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Chapter fifty three
Teen Idle
Goldie's POV:
I was having a particularly bad day today. I couldn't even go into work. I sat in the living room next to the window, sipping on a cup of tea. Yelena was leaving for work and asked me if I was ok. I told her I was and she nodded, leaving me. Zophia had been with us for two weeks now. Yelena still hadn't warmed up to the young girl. I had received a letter from Blaise in the mail and dread filled my heart as I read it.

Dear, Goldie, I know things have been rough for you lately. I know you've gone through a nasty breakup with Fred. You might not be ready to start dating again or be with another person. But, I'd like to ask if I could take you out on a date. It doesn't even have to be a date. We could go out for dinner, or lunch, or breakfast. Whatever makes you happy, honestly. I'd just like to spend some time with you, if you'd let me. It's up to you. Whenever you're ready, write me back. Or if you're not ready, that's ok too.
Blaise Zabini

I shuddered at the letter. I longed to go out and do those things. I wanted to be normal again and go out into the world. But a certain redhead named Fred Weasley had broken my heart and made me believe that love was real. When in reality, it isn't. Love is a facade. I decided I should go out with Blaise. I could have a summer fling and then break it off. Maybe it'd help me get over Fred. I needed to officially let him go. That would be the best decision. "What's wrong, Goldie?" Zophia asked as she sat next to me. I gasped softly and said "you scared me." She half smiled and said "sorry. I just came to see what you were doing." "Reading this letter that Blaise sent me." "Blaise? The boy you like?" "Yeah. He wants me to go on a date with him." "You should go! Goldie, you'd have fun!" I nodded and said "I would." A smile appeared on my lips and then as quickly as it appeared it disappeared. Zophia furrowed her eyebrows and I said "I'm moving on." "Isn't that good?" "Yes. It is. I guess. I don't want to be without Fred but...he doesn't love me anymore. I can't be stuck on someone who doesn't love me. Or who didn't want me. Who thinks I'm a freak. I have to let him go. It's the best thing to do." Zophia shrugged and said "I guess. I don't know much about that stuff." I chuckled and said "I know, Zophia. I don't expect you to fully understand the situation. But, I'm going to take your advice and go on a date with him. I think it'll do me some good." "I just want you to be happy. Like Alta." I half smiled at her and said "thank you." "You're welcome." Yelena stepped in the door and Zophia jumped. "Goldie, you're not at work." She stated. "No, I'm not. I was having a bad day. I won't be having them as much soon. I know I can be annoying when I'm here all the time." I replied. Yelena shook her head and said "Goldie, you're going through a breakup. It's fine. You have to deal with it in your own way." Yelena's eyes went to Zophia and she said "you." "Me?" Zophia said. "Yes, you. Since you're living here now, you need to do some chores. Wash the dishes. Each day I'll give you a task. It'll only be one. One simple task for each day. Alta, Goldie and I work so someone needs to tend to the flat. Think you can do that?" Zophia nodded and Yelena said "good. Get started on the dishes." Zophia looked at me and I said "there's not that many. It won't take you long." She nodded again and went to the kitchen. Yelena left the living room and went to her and Alta's bedroom. I decided I'd write Blaise back, informing him of my decision.

Fred's POV:
George and I were at the burrow visiting today. Mum was very happy to see us and I particularly wasn't in the mood for a happy family gathering. Ron came down the stairs and gave George a hug. Then he turned to me. "Hey, Fred." I was happy to see my little brother and gave him a hug. "Hiya, Ron." He pulled away and said "how're you doing?" "Fine. You?" He shrugged and said "missing Harry a bit but good." "Freddie, how I've missed you!" Mum said as she came over to hug me. I grimaced as she hugged me but hugged her back. "Hi, mum." She pulled away and said "Fred, where's Goldie? I'd thought you'd have brought her?" Ginny, Ron and George's eyes widened. "Mum, let's go make tea." George tried to distract her from the topic. Mum seemed to drop it for now but I knew she'd persist later. She then walked into the kitchen with George. I looked at my younger siblings and they looked at me. "Nobody thought to tell mum about me and Goldie?!" I whisper shouted. "It's not our place, Fred. You're the one who has to face mum's wrath when she find out what you did." Ginny said. Ron shrugged and said "that's none of my business. Which is why I didn't tell her." "Did you even know, you prat?" I said. Ginny punched me in the arm and said "Fred!" "What? How'd he even find out?" "How'd I find out? You wanna know how I found out? Because the whole bloody school was talking about it! Did you not know that? Everyone was talking about you behind your back! Goldie too! They said how sad she looked without her pompous boyfriend by her side! They said how cruel you were for breaking her heart! You were so happy when you broke up with her! Everyone saw it! And you know what? Goldie had to live through it! Day in and day out of everyone whispering as she walked by! I heard she stopped showing up to class. Which isn't a problem for her because she's so smart. So, I knew about you and Goldie's breakup because the whole school did! Everyone knew! Even the first years! So, the next time you wanna call me a prat, think before you speak. I'm not stupid, Fred. And I can't believe you, of all people, would say that to me." I stared at Ron in shock. At this point, mum had walked back into the room since Ron had started yelling. "Frederick Gideon Weasley, what did you do?" Mum said. I turned around to look at her and I said "I broke up with her." "Why?" "Because I didn't love her anymore. I fell out of love with her. So I broke it off. And I told her she was a freak." George went to open his mouth and I said "and don't you dare say anything. She's not a child. She'll find someone else to love." George shook his head and said "Fred, you told me-" "What? What did I tell you?" He didn't say anything. He looked down at the ground and put his hands in his pockets. "So, what you said the other day then...that was all a lie? Or were you just feeling sorry for yourself?" He asked. I went to answer him and mum grabbed me by my ear, dragging me into the dining room. "Ow, mum! Stop!" She slung me into a chair and said "HOW DARE YOU BREAK THAT GIRL'S HEART?! I DID NOT RAISE YOU THAT WAY! WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!" "Before George and I left school." "YOU'VE BEEN BROKEN UP THIS LONG?! AND DIDN'T TELL ME?! I AM SO ANGRY WITH YOU! GOLDIE DID NOT DESERVE WHAT YOU DID TO HER! THAT IS AN AWFUL THING TO DO!" "I know! I know, ok?!" I screamed. Mum went to yell at me again and I said "listen! You want to know why?!" I casted the silencing spell and started. "Goldie was going to give everything up for me. Her career. She's wanted to be a healer ever since she was young. And when I told her, George and I were dropping out, she wanted to go with us. Goldie wouldn't of listened to me if I told her to stay back. So, I did the only thing I could think of, I broke it off. I lost everything, mum. When I did that, I lost the most important thing to me. And I can't get her back. I can't. She's already moving on and going to be with this guy from school. There's nothing I can do about that. But...but..." I hadn't even realized I had started crying until I couldn't speak anymore. "So, go ahead and rip into me. Tell me how stupid I am. Tell me how horrible I must be. I know all of those things already. I am completely worthless. I was never going to be enough for her. I wasn't good enough for her. She deserves better. Goldie deserves the world. I wish I could give it to her. I wish I could give her everything she wanted on a silver platter. But, I can't. I can't even function anymore. All I do is think about her, day in and day out. I've lost my will to live. I don't have anything to live for." Mum's face softened and she went to open her mouth. "Don't. I don't think I can handle any more." I then left the dining room, pushing the door open. "Fred." Mum said. As I stepped into the living room, Ron and Ginny's eyes were on me. George looked up at me and I said "to answer your question, I was telling the truth." George didn't say anything and mum came out of the dining room. "Freddie, come here." I shook my head and walked outside. Then I apparated. I landed somewhere I was unfamiliar with. I had no idea where I was. I was in the middle of nowhere. Tears were streaming down my face and I fell onto the grass underneath me. As my back hit the ground, the wind was knocked out of me. I gasped for air and rolled onto my side. I laid in a fetal position, crying my eyes out. I didn't know how I'd be able to go back and face my mother. I just wanted her back. I just wanted Goldie back. "Goldie, I'm so sorry." Then I thought of an idea. I could just obliviate the memories away. I wouldn't hurt anymore. I sat up and held my wand in front of me, trying to decide if I should do it. I stared at the necklace on my wrist and realized I didn't want to forget her. As much as it hurt to be without her, I'd rather have the memories then not know she and I had been together. I dropped my wand to the ground and fell back onto my side, wanting everything to stop.


When I apparated back to the burrow, my mum rushed outside. "Freddie! Don't ever do that again!" She hugged me and I stood stiff in her arms. George came outside and said "Fred, I'll help you get her back." I shook my head and said "no. It's no use. I don't want to talk about her. I want you all to stop. It's over. There's nothing I can do. Just, please, for me, stop talking about her. I need to get over her. And the only way I'm going to do that, is if we all forget about it. Act like she doesn't even exist. I'm begging you." Mum stared up at me teary eyed and George nodded. "If that's what you want." "That's what I want, Georgie." "Ok, Freddie."

This shit hurt to write I don't know why I keep doing this to myself

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