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Chapter fifty
Graduation and sorrow
Goldie's POV:
It's been about a month since the twins made their grand exit. People had finally stopped talking about Fred and I's breakup. I was currently sitting in divination, doing the assignment on the board. "Hey, Goldie." Blaise said. "Hi." I said in a quiet voice. He got out his things and began doing the assignment. "How've you been?" My eyes flickered up to look at him and I must've had an angry expression on my face since his expression was shocked. "Why're you asking me that?" "Just trying to make conversation. I haven't really seen you around much and I didn't know why. I was just seeing if you were ok." "You're telling me you don't know?" "Know what?" "That Fred and I broke up. It's practically all over the school." I had said the statement quite rudely. Blaise blinked a few times and said "I had no idea. I haven't really been keeping up with the gossip. And I also usually don't since I don't gossip myself." "Sorry. I figured you knew. I figured everybody knows. I feel like I'm the laughingstock of the school. Everyone knows and is talking about it behind my back and I can't stand it." "If they are, I haven't heard it. I also don't know any details about it." I nodded and I went back to my assignment. "Did you want to talk about it?" Blaise asked. I looked back up at him and said "no. Not really." Blaise nodded and looked down at his paper.

I wonder if he broke her heart

I read Blaise's mind and then said "he did." "He did what?" "He broke my heart." Blaise went to open his mouth and I said "I'm a legillimens." "Are you really? That's awesome." I remembered Fred had said something similar along those lines and I felt my heart ache. "Did I say something wrong?" "It's what Fred said to me. That he thought it was awesome. He lied." "He lied to you? What an arsehole." I realized I had shared a bit too much and said "Blaise, don't speak ill of him. I don't really want to discuss anything about him. Can we change the subject?" "Sure. Whatever you want." He didn't bring it up again for the rest of class. After class I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I saw the necklace that Fred had given me for Christmas. I stared at the locket laying on my chest. I opened it and saw the picture of us moving around inside. "It can't have been a lie. Could it?" When I looked at Fred's smile I felt the pain in my heart. I quickly closed the locket and shoved the necklace under my shirt so I wouldn't have to look at it. I then headed to defense against the dark arts.

Fred's POV:
"Fred, I need your help with painting the shop!" George banged on my bedroom door. I jolted awake and said "I'll be down in a few minutes." I heard his footsteps depart and I rubbed at my eyes. I saw the faint wet spot on my pillow. I had cried in my sleep again. I sighed as I sat on the edge of the bed, placing my feet on the floor as I swung my legs out of the bed. I opened my bedside drawer and pulled a picture of Goldie and I out of it. I stared at her smile and how she clung to me as the picture was being taken. My eyes started to well up with tears. "I'm so sorry, Goldie. I wasn't enough for you. And I never would have been." I slid the picture back inside the drawer and walked to the bathroom. My eyes were a bit bloodshot from crying and I cleaned myself up, getting dressed and joining George downstairs. I started to paint one of the walls and George said "how're you doing?" "Today? I'm great?" I replied. "No. I mean with everything that's happened with Goldie. How are you?" I wasn't about to let George know I was missing her like crazy, how I wanted to hold her in my arms and never let her go. I wanted to tell her everything was ok and that I'd never leave her again. "Goldie? I'm over her. I told you that." "You don't miss her?" "No." "Not even a little bit?" "Not at all." George sniffled and said "I guess it's only me then." I turned around to look at him and he put his paintbrush back into the bucket of paint. "I'm gonna go build the shelving." He walked to the other side of the store and I sighed deeply. "Fuck, I really messed up. I really really messed up."


"Fred? George?" Ginny's voice said. "Ginny!" George said as he rushed over to hug her. I walked down the stairs and said "what're you doing here?" "School's out, duh! I came to see you guys. How's everything going?" She replied. "The shop is going pretty well. How are you? Did you pass your classes?" "Yes, I did. I had a bit of help from Hermione and Goldie but I still passed." George smiled at her and said "that's great." "How is she?" I asked. "Goldie?" I nodded. "A little bit better now. I got her to laugh a couple of weeks ago. I took great pride in that." George chuckled and said "that's good." I noticed how his shoulders slumped and he looked down. "You really did a number on her, Fred." "I can't help that I fell out of love with her. I'm supposed to be with someone that I don't love? You want that for me?" I said to Ginny. Ginny huffed softly and said "no, of course not. But, we all have to lose her now. And that's your fault." "Lose her? What do you mean?" "She's distancing herself. It h-hurts her too much to be anywhere near us. I lost my best friend. And now Ginny's lost hers as well." George sniffled and left the room. Ginny wouldn't dare cry in front of me but I knew she wanted to. "I'm going to go. I have to meet mum at King's Cross." Ginny said as she turned around to leave. "Ginny?" "Yeah?" "Does she still love me?" Ginny turned around to look at me. "Yeah. Yeah she does." She then left the shop and I had a small glimmer of hope. Maybe I could win her back. Would she take me back? If I sat down and explained everything, would she want to be with me again? Probably not. She might still love me but she probably hates my guts. But maybe someday we could fix things?


I needed to get drunk. I needed to forget for just a little. I had gone to a pub and drank and drank and drank. I could barely walk. It also didn't help that a girl had been flirting with me. Her and I ended up back at her place, practically tearing each other's clothes off. But when it was time to get down to it, I had ended up moaning Goldie's name. The girl, who's name I couldn't catch because I was so drunk, kicked me out of her place. I was grateful for it. I apparated back to George and I's flat. He had went to see Angelina and I went up to my bedroom. I sat on the edge of my bed with my head in my hands. It had felt wrong, getting ready to sleep with that girl. It wasn't Goldie. I hated it. I had sobered up a little and wanted to apparate to the burrow and ask Ginny if she knew where Goldie was staying since she graduated. Then I thought about it. She probably wouldn't tell me. And Goldie might not want to see me. Even though she was still in love with me. She shouldn't be. I broke her heart and told her she was a freak. What kind of boyfriend does that? All I wanted was for her to be mine again, but I had fucked that up. Like I always did.

Goldie's POV:
Graduating from Hogwarts was a milestone for me. I was now able to pursue my dream of becoming a healer. Alta suggested that I move in with her and Yelena. I was more than happy to accept. It did break my heart a little when she asked me. Fred. I was supposed to be living with Fred. But fate changed that. We broke up and it might've possibly been for the better. Woody approached me as I stood outside with everyone else, getting ready to leave. "Hey." He said awkwardly. "Hi." I replied. He put his hands in his pockets and said "so, do you have a job at St. Mungo's yet?" "I believe so. I applied a month or two ago." "Well, hopefully I'll be working with you. I applied as well. I think the hospital could use my expertise and stuff." "I hope you get your job, Woody. You were always so kind to me in school." "Well, yeah. That's how people are supposed to be. Kind." I smiled at him and he did the same, giving me a hug. "I wish you the best of luck." He said. "Thank you. You as well." He pulled away and left my side, telling Dillie to follow him. Blaise grabbed my hand and kissed it. I was in shock and he then placed a note in my hand, winking at me. He walked away and I quickly opened the note.

Write me this summer

His address was on the neatly folded note and I put it in my pocket, smiling to myself. "So, Lena and I are gonna look at the flat tomorrow and double check to make sure everything is ok. And we should be moving in sometime this week or next week." Alta said to me. I nodded and said "that's fine. Whenever you're ready."

This chapter is a bit eh but next chapter will be a little bit better!!

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