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Chapter forty eight
Goldie's POV:
When we got back to Hogwarts it seemed Umbridge had really cracked down on her decrees. Fred grabbed my hand as we walked down the hallway. I smiled up at him and he kissed my cheek. A force of air pushed us away from each other, causing me to stumble. "Students must not be within eight inches of each other." Fred glared at her and I looked up at Fred, sad that I would no longer be able to hold his hand. "Miss March." "Yes?" "A prefect like you knows the rules. Why would you break them?" I gulped and said "professor, he is my boyfriend. Am I not allowed to hold my boyfriend's hand?" "No, Miss March. Even if he is your boyfriend, we have rules." "I see. Well, good day, professor." I walked away and Fred started walking behind me. I decided I'd go to the Gryffindor common room, waiting on Fred so I could get past the painting. "Miss March." My eyes widened and Fred walked up to the painting. "You need to go to your own common room." I bit my lip and nodded, going to walk away. "Goldie." Fred said as he grabbed my wrist. "I'll see you later." I whispered. I removed his hand from my wrist and he grabbed me again. "Dee Dee, don't go." I looked up at him and Umbridge said "Miss March, now." Fred looked at her and then me. He slowly let go of my wrist and I frowned at him. I left him at the painting and made my way back to my common room. When I walked into my dorm, Fred was already there. "She's pretty daft if she thinks she can keep us apart." I smiled really big at him and rushed over, hugging him. He chuckled and I said "I hate her." "Me too, darling. Me too." He pulled me into his lap. I played with the ends of his hair and I kissed his lips. Fred moaned softly into the kiss and said "we have to go to the defense against the dark arts meeting." I sighed and said "I know. I was hoping we'd have a little bit more time together." "We will when it's over." I nodded and got off of his lap. Him and I then left my dorm and headed to the room of requirement. Training was going really well, nothing too crazy. A rumbling sound is what made us all look to the doors of the room. I furrowed my eyebrows and Nigel slowly approached the doors. Ginny aimed her wand at the doors, the twins doing the same. I took a deep breath and held my wand out in front of me. Yelena did it as well, standing in front of Alta. Umbridge's voice entered the air as a joke now formed in the wall. "Nigel, move!" Harry said as he grabbed him. The wall crumbled and fell, revealing that Umbridge stood with her posse of students. Blaise stood next to Crabbe and Goyle. Rasmus gulped as he saw his so called friends. Draco had ahold of Cho and we all knew we were screwed.


The day after we were caught, everyone in Dumbledore's army was forced to have detention. And we all sat in the Great Hall, desks lined up and down it. I breathed shakily as I held the quill in my hands. Umbridge sat at the front of the room, pleased we were all in pain. I looked across the room at the twins. George winced as he used the quill in his hand. Fred glared at her, anger on his face. I began to write with my quill, pain shooting through my hand. Tears filled my eyes as the pain began to get worse. I sniffled and Fred immediately looked over. A soft cry left my lips and my hand began to turn red from the words slicing across my skin. Rasmus put his head down on his table as the pain became overwhelming for him. Woody practically sobbed at his hand. Dillie looked at her older brother, frowning as he cried. Loud sniffles came from him as he looked up at Umbridge, giving her a pleading look. Umbridge looked at him and said "keep writing, Mr. Evergreen." Ron let out a grunt of pain and Hermione gasped softly. Ginny was next to me and she gripped the side of her desk with her hand. Her eyes darted around the room, stopping at her brother's. I looked over my shoulder at Colin and Nigel, who were younger and still got the same punishment we did. Luna's hair fell into her face as she used her quill. Fred groaned as he finished another line. I looked over at him and his face was scrunched up in pain. I realized we had a certain amount of lines we had to write so I stopped worrying about everyone else and got to it. Alta whimpered in pain and I could see the pain in Yelena's eyes as she shot daggers at Umbridge. When the detention was finished, everyone knew Cho had sold us out. Fred immediately walked over to me and pulled me into his chest. I began to cry and Fred said "love, it's ok. It's ok." "Harry." Cho said, looking at him. Ginny and George rolled their eyes at her and Ginny made sure to bump into her shoulder as she walked by. Harry ignored Cho as he walked away from the Great Hall. Fred took me back to his dorm where I continued to cry. My hand was throbbing and was red, blood running down the side of it. I held my wrist with my right hand, tears streaming down my face. Fred looked down at it, his eyes widening. "We have to wrap this up. How can I fix it?" I didn't answer him as I was in so much pain. "Goldie, I need to wrap your hand. I need to help you." I stared at my hand blankly, tears blurring my vision. "Tell me what to do. Tell me what to do, darling." Fred pleaded as I cried. I looked up at him, sniffling. "Darling...." "First aid kit." He nodded and rushed to the sink and opened it, his eyes widened. "What do I get?" I gestured for him to bring it to me, pulling out the things he'd need to bandage my hand. Fred rubbed some ointment on my hand and I buried my face into his chest. "I'm sorry, love. I'm so sorry." "She's so cruel, Fred! Why is she so cruel? What did we do to deserve that? I-I wish I could've taken you and George's detention. I'd rather me have it than you." Fred made me look up at him and he said "I wouldn't allow that. You can't always be there for me and George. Sometimes, we just have to take whatever life throws at us. Even if we don't like it." I sniffled and said "but I want to always be there for you. The both of you don't deserve it." "Neither do you, Goldie. You're the sweetest person I've ever known. You're heart is literally made out of gold. Like I said before, you're golden. And always will be." I hugged him and he rubbed my back. "It'll be over soon, darling. It's just a rough patch. Don't worry. We'll be looking back at this one day and we'll have a laugh." I half smiled at him as I pulled away. Fred then grabbed his wand and said "ferula." My hand was now bandaged. "I have to do yours now." Fred nodded and I began working on his hand, he stared at me the entire time. I kissed his bandage and he half smiled at me. "All better." I said. Fred cupped my cheek and said "stay here with me. Tonight." "Trust me. I don't want to leave you."

This chapter is eh but the next chapter will be written a little bit differently. So just bare with me and please don't be mad

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