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Chapter forty nine
Third person POV:
It wasn't like Fred and Goldie to argue, but after Umbridge's dreadful detention, Fred and George didn't want to be at Hogwarts any longer. So, Fred made the decision to tell Goldie about it. She was fine with him leaving as long as she went with him. "Fred, let me come with you. Please? I hate it here. There's nothing here for me if you leave." Fred stared at his girlfriend in front of him. As much as he wanted her to come with him, he couldn't let her. He couldn't let her give up her dream to become a healer. She needed to finish her schooling. "Goldie, you need to stay here. You can't come with George and I." "Why, Fred?" Fred would never admit that he wanted her to finish her schooling. He never was good at admitting how he felt. And he knew that Goldie would press on and he'd eventually give in to her pleas. 'I have to stop her.' He thought. And the only way he could do that would be hurting her. "Goldie, I don't want you to go. I just don't think we're compatible anymore." Goldie's eyes widened and she said "what do you mean?" "We're not good together, you know? We're better off if I leave and you stay here." "Fred, where's this coming from? What did I do? Please, tell me what I did." "You didn't do anything. It's me." Goldie shook her head and said "Fred, I want to go with you because I love you. I've always supported everything you've wanted to do. Can't you see that?" Fred knew he'd regret the words that were getting ready to come out of his mouth. But he just wanted her to stop. He wanted her to stop asking. "Goldie, you're a freak. The way you can just read anyone's mind? It's so fucking weird." Goldie gasped softly and said "how long have you felt this way?" "Ever since you could do it." Fred's heart began to beat really fast as he saw the painful expression on her face. He didn't want her to give up her life for him. He felt as if he wasn't worthy enough for her to do that. Goldie needed to have the life she wanted. "I knew it. I always knew you hated it. You lied! You lied and told me it didn't bother you!" Fred shrugged and said "yeah, so?" The tears started going down her face. "So, this is the end? You're leaving me because of something I can't control?" "I can't do it anymore, Goldie." She nodded and looked down. She wanted to read his mind so she knew what he was thinking but she didn't dare. She was afraid of what she'd hear. Goldie looked back up at Fred and pushed him away from her. "You asshole! I loved you! How could you?! I loved you more than anything, Fred! I fucking loved you! I didn't mean to gain this ability. I didn't even want it! And now you hate me. I knew you did. I always knew. You lied to me." Fred looked at her with no emotion on his face. Inside he was breaking, he felt the worst pain in his chest. All he wanted to do was hug her and tell her everything would be ok. But she needed to have the career she wanted. He wouldn't allow her to give that up for him. "You're not going to say anything?" "What do you want me to say?" Goldie sobbed and hit him on his chest repeatedly. "Fred, please don't do this! I won't do it ever again! Please, don't leave me..." Fred's eyes began to water and he almost gave in but Goldie began to walk away from him. The dorm door opened and George stepped into the room. Goldie breath quivered as she looked up at him. "Dee Dee, what's wrong?" Fred quickly wiped his face and Goldie turned around to look at him. "Ask your brother." Goldie left the room and George said "what did you do?" "Nothing. She's overreacting." "No, she isn't. What did you do?" Fred scoffed and began packing his things so the two of them could leave. "Fred." Fred ignored George, trying to not break down. George walked over to him and grabbed his arm. "What did you do?!" "I broke up with her!" George furrowed his eyebrows and said "why?" "I don't love her anymore. And she's a freak." George shoved him and said "she's our best friend. Why would you do that?" "I don't love her anymore! You expect me to stay with someone I don't love anymore?" George shook his head in disbelief and said "how could you do that?" "George, you're supposed to be on my side. And you side with her?!" "I forgot that no one else's feelings matter to you. It doesn't matter if Goldie is hurt. And it never matters if I'm hurt." Fred gulped and said "George, I always care how you're feeling." George didn't say anything as he left his brother alone in their dorm. Fred locked the door and that's when he broke down. He had just let the love of his life walk out the door, the only girl he wanted to have a family with, the only girl he wanted to marry one day. He thought he had done the right thing by telling her she needed to stay. Now he just regretted it. 'It's too late.' He thought. He pulled at his hair and sobbed, wishing he could take it all back. But he knew he couldn't. The damage was done.


Goldie hadn't slept in a week. She barely went to her classes and everyone knew that her and Fred had broken up. Everyone would whisper as she walked down the hall and it made her just want to crawl in a hole and never come out. Ginny had tried to reach out to her but Goldie ignored her. Goldie hadn't sat at the Gryffindor table with her friends because Fred was always there. And he seemed so happy without her. George on the other hand was mad at him and hurt. He noticed Goldie leave dinner one night and she looked absolutely distraught. George approached the Hufflepuff table and said "Alta?" She turned around and said "George?" "Where'd Goldie go? I need to talk to her." Alta looked at how sad George looked. She sighed and said "the prefects bathroom." George nodded and left the Great Hall, hurrying to where Goldie would be. "Goldie?" He said as he stepped inside. Then he saw her sliding into the bathtub. "Goldie!" He rushed over and pulled her out of the water, Goldie coughing everywhere. Goldie looked up at George and cried. "Why are you here?" "You fell asleep, Goldie. You almost drowned." She looked at the water and said "I wish I had. Then I wouldn't be in pain anymore." George hugged Goldie tightly and she clung to him, sobbing into his chest. "I'm so sorry, darling. I'm so sorry." "I just wanted to go with you guys, when you left. But Fred said I a was a freak and we weren't compatible anymore. He'd been lying to me since last summer at the burrow. He lied." Goldie said. George made Goldie look up at him. "What exactly did he say to you?" George asked. "He said I was a freak cause I can read minds. And that we weren't compatible anymore. Then he said he's thought I was a freak since the day we figured out I could do it." George sighed deeply and grabbed a towel, beginning to dry Goldie off. He adverted his eyes from her body as he wanted her to get warm. He held her to his chest, leaning his head on top of hers. They sat like that for a few minutes. George shivered from the wet clothes he had on. "Georgie? Are you cold?" "Yeah. I'll be ok." "Can we go to the hideout?" George clicked his tongue and said "I wish I could. I have to be up early with Fred in the morning. So we can leave." Goldie nodded and said "right." She stood up and grabbed her clothes, going to get dressed in a stall. When she came out, George was waiting for her. "Good luck on the shop, George. I wish you and Fred the best." George realized that she was walking out of his life as she had with Fred. "Goldie, no. Don't do this. I'm still your friend. I care about you." Goldie half smiled and said "how can we be friends when you'll be with Fred all the time? I can't bear to look at him, George. I loved you both. You both meant so much to me." "Goldie, you're my best friend. You mean so much to me. Please don't go." "We're better off without each other. All three of us." Goldie left the bathroom and George tried to hurry after her but she had disappeared in the crowd of kids walking in the halls. George's shoulders slumped as he walked back to his common room. He trudged up the stairs to his dorm and Fred was inside laughing with Lee. "George? What's wrong?" Lee asked. George shook his head and said "nothing. I'm fine." "What's got you down?" George's eyes went to Fred and then went to the floor. "Nothing, Lee. M'just tired." George didn't even change out of his clothes when he pulled the curtains around his bed. He laid down, the curtains shielding him from Lee and Fred. He cried softly, hurting at the fact he had lost his best friend due to his brother. He wished Goldie could be happy but he knew how much she loved Fred. She wouldn't be happy for a while.


When Goldie saw the twins' rambunctious plan to leave Hogwarts, she was happy for them. Seeing them wreck the fifth years exam was a sight to see. She loved that they were leaving to pursue their passion. "We could go back to the dorm, you know." Alta said to her best friend. Goldie shook her head and said "no. I want to see their grand exit. Just one last time to see how much fun they are."

Alta frowned at Goldie as she looked up at Fred as he laughed. She began to tear up as she thought about all the memories the three of them had together. Fireworks erupted into the air as they flew outside and Umbridge was fuming. Alta and Goldie walked outside and watched the 'W' glitter in the sky. Goldie sniffled and said "they were always destined for greatness."

Alta rubbed Goldie's back and said "you'll be happy again one day. You'll find someone better." "I thought he was the one. I don't want to find someone better. I want him." Alta frowned again and Yelena said "Goldie, it'll be ok. Don't dwell on it too much." Fred looked down on the crowd of kids cheering them on and saw her. She stuck out like a sore thumb. Goldie was the only one not applauding them and cheering. Tears ran down her face as she looked up at them longingly. Fred found it heart wrenching to look at her. George stopped next to him and said "you broke her heart, mate. Broke mine too." "What do you mean?" Fred asked. "Well, you broke her heart, which means you and her aren't together anymore. So, she decided we'd be better off without each other. She left me as well. Told me we couldn't be friends cause the pain was too great. I lost my best friend." Fred immediately felt like shit. Not only had he failed the one he loved and broke her heart into a million pieces. He had hurt his brother as well, someone he didn't know would be affected by his decision. "I'm sorry, George. Truly, I am." George shrugged and lit off another firework. "I guess everyone moves on in life, right?" George turned around on his broom and took off into the sky. Fred followed him, looking over his shoulder at Goldie one last time.

Please don't come for me!! This broke my heart to write and I literally put myself in a bad mood because of it

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