes." Lee added. I nodded in response and Ginny sat down across from me. "We're meeting in the room of requirement today." She whispered. Fred and George hadn't been listening since the two of them were currently making a new invention. Blueprints were spread out on the table and the two of them talked very fast. Fred pointed at the blueprint and suggested something which George shook his head no and said it wouldn't work. "Guys." I said. "Goldie, hang on." Fred replied as he began to argue with his brother. "Idiots." Ginny said. "Huh?" They both looked over at her. "Now that I have your attention, we're meeting in the room of requirement later. At 3:30." George nodded and Fred said "ok." The two of them then went back to arguing and I shook my head at them.


We all stood in the room of requirement and Harry began to explain how to cast stupefy. We all stood in a line. I was currently in between Fred and George, the latter behind me. Harry stood at the front of the room, aiming his wand at a dummy. "Stupefy!" He said. The dummy was knocked down and everyone's eyes widened. "Now, all of you try. Hermione, you go first." Hermione stepped up and performed the spell perfectly. Ron was next, then Ginny. Ginny surprised everyone when she performed the spell. "Fred, your turn." Fred stepped up and aimed his wand at the dummy. "Stupefy." The dummy rolled back and was then knocked down. Harry patted his shoulder and set the dummy up for me. "Wand at the ready, Goldie." I nodded and aimed my wand at the dummy. "You got this." George whispered. I turned to him and half smiled. I looked at the dummy and said "stupefy." I knocked it down and Harry said "good job, Goldie. Come on, George. Step up." I walked off to the side, awaiting George to cast the spell. "Stupefy." Fred wrapped his arms around my waist, leaning his head on mine. Alta was next, Yelena standing behind her. "Ready, Alta?" Harry said. She nodded and aimed her wand at the dummy. "Stupefy." Harry congratulated her and Yelena stepped up. She immediately cast the spell, barely giving Harry a chance to set the dummy back up. My eyes widened at her eagerness. Harry said "nice job. Very quick. You did well, Yelena." Yelena smirked and stepped off to the side. Harry let everyone else have a chance and then told us we'd be doing it to each other. "So, I'll pair you guys up and you'll all perform the spell on your partner, or whoever strikes first. Goldie and George, you guys go first." George smirked at me and said "I promise not to hurt you, Goldie." "Give it all you got, George." I replied. We stood in front of each other and Fred crossed his arms over his chest. "Dee Dee, kick his ass for me." I smiled at him and Harry said "wand at the ready." George went to say the spell but I beat him to it. "Stupefy!" George fell back and Fred sniggered. I walked over to George who said "nice." "Yelena and Alta, you're next." I pulled George to his feet and he winked at me. Fred pulled me away from him and said "wink at your own girlfriend." "Will do." George said as he winked at Angelina who giggled. Yelena and Alta faced each other, aiming their wands at each other. "Stupefy!" Alta said. The force of the spell hit Yelena but she didn't fall over. She barely even flinched. The twins stared in disbelief, their mouthes hanging agape. Yelena smirked at her girlfriend and said "good job." Alta smiled and Harry had Ron and Hermione do it. I was standing next to Fred as him and George made a bet. "One sickle." "You're on." Hermione stunned Ron which left him in shock as he flew across the room. Ginny smirked at her brother's failings and George huffed, pulling the money out of his pocket. "Thank you." Fred said as he held his hand out. George handed him the money and said "shut up." Ron walked over and said "I let her do that." Fred crossed his arms over his chest and nodded at him while George glared at Ron and Fred, annoyed he'd lost the bet. Harry had a few more people do the spell. Rasmus against Lee, Colin against Nigel, Ginny against Luna. Harry announced that we'd be learning Expecto Patronum in a couple of weeks and the next spell we'd be learning was Expelliarmus. As the weather got colder, I hated sleeping alone. Fred was a literal heater, as was George since I had slept next to the both of them before. I shivered in my dorm as I worked on my potions homework. The fire had died long ago but I was too cold to actually get up and start another one. A popping sound entered the air and Fred was on my bed. I gasped and immediately started hitting him on the arm. "You scared me!" Fred laughed and said "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just wanted to see you." I set my homework down and climbed in his lap, wrapping my legs around his waist. "What're you doing?" He asked. "You're warm. And I'm freezing." I replied. "You'd be a lot warmer if you wore pants." His hand went up and down my thigh and I rolled my eyes at him. "I like shorts." "Yeah, but it's cold, darling." "I'm comfier in shorts." I leaned my head on his shoulder, burying my face into the crook of his neck. I felt Fred's hand go up my shirt and his hand was surprisingly warm. His fingers made contact with my left breast and he said "no bra, eh?" "Don't." I said. His hands roamed my body and I bit my lip so I wouldn't make any noise. When his hand went to slide into my shorts, my breath quivered. "Fred, don't." "Just teasing you." I went to get off of him and he said "no. Stay. Please. I want to hold you." I nodded and played with the ends of his hair as he stared up at me. "You're beautiful. You're so beautiful, darling." I smiled and said "so are you." "Erm, boys aren't pretty." "Yes they are. They can be. You and George are very pretty." "But I'm prettier, right?" "Well, yeah. You're my boyfriend not George. But, you're both still pretty." "You're prettier." Fred said as he cupped my cheek. I held his hand to my cheek and said "you'll never leave me, will you?" Fred shook his head and said "never." My smile got even bigger and I kissed his lips. "Wanna go get hot chocolate?" Fred asked. I nodded and said "please." I got off of Fred and grabbed my sweatpants. I pulled off my shorts and Fred wolf whistled. I rolled my eyes and said "enough." "Hey, you're the one in the cute panties not me." I pulled on my sweatpants and said "come on, doofus." Fred took my hand as we walked to the great hall to have some hot chocolate. We sat down at a table and I leaned my head on Fred's shoulder as I sipped on my hot chocolate. "So, about Christmas this year." Fred said. "What about it?" I asked. Fred made me look at him and said "I have to ask you something." I nodded and he said "do you want to come to mine? For Christmas?" I blushed and said "you want to spend Christmas with me?" Fred shook his head at me and said "why do you always question these things when I ask you. I'm asking you, my girlfriend, to do things with me and you go 'you do??'" I shrugged and said "I don't know, Fred. You're the first serious boyfriend I've ever had and sometimes I just don't know what I did to get so lucky. To have a boyfriend like you. You're amazing, Freddie." Fred smiled and said "I would hope so." I kissed his lips passionately and he chuckled against my lips. "You taste like chocolate." I rolled my eyes playfully and said "I'd love to spend Christmas with you." "Glad to hear it, darling." I wrapped my arms around him and Fred hugged me. "I'm really glad to hear it." He said softly. "Thank you for inviting me." I looked up at him and kissed his nose. Fred kissed my cheek and I took the chance to kiss his nose again. "God, I love you." "I love you too, Fred."


"Today I'll be teaching you all how to disarm your enemy. It's all in the wrist when you flick your wand to cast the spell. Now watch." Harry aimed his wand at the dummy. "Expelliarmus." The stick in the dummy's hand went flying across the room. "Whoa." Colin said. Harry looked at him and said "cool, huh?" Colin nodded. "I'll have you all try it on the dummy and then you all can pair up and try it that way. Sound good?" Everyone agreed and we began going down the line, trying the spell for the first time. "Wand at the ready, Goldie." I looked up at the dummy, aiming my wand at it. "Expelliarmus." The stick flew out of it's hand and Harry congratulated me. Fred stood behind me and Harry said "remember, Fred, imagine this is an enemy. You have to perform this spell quickly. I want you all to remember that. This is a fast acting spell." Fred nodded while looking up at the dummy. "Expelliarmus." The stick flew out of it's hand. George patted Fred's shoulder and said "good job, mate." Fred walked over to where I stood and George went ahead and performed the spell. Yelena did the spell flawlessly and Alta did the same. Neville however, couldn't figure out how to do the spell. When we were paired up, Fred couldn't stop knocking my wand out of my hand. He thought it was hilarious. "Fred." I said, annoyed he had once again knocked my wand away from me. "Come on, Goldie. Knock my wand out of my hand." I picked up my wand off the floor and said "wand at the ready." Fred nodded and I took a breath. "Expelliarmus!" Fred had done it again. I sighed deeply. Fred chuckled and said "looks like you're not too good at this spell." "It's not a game. We're supposed to be practicing. How am I supposed to get better at the spell of you don't let me have a hit?" I snapped. Fred raised his eyebrows and said "calm down. It's just a spell." "It's not just a spell. It's something that we need to know just in case we were in a situation where we were in danger. We both need to know this spell and be good at it." I replied. Fred walked to where I stood and said "hey, it's just a spell. Calm down. Don't get upset." "At least you're good at it." "You will be good at it. We'll make sure." I shook my head and said "it doesn't matter. If one of us had to die, it needs to be me." Fred furrowed his eyebrows and said "we're not going to die. Neither one of us. I won't let that happen." "If it did, it needs to be me. Not you." "How come you deserve to die but I don't?" I didn't answer him, I just looked down. "Goldie, answer me." "I don't know. You can't leave George. You just can't. You mean the world to him. Do you know that?" My eyes flickered up to Fred. Fred's face softened and he said "I know. I don't want to lose him either. But...don't you think it'd hurt me? To lose you. That'd break me, Goldie." A tear went down my cheek and I quickly wiped it. "Let's just go back to practicing." I tried to shrug the whole thing off. "Goldie, if I lost you, I'd be broken. I'd have George to help but I would not be the same person." I hugged Fred tightly and said "I'm sorry. I just got frustrated. I shouldn't of brought this up." Fred rubbed my back and said "it's ok. Please know that you mean so much to me. I can't lose you. I want you to know your worth, Goldie. You're not just some fling for me, ok? I love you. I love you with all my heart. Hell, I'm lovesick for you." I gripped a handful of Fred's cardigan and buried my face into his chest. "Then don't ever leave me, Freddie. Please don't leave me." "Never. I'll never leave you, darling." He kissed my lips passionately and I pulled away. "Now, let's make you an expert at this spell." I nodded with a half smile and Fred and I continued to train.


It's been a week since we learned Expelliarmus and Christmas was right around the corner. To say I was excited to go to the burrow for Christmas was an understatement. I couldn't wait to spend Christmas with the Weasley's. Today we'd be learning Expecto Patronum and we'd get to see what our patronus' were. "Now, to cast a patronus, you have to think of a happy memory. Something that makes you feel so good inside when you think about it. It doesn't have to be a super grand memory but just something that makes you feel good. Something that makes you so so happy. And when you think you've got it, give it a try." Harry told everyone. I thought long and hard about what my memory should be. I had many great memories but I needed one that made me feel so good inside. I thought of the night Fred took me sightseeing in his dad's Ford Angila. I took a deep breath and said "Expecto Patronum." I gasped softly as my patronus was revealed. It was a cat. I smiled as it ran around the room, rubbing up on Ginny's legs and chasing after Fred who was currently running from his brother. I chuckled and Harry said "good job, Goldie!" "Expecto Patronum." Ginny said, her patronus appearing. She was the first Weasley in the room that had done it. Ron, Fred, and George stared in shock. Fred looked at George who looked at Fred. Ron scoffed and I clapped for Ginny. "Well done, Ginny." Ginny smiled really big at Harry and looked very proud of herself. "Expecto Patronum." George said, the magpie flying around the room. "Expecto Patronum." Fred had the exact same patronus as his brother. I watched their eyes light up as the magpies flew around. Alta cast the spell and a shark began swimming around the room. Yelena immediately moved out of the way as the shark came towards her, a terrified look on her face. Colin had managed to snap a picture of it when his camera. "I want that picture." Alta said. Colin nodded and said "you got it." The room was filled with smiles and cheers as everyone produced their patronus. I felt arms wrap around my waist. "What'd you think of?" Fred asked. "What did you think of?" I replied. "I asked you first." "Well, I thought about the last night we spent together during the summer at the burrow. And we flew in your dad's flying car. And it was just us. Us and the stars." Fred kissed my cheek and said "that's cute. Wanna know what I thought about?" I nodded while turning my head to look at him. "I thought about when we confessed our feelings for one another. I know the Yule Ball was kind of a shitty night for both of us but when we confessed, Godric, I felt like I could fly. The feeling inside of me when you said you had liked me for almost as long as I liked you...I don't know how to describe it but I was so bloody happy." "Awe, Freddie." I turned around so I could kiss him, Fred's arms going around the small of my back, holding me close. "You're the only one I want." Fred whispered against my lips. "Oh, Freddie. I love you." "I love you too."

My heart was swelling the entire time I was writing this chapter🥰

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