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Chapter fifty five
Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
Goldie's POV:
As the week went by I was unbelievably nervous to go to the joke shop. I decided to wear a dress that went to my knees with small heels. I wanted to look nice and presentable. Blaise was wearing a black suit and he did his tie in the mirror. Zophia was bouncing with excitement while I was dreading setting foot in the shop. Yelena, Alta, Zophia, Blaise and I started to walk to the joke shop. Diagon Alley had changed and death eaters were doing everything they could to make the wizarding world a dangerous place. When I saw the bright orange shop, my stomach sank and my nerves went through the roof. Yelena and Alta went in first, Zophia with them. Blaise offered me his arm and we walked into the shop. People were everywhere inside. Lots of people I knew were here, my mind was blown at how many people were inside the shop. "How much is this?" Ron's voice asked. "Five galleons." The twins replied in unison. I looked up onto the staircase to see Fred and George looking down at Ron. "How much for me?" "Five galleons." "But I'm your brother." "Ten galleons!" I giggled softly at them as they started to walk up the stairs. I noticed Lavender Brown staring at Ron who rolled his eyes at his brothers. Ginny and Hermione were standing at the love potion section. At least I figured they were love potions. Ginny looked over at me and rushed over, pulling me into a bone crushing hug. "Goldie, I missed you!" She said. I hugged her back and said "I missed you too, Ginny." She pulled away and said "you look so pretty." "Thank you." I blushed. Blaise nodded and said "she does, doesn't she?" Ginny went to say a snarky remark and I stopped her. "Blaise and I are together now." Ginny's lips formed an 'o' shape. "Never thought you'd two end up together." Blaise quirked an eyebrow and said "stranger things have happened." Ginny nodded and said "right." "Goldie? Is that you?" George's voice said. I turned around to see him standing a few feet from me. I smiled really big and approached him. George gave me a big hug and said "oh, Dee Dee." I nuzzled my face into his chest and said "hi, Georgie." "I'm really glad you came!" He said excitedly as he pulled away. "Me too." Blaise now stood next to me and George said "Blaise." "Like your shop, Weasley." "Thanks." "We're together now." I informed George. "Oh. That's nice." I half smiled and my heart started to beat out of my chest when Fred's voice entered the air. "George, have you-" He stopped when he made eye contact with me. I gulped as I stared at him. He looked as handsome as ever and his lips parted. "What'd you say, Fred?" "I was going to ask if you'd seen Ginny." "She's over there." Fred nodded and left the area. I was slightly hoping I'd get a chance to talk to him but just that interaction alone made me nervous and wanted to run into his arms. "If you need help with anything, let me know." George said as he left my side. Blaise had left my side as well to look around. I walked around the shop, in awe at everything inside. I then ran into someone. "I'm so sorry." I said. I felt the person's hand on my waist, holding me up. "No problem." Fred's voice said. I looked up at him and he immediately removed his hand from my waist. I gasped softly and said "hi, Freddie." "Hiya, Dee Dee." I looked up at the fireworks and said "this place is amazing." "Yeah. It is." I looked back at him and said "uhm, how are you?" "I've been good." "Who's the lucky lady?" "Pardon?" "Who's the lucky lady who gets to go home with you? Who gets to celebrate this night with you?" Fred chuckled and said "oh, erm, no one. I don't have a girlfriend." I furrowed my eyebrows and said "surely, there must be someone you fancy." Fred shook his head and said "no. Not at the moment. I've been quite busy with the shop. Haven't had time. What about you?" "I'm with Blaise now." "Oh." Fred replied dejectedly. His tone confused me. Wasn't he happy he was rid of me? He looked down at the ground and said "how long have you guys been together?" "A month." "How's that been?" "Nice. I guess." Fred looked up and said "I guess? Is he being an arsehole?" I shook my head and said "no. I'm taking it slow. Took me a while to get over you." "Sorry about that. And I'm sorry for calling you a freak. You're not a freak. Any guy would be lucky to have you. You're amazing. I never hated it by the way." "What?" "The mind reading. I said that to get a rise out of you. I was angry. Shouldn't of said it. I always thought you were a badass. I had a superhero for a girlfriend." I half smiled and said "that wasn't enough to make you stay in love with me, huh?" "I guess not. Sorry." "What did I do? Could you just tell me what I did? It would help me have some closure." Fred went to open his mouth and his eyes went to my chest. I remembered I was wearing a dress that has slight cleavage. I rolled my eyes and said "hey, my eyes are up here." Fred looked at me and then my chest again. "The necklace I got you." Shit. I was hoping he wouldn't see that I was still hopelessly in love with him. "What about it?" "Why're you wearing it if you're with Blaise now?" "Wearing what?" Blaise said as he walked up. Blaise didn't know about the necklace. He just thought it was a plain old necklace I wore. "Her necklace. I got that for her." Blaise looked at me and said "he got that for you? Why are you wearing that? You're with me. Not him." "I know, Blaise. It just looked good with my outfit." Blaise didn't seem convinced and he went to say something but Pansy got his attention. He slithered his way over to her and I was grateful. I noticed the bracelet peeking out of Fred's sleeve and said "you still wear the bracelet I bought you?" Fred looked down at it and said "it's stylish. Has no meaning to it anymore." I frowned and said "oh, right. Can you point me to the bathroom?" Fred pointed across the shop and I hurried my way through the crowd. I rushed inside and into a stall. Tears fell from my eyes and the pain started all over again. I cried softly, wishing I hadn't come. I knew for sure my makeup would be ruined and I just wanted to go home. I went to the mirror and fixed myself up best I could. When I came out of the bathroom, Blaise was nowhere to be seen. I rolled my eyes and said "jerk." "Goldie, I thought you'd left." George said. I looked up at him and he was grinning from ear to ear. He then noticed I had been crying and his face softened. "What happened?" He said. "Nothing. Just me still being in love with Fred. I shouldn't of come. All I did was make him angry." I quickly said. George shook his head and said "no. No, you didn't. I'm so happy you came. And I'm sorry about Fred. He can be a git sometimes. But, I care about you. I always have." He cupped my cheek and I stared up at him. "George, I really missed you." George kissed my forehead and said "I missed you too." Fred walked over and said "George, can you go upstairs and deal with the extendable ears?" George nodded and left my side. I went to walk away and Fred grabbed my wrist. "Goldie." I turned around to look at him. "Could we go out to lunch one day?" "Why do you want to have lunch with me?" I asked. I looked down at my wrist and Fred let go of me. "I just thought we could go and try to be friends. For the sake of George and Ginny." "I'd have to think about it." "Right." The two of us were quiet for a minute and Fred broke the silence. "I have some of your clothes. Did you want them back?" "Which clothes?" I said. "Some sleep shorts and those little tank tops you'd wear to bed. The ones that were practically see through and you looked so pretty in." I blushed and said "oh. Those. I was wondering that happened to them." "I guess since they were with my clothes, I just packed them up with my stuff. You can have them back." "Sure." I shrugged. "I'll go grab them. Erm, stay here. Don't leave." I nodded and he rushed off. I leaned against the wall and in a minute or two Fred came back downstairs. "Here you are." As he handed the clothes to me I could smell his scent radiating off of them. I missed this boy so much. "Is there anything you want back from me? Any of your sweaters?" Fred shrugged and said "keep them. I have so many." I nodded and said "ok." He smiled at me, the first genuine smile I'd seen all night. His smile made my heart flutter and I knew I was going to do something stupid if I didn't leave. "Well, I think I'm going to go." "Already?" "Yeah. This has been enough fun for one night." "Oh, well, I do hope you'll come back around. Maybe I could sell you some products next time you're in?" He wiggled his eyebrows and I giggled, regretting that I had done so. Fred smiled again and said "it was really nice to see you, Goldie." "You too, Fred." Zophia ran up to me and said "Goldie, I've been looking everywhere for you!" "Have you now?" She nodded and then noticed Fred. She gasped. "Is this Fred?" "Yes. It is." Fred quirked an eyebrow and said "and who are you?" "I'm Zophia. Alta and Yelena adopted me. We all live in a flat together." Fred nodded and said "very nice. I'm Fred." He offered her his hand and she shook it, giggling as he kissed her hand. George walked over and said "ah, who's this?" "I'm Zophia. Alta and Yelena adopted me." George smiled and said "awe, hi, Zophia. I'm George." She smiled really big and said "hi, George." "Why don't I get you some stuff to take home with you?" George said as he guided Zophia away. "Uhm, Goldie?" Fred said. I looked at him and said "yes, Fred?" "Could I have a hug?" "A hug?" "Yeah." He blushed a bit and I nodded. "Sure." He gave me a hug and I felt him squeeze me. I took in his scent and sighed softly, missing the feeling of his arms around me. As he pulled away I said "I'm going to get going." "Well, it was really nice to see you again." Fred said. I smiled and said "you too." I left the joke shop and began walking back to the flat. "Goldie, wait up!" Blaise said as he ran up to me. The two of us walked back to the flat hand in hand. Seeing Fred tonight had brought me closure but made me miss him even more. Blaise sat down on my bed as we entered my bedroom. "If Fred got you that necklace, why do you wear it?" He said. I shrugged and said "it looked good with my dress. It doesn't really mean anything to me." "Take it off then." I turned around to look at him. There was no way I was going to take it off. I hadn't taken it off since Fred gave it to me. "Why do I need to take it off?" I asked. Blaise stood up and walked over to me. He was tall but not as tall as Fred. "I don't want you wearing something he gave you. You're not his anymore. You're mine." He went to grab it and I backed away. "Don't." "Goldie, take it off." I shook my head and said "Blaise, just go." "I'm not leaving here until you take off the necklace. You can't wear something you're ex boyfriend got you! I forbid it!" Blaise was right in a way. I shouldn't be wearing the necklace. It made me happy though and he didn't have a problem with it before. I went to respond to Blaise when he grabbed the necklace from me. He pulled it from around my neck and I gasped. He opened the locket and said "wow. I can't believe you." I snatched the necklace from him and said "get out." Blaise scoffed. "I said get out! Get out now!" I pushed him and he stormed out of my room. I heard the door to the flat slam and I looked down at the necklace. The chain was now broken and I slid the locket off the chain. I held the locket in my hand and tears filled my eyes. I slid down the wall and started to cry. "Goldie?" Zophia's small voice asked. I looked up at her and wiped my face. "Hi, Zophia." "What's wrong?" I shook my head and said "nothing. I'm ok." Zophia sat down in front of me and noticed the chain on the floor. "What happened to Freddie's necklace?" My lips parted and she said "am I allowed to call him Freddie? You do. I thought it was ok." "You can. If you'd like. I'm sure he'd like it. If he got to know you." "He told me to give this to you." Zophia held a rose in her hand and I smiled. I took the rose from her and said "he gave this to you?" "Uh huh. He told me that you liked roses." "I do." She noticed the locket in my hand and said "what happened to the necklace?" I sighed and said "Blaise broke it." Zophia gasped and said "that's horrible. Can you fix it?" I nodded and said "I'm sure there's a spell I could use to fix it. Probably." "You'll find a way." Alta said. I half smiled up at her and opened the locket, looking at Fred and I. "He looked so happy tonight." I said aloud, not thinking. "He did. He seemed happier once he saw you." I looked at Alta and said "you think so?" She nodded and Zophia said "he couldn't stop staring at you!" I blushed and said "I highly doubt that."

Fred's POV:
Goldie had looked absolutely breathtaking tonight. I was a bit upset with myself for not confessing my love to her. I should have told her. I couldn't take my eyes off of her the whole time she was in the shop. The more I thought about her, the harder I got in my pants. I was so thankful we had closed. I quickly went to my bedroom and tugged my pants down. I started to jerk off, my hand moving quickly. I groaned softly as I thought about Goldie. I remembered her nails, she had gotten them done. They were long and pink. I wanted them to scratch at my skin as I fucked her in George and I's flat. I'd rather be fucking her than my own hand. I threw my head back as I moved my hand faster. I was desperate for a release, desperate to cum. I didn't want anyone else but her. I remembered her moans and the way she'd cling to me as I made her cum. "Fuck." I moaned as I spurted into my hand, panting. As the thought of her laying next to me, breathing heavily with my cum on her thighs creeped into my mind, I felt myself start to get hard again. I used my wand to clean my hand and I quickly grabbed my things and headed for the shower, going to bring myself to cum a second time.

Goldie's POV:
I felt my thighs begin to cramp up as I grinded against the pillow in between my legs. I gasped as my clit dragged against the soft fabric, picturing Fred's denim cladded thigh. I pinched my nipples, pretending it was his hands. "Oh, Freddie." I whimpered. I wished I could have him. I craved him. I hadn't done anything remotely sexual with anyone since him and I broke up. I wasn't ready to do that stuff with Blaise as much as I wanted to. Even though I was perfectly capable of bringing myself to have an orgasm, it took longer for me to do now. And when Fred made me cum, the orgasms always felt better and were more powerful. I grinded harder onto the pillow, placing my hands on it to brace myself. The rope inside of me was so tight and my clit began to throb. "Freddie, oh, Fred, I need to cum. Please. Please let me cum." And it was as if he heard my pleas, the rope inside me snapped. I gasped and moved my hips furiously against the pillow. "Fred! Oh, god. Yes! Yes!" I panted and my legs shook. I laid on my stomach, not removing the pillow from in between my legs. As I caught my breath, I started to think. Here I was dating Blaise, yet I was getting myself off to the thought of my ex boyfriend. I couldn't help that I still loved him. I pulled the pillow out from between m legs. I sighed as I hadn't had an orgasm in months. I hadn't been in the mood. But, seeing Fred, that awoke everything inside my body. I craved everything about him. Above all, I really wanted to be held by him again, to sleep next to him. To kiss his lips and give him hugs before he goes off to work. It wouldn't happen, of course. Because it was over.

Yes, Fred and Goldie will be getting back together but you just have to be patient. Also I'm aware my angst isn't that good but I did try sooo yeah. Sorry for the horrible angst in the last couple of chapters. It hurt me to write but I'm sure reading it isn't that good lmao

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