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Chapter five
Gryffindor vs Slytherin
Goldie's POV:
All anyone could talk about was the Gryffindor vs Slytherin game. Oliver had a good team and I was sure they'd win. Colin sat a few seats down from me, talking so fast about the game. "Colin?" I said. He looked up at me and I motioned for him to come over. He did as he was told and I watched the twins roll their eyes. "I have three choices for you. A sugar quill, a chocolate frog, or a blood flavored lollipop. Which one would you like?" Colin's eyes lit up and he said "I can have one?" "Yes. I saw the photos you took of the last quidditch game. You're quite good. I also think you're adorable." I watched him smile really big and he said "could I have a sugar quill, please?" I nodded and handed him one. "Thanks, Goldie!" He rushed back off to his seat and Fred shook his head. "What?" I said. "Don't encourage him to be more annoying." Alta looked over at him and George said "he's obsessed with Harry. It's hilarious." "He's obsessed with you guys too. Thinks you're great quidditch players." "We are great quidditch players." They replied. I rolled my eyes and Fred said "you're coming to the game aren't you?" I nodded and said "yeah." "You'll be rooting for me, won't ya?" He winked and I said "I should never have told you I think you're attractive." Alta looked in my direction and was shocked at the words she just heard. "Yeah, you shouldn't of. It's all he ever talks about. It's bloody annoying really." George said. Alta looked at the book in her hands and then looked at Colin. Her eyes scanned the page and flickered to Colin in quick motions. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, getting ready to question her but Fred interrupted me. "But, Goldie, seriously. You'll root for me?" Fred asked, hope in his eyes. "Of course." I said with a smile. He returned the smile and Rasmus was walking by with Adrian. Marcus laughed loudly at something that Rasmus said. "Good luck today." I said. Marcus stopped laughing and his eyes went to me. "Thanks, Goldie." Rasmus replied. "Hello, Weasley's." Draco walked over. He said their name with disgust. Ron scowled at him and George stared him down. "Ready to get beat today?" Fred scoffed and said "we won't be the ones getting beat. That'll be you." Rasmus smirked at Fred and said "you sure about that?" "You guys haven't even won a game this year." Lee challenged. Marcus stepped forward and said "shut up, Jordan." Draco looked at me and said "you're one of them aren't you?" "A what?" I said. "A mud blood. Of course you'd surround yourself with people like the Weasley's." Adrian chuckled at Draco's comment. Rasmus noticed my whole demeanor change. I looked down and Draco said "you are one. I knew it. Absolutely pathetic." "Leave her alone." Fred said through clenched teeth. "What're you gonna do about it, Weasle-bee?" Fred quickly stood up. He towered over Draco who stared up at him in shock. Rasmus backed away as well as Marcus. Adrian pulled on Draco's arm and said "come on." Draco turned on his heel and left the table. "Goldie?" George said in a soft voice. I looked up at him and he half smiled. Fred stood his ground until they sat down at the Slytherin table. "You alright?" "Yeah." Fred sat down and Lee scoffed. "Arseholes." I picked at my food, not really having an appetite. After lunch it was time for the quidditch game. George noticed I had gotten a little quieter. Alta rubbed my back as we left the Great Hall.

Fred's POV:
"Goldie." I called as I approached her. She turned around and Alta left her side. "You alright?" She shrugged and said "I will be." "Don't listen to him. He's a prat." "A prat?" Goldie looked up at me in confusion, her eyebrows furrowing. I thought it was the cutest thing. "A prat is a stupid person. That's exactly what Draco Malfoy is. A stupid person. You know I don't care that you're muggle born, right? Whether you were a pure blood or a half blood, you're my friend. That stuff doesn't matter to me." Goldie's lips curled up into a smile and she said "do you mean that?" "Every word." She took a step forward and went to hug me but hesitated. "You can give me a hug." "I can?" I opened my arms for her and she hugged me. I hugged her back and said "I kinda wanted to hug you too." She giggled and pulled away. "Maybe it'll bring me good luck, we'll see if we win." "You will." Goldie corrected. "George, you still have that red marker?" George handed it to me and I told Goldie to hold her arm out. I wrote the number 5 on her arm and her hand, making it huge. Goldie smiled at me and I said "now everyone will know you're rooting for me." "Weasley! Let's go." Oliver said. "Good luck." Goldie walked over to Alta and I followed the rest of the quidditch team. Harry was mumbling something about Draco being on the other team and how stupid he thought it was. "Harry, it'll be fine." Angelina said. George nodded in agreement and we headed to the locker rooms.

Goldie's POV:
Alta and I sat in the stands with the rest of the crowd. "I'm gonna go down to get better pictures." Colin said. "Be careful." I told him. He nodded and said "I will. I will." He rushed off and Alta said "you've taken a liking to him." "He's adorable. He needs older kids like us looking out for him. I also heard he's a muggle born and that's another reason why I'd like to bond with him." I replied. Lee began the announcements for the game, the two teams going in the air. Slytherin was not playing nice today. They were beating Gryffindor by a few points and you could hear the disdain in Lee's voice every time he had to announce that they had gotten a point. A bludger came hurling towards Alta and I. We had no choice but to quickly split up. I went towards the right, not wanting to get hit. "Goldie, you ok?" Miguel asked me as he helped me up. I nodded and looked towards Alta. The super tall girl from Ravenclaw had pulled her out of the way of the bludger. "Rasmus, you idiot!" Fred yelled. "Shouldn't of moved out of the way, Weasley!" He replied. I noticed Draco and Harry going after the snitch. Colin took pictures of everything, the two of them zipping by him as he dodged the same bludger that about hit Alta and I. Marcus was playing rough this game. I watched as he practically knocked Angelina off her broom. George's face scrunched up into anger as he saw Angelina land on the grass. He went down to help her and Fred was left by himself to hit the bludgers. Fred could manage. At least, I think he could. "You got this, Fred!" He looked over at me, giving me a quick smile before hitting the bludger towards Rasmus who took a hit to the arm. Adrian zipped around in the air next to Marcus who desperately tried to score another point, failing. Draco lost control of his broom and was out of the game. Harry got hit with a bludger but still managed to catch the snitch. "Harry Potter has caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!" Lee yelled. Everyone began to cheer. Draco laid on the ground and looked so defeated. I headed down to the pitch with everyone else. Harry's arm was broken and Professor Lockheart announced that he'd fix it. "No. Not you." Harry said. "Nonsense, Harry I'll fix it. "Brackium Emendo." Harry stopped wincing in pain and Lockheart held up his arm, which had no bones in it. Ron groaned in disgust and George gagged. "That's disgusting." Fred said as he covered his mouth. Hermione's eyes were wide and Colin said "Harry, hold it up!" He snapped a picture and Harry rolled his eyes. "Colin!" He scolded. "He's completely flexible now. I've fixed the bones." Lockheart said. "What bones? There aren't any bones left!" Hagrid said angrily. Oliver sighed and said "someone's gotta take Harry to the hospital." "We'll do it." Ron said as he pulled Harry to his feet. Colin took another picture and Ron said "Colin, enough." He raised his camera and I stopped him. "Why don't you take pictures of the winning team? Hmm? I'm sure Oliver would love to his picture taken." I suggested. Colin turned to Oliver and said "I'll take your picture if you want. You did win the game." Oliver shrugged and said "sure. Why not?" The twins watched Oliver pose for the pictures, clowning him as he did so. "Shut up, Weasley." He said. Lee congratulated Oliver and I turned to Fred. "You did great this game." He smirked a little and said "if that bludger would've hit you, I wouldn't been so mad. I can't have you getting hurt by someone as stupid as Rasmus." I shrugged and said "I saw it coming." "You shouldn't have to worry about getting hit with a bludger if you're not playing. There might be a day and you don't see it, then what?" "Then I get hurt and you'll just have to beat up whoever did it." "What if it's my fault?" "Then I'll beat you up." Fred shook his head and said "like you could ever reach my face." "I'm not that much shorter than you. And you never know, maybe I'll get taller." "Yeah, right. I'm sure next year you'll still be the same height." "Wanna bet?" Fred nodded and said "I do." "How much?" I quipped. "Three galleons." I smirked and said "you're on."


A few kids had been slightly freaked out by Harry lately. He had spoken Parseltongue, a language not many people can speak. He had been dubbed 'the heir of Slytherin.' Harry thought the heir of Slytherin was Draco Malfoy. Most kids steered clear of him. Mrs. Norris, Mr, Filch's cat had been petrified. It was odd. I didn't really know what that meant until Dumbledore had explained it. Whispering began as we all looked at the poor cat. Everyone was saying Harry had done it. Colin went to take a picture of Mrs. Norris but Percy pushed his camera down, not allowing him to do so.

Lee looked Harry up and down, unsure what to think. Alta stared at the cat, not saying anything. "Everyone must go back to their common rooms and dorms. Immediately." Professor McGonagall said. Percy began to lead the Gryffindor's back to their common room. Alta began to follow the Hufflepuff's and Colin still lingered, looking up at Mrs. Norris. "Colin, follow George and Fred." I said. The twins heard my voice and turned around. "Come on, Colin." George said. Alta turned around and said "Goldie, come on." I nodded at her and Colin rushed off with George and Fred. The twins made Colin walk in front of them since he was younger. Alta and I walked back to the common room in silence.

The end is dumb but next chapter will be better!!

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