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Chapter fifty one
Alta's POV:
Yelena, Goldie and I were moving into our brand new flat. Goldie's dad was helping since we needed someone to help with the heavy stuff. Along with my mother. Goldie also had to go to work so she did a lot of stuff early in the morning. "I'm really sorry to leave." "Nonsense, it's fine. We got it." Mom said to her. Goldie nodded and said "thanks, Maisie." She left and my mom sighed. "Poor Goldie. I know she missed that boy dearly." "Yeah, well if I ever get ahold of him he's gonna wish he never dated my daughter in the first place. He claims to have loved her. Ha! You don't love someone and call them a freak. Goldie can't control that. She's explained it to me hundreds of times. Absolutely ridiculous." Grady mumbled as he set a chair down in the living room. "He did love her at one point, Mr. March. I could see it in his eyes. He treated her good. Except for the part when he lied." I said. Grady looked at me and said "exactly. He lied. You don't lie to the one you love. Ever." Maisie patted Grady's shoulder and said "you're right. Those kids loved each other. I believe that Fred broke up with her for a reason. He didn't fall out love with her like he says. There's a bigger reason behind it." Grady looked at her and said "how can you tell?" "I have my ways. I am a witch." She smirked and Grady shook his head at her, going to grab another box of Goldie's things. Yelena set a box of our things down in the bedroom and said "are you sure you want this bedroom? We could alway take the master." "No, let Goldie have the master. She's been through enough. It'll give her a leave of mind. So she can have time alone. And the third bedroom next to hers can be the guest bedroom. Plus, you don't want Goldie to hear everything we'll be up to, do you?" I asked. Yelena smirked at me and said "you're right." I chuckled and said "I know." Grady brought in the kitchen stuff and Maisie kissed his cheek. Yelena furrowed her eyebrows and said "does Goldie know about that?" "I think so. If not I'll tell her." My mom and Grady helped us bring the rest of the stuff in and then left together. Yelena and I unpacked and then Goldie got home a few hours later. "Oh, Goldie, have I told you about my mum and your dad?" I said. Goldie set her bag for me and said "no." "Well, they're together now." Goldie chuckled and said "finally. I feel like they've been crushing on each other for ages." "Yeah, me too. Especially my mum." "Yes, Maisie was really crushing on him."


Yelena had gone off to work and I was unpacking some of the stuff from the house alone. We had only been sleeping here a couple of nights. Goldie would be home in about an hour but I went outside to check the mail. It was a rainy day in Diagon Alley today. I saw a little girl sitting on the curb across the street, crying. I looked around to see if anyone was claiming her but the streets were empty. I opened my umbrella and approached her. "Excuse me." She gasped and looked up at me, her blonde hair drenched from the rain. "Where are your parents?" She sniffled and didn't say anything. "I can help you but you have to talk to me." "They're gone." Her raspy voice said. "Who's gone?" "M-my parents. They abandoned me." I frowned and said "would you like to come with me? I can take care of you." She coughed and said "I need a doctor. I'm sick." "A healer lives with me and she'll be home soon. Come home with me. I'm Alta. What's your name?" I pulled her up to her feet and she said "Zophia." "Zophia, I'll take care of you." The two of us went back to the flat and she shivered when we entered. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her. "I'll grab you some fresh clothes. Stay here." I went into my closet and pulled out some clothes that were too small for me that I wore a few years back. I set them on the kitchen counter. "Change whenever you're ready." Zophia said "I'll change now." She took the clothes and I showed her the bathroom. When she was finished she sat back up on the kitchen counter. "Alta, I'm home." Goldie said as she came in. Zophia gasped and Goldie closed her umbrella as she kicked the door shut. "Oh, who's this?" "Zophia. I found her outside. She says her parents abandoned her. And she said she needs a healer." I said. Goldie walked over and said "I can help you. What exactly is the matter?" Zophia looked up at her fearfully. "I won't hurt you." Zophia gulped and said "I've had this cough for about a week. And my knees are scraped." Goldie half smiled and said "I'll help you." Zophia nodded and Goldie held her wand in her hand. She cleaned Zophia's knees and them bandaged them. She then used a spell to get rid of her coughing and said "anything else?" Zophia reached for the locket hanging around Goldie's neck. Goldie gasped softly as Zophia opened it and looked at it. "Is he your boyfriend?" Zophia asked. Goldie took the locket from her and closed it, putting it in her shirt where no one could see it. "He used to be." Goldie walked away and Zophia frowned. "Did I make her mad?" I shook my head and said "no, you didn't. That was her boyfriend. Fred. They had a really nasty breakup. And Goldie's still sad about it. So, it's not your fault. She misses him very much." "Well, he should come back to her. She's very pretty." I chuckled and said "too bad he won't listen."


Later that night I prepared dinner and Yelena had come home from work. She's a auror and enjoys the job very much. She wasn't happy about the Zophia situation at all. Goldie was currently taking care of her, while Zophia asked her many questions about Fred. "Alta, she can't stay here. She's not ours." Yelena said. I looked at her and said "she has nowhere to go. Nobody was going to help her. Besides, she is a witch. She doesn't seemed shocked about magic or anything. We could put her into Hogwarts this year. She looks to be about ten or eleven." "She's not our child. I won't put a child into Hogwarts that isn't mine. She needs to go." Yelena said as she walked to our bedroom. I frowned and wished Yelena was a bit more open to helping her. "What was he like?" Zophia asked Goldie. Goldie sighed and said "I don't really want to talk about him." "Please, Goldie. Please." Zophia begged. Goldie nodded and said "fine." Zophia giggled and said "so, what was he like?" "Well, Fred was funny and outgoing. Very reckless as times. And he has a twin brother named George who's the complete opposite. Gosh, I'm talking about him like he's dead. He could be really sweet sometimes. When he wanted to show his vulnerable side he did. And it made me fall more in love with him. He always made me happy and would take me in his arms, kissing my cheek. He'd give the best hugs and then...one day it all stopped." Zophia frowned and said "but why?" "Sometimes people fall out of love. He fell out of love with me. I begged and begged for him not to leave me. But he did." I stared at my best friend, wishing he hadn't done that to her. It didn't make sense. They both loved each other so much. Zophia looked at her necklace and said "can I see the locket again?" Goldie bit her lip and said "I don't know." "Oh, come on. It's just a picture. I just wanna see him." Goldie looked at Zophia and gave in. She pulled the locket from inside of her shirt and opened it so Zophia could look at it. "You guys look so happy." "We were." After a few seconds Goldie closed the locket. "I have to go and change into something comfortable since I've been at work all day. I'll be back out in about thirty minutes. It was nice talking to you, Zophia." Goldie left and went into her bedroom.


Yelena wasn't too happy about the whole Zophia situation and the two of us weren't really talking at the moment. Zophia wouldn't approach her because she was scared of Yelena. Her height and brooding personality could scare anyone. "Lena, we can't just get rid of her. She's a child. That needs someone to take care of her. You must understand that." Yelena huffed and said "I understand she's alone. I get it. But that's not our job. She needs to be taken to an orphanage of some sort." I blinked a few times and said "Lena, she's trusted us. She's so sweet. Why don't you get to know her?" "I'm not getting attached to a kid that isn't mine." And with that Yelena left for work, Zophia cowering as she walked out of the door. I sighed and said "I have to go to the store. Can you watch her while I'm gone?" Goldie nodded and said "yeah. I'm not going into work today anyway." "Why's that?" I said. Goldie shook her head and said "I'm not feeling up to it. I'm in a mood today." "The two of you stay here. Ok?"

Goldie's POV:
Alta left the flat and I sighed. Zophia said "do you think he misses you?" I shook my head. "No. I'm sure George does but Fred, I know he doesn't." "Is there any other guy you like right now?" "Well, there is this one guy. He's been really nice to me ever since he heard about mr breakup with Fred. And I think I like him. I'm still hung up on Fred but this other guy, he's not someone I'd usually fall for but we've been writing back and forth this summer." "What's his name?" "Blaise. We went to school together and after Fred and I's breakup, it seems like he was the only one that was there for me." "Maybe you should be with him." Zophia suggested. I shrugged and said "yeah, maybe. I'll definitely think on it." Zophia half smiled and I did the same, wishing I was with Fred. This was my first summer not being with him. It was hard. I missed him dearly but he made the choice to break us up. Not me.

This chapter is kinda sad and boring but here it is

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