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Chapter fifty six
Lunch date
Fred's POV:
It'd been about a week since George and I had opened the shop. Goldie had agreed to go to lunch with me today. I decided I'd pick her up from her flat. Zophia opened the door as I knocked. I took a look at the place and it was cute. "Goldie, Fred's here!" "Just a minute!" I sat down on the couch and Zophia said "she'll be out in a minute." I nodded and said "I heard." Zophia sat down next to me and said "you still like Goldie right?" I shrugged and said "yeah." "How much do you like her?" "Erm, not sure if I should tell you." "And why's that?" "You might go and tell Goldie." "No I wouldn't. It'd be a secret between me and you. Goldie doesn't need to know." I sighed and Zophia awaited my answer. "I dunno. A lot?" "A lot?" "Yeah." "Ask her out then." "I can't! She's with Blaise now. And we can't be talking about this." Zophia rolled her eyes and said "first of all, she's not going to hear any of this. And second, don't let Blaise stop you from telling her how you feel. You never know. She might feel the same way." "Liar." I retorted. "If you don't tell her you'll never know." She replied in a sing songy voice. Goldie then came down the hall and said "sorry. I had to fix my hair." Her hair was pulled up high in a ponytail and she smoothed out her dress. I pulled my lip in between my bottom teeth as I looked her up and down. "Ready?" She said. I quickly regained myself and said "yeah. I'm ready." "Good." Zophia winked at me as I stood up, following Goldie out the door. "I know this little Italian place. Wanna go?" I said. "Sure." Goldie said as I closed the door behind us. The two of us walked down the street in Diagon Alley, Goldie noticed Ollivander's shop and said "that's so sad." "Yeah. Everyone got their wands from him. Not you, I suppose. Right?" Goldie shook her head and said "no, I didn't get mine from him. But I'd heard nice things about him since I had come here. I hope he's ok." I half smiled and said "me too." When we reached the restaurant, we were seated and then our waitress came over. "Hello, my name is Simone and I'll be your waitress for the afternoon." I looked up at her and she noticed Goldie and I. "Goldie, hi!" She said. Goldie looked at her and said "hi, Simone! How are you?" "I'm great! Did you and Fred patch things up?" Goldie grimaced and I watched her eyes fall. "No, unfortunately. We're deciding to be friends. We were best friends before we got together. And we sort've missed each other. So we're trying this friend thing out again." Simone nodded and said "oh. And how are you, Fred? I've heard about your shop." "I'm well, thank you. The shop is going great." "That's awesome! Now, what can I get you two to drink?" "Water is fine." Goldie said. I nodded and said "I'll have the same." "Got it. And did you guys need a minute to look at the menu?" "Uhm....I'll have the spaghetti." My lips curled up into a smile when Goldie said that. "I'll have the lasagna." Simone nodded and said "I'll be back with your drinks." She left us and I said "spaghetti?" "Yes. I really enjoy it." "I know. You always make my mum cook it when you're over." "Oh, I miss Molly. How is she?" "Good. Mum's good. She, uh, was upset with me about the breakup. She scolded me for it." Goldie furrowed her eyebrows and said "why would she do that?" "Well, when I told her the reason, she took it out on me." "Oh." "Is it true?" Goldie's eyes slightly went wide and she said "is what true?" "Did everyone talk about our breakup? At school? Ron said something about a month ago and said that everyone knew about it. Is that true?" I asked. Simone set our waters down and then walked away again. Goldie grabbed a straw on the table and stuck it in the glass. "Yes, it's true. Everyone would whisper when I walked down the halls. People would stare at me. And when they looked at you, they'd see how happy you were without me. I had little first years coming up to me and trying to cheer me up. It was awful." I clicked my tongue and out of habit grabbed her hand. "I'm so sorry." Goldie looked at our hands and I ran my thumb over the back of her hand. "I'm so sorry, Dee Dee. I'm sorry I caused you so much pain." "It's fine, Fred. It's in the past." Her eyes were still on our hands and Simone walked over with our food. I let go of Goldie's hand and Simone said "enjoy." "So, how was the move into your flat?" Goldie changed the subject. "It went well. There's even a third bedroom. Maybe, you could stay over one time." Goldie shrugged and said "maybe. I'm not sure if I'd be able to." "Why's that?" "It took me a long time to be able to sleep without you. And being so close to you, and not being able to...it would hurt. It took me a long time to do a lot of things without you, actually. I never thought I'd be alone." "Don't you have Blaise?" Goldie sipped on her water and said "ugh, no. He's not very affectionate. Well, he is but nothing like you were. And we had a argument the night I came to the shop." "About?" "The necklace you gave me. When he found out you had given it to me, he didn't want me to wear it. And when he saw it was a locket, a picture of you and I inside, well, he didn't take it very well." I noticed the necklace wasn't around her neck and I said "where is it?" She shook her head and I said "what happened to it?" "He broke it. He broke it off the chain. I have to come up with a spell to fix it." I immediately became angry at the fact he had broken her necklace. "I might be able to fix it." I suggested. Goldie shook her head and said "no, I don't need you to do that. And that'd be weird, wouldn't it? Fixing your ex girlfriend's necklace which happens to have a picture of the two of you inside of it." "Goldie, he can't break your things. He can't just do that. Even though, we're not together anymore, I know the necklace means a lot to you. I want you to be happy." "But, I'm not happy! I have to put on this lie every single day! I have to walk around and act like I'm fine. When I'm not. I'm still in love with you and haven't shaken it. I don't even know why I came out to lunch with you today, it's too weird. Especially when you slightly hate my guts." Goldie made a face as if she realized everything she had said. "I have to go." She said very quickly. She stood up, almost knocking her chair over. "Goldie, wait." I grabbed her wrist and she said "let go. Please." "I don't hate you. I've never hated you. Ever. I shouldn't of said the things I did. I regret it. Believe it or not, I regret everything. We should be together." Goldie's breath quivered and she said "it's too late for that. You've moved on. And...I need to do the same." "Goldie, we don't have to do this. Please. I know I've been coming off as an arsehole. I know that. I need to do better. I just want you back." "You don't love me, Fred. I don't know how long I can be around you. You fell out of love with me. Those were your words. Not mine." "Hang on, where'd you hear that?" Goldie ripped my hand from her wrist and left the restaurant. I paid for the food and quickly left, going outside. Goldie was nowhere to be seen. I headed back to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and George said "how'd it go?" "Did you tell Goldie I fell out of love with her?" "Yeah. That's what you told me when it first happened. I didn't know the truth until a month ago. You have to tell her." "She won't listen to me. And she told me she isn't happy, that she has to put on a fake smile every day because of me. And that...she's still in love with me." George looked at me and said "that's great! Just tell her how you feel! She'll listen to you! I know she will!" I shook my head and said "no. I'm not good enough for her. I'll never be enough for her." George furrowed his eyebrows and said "Fred, she loves you. She was willing to drop of out school for you. You didn't let her. That proves that you're the one for her. Go get her back." I put my hands in my pockets and said "I dunno. I'm afraid I'll mess it up." "You can't mess it up any more than you already have. Tell her the truth." I sighed and said "I will. Just not today."

Goldie's POV:
I wiped my face and Zophia said "Goldie, are you ok?" I shook my head and said "I will be in a few minutes. I need to go to my room. Will you be ok in here by yourself for a bit?" Zophia nodded and I went to my room. I cried into my pillow, wishing so badly that Fred and I were together. I decided I needed a bath. Even though it was late afternoon, I needed to destress. When I was finished with my bath, I walked back into my bedroom, seeing a piece of paper on the floor. I picked it up and furrowed my eyebrows.

I'm coming over at 5:30. I need to talk to you.
- Fred

I checked the time and saw it was very close to 5:30. I gulped and wondered how he had gotten this note to me. I made sure I was dressed and left my bedroom. "Zophia." I called. She was nowhere to be seen. Alta and Yelena had gone out for the day and I heard a knock at the door. I looked to the door and realized it had to be Fred. With a shaky hand I opened the door and invited him inside. "Hi." He said softly. "Hi." I replied in the same tone. I led him to my bedroom so we could speak freely. He looked around the room and said "this is cute." I shrugged. He closed the bedroom door behind us and I said "what'd you want to talk about?" "Well, I came to meet you because I have to tell you something. I want you to hear me out. If I don't do this, I'll probably go insane." I furrowed my eyebrows at him and Fred said "Goldie, I'm in love with you." I gasped softly and my lips parted. Fred put his hands in his pockets and then said "before you say anything, let me explain myself. Please. I broke up with you because you were going to give up you're whole life for me. Your healing career. I couldn't let you do that. I couldn't let you give all that up for me. I'm not good enough for you, Goldie. I'll never be enough for you. I said those things to you because I didn't want you to come with me. I know how stubborn you are. I couldn't just tell you no. I needed to hurt you so, you could have a career. I couldn't give you much to begin with. But, now I can provide for us both. You can have anything you want. I can make sure you never need again. I love you, Goldie. You're not a freak. You're the most beautiful girl in the world. I can't imagine myself with anyone else. Please, I'm begging you, take me back. I can't deal with the pain anymore, Goldie. Please." I stared at Fred in shock, processing everything he had told me. "Fred, I...." He searched my face for an answer and I went to say something but he approached me. He grabbed me by my hips and pushed me against the wall roughly. "Ow, Fred! That-" He pressed his lips onto mine, kissing me hungrily. I moaned into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his waist. He pulled away and said "sorry, I just needed to kiss you." "It's ok." I replied softly. He leaned in once again. Fred's hands roamed my body and I started kissing his neck. "Fuck." He groaned. I took a step closer to him so I could kiss his neck up and down. Fred pushed me back up against the wall again, kissing my jaw and cheek. His hand went to my thigh and started going up my dress. His long fingers came in contact with my panties, rubbing my crotch. "Ah, Freddie!" I said as I leaned my head against the wall. His hand moved fast against my crotch and I gripped a handful of his suit jacket. I panted and the pleasure felt amazing but I couldn't reach my high. Fred seemed to notice and he furrowed his eyebrows. "Erm, I expected this to be more pleasurable for you." He stopped moving his hand and I said "it is. It feels amazing. But, I've been having trouble. It's been really hard to cum since I haven't had you. Rubbing it just doesn't do the trick. I'm sure if you did it long enough, I would. But I can't do it myself." "So, you're telling me, you and Blaise never..." I shook my head. "Wow. So, basically I'm the only one you've ever had?" "You're the only one I've wanted." Fred smirked a bit and said "well, I'm honored." I pushed him playfully and said "what about you? I'm sure you couldn't keep it in your pants." Fred shook his head. "No. I haven't slept with anyone. I tried one time. I was so drunk and just wanted the pain to stop. I was also incredibly horny. We go back to her place and almost do it. But, I moaned your name instead of hers." "Fred." I said while trying not to laugh. "And I didn't even know her name. That's how drunk I was. And I was so stuck on you, I moaned your name and she kicked me out. Threw me out of her flat. I had to walk home which sobered me up and then I had to use my hand. But, no. No girl has had me." I cupped his cheek and said "that blows my mind." "Does it really?" I nodded. "Why?" He asked. "I figured you would've used someone to forget about me. Started dating a girl or even Lulu for that matter. Someone just to ease the pain and give you sex." I let go of his cheek and looked down as I thought about him being with someone else. Fred clicked his tongue and said "Dee Dee, all I wanted was you. I didn't want anyone else. I couldn't even imagine having sex with someone else." I looked up at him and he used his wand to lock the door, shoving it in his pocket when he was done. He started to kiss my neck up and down again. "You have to cast the silencing charm. Zophia's here." I said as he kissed my jaw. Fred reached down to his pocket and tried to get his wand but was too busy kissing me. I reached down and felt how hard he was through his jeans. Fred hissed and I said "you're so hard." "Goldie, please. I need you. Godric, I need you so fucking bad." I pulled his wand out of his pocket and casted the silencing charm. Fred pulled me to my bed and pushed me down onto it gently. He pushed my dress up and tugged at my panties, pulling them off my legs. His fingers rubbed up against my slit and he said "you're so wet for me. M'gonna make you feel good, darling." He pulled me to the edge of the bed and I felt his tongue lick up my slit. I gasped and my hands immediately flew to his hair. I tugged on his hair as he lapped at my clit, sucking on it. I threw my head back and egged him on by moaning his name. His grip on my thighs would definitely leave bruises. I grinded against his face and he held my hips down. I pulled on his hair, trying my best to grind on his face, more preferably his nose. Fred then stopped. I panted and said "why'd you stop?" He started discarding his clothing and said "you're gotta sit on my face." He patted my thigh and I sat up. "Fred, are you sure? What if I.." "Grind on my face? I'm a big boy. I can handle it." Those words went straight to my core and I stood up, unzipping my dress. I unclasped my bra and Fred laid down on my bed, gesturing for me to come over to where he sat. My thighs were on either side of his head and I could feel Fred's breath fanning against me. "Ready, darling?" "Yeah." Fred grabbed ahold of my thighs and started lapping at me once again. A gasp left my lips and I gripped onto the headboard. His tongue went in and out of me at a fast speed. Instinctively I began to move my hips, grinding down on his face. I made contact with his nose and grinded down harder. Slurping nosies came from Fred as he sucked on my clit. "Fred, don't stop. Oh god, don't stop. I'm almost there." The way I ground onto his nose and his tongue was enough for me to start breaking at the seams. I started to come undone, gripping the headboard for dear life. Fred's name slipped from my lips as I came. Fred pressed kisses to my clit and I jolted from being sensitive. Fred got out from under me, helping me lay on my back. "You ok, darling?" I nodded and noticed my arousal all over his face. I grabbed a tissue from my nightstand and sat up slowly, wiping his nose. I looked down at his dick, which was leaking with pre cum. "Do you want me to.." Fred shook his head and said "no. I wanna be inside you when I cum. And, Goldie?" I threw the tissue away and looked at him. "I'm not sure how long I'll last. I dunno if I can keep it up long." "It's ok. The both of us are a bit out of practice." Fred chuckled and said "yeah." He laid me down gently and kissed me passionately, his hard on poking my thigh. He pumped himself a few times as he pulled away. "Ready?" I nodded and he pushed himself inside me. I inhaled sharply and Fred sighed in relief, my name leaving his lips. "Alright?" Fred asked as he cupped my cheek. I nodded and he leaned down to kiss my lips. He removed his hand from my cheek and started to move. I gasped in pleasure and Fred's eyes fluttered closed. "Goldie, you're so tight. Fuck, you feel so good." I couldn't remember the last time Fred and I had been together like this. I had missed him so much. Fred buried his face into the crook of my neck and I wrapped my arms around his. I held him close to me, not wanting him to leave. Soft whimpers and grunts left his lips as he went at a slow but pleasurable pace. I was starting to get close to my second orgasm of the night. "I'm close, Freddie." Fred's hips started to move faster as he said "fuck, Goldie, I can't. I'm gonna..." "Cum for me, Fred." I egged him on. Fred then stopped and put me on top, thrusting into me quickly. I gripped his shoulder blades and he started cumming underneath me. Loud moans along with my name left his lips as he sat up and wrapped his arms around me. His head was against my chest and he panted. I rode him through his orgasm and then came, gasping as I did so. Fred kissed my neck and I kept saying his name over and over. "Fred. Oh, Fred. Oh my god, Freddie." Fred thrusted into me slowly, helping me through my orgasm. I panted softly and Fred stared up at me. I looked down at him and he said "what? What's on your mind?" "You're not going to leave me after this are you?" Fred brushed a strand of hair off my shoulder and said "no, I'm not leaving you. I love you, Goldie. I want us to be together. I missed you so much and I can't be without you." I hugged him and said "stay the night with me?" "Of course." I felt his hand go up and down my back and a soft groan left his lips. I pulled away from him and he said "you're squeezing me." "I didn't even hug you that hard." I replied. Fred's eyes went to his crotch and then back up at me. I bit my lip and said "oh. Right." "Round two another night, yeah?" I nodded and got off him slowly. I exhaled as I laid on my back. Fred laid down next to me and I said "you'll stay for dinner or do you have to go back to the shop?" "George can handle it for one day. I want to be here with you." I cuddled up to him and he kissed my forehead. "I really missed you." Fred whispered. I nuzzled my face into his chest and said "oh, I missed you too, Freddie. So much." Fred propped his head up with his arm and said "Goldie, George told me something. He told me that the last time you talked to him at Hogwarts, you were in bad shape. Could you tell me about it? And only do it if you want to." I sighed and sat up, Fred looking up at me. I got out of bed and grabbed a t-shirt and a fresh pair of panties. I noticed Fred pulling on a t-shirt and I sat back down next to him. He grabbed his boxers and slit them on. "When George came to find me I was in the prefects bathroom, taking a bath. The water was super hot and steam was practically radiating off me and the water. I had fallen asleep. I was so tired. I hadn't slept and was in so much pain. When I woke up, I was coughing and spitting water out. I cried and cried and George looked at me and said 'you almost drowned.' I told him I wished I had. Then I wouldn't of been in pain anymore. I'm glad I didn't but at the time I just wanted it to stop. And George was holding me, telling me everything would be ok. But, it wasn't. All I wanted was you....and you didn't want me." Fred cupped my cheeks with both hands. "Goldie, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I'll never hurt you again. I just want to be with you. I love you more than anything, Goldie. You and George are the most important things in the world to me. You're the love of my life." I held Fred's hands to my cheeks and said "really?" "You're my everything." I threw my arms around him and Fred squeezed me. "Oh, Goldie." He buried his face into the crook of my neck and I said "I love you, Fred. I love you so much." Fred pulled away and kissed my lips passionately. "Goldie, I'm going to make dinner what would you like?" Alta asked as she went to come into the room. I quickly cast alohomora so she could enter and her eyes widened when she saw Fred and I. "Oh. I didn't know we had guests." I smiled really big and said "we're ok." Alta nodded and said "good. Well, the two of you come out when you're ready. I'm going to make some pasta." Alta then left the room. "Where's your necklace? I wanna fix it for you." I stood up and walked to my dresser. I picked up the chain and the locket. I opened a drawer and picked up the 'F' charm. I had taken it off right around the time I started dating Blaise. He definitely would've put two and two together if I was wearing my ex boyfriend's initial on my chest. Fred frowned at the broken chain and said "I'm so sorry he did this." "It's ok. I probably shouldn't of been wearing it. You weren't my boyfriend anymore and I wasn't your girlfriend. I was technically Blaise's." I replied. "That doesn't matter. He can't break your things." Fred grabbed his wand and held the charms and chain in his hand. I watched as the chain came back together and the locket and 'F' charm slid onto it. Fred smiled and said "good as new." I smiled at the necklace and said "thank you." "You're welcome, poppet." I blushed and Fred put the necklace on me. I gave him a kiss on the lips and then kissed his nose. I pulled on a pair of leggings and Fred started to get dressed back into his suit. He fumbled with his tie in the mirror. "Stupid thing." He mumbled. I walked over to him and started fixing his tie. "Mum just bought me this one. It's the newest one I own and I've been having a bit of trouble with it." I looked up at him and said "well, I'm here to help now. And it looks good." Fred kissed my forehead and said "thank you, darling." I nodded and led him out of the bedroom. Zophia was smirking at the two of us and I said "what?" "I knew I'd be able to get you guys back together." She said. Fred furrowed his eyebrows and said "you? How?" "The notes and the flowers! That was all me." I looked at Fred and said "you didn't send me that note?" "You didn't send me a note?" Fred asked. Zophia giggled and said "it was all me. The two of you are destined to be together. I couldn't stand to see Goldie upset all the time. And when we went to the shop, I saw it! You guys looked at each other as if you were the only ones in the room and nobody else mattered. I just want you guys together. I want you both happy." Fred smiled down at her and knelt down to her level. "Thank you, Zophia. Otherwise I would've let Goldie slip away. She would've slipped right through my fingers. And I would've hated myself forever for it." Zophia smiled at Fred and said "you're welcome." Fred smiled in return and kissed Zophia on the forehead. "Thank you." Zophia kissed his cheek while giggling. Yelena looked over and said "it's about time you two got back together." I smiled at her and Fred stood up, Zophia going off to the kitchen. My stomach growled and Fred looked at me with a quirked eyebrow. "Sorry. I didn't eat today." "I know. You ran out on me." I half smiled at Fred and said "sorry about that." "It's ok. Cause we're together now. I just want to be with you. And take care of you. I should never have broken up with you. But, I thought I was doing the right thing. I obviously didn't but I'm here and am going to make sure you're ok." "I'm ok, Freddie. I'm absolutely perfect." Fred smiled and wrapped his arms around the small of my back. I kissed his nose and said "are you hungry?" He nodded and said "I'm starving." I felt his hand go to my stomach and give it a small pat. I grabbed his hand and the two of us walked over to the dining room table.

The end is dumb but I hope y'all are happy with this chapter!!!

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