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Chapter fifty four
New bond
Alta's POV:
Goldie was slowly becoming herself again and that made me so happy. All I wanted was for her to be happy. And her and Blaise were having lots of fun together. As I finished the laundry, I handed Zophia a stack of clothes and told her to give them to Yelena. Zophia approached Yelena hesitantly and handed her the stack of clothes. "Thank you, Zophia." She said. Zophia half smiled and nodded. She'd been with us a month and a half. My mother was able to get all of her information and adoption papers. Yelena and I had been arguing about what to do with her. I had told Yelena that I was going to adopt Zophia and that if she didn't want her around, she needed to leave me. I loved Yelena but Zophia needed a home and a place to stay. I wanted to send her to Hogwarts and do the whole shebang. In order to do that I needed to adopt her. My mom would be coming by with the papers for me to do so. Zophia had been with us about a month and a half now. She had grown accustomed to Goldie and I. Yelena was a harder shell to crack. "Yelena?" Zophia asked. Yelena looked at her and said "yeah?" "Did you need anything else?" "No. And you don't have to do anymore chores today." "Really?" "Yeah." Zophia smiled at her and said "thank you." "You're welcome." Zophia walked away from her and went into her bedroom. I checked the post that had been delivered and saw a letter addressed to Goldie. I saw the return address and sighed. "Great." I mumbled. "What's up?" Yelena said as she walked over. "George sent Goldie a letter." Yelena looked down at it and said "oh. Is that bad?" "Not really. I just don't want her to start getting upset again. She's finally getting over Fred. I hate to say that but I just don't want her upset anymore. It hurts me to see her that way." Yelena bit her lip and said "do you think it's something good?" "Coming from George? Yeah. He's always been worried about Goldie's well-being. I'm sure it's fine. I'll let Goldie read it. I don't want to pry into her business." I replied. Yelena nodded and I set the letter down on the dining room table.


My mum had brought the adoption papers over and I started going over them. Yelena sat next to me as I read them over. "So, it's just you adopting her, right?" Mum asked. I nodded and said "yeah." "I wanna do it too." Yelena said quickly. Zophia looked up at her and I said "what?" "I want to adopt her too. Are we able to?" She said. "Yes. The both of you can adopt her. You're together so that's all that matters." Mum said. Yelena nodded and took the quill from me, signing her name. "Zophia Reitsch." I said as I read the little girl's name. "It's German. My parents and I are German." Yelena quirked an eyebrow and said "really?" "Yeah." Yelena and I began filling in the correct fields, our names, our occupations, our address. I handed mum the papers and she said "the two of you are now the parents of Zophia." Zophia smiled really big and hugged me and then hesitated when she went to hug Yelena. "You can hug me." Zophia's eyes lit up and she said "really?" She nodded and Zophia hugged Yelena. Yelena held her and said "I'm sorry I wasn't nice to you when you first came. I don't really know how to be around kids. But, I'm going to learn as I go and make sure you don't need for anything." Zophia relaxed in her arms and said "thank you, Yelena." "Call me Lena." Zophia smiled and nuzzled her face into Yelena's shoulder. My heart swelled at the two of them. All I wanted was for the two of them to be happy with one another. And it was finally happening.

Goldie's POV:
I kissed Blaise goodnight as I walked in the door. Alta was cooking dinner and she walked over to me. "You have some mail." I took the envelope from her and saw the return address. My heart dropped. "I'm going to read this in my room." I went into my bedroom and closed the door. I stared at the envelope in my hands, seeing George Weasley's handwriting scribbled across it. I opened the envelope and pulled the letter out.

Dear, Goldie, I know it's been some time since we spoke. And I'm sure you're probably wondering how I got your address. I got it from Ginny. I hope that's ok. I just wanted to write you. I really really hope you're doing ok. And the main reason I wrote this letter was to ask you something. The grand opening of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes is next week on Friday. It'd mean a lot to me if you came. You don't have to. But, I really want you to. You can bring Alta and Yelena. You can bring whoever you want. I would just like you to be there. I also hate how we left things. I'd like to make it up to you. Whether it be doing you a favor or just giving you some company. I miss you. You're my best friend. If I don't see you on Friday, I hope you're doing well and hope to see you another time.
Sincerely, George Weasley.

I trembled as I held the letter in my hands. "Oh, Georgie, I miss you too." I had to make a decision. Should I go to their shop? Or should I stay home that night? It was a mighty big decision I'd have to make. I'd most likely run into Fred and have to be cordial with him. I wasn't sure if I could do it. I walked back into the living room and Alta said "what'd George say?" "He wants us to come to the grand opening of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes." I replied. Yelena quirked an eyebrow and said "really?" I nodded. "What's Weasley's Wizard Wheezes?" Zophia asked. "It's Fred and George's joke shop." I said. "Fred? As in your boyfriend?" "Yes. I'm not sure if I should go. George wants me to go but I don't know if I can handle seeing Fred." "I think it would help with some closure. And it could help with the whole situation." Alta said. I bit my lip and said "I guess so. I'm not sure how Blaise is going to take it." "You're there for George. That's it." Yelena said. "Yeah. You're right. It's next Friday. Is that ok with everyone?" Zophia nodded and said "I'm excited!" "I'm sure you are." Alta said to her. I smiled even though I was going to be stressing out about it all week.

Here's the update!! I know my angst isn't that good and these chapters probably seem lame or strung out but I planned this book out and how I want to write it so bear with me. I hope you're all excited for half blood prince to start! Next chapter will be the first chapter into half blood prince so I hope you're all enjoying the story so far!!

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