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Chapter forty seven
Goldie's POV:
"Goldie, wake up." Fred said as he shook me. He continued to shake me as I didn't get up right away. "Goldie, please. I need you to wake up." His voice was frantic. I sat up and looked at him, reading his mind. "Arthur was attacked?" Fred rolled his eyes and said "can you not read my mind right now?" "It was an accident." "Well, could you get your things? We have to meet McGonagall outside. We're going by portkey." I nodded. "Arthur was attacked by a snake?" "Goldie, I told you not to do that. Can you just get ready?" I went to answer and Fred said "now." I nodded again and left his dorm, hurrying back to mine. As I walked in, I woke Yelena and told her what was happening. "Alta, wake up." Alta sat up and looked at Yelena and said "what's going on?" "Arthur got jumped." Yelena replied. I shook my head at her and Alta said "what?" "We gotta go. Just get up." "I knew she was going to say that." Yelena chuckled and Alta said "gosh, Lena." I made sure my bags were packed and I put Poppy in her carrier. The three of us met up with the Weasley's outside. Harry and Hermione were also with them. The twins seemed stressed out and I hadn't spoken to Fred since I read his mind. I didn't dare pry into it again. Although, I can't help it and didn't do it to purposely make him upset. "What's wrong?" Alta asked. "Oh. Nothing." I said. She nudged me and said "I know when something is wrong. You're my best friend." I sighed and looked at Fred then looking back down at the ground. "I accidentally read Fred's mind. And he snapped at me. I can't help it sometimes, you know. And he never snaps at me so, I guess I'm taking it hard." Alta put her hand on my shoulder and said "hey, I'm sure he'll come around. He's probably stressed out about Arthur." "You're right. I'm probably being over dramatic." Ginny was standing next to Ron and I approached her. "Ginny?" She turned to look at me. "Could I sleep with you tonight?" "I thought you were sleep-" I cut her off as I shook my head. Ginny looked at Fred and then back at me. "What did my brother do?" "Nothing. I just want to give him some space. He's a bit stressed and I think he needs it." Ginny nodded and said "of course you can." I smiled and was met with Fred's sad eyes looking at me.


When we reached 12 Grimmauld Place, mostly everyone headed up to bed. I held Fred's Christmas present in my hands, sitting next to Ginny on her bed. "What'd you get him?" I looked at her with a questioning look. "Don't worry I won't tell him." "It's a briefcase." "A briefcase? What does he need a bloody briefcase for?" I gave her a 'are you serious' look and she said "oh! For the shop?" I nodded and she said "oh, he'll love that. What'd you get George?" "The same thing. I know they're twins and I should get them something different but I wanted them both to have something nice." "What'd you get me?" Ginny said as she nudged me. "Now, that will stay a secret until tomorrow. You'll love it." Ginny smiled and said "I'm excited." Hermione said "that's so nice of you, Goldie." "I even got something for you, Mione." Her eyes widened and she said "really?" I nodded and Hermione said "wow, you went all out this year." "Well, you've all been so kind to me. It's the least I could do. I also barely spend any money so I wanted to get you all something." I took the presents downstairs and put them under the tree. The house was quiet and the light from the fire lit up the room a certain way. I then went back upstairs to go to sleep.


"Goldie, wake up." Fred's voice said. I jumped and immediately sat up. "It's ok. It's just me." I looked at Fred and realized I was in a different room, the twins' room. "Why am I in here?" I asked sleepily. Fred furrowed his eyebrows and said "cause I brought you in here." "What? Why?" I said, backing away from him. "Cause I couldn't sleep without you. I've been stressing out about my dad." I nodded and said "well, I'm gonna go back with Ginny." "Why?" "To give you space, Fred." "I don't want space. I want you." I stood up and he grabbed my wrist. "Darling, please don't go." "I didn't mean to read your mind earlier. It was an accident." "Why are you telling me this?" I turned around to look at him and said "because you snapped at me. You didn't even give me a chance to apologize. I didn't mean to. Honest. Sometimes I just do it and I can't help it." Fred clicked his tongue and said "Goldie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. I wanted to tell you and you already knew just by looking at me. And I've been stressed out so I think that's why I snapped." "It's ok. I just figured you wanted time to yourself." "No. No, I don't. I want you. I need you. Baby, come here." My heart fluttered at the nickname and I sat down next to him. He smirked and said "you liked that, didn't you?" "You ruined the moment, idiot." "I found your new weakness. You like that nickname." "No. I hate it." "You're such a liar...baby." I hit his arm and he chuckled, pulling me into his lap. "I'm not mad at you. And I need you right now. Help me destress just by sitting here with me." I played with the ends of his hair and placed sweet kisses on his cheeks, moving to his forehead and then to his nose. "What's up with you and kissing my nose, eh?" "I like your nose. It's cute." Fred scrunched his nose and I kissed it, making him smile really big. Molly announced that she was making breakfast and the sound of everyone who was asleep started waking up. "Where's George?" I said. "Downstairs. I kicked him out so we could have some time alone together." I half smiled at him and said "that's sweet." Fred kissed my neck and I tilted my head so he could have more access. He then quickly pushed me down onto the bed. He lifted my shirt and I stopped him. "No one's in here. It's fine." I nodded and he lifted my shirt over my breasts. I looked down at him as he kissed my chest. He moved to my right breast, his breath fanning against it. I cupped his cheek and said "Freddie..." He leaned down and kissed my right breast, taking my nipple into his mouth. I gasped softly and Fred's eyes never left mine as he sucked on my breast. My hands went to his hair, tugging on it. I arched my back as Fred sucked on my nipple harshly. "Ah, Freddie." He smirked against my breast and small moans left my lips. He pulled off my nipple and went to the left one. His hand kneaded my right one as he sucked on my left one. "Fred, are you up?" Molly's voice said. I tried to push Fred off of me but he nibbled at my nipple. "Ow!" I said in a whisper voice. He smirked while chuckling deeply. I grabbed the other comforter that laid on the floor and told Fred to get under it. He now laid under two comforters. Molly opened the door and she said "oh, where's Fred?" "He went to the bathroom." I said, feeling Fred begin to kiss my chest again. "Well, when he's finished, the two of you come down for breakfast. Arthur'll be here soon." Fred started sucking on my nipple again and I held back a moan. "Will do, Molly." She smiled at me and left the room, closing the door. As soon as she left I immediately started hitting Fred on the arm. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" He said. "Your mother was right there! I can't believe you!" I said while rolling my eyes. I pulled my shirt down and got out from under the covers. "Where're you going?" "To get dressed. I'll see you downstairs, Frederick." "Ugh, don't call me by my full name." I left his room and went to go and get dressed. I went into the bathroom to change since I had to pee. I noticed the purple marks on my chest and breasts. "Fred." I said while shaking my head. I pulled on some leggings with a sweater. I also put socks on since I was freezing. I headed downstairs and saw that Molly was handing out Christmas presents. "Fred, this one's for you and George, this one's for you." I smiled as they held their presents in their hands. "Dee Dee, what is this?" "You'll just have to open it and see." I noticed Fred and George had matching vests on. "You guys are adorable." I gushed. George rolled his eyes and said "surely, we're not." "Surely, you are." Fred stood up to kiss my cheek and said "hiya." "Hi." I said as I kissed his cheek in return. "Merry Christmas." He whispered while wrapping his arms around my waist. "Merry Christmas." I smiled up at him and kissed his nose. "Everyone sit down, Arthur should be here any minute." Ginny nodded at her mother and sat down. I sat down in between Fred and George. Mostly everyone was sitting at the table for breakfast and gifts. Fred put his arm around me and said "so, are you going to tell me what you bought me for Christmas?" "No, you have to open it. Are you going to tell me what you got me?" I asked while wiggling my eyebrows. "Mmm, no. I'm not." I pushed him playfully and Arthur was wheeled into the room. "Daddy's back!" Molly announced. The Weasley children stood up and applauded their father. I stood up and clapped for him. "I'm so glad you're ok, Arthur." Arthur looked up at me and said "thank you, Goldie." The relieved smile's on the twins' faces made my heart swell. Molly started to serve breakfast and everyone sat down, eating. I leaned my head on Fred's shoulder and he said "what's up, poppet?" My heart fluttered at his nickname and I said "nothing really. I just...I love you." Fred kissed my forehead and said "oh, Goldie. Mmm, I love you too." I hugged him and Molly said "when everyone's finished, we'll open presents." Ron waved her off and nodded, which earned a slap on his arm from Molly. A few minutes later she started distributing gifts. I watched as my gifts were handed to Fred, George, and Ginny. I watched Alta get my gift as well. "What is this?" George said as he shook the box. "Open it." I said. I awaited Molly to give me a gift from Fred but she only gave me one from her and Alta. My heart broke a little as I figured Fred probably forgot. And honestly I didn't blame him. We had Dada going on and Umbridge making everything a pain. He must've forgot. It still hurt a bit. "Goldie! I love it! Thank you! Thank you so much!" Ginny said as she jumped up and rushed over to me. I hugged her and said "you're welcome." "A new broom?" Ron gaped. "It's so Ginny can join the team next year." I said. "Thank you, Goldie. Thank you so much." I nodded and turned to the twins. George gasped softly at the briefcase as he took it out of the box. "Woah." Fred took his out and said "Goldie, what's this?" "For when the both of you start new jobs after Hogwarts. I'm not sure what you'll be doing but, you'll have those. And they look really nice." George chuckled and said "thank you." "Thank you, Goldie. I love it." I opened my gift from Molly and saw my sweater inside, a 'G' sewn into it. "Molly, I..." "You must have a a sweater. It's only fair. Now, we just have to make sure your sweater doesn't get mixed up with George's." Molly said. George rolled his eyes playfully. I opened Alta's gift which was some lotions and perfume. Yelena got Alta some pajamas and Alta got Yelena a really nice blanket. "Goldie..." Fred said. I turned to him and said "I'm not mad." "Mad?" "You forgot. To get me gift." His eyebrows furrowed. "I didn't forget you. Did you really think I forgot you?" He held a small box in his hands. "I wanted this to be the lash gift you opened. I really hope you'll like it." I took it from him and opened it. I gasped as I saw the necklace that laid inside. He had gotten me a necklace before but this one was better. It was a gold chain which had an 'F' attached to it, along with a locket. There was a picture of Fred and I inside of it. Small tears filled my eyes and I said "Freddie..." "Do you like it? I hope you do. I was so bloody nervous to give it to you." "I love it. I'll cherish this." Fred smiled and said "good. Good. I was hoping you'd like it." I was currently wearing the necklace he gave me for Christmas last year. "You'll put it on me?" Fred nodded and I removed the other necklace from my neck. Fred then put the new necklace on my neck. "How does it look?" I asked. "Beautiful. You look beautiful, darling." I cupped his cheek and said "thank you. Thank you so much." "You're welcome." I kissed him passionately and Fred smiled into the kiss. Yelena and Alta snuck back upstairs while everyone else just enjoyed the morning. I leaned my head on Fred's shoulder. "Fred?" "Yeah?" "I can't wait until we move in together." I said it quietly so his family hadn't heard. "Awe, me too, darling." He wrapped his arm around me and held me close to him.

Alta's POV:
Yelena had dragged me back upstairs to give me a Christmas gift. It was something she didn't want to give me in front of everyone. "Now, this is between us. It's our thing." I nodded and Yelena grabbed a box and opened it. I saw the brand new strap on dildo inside. "Wow." Yelena nodded and said "I figured we'd need a new one. Especially since we're probably moving in together after school." "Yeah. That's a nice one, Lena." "Only the best of the best for you." I smiled and she put the box away discreetly. "Well, now I understand why you didn't want me to open that downstairs." Yelena chuckled and said "I would hope so." The two of us headed back downstairs where Molly was making tea and hot chocolate. I sat down next to Goldie and said "so, what'd Fred get you? I didn't see it." She showed me the necklace and I said "wow, that's so pretty. And that's such a cute picture too." "I know! I'm in love with it. I'm so thankful for this gift. Now I'll always have him on my heart." Goldie looked over at Fred who was pouring himself a cup of tea. "Freddie, could I have a cup of each?" Fred chuckled at her and said "sure, poppet." Molly shook her head at Goldie and said "both beverages?" "I couldn't choose." I went and got a cup of tea, sitting back down next to Goldie. She stared up at her boyfriend who brought her two cups. Goldie started on the tea and then drank the hot chocolate. "Fred, could you grab this?" Molly said. Fred reached up to the top shelf inside a cabinet and said "here, mum." "Thank you." George walked over and the twins talked quietly as they leaned against the kitchen counter. "How's your healing stuff going?" I asked Goldie. "Really good! I'm excelling. I honestly can't wait to start working when I leave Hogwarts. I might actually do some good for the world." Goldie replied. "Of course you will. You'll be a healer. There's not many people who can do what healers do. And if you or Fred ever get hurt, you'll know how to fix it." "Yeah. That's true." "And where do you think you'll live after school?" "Not sure. I'm assuming with Fred but we'll see what happens. He asked me to move in with him and I said yes. But there's also the fact nobody knows about the shop." She said the last part very quiet and I nodded. "Right. Well, I hope everything goes well for you and Fred." "Me too."

Here's the update!! Order of the Phoenix is almost finished and I'm lowkey shook because of it lmao

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